Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 23, Image 23

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Wednoaday. May 17, 1981
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Celery Seed on
Cheese Dishes
Variations for Basic Oatmeal Bread . . .
A favorite recipe for homt
baked dinner roll cu be the
bull for other tempting prod.
ucti to pamper the family. Here
It an oatmeal roll recipe which
you would ordinarily bake a
plain round roll or a clover-
ieaf roll. . .
But yon can be plain or fan
cy with this bade recipe. Another-
time, you can use thi
tame dough a the bail for a
breakfast treat by trying either
the raisin or pecan variation.
Hot from the oven, the pecan
roll make a good mid-after
noon coffee . accompaniment,
too, . -
You'll find the fresh-baked
roll, in any venion, carry the
mellow nut-like flavor of the
rolled oat. You can use cither
the quick-cooking or regular
rolled oata. .
Oatmeal Bolla .
, l cup milk, scalded
V, cup fat
- Vi cup brown ugar
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup cold water
tVi to 6 cup if ted all-purpose
flour ,. i
S egg
1 package yeast, dry or compressed
1 Vt cup rolled oat, uncooked
Pour milk over fat, sugar,
and salt. Add water and cool
to lukewarm. Stir in 2 cup of
the flour. Add egg and crum
bled yeast: beat with rotary
egg beater for 2 minute. Add
rolled oata. Add enough of re
maining flour to make a soft
dough. Turn out on lightly
floured board and knead until
satiny, about 10 minute. Round
ed bowl, cover, and let rise In
a warm place until light (about
1 hour). Punch down, cover,
and let rest 10 minute. Shape
In roll, place in greased pan,
brush lightly with melted fat.
cover, and let rise until double
in bulk (about 49 minute).
Bake in hot oven (400 degrees
F.) 30 to 25 minute. Yield: 4
dozen roll.
Raisin Rolls: Add 1 cup rais
ins with the rolled oat.
Pecan Rolls: Grease 3x114-
lnch muffin pan and Into each
cup place Vt teaspoon melted
butter, 1 teaspoon light brown
sugar, teaspoon water, and
S pecan halve. Roll dough into
a rectangle -inch thick. Brush
lightly with 2 tablespoon melt
ed butter. Sprinkle with
dough into ball; place In greas-1 cup brown sugar; roll up like
Most cheese dishes are more
deliclou when a sprinkling of
celery aeed ha been added. If
you've got an adventurous spir
it when you're near the (pice
shelf, reach up for aome celery
seed It' wonderful you'll
find, In a cheese lauee for veg
etable. Or try cheese co
quettes flavored with some cel
ery aeed. Also add a nice freih
flavor to tomato sauce about
Vt teaspoon to 2 cup of canned
tomatoes 1 just righj for the
average taste.
Celery seed is delicious in
soups where the crisp flavor
of celery is a "must.' Corn
chowder, for example, take
nleelv to celery seed Vt tea-
noon is lust about enough for
soud for six. Manhattan Clami
Chowder also ha a more dis
tinctive flavor for the addition
of a teaspoon of celery seed,
the right amount for serving.
And in case you haven't tried
Split Pea Soup with a celery
flavor, you've been denying
your family a real taste treat
For soup made from Vt cupi
of split peas, use one teaspoon
celery seed.
Actually, celery aeed can be
used in any soup or soup mock
where the flavor of celery is de
sired. But where you would use
cup of diced celery, limply
substitute a teaspoon ox celery
Delicious, too, with many
boiled vegetable, and in accom
panying sauces, celery seed add
a new flavor to the more famil
iar vegetable. Ever try braised
lettuce? It' deliclou especially
when seasoned with a sprin
kling of celery seed Just
teaspoon to a head of lettuce.
And stuffed eggplant' another
vegetable that take nicely to
celery aeed. ,
a lelly roll and seal edges. Cut
in 1-lnch dees; place In muffin
pan; let rise until double in
bulk. Bake in moderate oven
(275 degree F.) 20 to 29 min
ute. Let stand 1 minute before
removing from pans. -
1 rli?iltitJ?" 7
Fitwh Sunbssm ensrgy kssp
you going strong.. .on tha Job
...and after hours, too!
