WHnwlay, May 17, 1953 Local Paragraphs THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. BiSm. Off hM Meter Fruk The Meier it Frank Company will tart Iti building project in Sa lent about Juno 1, 18J4. accord ing to Aaron M. Frank, presi dent of the company, who viewed the building site in Sa lem Tuesday. He was accompa nied here by McKinley Blssin ger of San Francisco, member of the board of directors of the firm. Wins Trophy "Breakfast r." bulletin of the Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club, won first prise for such publications at the Pacific Northwest Credit conference at Victoria, B.C., last week. Several Salem Credit associa tion members attended the conference. The "Breakfast- eer" is edited by Miss Char lene Churchill. Fear Re-elected Tour dlree- tors were re-elected at the an nual meeting of Marion County Chapter, American Red Cross, held Tuesday night at Bush school. They were Mrs. Gordon Shattuck, Herbert E. Barker and Lynn Smith, for three-year terms, and Elton H. Thompson for a one-year term.' Aid Cat Protested Salem Trades and Labor Council, which sponwred the purchase of the Salem first aid car, has adopted a resolution protesting curtailment of the service by the SaTem budget committee. Herbert E. Barker, executive secreUry of the council, said it was the first step in a drive to get the cutback canceled. The new city budget appropriates enly enough money to pay for one man on each first aid shift. Contract Awarded Cascade ' Fruit Products of Salem, oper ated by Emery Hobbs, has been awarded a $28,447 contract to Will Entertain Elks Salem Elks will be entertained Thurs day night by the Choraleers. singing organization; combined with the Y Swing Masters, a dancing group, and several oth er acts by local talent. Club If Meeting Townsend club No. 18 will meet at the home of Mrs. Anna Arnold, 2258 Claud street, Thursday night - , Valley Fanners Co-op Sup plemental articles of incorpora tion for the Valley. Farmers Co-op have been filed with the county clerk by Walter Von Flue, Stanley Swanson, Robert Riches, Amon Funrue, Alvin Krug, D. A. Steffen and Fred Jarvill. Capital stock is listed as $250,000, divided into 15,' 000 shares of common stock with a par value of $10 each and 3,000 shares of preferred stock with a par value of $25. - i Girls Cet Scholarships Fol. furnish fruits and jellies to the I lowing commencement exer- quartermaster depot in Chica go. ; i ' ' . . : Baby Baek Home Neil Choate, 1-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Choate of Stayton, who swallowed an open safety pin and had to have an operation, was taken home from Sajein General hospital Tuesday. In Fair Condition Ronald Cruse, 2-years-old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruse of Bay City, Ore., is in fair condition at Salem General hospital after a fall from the family car while p route to Salem. He suffered general Injuries about the body. Gets Stndent Office Hill man Fischer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fischer of 215 South 14th street, Salem, was elected student body - vice president at Concordia Col lege, Portland. Fischer, who will be a sophomore next year, Is taking a ministerial course at Concordia, which is a Luth eran (Missouri-Synod) college for the training of ministers and teachers. Fruit Fly Observed Two eherry fruit fly emergence csges In the Cherry Hill orch ard east of Salem are being observed dally by County Ex tension Agent D. L. Rasmus sen. Cherry fruit fly emerg ence under these cages or oth ers in the Willamette valley will be used by the entomol ogy department at Oregon State college to determine the official spray notice for cherry fly control. To Annual Meeting Mrs. Ralph Gordon will attend the annual meeting of the Auxil iary of the Oregon Osteopathic Association which will be held In Portland June 8 to 11 at the Multnomah hotel. The meet ins: will be in conjunction with the annual meeting of the . Northwest Osteopathic Assoc.