Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 30, Image 30

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    Wednesday, Hay 27, 1953
Stage Set for a Busy
Oregon Vacation Season
Contract Let on
Palisades Plant
? Washington ) Secretary of
the Interior McKay Tuesday
announced award of a $1,877,
(22 contract to manufacture
nd install four hydroelectric
generator! at the Palisades
Power Plant near Idaho Falls,
Id-., to the Pacific Perlikon
Company, Tacoma, Wash,
. This firm is the United States
representative of Oerlikon En
gineering Company, Zurich,
McKay said Pacific Oerli
kon'l low bid on four 28,500-
kilowatt generators, including
spare parts, represented "a
maximum saving of $310,209
under the lowest American
manufacturer's bid. In -addition,
the company will pay
$148,540 duty on the imported
parts out of the contract price."
Pacific Oerllkon's was the
lowest of seven bids opened
April 14 at Denver., ,
Of the total contract price,
about $700,000 will be spent in
the United States, McKay said,
for transportation, installation
and manufacture of certain
The Columbia River Gorge, as seen from the Vista House,
i atop Crown Point in Oregon, presents this unforgettable
mural of verdant vastness. The express route through the
gorge, U. S. Highway SO, the Old Oregon frail, may be
seen skirting the river below. The scenic route through
the gorge, which includes the Vista House, eight state parka
and 11 waterfalls, is maintained as an inspirational delight
for Oregon visitors. (Oregon State Highway Commission
Photo) ...... v
Radio Activity Spills
From Nevada to Richland
Richland., Wash. WV Radio
activity spilled from Nevada's
latest atomic cloud onto this
area, Tuesday in measurable
but not alarming density, the
Hanford Works announced.
This is the first time, that
measurable contamination has
been noted here since the se
ries of tests began 700 miles
southeast of the farthest cor
ner of Nevada.
.. Radio contamination teams
were sent out from the atomic
energy project her to make
careful measurements in the
South Central Washington area
bounded by Richland, Yakima,
Connell and south to Fendle-
parti in the company's Tacoma
plant The bid Included $977,-
98o for, those parts to be manu
factured abroad.
Seasoning Salts
Juitihtlcein! Fineitqnilinr Onion,
Garlic, Celery. Snot Salt Seasoning.
KM EMBER! Schilling PredKto an nertr -tacked ndtrairf
ton. Ore.
The fact there were no re
ports from them in the early
afternoon indicated there was
no cause for concern, the Han
ford Works report said.
The contamination was dis
covered at the project when
the midnight-to-S a.m. shift
went through a routine con
tamination check as it left
A small wave of excitement
swept the area when the word
first seeped out. Mothers were
calling schools to ask that their
children be kept safely inside
A heavy rainfall m the early
morning hours was believed
responsible, the Hanford
Works report said, for bring
ing the contamination - down
from high altitude. Seattle,
across the Cascade Mountains
to the west, had no rain and
no contamination.
Ike Spellbound
By Egg Gadget
BeltsvlUe. Md. ( Presi
dent Eisenhower toured the
government's farm research
center Tuesday and watched in
wide-eyed wonder' as an elec
tronic gadget methodically sep
arated whlte-ahelled eggs from
brown shelled ones.
It's amazing, the President
Eisenhower drove from
Washington and was met at the
center by Secretary of Agricul
ture Benson and other agricul
ture department officials.
c Fresh dressed daily. Freshest ehlekeas In town! C.
rryer ru ready ! "
For a Meal That's Em to P"'-. ...
t I n .a. Armour's geml-Bonelea . sQf
VeOl ROaSt U.S. Govt Inspected U.
n . D..i-L Nebergall's Famous Flavor Smoked m Z e
DOStOn DUttS Any ilu pe. Good asked, belled, fried 03C
Pork Chops c.M.t!!..Lr".. ........u75e
Asks Supports
For Irish Spuds
Washington () The Agri
culture Department Tuesday
recommended putting Irish po
tatoes in the same category as
other fresh fruits and vegeta
bles for any type of price sup
port assistance.
G. R. Grange, assistant to the
director of the department's
fruit and vegetable branch of
the Agriculture Department,
said that at present potatoes
are the only farm commodity
prohibited by law from price
support programs.