Everybody In tha family depend en Dad's
energy. .. for security ... for recreation ... for
happy home lifet And a wiat wife know that
energy can't be atored he packs Dad
a wonderful lunch-hi favorite sandwiches on
fresh Sunbeam Bread 1
Every slice of thi fresh delicloui bread give
your family 7$ wit of nurgyt Make aura
Sunbeam Bread la on your table at every meal,
every day... for tha whole family to enjoy 1
Stay on the beam . ; eat
K 'A '
- Nr.! 7 1 '
Canned Ham
Tot parties as well as for
fancy family eating canned ham
is the answer. Full flavored.
easy to prepare and handsome
to serve canned bam are bone
lee and range In size from
to 14 pound for the whole
ham, from 1H to 2tt pound
for halves and quarter.
Canned ham are ready to
eat as they come, or you can
use your ingenuity in making
fancy glazes and garnishes.
In baking a canned ham, be
sure to save the Jelly for flavor
ing vegetables and soup. Bake
the ham on a rack in a shallow
pan in a dow oven of 329 de
grees about 19 minutes per
pound. Then cut the fat in dia
mond shapes, stud with cloves,
and add a glaze of orange mar
malade or a mixture of one cup
of brown sugar and 2 table
spoons of dry mustard. Return
to a moderately hot oven of 400
degrees for about 19 minutes!
to brown.
This Cookie, Popular One
These orange cookie are de
n.hifiillv tasty, easy to make.
Orange Ceokiea
cup margarine or butter
1 cup sugar
Grated rind of H orange
4 egg yolks, beaten
2 T. orange juice , ,
t cups dfted flour
t baking powaer-
t salt
1 egg white, beaten ,
25 almonds, chopped
4 T. sugar
puim maraarlne or butter
and sugar until light and fluf
fy. Add orange rwa, egg yo
and orange Juice and mix thor
oughly. Add the flour, which
has been dfted witH the bak
ing powder and au. m
oughly and roll out on a lightly
floured pastry cloth or board
to H inch thickness. Cut in
I shapes with cookie cutters.
Brush with beaten egg white
and sprinkle with mixea at
monds and sugar. Place on
greased baking sheet and bake
in a moderately hot oven (375
degree F.) for 7 or t minute.
Yield: 50 cookie.
Birthday Party
Celebrate an important oc-
cadon like an anniversary or
birthday with a big chocolate
layer cake. Frost with the new
glamorous chocolate walnut
cream cheese frosting. Com
bine a 3-ounce package cream
cheese with 1 tablespoon milk,
2V, cups sifted confectioners'
sugar, 1 square unsweetened
chocolate, melted and Vi cup
finely chopped walnut. Deco
rate frosted cake with walnut
halves. .
Tops for Breakfast
Tot a breakfast fruit or des
sert baked apple atuffed with
chopped raisin and walnut are
tops. Use cooking apples and
pare the top third. Core and fill
with equal parte chopped rais
ins and walnut. Stick with
whole dove. Place la a baking
dish with a syrup made of Vi
cup sugar and Vt cup water.
Cover and bake la moderate
oven till tender.
I --t r
; P ItAlll
faiK; I
1288 State St'
Phone 3-6489
Take a HOLIDAY From High Prices
Fill Your Locker Now
While Randall's Prices
Are Still Low!
At a rime when we know yen will meet appreciate It our pleasure It to bring yea tfcla fine Eastern Oregon Hero
ford Beef at tha lowest prices In year and yean! Wholesale price on ovary beef cut in the house! Plan to buy
a wook'a eupply. Fill your, locker. : '
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Arm Cuts-Blade Cists Rumps
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
&asS Steak
Round T-Bone Rib Steaks
FrHk kef
Young Hens T W
Fully Dressed and Drawn
Sausage u 2'
est selection of Fancy laetern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fall to take advantage of these price. Convenient
credit may bo arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay.
Half or Whole
Front Quarter
Hind Quarter
Baby Beef
v Fresh Beef
Tongues a