- ation. Mrs. Gordon has been active in Auxiliary affairs for a number of years, having wrved in nearly every office of hte itoud. including the presidency. Toastmasters Meeting Cap itol Toastmasters Club will meet at the Gold Arrow Thurs day evening at 6:15. Dewey Davis will be toastmaster and speakers will be Bill Bliven, Andy Foster, Elmer Amundson, ' E. A. Brsdfiled and Carl Dam-aske. cises at Salem Academy Tues day it was announced that the valedictorian and the salutato- rian had been awarded scholar ships. Miss Shirley Right, will go to Westmont College In Santa Barbara, Calif., and Miss Marian Ratzlaff to Tabor Col lege In Hillsboro, Kant. Driver Fined Mexesen Virginia Ranney, El Serene, California, was fined $150 in municipal court . Wednesday on a charge of reckless driv ing. She was -arrested Tues day evening. - ... Had Liquor Bail of $35 was posted Tuesday evening by Thomas E. Nash, 18, 2025 Market street, after he was ar rested by city police for Ille gal possession of Intoxicating liquor. He had several bot tles of beer in his ear, police said. - Floyd Senter Rites Thursday . Tunaral' services Will be held at the Bollman Funeral Home In Dallas May Si ior Floyd L. Senter, who died at his home In Salem Monday after being in 411 health for four years. - , ' Interment la to be In the Odd Fellows cemetery at Dal las. . . Born in Susanville. Calif., Senter with his family came to Oregon at the age of 11 years and lived In Riddle and Rose burg. From there he moved to Dallas and then to Salem. Snter was married in Lane county to Cleomle Hall, who died in May. 1828. In Octo ber. 1029. be was married to Addle Boydston Holman who survives him. Senter has been a member of the Evangelical United Bretfcern church for many years in Salem and Dallas. Surviving besides his wife are a soo, Donald L Senter of Salem: daughters. Mary C. Harold of Ridgefield, Wash., and Barbara Olson of Ore tech, Ore.; two stepdaughters, Dorothy E. Holman of Parral, Mexico, and M. Aileen Hoi weger of Salem; his mother, two sisters, a brother, three grandchildren and two step- grandchildren. . Workman Injured in Fall From Bridge A workman fractured a leg when he fell from the super structure of the Center Street bridge Tuesday afternoon onto the main decking of the bridge, narrowly missing a fall into the Willamette river. James E. McConville, Oak land. California, an ironworker with the Moore Drydock com pany, was given I lrst aid ny city first aidmen and than car ried down a ladder to ine street on the back of a fel low worker. His leg and hip were put In splints by first aid- men before the 30-foot trip down the ladder and to a hoe- pital. Calgary. Alberta, collided at the intersection of Trad and Liberty streets. Considerable damage was done to the front end of Wood's car and some damage to the aid and read of Ahlbins car. - About 4:30, cart driven by Mrs. W. J. Braun, $34 North 23rd street, and Frederick R. Montgomery, 1895 North 18th street, collided at the intersec tion of Saginaw and Owens streets. Minor damage done to both cars. - About a half-hour later, car driven by Virginia Ross, 2830 South 12th street, was in volved In an accident with an unidentified car at Church and State streets. She was cited to court for failure to jrled the right of way. ' Bartell Charge Not Quashed H. J. Eberly Dallas After a review of evidence presented to the grand jury in the case of the State of Oregon vs. Dr. Isaac D. Bartell, Judge William East Tuesday refuted a defense mo tion to quash the indictment After a preliminary hearing last Saturday it was decided by Judge East to hear the jurors, four of whom had ask ed that their indictment be- returned to them 'for review, or .else be quashed. For this purpose they were subpoenaed to appear a' yesterday's hear ing. As a result of failure to quash the indictment, attor neys for the defense Tuesday afternoon filed a demurrer to the indictment on the grounds that the indictment does not substantially conform to ap propriate sections of Oregon criminal law, thai more than one crime is charged in the In dictment and that the facts stated do not constitute a crime. . Dr. Bartell Is charged