Grange appeared before the
House Agriculture Committee
to support a bill by Rep. Mc
Intire (R., Me.) which would
treat potatoes the same as
other-commodities for w h i e h
price support is possible, al
though not mandatory. -
Canada Mulls
Red China Fate
Eugene W) Once the Korean
War is settled under honorable
conditions, Canada will think
about recognizing Red China,
Lester Pearson said her Mon
day in a brief, unscheduled
talk. .
Pearson, Canada's secretary
of external affairs as well as
president of the United Nations,
General Assembly, said:
"I think the time is coming
when we have to recognize
facts realistically. One of these
facts is that the Chinese Reds
represent five hundred million
But, he said, any recogni
tion of the Red regime would
await "an honorable settlement
of the Korean War and if the
Chinese withdraw from Korea."
Speaking informally at a Ki
wanis club luncheon which he
attended as guest of University
of Oregon President Harry K.
Newburn, Pearson added this
point in answer to a question:
"We can't Indefinitely receive
Nationalist representatives in
The rest of his remarks were
on other topics.
University's '0r
Held a Hazard
Eugene WV-The University
of Oregon's concrete "O" high
on the slope of Skinner's Butte
i here is a hazard that should
be done away with, the City
Council was told Monday
Periodically Masted by raid
ing students Oregon Staters
usually get the blame the "O"
makes life dangerous for those
living In the area, said Mrs.
Eva Johnson, who lives at the
base of the butte.
She said her house has been
peppered by concrete frag
ment in the last two blastings.
"I just can't risk ' being
bombed again," she said, pre
senting petitions with 120
names, asking for removal of
the symbol.
The "O" currently is in sor
ry shape. About half of it was
blasted away in raid recently.
The council referred the
matter to- the public safety
The stage is set for Oregon's
ItSS vacation spectacle
from all Indications visitors
will make thla season's run
sell-out production from the
Pacific ocean shore to the high
Cascade and Wallowa moun
Ulna of the eastern part of the
Part of the enjoyment of
thla year's vacation enjoyment
in Oregon will be due to many
miles of newly constructed
highway, Including sections of
U. 8- 10 at La ad canyon near
La Grande and the Columbia
river gorge .and sections of
U. S. $9 south of Eugene. The
coastal route U. S. 101 has
ly reconstructed . sections
near Cannon Beach and be
tween Coos Bay and Coquille.
A new swimming pool will
be ready for coastal vacation
ists at one well-known facil
ity at Oceanlake. At Otter
Crest, a new resort called West
Shore Manor has been opened
complete with lodge, cottages
and swimming accommoda
tions. .
In the valley area, visitors
should see the new forest pro
ducts museum in Portland, lo
cated at the Lewis and Clark
forestry building, the largest
log .cabin in the world. While
in Portland, a new rhododen
dron garden is now open at
Crystal Springs park peak of
bloom la in May and June.
Salem's capitol mail gardens
wm be in full bloom in May
and June. Axaeas and rhodo
dendrons surround the capitol,
where guided - tours through
the building are available
every hour during the summer
In the Cascade mountains,
pack trips are available at sev
eral points, including Breiten-
bush. Elk lake, Crescent take.
and Lake of the Woods. At
Redmond, the Skyline guide
service take pack trips to the
JUL Jefferson wilderness area.
For rock hunters, the Prine-
ville chamber of commerce has
field, who takes boat loads of
visitors duwn the Snake to
Homestead and Hells Canyon,
Other things to see in eastern
and southeastern Oregon are
gold mining operations at
Cornucopia and near Sumpter
and the Malheur wildlife ref
uge south ox Burn on Oregon
state highway 205. '
Oregon' two national park
attractions. Crater Lake nat
ional park and Oregon Caves
national monument, are acces
sible most of the year by au
tomobile. Crater Lake lodge
open June IS and Oregon
caves cnateau on May SO.
' Throughout the state, many
industries art cooperating with
chambers of commerce to take
viiitors through their plants.
Among these are lumber mills,
paper mills, plywood factories,
canneries, fruit packing plants
and many other establishments.
just the thing at Wildcat moun
urn nearby where they have a
free thunderegg hunting ground
set aside lor visitors. Rock
hunting is good throughout
central Oregon,
la the eastern part of the
state, the Baker chamber of
commerce will continue spon
sorship of motor trips to Hells
Canyon on the Snake river and
cooperate with Blaine Stubble-
Throughout the atate, over
240 events and celebrations
will be held during the season.
