Psft POOD gSCTlON Planning Breakfast Menus Ahead Aid in for buiy seasons, it It handy to hive breakfatt menus planned ahead. Here la a sug gested Kt lor a weak. . :: MONDAY ? .. - Grape Juice Shredded Wheat ..; Milk. Crumb Cetfeecakt : Butter Cocoa ' Coffee TCKIDAT Dried Fruit Compote ' Totaed Cereal Bowl s MUk Cruller Butter ' : Coffee WEDNESDAY .. ' Thin Onnii Slice . . . Oatmeal- MUk " Sweet Biscuit Ptnwheels" . !. : Butter ' r Coffee . -;. THTJE8DAX - ' - Fried Chicken-It Can't Be Excelled Tot S frying chicken, cut In serving piece, mix 1 cup en riched flour, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 tablespoons paprika, H tea spoon poultry aeaaonlng, M teaspoon pepper in a paper or other convenient bag. Shake chicken a few piecea at time until coated evenly with flour mixture. Place piece on rack for a few minute before trying . o coating will (tick. Heat Inch melted fat or talad oil In a heavy akUlet Cook chicken in hot fat until olden brown; IS to IS minute. Turn piece occasionally to they will brown evenly. Place chick en Dlece one layer deep in a shallow baking pan. Combine Vt cup melted butter or frying from chicken with cup broth or milk. Drizzle butter mixture over chicken. Bake in moder- ate oven. S80 dearest, unta chicken is tender; to to 10 min - utes. Mske gravy, of course. . a KUCtOUS J ICONOMICAl) AMERICA'S FAVCZITE FISHER'S IISKIT T i. J FUVOMOMI j RAISINS . 49' Kippered Snacks 5' PEACHES KiTer! 27' SUGAR 5 49' Pancake Flour tt". 29' MUSHROOMS c u. 5' Canned Peas grAT 2 .25' NAVY BEANSff 29' ConnncdCornS Potted Meat T . 5' Ripe Olives 17' -meats- ... Cascade Picnic Hams 45c SQUIRT Sb" m"Xmmi skinless Wieners 49c PRODUCE CUXES Be SPUDS ...50, 99c CARWTS5...3,.r25c RADISHES SoHd, crisp. BusyT4me Pineapple Slier Whole Bran Raialna ' Milk Creamed Efg on Toat Point Buttered Toatt 'l Coffee FRIDAY Cooked Prune with Orange OarnUh Puffed Rice Brown' Sugar Milk Scrambled Iff Pumpernickel Toast ' Butter L Coffee . , . SATURDAY ' ' Chilled Grapefruit Juice Farina Milk Pecan Roll Butter - vt ' Cocoa Coffee SUNDAY ' . ' Honey-baked Apple Oatmeal with Prune Orange Topping ' Grilled Breakfast Sausage ' Graham Muffin Butter Milk Coffee Tossed Cereal Bowl. Toe together, salad style, two, three, or even four kind of ready-te-eat cereal In a large bowL Serve with cooked dried fnitt atop. . . . "Sweet Biscuit PinwheeU, Spread rolled biscuit dough with melted butter or margar ine and then with brown su gar. Roll like a Jelly roU; cut in 1-inch slice. Place In a greased pan and bake at 438 dome F. for 11 to 15 minute, Oatmeal with Prune Orange Topping. Combine ft cup of prune juice and H cup of su gar; cook about I to 5 minute. Add ft tablespoon of lemon Juice, ft cup of cooked, diced prunes, and ft cup of finely diced oranges. Cook slowly un til thickened. Serve atop oat meal, other hot cereals, ready- lto - eat breakfast cereals, and as sprea lor toast. i Asm -MIX' PRICES EfrlCTIVI THUU. AND FRI. ONLY Free Parking Daily Delivery Service Opea till 9 P.M. lit State St We Reserve the Right to limit N tale H dealers, neaa t-SItt 5c " -? ft-'" X' V a Cheese Soup, Bimallaht Translated from Arabic means "Come and Eat" In' many American homes "Soup's On" means the same thing. You will not have to beg family or guests to come and eat if the soup 1 a hearty cheese coup made with natural Ham-Peach Salad,. Ham and peaches are used in this tasty salad. Ham and Feaeh Salad Ingredients: 10 canned cling peach halve, one (3-ounce) package cream cheese, one (3 ounce) can deviled ham, salad greens, tart French dressing. Method: Drain peaches thor oughly. Blend cheese with ham and heap into half the peaches. pi op viio remaining peacn halve, pressmg together. Serve on greens with French dressing. Make 5 servings. Best for Shortcake (Limit 3) 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, $akm, Oratw 3V 4 Interesting Condiments Alway a Hit. . . American Cheddar and served with a' variety of interesting condiments. There will be no necessity to grate the cheese if you use the 3-ounce roll of natural Amer ican cheddar. Just slice it thin ly, add It to the hot soup mix ture and stir until the cheese is completely melted. . Pas a tray of condiments and let each guest or member of the family sprinkle a spoonful of each condiment over the creamy yellow soup. It's fun to tee the blending of the color ful additions and to taste the intermingling of flavors. Green pepper, red pimento, yellow egg yolk, golden brown toasted almond slivers, bits of crispy bacon and popcorn, add eye appeal, flavor and conversation al value. . Cheese Soup , (Makes 6 to 8 servings) Pkss s-joo rj ;..k t t - ..-t 2 tablespoons butter or . margarine. 