with manslaughter by abortion. Chief Justice Shifts Judges Recently retiring from the forest service was Howard J. Eberly, who served as deputy Oregon state forester under the late F. A. Elliott and prior to his retirement was assistant chief of the forest service divi sion of cooperative forest pro tection in Washington, D. C. Eberly. with the exception of two years service in the Army during World War I. had been continuously in federal and state forest work since his gra duation from the Oregon State College forestry school in 1911 The forester served as deputy state forester in Oregon until 1924 when he left to accept position in the Texas forest service as assistant state for ester in charge of protection. In 1929 Eberly returned to Oregon to take charge of the administration of the forest fee and yield tax law or refor estration act He remained In Salem in that position until he resigned in 1930 to accept a position with the U. 8. forest service. 31 Leaders of (Continued from Page 1 Reynoud Calls (Continued Mom Page IV Hubcaps Taken Two Cadillac-type hubcaps were taken from his car sometime Sunday night while the car was park ed in front of his home, Louis Rhinehart, 2775 South Sum mer street, reported to city police. I . Given Office A Salem man. Loren Bartlett has been elected corresponding secretary of the Eastern Washington college's chapter of Blue Key, men's na tional scholastic honorary. Salem Lions- Club A mo tion picture entitled The Handwritten Word", having to do with the use. of paper, will constitute the program dur ing Thursday's luncheon of the Salem Lions club. Accidents Sifted by Salem Police Today Three minor accidents were Investigated by city police Tuesday. ' ' The first occurred about i:au p.m. as cars driven by John Lawrence Ahlbin, 1427 Fair mount street, and Alfred Wood, COURT NEWS Byrd Plans South Pole Expedition New York W Rear Adm, Richard E Byrd says he will make another expedition to the South Pole as soon as the Korean War ends. The veteran polar explorer, now 64, says there is an un explored Antarctica land area which has an "untouched reser voir of natural resources" ' coal, oil, uranium and other deposits. He adds that these sources might he tapped by new tech niques, possibly Including the use of a hydrogen bomb or oth er nuclear devices to melt ice and snow. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Wednesday May 21 ta Field Artillery battalion, (DSAR armory. r u .. 4 . Maw 2S imrini Naval Reserve surface ' division, at Naval and Marine . Corps reserve training center. Dbattery. 7nd AAA.AW bat- talton. Oregon National Guard, at KmPaSrD. 162nd Infantry regiment, Oregon National Ouard. at Salem armory. Breaks ea leave , Marina home on 30-day leave after 13 months In Korea Is Oft. Robert L. Brooks, son of Mr. and SST Wade Brooks. 146 South 21st street The Marine, a graduate of hwh achool with the claw of 150. w tenk commander In combat in Korea. He reports to Ban Diego at the termination of bin leave. BORN .. MmnillL HOA PITAL " TI2iT. mt. and mii. wuiua a .. i im tu. a alrt. Ma? IS. Johneon. at. s. ? u" H- SALIN UK"E KAL. W ".....V. ear. ana Mr. tap Al im Sol 411, Indepenoenc, A llrl IfCTOCOALL-T. Mr and ... MrDoutalL lilt ralrmna. St, a . . - -a aiTitT. Mr. and Mr. Woeter u,. .ki..l. at . a ilrl Uar M. ..Yanawra Mr. an bt" Harold S. Belaoa. TTS Meamaata at. ladtpeBdraaa. fc... ...1 ma.tar H4 a tlrL Mar M. STAHOLS-Te Mr. a. Mre fUvnMrnd a atantl. Mil trenreea su, a sin. OOOPMAN-TA Mt. end MM. UW Oopdaua, a sir I, Hu is. Road oiling. For estimate, caU Russ Pratt, Capital City Transfer Co, 22436. 126 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out standing wallpaper selection Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib erty. 126" If you can't read this easily have glasses made by Semler Optical Offices to your optome trist's prescription. Pay 50c wk. Semler's, Waters-Adolph Bldg., State & Com'L Ph. 3-3311. 126. Goodwill pickups Tuesdsys: West Sslem and south of Cen ter Fridays, north of Center. 4-2248. 