Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 26, Image 26

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    WUmmitj, May tl. IKS
Basic Sweet Dough Can
Provide Different Rolls
You cut make varied rolla
from Ihla bade "sweat dough"
recipe, ... . , . .
Iweet Dengk
W cup lukewarm water
3 packages dry granular ,
yeast or 1 cakes eompress-
. ed yeast
ltt cups milk, scalded v
eup sugar
I teaspoons salt , ,
eggs ;
, eup shortening " , ,
7 cups sifted all-purpose .
..(.flour . , ),-.,
, 1. Stir yeait into water, let
tana B minutes.
1. Mix milk, sugar and salt
nd cool slightly. Add eggs,
shortening, yeast and 3 cups
Hour, mix thoroughly.
- . Add remaining flour, and
turn the dough out on a floured
board. Knead the dough until
it is smooth, elastic and does
not stick to the board.
4. Place it in a greased mix
ing bowL Cover it with a damp
cloth and let it rise in a warm
place (85 degrees T.) until
oouoie ii to z noun).
8. Punch down. Divide the
dough, for desired rolls and
cake. Cover, let rise 10 mln
6. Shape the dough, let rise
until light (20-30 mln.) Bake.
Cinnamon Rolls
Bake: 20-25 minutes. Tem
perature: 375 degrees F.
HHnan ajk, ra r in n
, tm --,. w.
" . J
iwi auugn.
2. When double in bulk,
punch down and turn out on a
lightly floured board. Let rise
on board for 10 minutes.
- a. Roll into an oblong pan
about 9x11 inches wide. Brush
lightly with melted butter or
margarine and sprinkle with
cup sugar and 3 teaspoons cin
namon. -': .. .-
4. Roll the dough up tightly,
beginning at the wide side. Seal
well by pinching edges of roll
together. ...
5. Cut roll into 1-inch slices,
using a sharp knife. . -
. Place in two creased 8-
inch layer cake pans. ,.
7. Brush with melted butter
or margarine. Sprinkle with
sugar. . . i v;
a. Cover, let rise until dou
bled in bulk (about 35 min
utes.) Bake. Yields: ltt dozen
Clever Leaf Bella
Bake: 13 minutes. Tempera
ture, 400 degrees T. .
1. Prepare H recipe for
sweet dough.
3. When double in bulk, di
vide in nan.
. 3. Form each half into a roll
about 9 inches long.
4. Cut into 9 equal portions.
. 5. Form each piece into 3
small bails.
4. Brush sides with melted
butter or margarine. .
7. Place 3 balls in each sec
tion of greased muifin pan.
8. Cover, let rise until dou.
ble In bulk. Bake.
Balsed Dosghaata
1. Vse tt of sweet douch
' 3. When doubled In bulk, roll
the dough lightly to tt inch
thickness. Cut with a floured
doughnut cutter.
' 3. Let rise 20-25 minutes un
til light (Do not cover.)
4. Heat fat in a deep fat
fryer to 375 degreei F. Drop
doughnuts into hot fat
5. When the doughnuts rise
to the surface then turn them.
Fry until well brown--about 3
mlnutei. . ,
6. Lift from fat. Drain and
place them on absorbent paper.
Yield: 2 dozen. . ,iS j.
Try Hot spud Salad
Some like it cold, eomellke
it hot It's still potato salad.
et Potato Salad " ;'r.'!
Ingredients: S medium-abed
potatoes, 3 bouillon cubes, n
cup boiling water,. H eup real
mayonnaise, 3 tablespoons vin
egar, 9 slices bacon, V cup
finely dlred onion, 4 cup real
mayonnaise, salt and pepper to
Method: Cook potatoes In
boiling salted water until ten
dder; peel and dice; there
should be about 3 cups. Dis
solve bouillon cube in boiling
water and blend with' to cup
mayonnaise; mix in vinegar.
Pour over, hot potatoes and let
stand 15 minutes. Fry bacon
crisp in skillet large enough to
hold potatoes. Remove from
pan and break into small pieces.
Pour off all but 3 tablespoons
fat from pan. Cook onion in
bacon fat, stirring often,- until
Creamed Eggs,
Green Noodles
Creamed eggs , and mush
rooms make a delicious mala
course tor a luncheon or a sum
mer dinner that can be fixed
in a hurry. They are' even
more attractive when served on
hot green noodles. Here Is the
easy, recipe for this delightful
food combination.
Creamed Igga ea '"
Green Needles
, tt eup butter or margarine
cup flour ' ;
H teaspoon salt r 1"
: "4 teaspoon pepper
golden brown. Add potatoes,
bacon and V cup mayonnaise
and mix lightly with a fork.
Season with salt and pepper.
Heat thoroughly, turning care
fully, and serve at one. Makes
8 servings.
S cup milk.
H teaspoon A.l. Sauce
3 -ounce can 'broiled muah-
4 hard-cooked eggs
B-ounce package green noo
dles . Vt cup sliced stuffed olives
Melt butter or margarine in
saucepan and stir in flour, salt
and pepper. Add milk, A.1.
Sauce and contents of can of
mushrooms. Cook, stirring con
stantly, until sauce thickens
and bolls. Add hard-cooked
eggs cut In quarters and heat
thoroughly over low heat
Meanwhile cook noodles until
barely tender in boiling salted
water. Drain noodles well, then
arrange on hot serving platter.
Place creamed eggs and mush
rooms in center of noodles.