2 tablespoons chopped onion ' 2 tablespoon flour 2 bouillon cubes lft quart cups) homogen ized milk . 4 S-oi. package cheddar " cheese, sliced Melt butter or margarine in saucepan. Add onion and cook browned. Stir in flour; blend well. Add bouillon cube. Grad ually add milk, stirring constantly- until smooth. Add cheese. ' .Cook " over hot (not boiling) water, stirring occa-' it A x.i iiiiy THEY'RE GUARANTEED FRESH THEY'RE FIXEST IK QUALITY THEY'RE MADE BY EXPERTS ALWAYS DEUCIOUSLY CRISP AVAIIACU AT .!?:, tf t 1 Tir '-.N '1 ilonally,- until cheese melts. Serve at once. If desired; sprin kle top with chopped crisp ba con. Accompany Cheese soup with condiments: ' Sprinkle a spoonful of each of the following condiments on each servings, or pais a condi ment tray and let your guests help themselves! 1. Popcorn 2. Chopped green pepper 3. Finely chopped pimento 4. Sieved egg 5. Toasted silvered almonds 6. Minced onion r, (I 5f 'h'' DOS ... - (imps &yst YOUR Mg6HCORHOOO CZQCttl. Curried Shrimp Filling and Appetizing Main Dish The home economist for the American Dry Milk institute sent this good ring suggestion far fUlin' fere: Spinach Bias ft cup butter or margarine ft cup flour ft cup nonfat dry milk solids . 1 teaspoon salt ' teaspoon pepper ft teaspoon Accent , 1 cup water ' Swiss Chard Used In Many Ways Now Swiss chard is member of the beet family and is tome time called "the leafy beet." However, It is used mote at a pern than at root vegetable. Ita large curly leave and fie shy succulent stalks have an agreeable and distinctive flavor that will make a most welcome . addition a to any menu. ' . Nutritionally, Swiss chard it a good source of the impor tant vitamin and 1 rich in mineral, content. There era many appetising way of pre senting Swiss chard to the family. The leafy portion is usually cooked as you do spin ach while the tender stem can be served a you would atparagua. , The small crisp leave may be uied raw In aalad. They are somewhat similar in taste to romalne lettuce. Cream of chard soup is a favorite in many household. It it made in the tame manner a cream of spinach soup by adding the cooked and aleved greens to a thin cream sauce with a sug gestion of sage, lemon or on ion flavoring. Time-Dime Saver . Here's a recipe easy on time and dimes, baked tomatoes with onion rings. Slice a large onion and separate Into ring. Cook in butter or margarine until tender and add a No. 2 can to matoes. Simmer a few minute to blend flavor and season to taste. Serve in sauce dishes. - Tasty Menu ' One of our popular hostess es, known for her good food and interesting menu, serv ed this the other day: Turkey Newburg with sliced ripe olives, prune filled roils, salted almonds, aherried can ned .dinf peaches and petit four. s I Wednesday. May W INS in Spinach Ring cup coarsely grated sharp cheese well-beaten egg yolks ) I cup drained, chopped, cooked spinach , 5 stiffly beaten egg white . Melt kutter In top of double boiler; remove from neat Add flour, nonfat dry milk, salt, pepper and Accent Mix well Slowly add water, stirring eon stantly while mixture cook. Add cheese and stir until malt ed. Add small portion of tauee to yolk. Return to double boil er and cook 1 minute. Fold in spinach and egg white. Pour into greased S-inch ring mold,' Bake in pan of hot water in moderate oven (350 degree T ) eg minute. Remove from even; allow to stand few minute be fore turning out on platter. TU1 center with Curried Shrimp. Garnish with alice of lemon and paprika. Make 8 serving. Carried Shrimp 6 tableipoon butter or '. - margarine tt teaspoon curry powder H cup coarsely chopped, blanched almond I tablespoons flour H cup nonfat dry milk solid ltt cups water Vi teaspoon Worcestershire , sauce H clove garlic, crushed teaspoon salt -- Vi teaspoon pepper H teaspoon Accent 1 tablespoon lemon Juice ' 1 pound cooked shrimp, de veined . Melt S tablespoons of the but ter in small saucepan. Add cur ry powder and almond; cook gently until almond are gold en brown. Set aside. Melt re maining butter in top of dou ble boiler; add flour and cook gently. Remove from heat Add nonfat dry milk; mix well. Add water slowly, stirring constants ly. Cook until smooth and , thick. Add remaining ingredi ents; cook long enough to heat shrimp thoroughly. ' ... Tea Sandwiches . A delicious topping for open faced tea sandwiches ia thtt combination: Soften one J ounce package of cream cheese . with pineapple juice and blend in 2 to I teaspoons of chopped . mint ...enter "fflff Trip to Paris" Contest AND SIT YOU PRII IOTHI OF PIRFUMI IY TUSSY JUST FOR 1ITTINO ' US SHOW YOU THI ' NEW 1953 Special 14 DAY FREE HOME TRIAL CO , 111 a "1 t v.. n: v.$ i't if t I lb i 1 "oN.Commertlel Photic 3310