126 Air-steamship tickets any where. Kugel, 2-7694, 153 N. High St. 126 Farmers' Market will be open Friday, May 29,8:45 a.m. 1240 East Rural 126 The Knit Shop at Turner will open again, starting Mon day May 25th. Please contact me on any yarn being held as soon as possible. Mark down sale on all yarns. Ruth Nyberg Barber. IZ9 Circuit Court Stata Blthvar Conunaulon atoloer IximMr Co. aad William Joan Beater: Order or dlemutai a point oonFr.Hii.Mi ana adjuttod. i. nil va bl ILeynolda: Order ef dlemlaaal with prejudloe at eoapromloed u ndjulted. v.laia miaaa va Joaask M. Rlln! Dl- voreo dacraa to plataUff roitorlna bar former uni of Fatton and ellowlnf bar f 1000 lamp ram aiimonr. nim. n Urnwn va. Chariot R. Brown Drrr.ro! doerot to plaintiff raitorlna hr former name of lutham and approrlns property aetlleraenl. Loot Mat alortr at admlnMtratrlx of Kennatb Dwlsnt Slow Mtato n. Rider Wllien Carr and II ah L. Cam Order f dlamtaaal with prejudice. Rita Thorn ea to. Marahall R. Thomaa: Divorce decree to plaintiff. otk.l KHillona va. Stella Budlons am end Charlee am and Stella Btidlonf Kyre ae wreeator of aetata of Bdwta a. Bodlont: Order at alimlaeal ae keuu fully atttled. mirror 1. Cberhart. Oeorre Bachman and John Wh va. Stato nth Commle-i-.on- order ! d!rm!e! without preju dice and baaed upon ttlpulatlon X Par Ilea larolred. . n.fciAtthaMr- va. Jeae Arte. ml: Order of dltaueal aa compromlaed end etued. u iiMMt, Co. va. R. M. For- ard: Jodament order awardlna plaintiff iuhii of SS.nl.4l and ll.S1t.IS. .... n.Ht.fcl anriaraon ta. AntOD An- denan: Dlvorea complaint, anoint cruel and Inhuman treatment. -Korth Dakota, Nov. S. IMS. Aakt MS monthly rapport and ownerehlp of per tonal property. Kdward A. Brownlnf Marteret A. - .'.miifr reoolred to pay de fendant IS monthly Plue board and lodllns durlnt nutation. B-.kat. Caul Motleo of retirement from Ball Bro thtre filed by Keith B. Bell. Aeeumrd builnate name cerlirleate for Drunt Eulldlnt auppllea filed by Vernon L. Drunt. sol Manet au Arthur L. Heroin t eetett: clNlnt nr. der. Miu, r amlih aetata: Order futlnt June IT aa ume far b-artns final account. A decree In favor of Daniel C. Gambles and wife against Charles Beam, appellant, in a suit for recession of contracts in the purchase of house and lot in Portland, was sustained Wednesday by the ' state su preme court In an opinion writ ten by Justice William C. Perry. Chief Justice Carl C. La tour ette announced the following assignments of circuit Judges: Judge Lowell Mundorff, of Portland, assigned to Clacka mas county, commencing June 9, 1953; Judge William W. Wells of Pendleton assigned to Yamhill county, as of July 1; Judge Ralph M. Holman of Oregon City assigned to Crook county to try case of State vs. Hudspets and Judge Philip K. Hammond of Oregon City, as signed to Multnomah county after June 9. The chief Justice also reap pointed Judges William J. Crawford and Franklin C. Howell as circuit judges pro tempore in Multnomah county for month of June. Baccalaureate Held For SI. Paul High St. Paul The senior class of St. Psul Union high school held its regular baccalaureate service in the St. Paul Catho lic church Sunday morning with Rev. Robert H. Sweeney, director of University of Port land Foundation delivering the main address. The seniors attended in a body dressed in white caps and gowns. The faculty also marched in the procession along with Fathers Sweeney and Maxwell. Following the services, the faculty and seniors were guests of honor st a breakfast served by several of the sen ior girl's mothers and friends. - France's dollar reserves are at an alarmingly low level he said, and had not the United States recently come through with nearly a hundred million dollars in special aid to toot France s European trade defi cit, the nation would have had to tap its already low gold reserves. We are the only country who. since the start of the Ko rean War, hasn't reestablished its financial situation. We are, in this respect, the sick man of Europe, he added. ' Firm for NATO On foreign policy, the pre war Premier said his cabinet will bold France firm within