Sprinkle with the sliced olives
and serve immediately. Serve
with a green salad made of
sliced, unskinned naval oranges
and sweet onion rings on ee-
Good Old Franks
Here's a quick and easy en
tree for 4 to- make with 3
frankfurters. Cut them into
thin slices and combine with 3
cups cooked noodles, a small
can chopped ripe olives and a
sauce made with 3 tablespoons
each flour and butter and ltt
cupa tomato juioa. . Mason
with salt and pepper and bake
moderate oven about 13 min
utes. .,-; '
Uses Liquid Smoke : '
For a different tasting cream
ed tuna, try adding some liquid
smoke to it Try teaspoon,
then taste; add, more if jou
like. Serve with potatoes boil
ed m their jaeketa.
circle. Add your favorite hot
bread to complete th meal.
Yield: 4 servings.
Lulu Cheese
Is Good
Lulu Cheese Pie ... It is un
baked, easy to do, not too cost
ly as "cheese cakes' go, and
definitely is delicious.
Youll need 3 peers gee of
cream cheese and part of a
package of graham crackers. ,
Labi Cheese Pie : '
Cruet and Tepatag
10 graham crackers, rolled
fine .
- t-tablespoon sugar
' cup melted butter or mar
garine ' :Vf
Combine all ingredients; mix
well. Sprinkle Vi mixture ev
ly over bottom of 3-inch glass
pie plate. Reserve balance to
use on top of pie.
(3-ounce) packages cream,
cup thick sour cream
flS-ounce) can sweetened
condensed jnUk
tablespoon unfiavored .
cup cold water
cup lemon Juice ,
teaspoon orange flavoring
Few grains aait
Soften chain; stir in tour
cream and condensed milk,
making smooth mixture. Soft
en geutin in me cow waierj
ausojve over not water, aqiw
cneeea mixuire, aumg witn re
maining ingredients; blond
well-, ',;;.,,.. y";:
Pour Into prepared pie plate;
sprinkle lesarved crumbs over
flllbia fklll until firm ;. ;
' ' This pie can be made the
day before serving. Store in re
frigerator until ready to serve.
Refrigerate any leftover pie. ;
Quick Dessert
If you want a quick dessert
that tastes like a million, here
It is. Prepare a prckage of
vanilla pudding mix according
to directions. Remove from heat
and blend in H teaspoon grated
lemon rind, 1 cup canned fruit
cocktail and cup shredded
toasted coconut. -
Freezer Aid to Leftovers
Have a pleee of leftover
ploT Wrap and put it in a
plastic bag. Freeze it in the
home freezer. Filled with
several pieces of different
kind of pie, the bag is a
handy snack-sack. One piece
of pie may be removed at a
time and a selection is al
ways available.,.
The term "leftovers' is be
ing outdated by homemakers'
use of home freezers for stor
ing foods for future use.
The real conveniences and
economies of owning a home
freezer is to be able to keep
foods left over from one meal
palatable for another meal at
a. later date. I
When this is done, the term
"leftovers" no longer is ap
propriate. The nation's home
economists now are .using
"planned overs" to describe
foods remaining from one meal.
Even the experts are con
stantly discovering new uses
of homo freezers. Thus, the
field is still wide open for
Mrs. Average Homemaker to
use her Imagination and in
genuity. :
' r
" h
CasyflUB DsaaFaw 4Paasaanisf
. Save leftover soap and
capture Its full flavor by
freezing. A convenient meth
od Is to use the refrigerator's
f ice cube tray. The soup is
frozen in cube form two
cubes make a serving and
la always ready for heating
and eating.
This Is 'Serves Two'
Vegetable Suggestion
"Serves Two" recipes are
gaining in popularity. And they
are easy to do with 8-oz. cans
and jars of vegetables. Here's a
small recipe for diced beets.
Harvard Beets
1 8-bz. (or Jar) diced beets
Dash salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon vinegar
itt teaspoon cornstarch
' 1 teaspoon butter
Drain liquid from beets and
add salt, sugar and vinegar.
Heat to boiling. Blend corn
starch with butter and stir Into
hnillne llnuld Cook until thick
ened, stirring. Add the beets
and simmer gently about 10
minutes. Two servings.
Caraway Touch
A different twist to canned
potatoes! Drain a No. 3 can of
small whole potatoes and brown
In butter or fat in a heavy skil
let Serve sprinkled with a few
caraway seeds.
to keep fit
; OasReewktilMstt
Want adM eMfgy asd pes
vht lew sdoty sent?
Try the m IUN VALLEY 1 MAD
- ar tans Una for jades WaJ
. ' Y
f wiraoai T
aiOHTt I
1 iim titaw
m m 's- 35- MMM 3.? Uer
Cn -tflftOW CHILI (OH Spreck... Brown o, Powderid 1
--ssailsaaTaa if l -f ' m I aeamstrV Bl ks 1 I W ' . 1 J I I
i GwfifiW " WYi FRUIT il o tt (P)c
11 U U HsT ll Elsinor. Fancy Ydlow Cling Oitavy syrup) ' -
I U I A Sw
Soap Powder
Scotch Cleanser
2 cans 25'
White tUng
Wafer Softener pkr 25c
Can 4 Mople
24-oz. botrle
t Hoody "
Peanut Butter
Croem or Chank -
12-4. tlM
Wacat .
A4 ; 2
Cracker Jacks
Clear Lake Highland Carter Wourm's Quality
Grocery Market Market Marrer Food MM.
OnarBma ..... CAtTU, Owner CHT WArrif
OUlUn.0lt msaaWlfa. CjIMMS 1T a Marial (al 14171 atavran 7I (asjar ft (si Mttl