VftinmiuT, May H. 1851 , ' TCT CAPITAL JOURNAL. Onm F0CT rtT"t-T A Peach, Melbd for Summer Day -1 '4 Thli 'Teach Parfalt Melba" if dessert that wiU really Uit wonderful on a summer imhM W J JLm mMLW1 .n.!lP.:th:v:nT.V.I:tdv:3fr:3 peacnes-ana-creani mouu go together.. Start with a can of cling peach siloes, a lemon, a package of flavored gelatin and a store-bo light package of ice cream. It take very little meat. uritif and hardly any effort to put them together. At serving time, unmold and top with the fresh strawberry nuce. It'i a pretty oVssert to aerve in glass dishes.- , , Peach Parfalt Mela 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin - 1 cup boiling water cup syrup from canned cling peaches 1 pint vanilla ice cream ' 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind I tablespoons lemon Juice 1 cups canned cling peach slices Strawberry Topping: . 7 1 cups strawberries t tablespoons granulated sugar K cup, syrup from canned cling peaches Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Stir In peach syrup. Add ice cream far chunks, and stir until it melts. Blend in lemon rHd and Juice. Chill about IS minutes. Drain peaches thor oughly and dice. Unmold and serve with strawberry topping. Strawberry Topping: Rinse, hull and slice strawberries. Makes 7 (6-ounce) molds. Barbecued Luncheon Meat in Quick Dish Tot a hot weather treat, vmi'lT Ilk Rrh4lmiMt T.nnh. Ann Meat with Cora. Thtt a II another one-dish delight which spares you all but a few min- ui course, eannea luncneon meat is good served cold. A fa vorite trick is to cut it in sliv ers and toss with salad greens or other vegetables for a hearty I meat salad. Or chop it and com bine with bread crumbs and rice for a meaty stuffing for to matoes, green peppers and egg plant And luncheon meat shredded with a coarse grater adds a ham-like flavor to all sorts of favorite, casserole dishes . . . macaroni and cheese ! Spleed Apple Glaied Meatleaf 2 12-ounee cans luncheon meat Whole cloves cup firmly packed brown . sugar Vt teaspoon cinnamon V H teaspoon nutmeg S tablespoons vinegar f t 1 No. 1 can applesauce ' Place meat together to form v loaf in shallow baking pan. , Score with sharp knife, making X diagonal lines N inch apart. Place a whole clove in the can i ter of each square. Combine f! brown sugar, cinnamon and y nutmeg in saucepan. Moisten i with- vinegar and stir to a smooth paste. Add applesauce; f ; blend well. Place cup of ap itplesauce mixture over scored S jneatloaf. Bake In moderate i - oven (350 degrees F.) 45 min- i'?utes. Heat remaining mixture s and serve with meatloaL Yield: a servings. ' Delicious Sauce . Ho'a a rich delicious nrune I uiiim, in aerva over hard ice cream: Combine a cup of chop- ; ped pitted coonea prunes wiin a cup of cooking liquid, Vi cup each crushed pineapple and brown sugar and 1 teaspoon cornstarch. Cook slowly about S to 10 minutes. Serve hot or cold. A Per Luck Pail A small Jar with a tight fitting screw top enables you to give the youngsters a flavorful treat ! of nlneannle in. their lunch- ! boxes. Just spoon slightly drained tidbits into the Jar. Thin nltM twn thicknesses of waxed paper over the top so it hangs over the cage a unie i and screw the lid on tignuy. So imooth k leaves you breathless " VODKA ManstkMtlKw I0S gniMln IB. rWff MMnMel Ft MC- WWvW,Jtt,aa iRmirnofP maw KyVAVJ h 0 1 sR pZkM&fcl AU TICKETS OF-THI THREE SAltM I0A STORES' l --J. arai IA 7 l&JLO?M) A V m i "SNM wv wiuiepcoled. you need not 11 present r I s 7&m 1L I WC ' J l tZ Ji VL M (t V TO WIN. REGISTER PRIOR TO CLOSING TIME D I ; mi mssp 1 y &ceict tgts Picnic 1clucil SPECIAL PftlOES BFTECnVI THURS., FW., SUNO., MAY 21, 29, 31- ALL SALEM KA STORES WILL U CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Jl . . : -. Lindsay Select Ripe ZEE Spreckles ; sugar Jellbsr12$1 IGA Deluxe ColfeeK W Swanson Chicken Fricassee- 49' IGA Creamy or Chunky PEANUT BUTTER 12-oz. 20-ol tit jar y J Jar V J Royal Guest Tea Bags x 45' mm IGA Reserves Hi Right Te Umit Quantities ,. . .. i.aaaalaaaaaj "-ti m Hot Paper Paper v V "cups plates BeyBoldt '. 15' Sell Spoons, cr Forks 2 29c Sandwich B wt, 'V ICc "- WAXTEX Doable Waxed 'QCl ' WAX PAPER ICE (REAM CUPLHS W 19c SODA STRAWS rkg. f im 15c VAN (AM? POXX ir.d CEAKS n. Vl 25c FRAKCO-AMERlCAil SPAGHETTI Lk M. 15c umn MASSKUOVS Lb. Pkg' 35c CRACKERJACKS 6pko.25c BSTOE tSCXEH D ..c- 39c WEL PAC OVAL SAKD1XES la Tomato Sauce 29c Full Pint 80 to a Pk9v Assorted ,5e Flavors OPk9l- Pillsbury TAIfF mixes . r 3 ' . .1 . '- IGA Solid Pack lUllUiM Baker Premium Anogold COCOOIIOU 29c Lemonade 51 Crackers it 33c . . . IGA Spiced Luncheon - IGAMarlene ffleatT 49c Margarine 2-49' sge - 19c Sunny Morn :. sunshine Coffee 79'&eri,$- 19c u au potato chips m ana m s scrn I . VISTA YOUft FRIlNDtY ' ICA STORE AT J04S S. COMMERCIAL 29c Armour's Top Quality 100 Pure 8 Armour's L Beach Cliff Maiae Sardines 5 i 49c VI V stelnf eld Whole Sweet . . Pickles r 55c Relish 19c Steinfeld Whole D1U c Pickles 2 39c French's " Mustard 10c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 27c Nestle'a Chips 21c &4 Three Minute I P'com 19c Underwood DEVILED H HAN 's20' ' RerulsrJJePkf. This Rotheyon T.V. Mt will bt given away FREE on June 29. No obligation. Register today at VISTA MKT., ORCUTTS MKT, STATE ST. MKT., your Salem IGA stores. J- : ' ' Colored . Cl l (O) Itmm 22'- ' Eoch Star All Meat Skinless Pure Pork - Home Made HimAsifiiii w ft n Star Boneless Skinned - Cooked Large 176 Size Sunkist Hot House (For Slicing) tmwmm California White Shafter No. 1 "A" Size new . - 0 17 IPoas 2 JJ old dutch . Biff Insect Scrav Brillo Scsp Pads CLEANSER DIIMn",JK7 2c ""' C C0RAX0 PAR-T-PAK a & gfesgSr . Assorted leveraget J ?v j r I A KSSm Borax y plff Carton off 6 SSc 33 State Street . YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STREET Cello Pack Lb. id. S-P. Hsi ' Reedy .SHc i. lcfc :; Hoary wish Jslca DOZEN for is. Bt OMITS HI YOUR FRIENDLY KsA STORI AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD a Hi: urn ,1 11 T i f. I 1? I- :;y 5 .. r (ft cy t s : if i s U' ii j. i I 'i ; 1: m. ' j v -v v - V; 1 - v. - -v-