the Atlantic alliance,; and would Insist that France play determining role In unifying Europe, and would try to per suade Great Britain to "collab orate aa closely aa possible. Reynaud said he would back the European Army - project. that would rearm West Ger many. ' On Monday the visitors will be largely oa their own In Sa lem. Those who have arrived by noon, however, will be In vited to join in the final sea son's luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce, which will honor especially past presidents of the Chamber, and which, will be held in the large cafeteria room of the Paul us Bros. Cannery In stead of- at the Senator Hotel as usual. Business conferences and dinins of the group while here will be at the Marion notei, And in the Mirror Room at the Marion which has been charter. ed for the three days, will be a display of the products of the Salem plant Tuesday morning at o'clock a business meeting will be held in the Mirror Room. At noon Tuesday, in the Oak Room of the Marlon, the visitors will be entertained at a luncheon spon sored by the Industrial council of the Chamber of Commerce. At 2 p.m. Tuesday will be another business meeting. From 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday evening will be eocktall period spon sored by the Ladd It Bush-sa- lem Branch of the United States National Bank of Portland. This will be followed at 8 by a ban quet put on by Oregon Flax Textiles, Inc. Wednesday at noon the visi tors will visit the Salem plant of the company In west Salem. 3 Services in R0:.Cc!!s (CooUnoed from Pavae 1) r . $ Three Memorial day Ices will be held in Salem Sat urday under the auspices of the Federation of Patriotic Orders, general Chairman Bruce Williams announced Thursday. The services will Include the dropping of flowers Into the Willamette from heli copter in conjunction with services on the Marlon street bridge, services at City View cemetery and a parade cul minating in services on the Capitol steps.' The first service will be at 9 a.m. at the American Le gion Circle In City View cem etery. ' At 9:80, annual services win be held on the Marlon street bridge by the Navy Mothers club and the Marine Corp Re serve and Auxiliary, with the dropping of flowers In the Willamette to be done from helicopter piloted by Marine Reserve -Captain Dean John son. The helicopter will hover Irate members el the Kors an National Assembly, who same to Seoul froaa the pro visional capital at Pusan, da nounced the Allied pan at "dte honorabla." .- A nine-man assembly dele gation will travel to Munsan meet Lt Geo. William X. liar ' rison, senior Allied truce del egate, and demand that the) latest V. N. command plan be scrapped.' 2-Veek Cruise For Reserves Two members of Salem's or ganized Naval Reserve surface division 18-28 and one from the Seabee unit her will re port for two-week cruises be ginning May 81. On Juno T three more members of the sur face division report for two week cruises. . Going to San Diego for their cruises are Darrcll Lea Cross- between the Marion and Cen- if. 8KG3. 1231 Center street. oaucjin, wuo wui eiwiu uw m o 1 1 o n picture operators" ter street bridges during part In the ceremony. its a r.rt. n.rtin'e .1. school there; and Ronald Dan .nd.rh'SfUl'S "&SZ bands and marching the various services will leave the Capitol Mall at 10:30 and end up at the main steps to the Capitol at 11 for service, In the afternoon they wlU leave T,h cewmony there will In fer San Francisco to visit and elude the annual placing of a Ike Dines With (Continued from Page 1) wreath and a speech by vet eran of the Korean war. Salem Police (Oonunued from Page 1) radar traffic control so orr there will bo plenty of warn- to the chronic Is to attend the storekeepers school, . The Seabee reservist, Mar vin Or land Suae. C3, Mt Aa gel, will report to Port Huene me, Calif., for his cruise. Reservists starting their cruise June 7, all report to the USS Rombaeh, DI 864 for th Portland Rose Festival cruise. These men are George Carlisle, SN420 Hanson av enue, Salem; Jay Dee Rick man, FA S62 