Among thee are the Portland
Roes Festival, June 10-14; Tim
ber Carnival, Albany, July 2-4;
Chief Joseph Days, Joseph,
July 14-26; Astoria Salmon
Derby, Astoria, August . 20-
September S; Shakespearean
Festival, -Ashland, August I-
30; Pendleton Round-Up, Pen
dleton, September lO-ll.i and
Oregon State Fair, September
The travel information div
ision, Oregon state highway
department, expects over 100.-
000 Inquiries from potential
Oregon visitors during the
season and more than 1,000,000
out-of-state cars to cross the
borders. From present indica
tions this will be Oregon
greatest travel year. - v
Dr. Lcslia Kent
Diss in Eugene
Eugene OH Dr.
Swlgart Kent. 71. the only
woman ever elected head of
the Oregon Medical Society,
died her Tuesday after an ill-
nee of several week.
. A physician here for SO
years, she was elected president
of the society in 1048. She
formerly we president of the
Lane County Medical Society,
president of the American
Medical Women's Association,
being vie president at death,
, A native of Bannerville, Pa.,
and a daughter of doctor, she
got her medical degree at Lin
coln, Neb., Medical School In
117, five years after the death
of her physician husband. Dr.
James Marshall Kent
She went to Harrisburg,
Ore., in 1918, where the owned
and operated a hospital, then
came to Eugene In 1923.
She was active in medical
and civic groups. The Eugene
Zonta club in 1948 named her
the city's outstanding woman
of the year. She also was one
of Oregon's "Women , of A'
Sigma Phi la Portland.
aVrrvtvinf are a dCitr,
Mr. Jane H. Baker, Eugenot
a sister, Mrs. A. U Strickland,
Waldport; and a brother, J.
Farmaa Swigart, Salem.
Funeral services will be held
Letlie' here Friday morning.
I . -
Clerlu Accept
Grccers' Qlfcr
Portland WvJtft Food' and
Drug clerk her voted Tues
day on whether to accept an
offer of 'tb city's major groo
ers. - Their negotiating com
mittee recommended that the
turn It down, . . 1
The clerk have authority to
strike the Fred Meyer group of
tore. If they do, the other .
firms In Food Employers, Ine,
will send their clerk , home,
they eaid last week.
- The latest offer, .mad late '
Monday night is for an hourly
increase of 7 Vt cents. The em
ployers said the proposed in- .
create could be put into a
health and welfare program if
desired. The clerks, though,
had asked for both a pay uv
crease and health and wel-
chlevement" named by Theta far fond.
i , ; .- - ...' -
.. X ' --I' - ' VJ
' M . A -
Crisp, 'crundiy, Golden Nancy Potato Chip arc doubt
ealed for extra freshness salted just rifht for oxtra flavor
and perfect enjoyment. Keep pUacy oat anl foe aaucb, ,
parties and picnics!
Vote foH8-Yr.-Glds
Washington, Republican
national chairman Leonard W.
Hall favors voting privileges
for 18-year-olds, and says
President Eisenhower and Vice
President Nixon do too.
In a statement on the subject
Monday the GOP chief cited
Eisenhower's comment during
the 19S2 presidential campaign
that anybody old enough to
fight la old enough to vote.
"The old argument that
young people between the ages
of IB and 21 are not sufficient
ly matured to exercise the
right of suffrage is dead as the
Dodo bird," Hall said.
He added that the younger
voter would increase the in
terest and enthusiasm in elec
tions. '
Hsll said the age limit could
be lowered either by action of
individual states or by amend
ment of the federal constitu
tion. Only Georgi now per
mit 18-year-olds to vote.
1 i A
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. I 9-' ! -T I . '
I I" Vi f , . f
Petroleum 1 found In solid,;
liquid and gaseous state in na
mi mum
Also Vefetoblei, Prtiiri, Jukes, Saorood, Poultry, Luncheon Moat. A Complete List of Our Fro sen Food with
Prkes Will I Moiled on ReqiMst. Convenient Credit May la Arrand. Nothing Down A Full Yaar to Fay.
Fed roily Graded Stat Inspected. Special Froth Froaat) Pan, $2.30 par Cat of 24 Fackaaot.
PACKING HOUSE Wholesale Prices
Half or Whole
Salem Meat Co. 25 so. 25
Front Quarter
Hind Quarter
Phone 3-4050
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