South Elma sv- anuav Salam: and Tunlthv sw tbatlcurre, 1810 West Way, Salam. inspect other plants affiliated with National Automotive Fi bres. . " Personnel of Party ' - Names of those to arrive here by plane Monday are: M. L. Sullivan, aulllran carpel com pear. Men York: William H. Saaanfaal Jr. BotealeM-Kont Corn peer. Ian, Raw York: Ralph H. Balk, auaaaer el floor oovortu dlrtaton. of atabjai Company, aucnauM, vs.) oaorao ins Company. Philadelphia! J. T. amtth. an-1 A Here aktaat aC Roeenseui compear, Atlanta, i publicity lot and aalee. Car.on rirla Soott Co.. sued by the US Of the Speed fba...... Caamm lfa.aaa.ae Cntcaso: H. A. Chrletea. btancbpjaa. metera.' . lfT!:nS flCn IVClTj ater. Th. -lte oompaay. -Ittaaurta; , BaaSMl, ttvto, 0f -i . .w... jamea It. amv-pe. vice Evaawene, waee-i , . . arm Advartiatna Aaenev. cmcaeo: nooortione in 11 va uvea a vaaur. ibi - nvtuiueu uvw eue SnfSilt lf-e. chinETSairp l coT b"cd on reports of reduc now homo on leave is sgt. won .Si,. "XJLSIu1! tinn of wfirTfatallUea of over art Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. co.irraao. wojwi. enpa araaca g0 ni m eaatarB dUas I Watte xtTOOES, 10 DOUW S1K Hail BTOhme. vioa praaiaeal. waivoa n. wucn aatueur ecataua. wmm va aw i Moore Dry Oooda Company. Lot Anielei; I Kmh eiaawt tn rarent . var In I tamaVo - l.-V R. cx cballant, net prauoent, Walton) . . 4U . . i .. - ... . Moora Dry. Oooda Company, aaal ooiithii, wawa au tf '. - laajr in uam a uat man m , it rrnacucai Lena siedaa, braaeb man-1 mrm vears have ranged aromlttd home Baturdav from San "V: ""'.'JLJ?,!?? "."""Itwo to nine. I IVarK-iaco whar. ha had arrived tenerai man ater. o. r. a a. wanari "u we save one uie wiw inm 1 rarw oars ejaruer aooara in uie enroue spaeoer.i . , .- . ' i . ' wiU also be plenty of l P1"-! PrrTC ! 1 ty before tickets are la- Kwwlt blV.tJ Kathleen Dry and Chrletlnt Drye tuardlaaahlp: Order authorltlnt luar- In aAeeat a3ta bv Var Of COPIPrO mlaa aettlement tn connection viui tlalm atalntt Bdvard L achrltur. AP- Keapeth Derltht Slorer ntatt: pramed at tnao. flora O. raapp teleu: Final account Freh killed hen turkey 39c lb. We also sell turkeys by the piece Orwigs Market, 3979 Silverton Rd, Phone 48742. Merry time - club rummage .. 1. Th.iMjt.v 90A KT rnmm-r. cial. 8:30 to 4:30. 126 K. H. Btck ut: Orlr spproviu r. W. HIU HUM: tXrsr fPTtrvlni aad allewlBt ml Mccmnt HiTTT H. Worth tstftU: rtnl Mm1 ,Unm4 wVs4bm t.uit cortirtctM ef "Th luaeb" rutxl Dr atthtl M. aioho ton. Morrioot Llcntt Barvt O. Pklmcr. II. corrtctionil ttl tr. . 01tlTtW. diiv, ud PtUllIM M HoMor PBlmtr, J1. sMumwiIi, OlMWOOg etrtft. Orta Kavivp, H, mttIc tUtiea tontftal, Koqu t, an4 Norma Sprcnttr, la, wstrt-u, Rau I. Train-Truck Collide On Lebanon Road Traffic on the new Corval- Iis-Lebsnon highway was held up for several hours esrly to day while wrecksge of a train- truck colision wss cleared State police said the accident occurred five miles south of Albany about 6:30 a. m. No one was Injured in the collision which involved t h freight section of a Spokane, Portland and Seattle railway train and a truck-trailer. Po lice did not Immediately get identification of the truck driv er. The luncheon, aside from its social aspect, presented a chance to talk over defense problems, including the admin istration's roposed cut in mili tary funds. ? Meets Security Council -Before going to the Penta gon, Eisenhower met for more than two hours with the Na tional ' Security Council, the government's top policy mak ing unit on . national defense generally. In addition to the council members, those who attended the session Included Secretary of the Interior McKay, Secre tary of Commerce'Weeks, sev eral officials of the Petroleum Administration for Defense, Chairman Gordon Dean of the Atomic Energy Commission, atomic scientist Robert Oppen heimer, and Dr. Vannevar Bush, hesd of the World War II Office of Research and Scientific Development Prisoner Remanded ToWarden'sCustody Frank Cannon, inmate of the state penitentiary who la seek ing freedom through habeaus Corpus proceedings, wss re manded to the custody oi tne warden Wednesday by Judge George R. Duncan, following j a hearing in circuit court In the meantime briefs win be submitted by opposing coun cil for the consideration of Judge Duncan. Cannon was sent to the state orison from Wallowa county on a rape charge and the claim Is advanced by the piainun that he has already served his time end should be released. Counsel for the state con tends Cannon violated parole regulations and thereby lost all good' conduct time that he nso accumulated prior thereto. a Co., aaa naimaKo; otus Joon.l in,.n will Mn-ln 1 nr.iw .it.. . ia n.r.l Munf P-Mmv Covarln... D. M 1 " - , - - - I . n vuj. w . - - - -w and a. welter ft Co.; arte Kaoaaen, ar-1 siaer II weu worm tia cwt, i months in IvOrea. HO nas a av S' "C'Vr" w.S.r. -ali.: I Chief Warren, stated, -w. are a,, leave. v oi u oor eovtnnii. wanea n. aworti uwutuiwij hmumui w 1 nu, MrflMAt fat a IB Pill , . i ausiLsm ni BUBra xiiaxis. sjcuuui suiis lta -tM n easMlHaraMtvl In I . Qoode Company, aaattla; earn A.1 clatr. Portland branch manwer. and KUiea in TXSIIIC acciuenia tni, m Canital Journal carrier Art noth. rortiami aepartmant aanaaar. Salem last year. They were not ,".111., L-TlrZIi,!,- aU of D. H. and B. Walter Company. "( , 1 . . .Vj a. j. boy for Several yaairs While 11 V- The fouowlas pononnel national I j HnlenL He WlU afO 10 SSSI Automotive norm win arrire other wue I but many are snd those we want to prevent." Salem's use of the radar speed meter Is believed to be the first use of lt in Oregon, although it Is being used In more then 80 states. than bp plana f. Weua, tales manater, Cbleato a. Y. bllllar. vice preeldent. Loe An telae; J. a. Bannltter, vleo prtaldent. Detroit; K. J. atamlltoa, eineloa man ater, Oellfomla Oottoa lilUt. Oak land: W. Jf. Clapp, dlrbuoa maaatar, Oakland; Alet Aroaton, hot Antelee; William c. Nolano. Nauaaal carpellnt. Chlcaao; T. O. Mrert, national carpel fnr, Chkato; Bd Oarrieoa, Nauooai Carpttlna, Lot Anteletl ft. A. Thomp- ton. nauonal carpellnc catontriut. lad. . Neither Jack atluar. thalrmaa of the board of National Automotive fibre. I Bobut J. Stacy, prattdeat l the ipaay arm bp bar. Botb bar btoa i ntu. DleaTo to eomolet his servlea. He will be discharged in Janu ary. - ' : I. Wonderful Mid for ITCIlinGSKIIl! foot, plmplea. and ttmlmr aorfua and aetip imieuomi rw. ivav. i modern hlyhly nadiaab i atainleaa aad- aeptk. 7m aluo belpt baal aad rloar ta trrlUWd tkla. Bur A'atr SfrenelA Zaiae Liquid for atubbora f f The name "Russis" is sup posed to be Swedish in origin. Delete William Henry Aoceraefl. SS. Dallae. aad r;,l UVera CIvrulK, IS, las aaeu atrtet, fiauat. Mar SS. TfSSSFal Pvalfefjt f8aT aa .avfaSaaa'BBaBn our Mntnstr h, ,i rTT m i a sa 'wats see tsa isssaT SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all Unda. Traaaea, Abdom inal Saasmria, ElaaUe BaaMry. Cipert fitter etivate fitting "ASK YOl'B OOCTOB Capital Drug Store m SUU Stnrt Ceraer ef Uberty tkH Crcea Stairap for ff!t ((J fr-,fff I ( IfiP ntft CSifly I I tofSNnWeeeU JxPJ& mmin maas uu LK i w II II Z .' WfV. '.Yaw eroaa, II II Buserb H Jewel aeearaty. Jt&tfw" ' Staialess steal ease ia a JV&&pi deaiga ef saadtra dlstisc- te "e . , LAL'EIE HUM blra Value $4fiS0 n eela. Natural CUNT ON 17 or while goM-flU- e J de- ! Hamilton Elgin Gruea Buleva Westfleld from 11.11 I Opart Friday Nlrt 'til 9 I a. aaa a J Sl pmaapf II IN a n- Hum C0NS0U Fail Uagtli olid' paaal aW auk tait Packard-Beil asadol a farp. Mr siae with 18th Camttary ignirv aad aham. UfaOaar pt. rart sepssyaiaa ay raaBara twrt aevlydaveioyad V-fU ckatai. Traa-View Laaa, ISfl-av lot panl. Ttlitatbar , 9S 389 Otkep flalaka i u staiss. . Prtee taehase porta war- raaly aa4, raaaral Baetea Tat. B FREE : 1 HOME 1 TRIAL For limited time a free home trail is offered by Warren's. No obligation to buy and nothing W pay u you return uie set.. . WARREN'S Ri.io-Telstta - - IMS iraJrgteaiids M. fimm nui Across fresa Wlllasastte TaHay - -Bait - Opesi FrppaTKalM T I : .....,... - -r i?r?rrrT ' .'.v-;-rxr.:T.i.: ???TTri'? v.-rr- ! j a- s I m . - In IV