Wedaaeday, Hay 17, 1153 C M t ai aa f Ml i da 1 f i .t ;!3 i4 r V f c V Good French Dressing Sim pie; Basic Recipe Can Be Varied to Make Many Spicy and Tasty Kinds ' 1. - .-7 ) .-v S.','r . , .4 ' - ) -tfi-i.-i-.w.-;."- i IJust before a meal, pour 1-Mlnute French dressing, on freih vegeUble salad, ton together. The dressing eoati ' ' the food lightly, protecting lively flavor. Serve arranged Individual aaladf men ai oranges, sp ies and berrlei with the dressing at UDie. rruit tastea 2Se mighty good with tbia Ambreiia French dressing. 1 wt. - . i... ,' It A I'. x mm. n mm. Dip shrimp In Chow Chow French dressing as you eat it This way you anjoy seeing the pretty circles of : shrimp while you season it yourself. for salad makes all taste bet-1 ter. . . ' ' A nice part is, your salad gives him good couriihmenU the fruits, vegetables or meats with dressing. Lots of vitamins and minerals. And, as ever1 mother knows, what father eats the youngsters are mighty apt Like to tee your husband eat nls salad with gusto? It shows he enjoys the bright color, the pretty way you fixed the salad, the flavor of the crisp foods blended by homemade 1 -minute French dressing. It means his whole meal will have appeal. Bring out the flavors in potato salad by adding Creamy French dressing an hour or more before eating, allow ing salad to "marinate" or season. tioa of flavory foods to the 1 Minute French dressing to give he-man appeal. Make the dress ing thick or thin, spicy, or mild or fruity. There is no end to the ways of changing the basic dressing to surprise and please your family as only you can do. However, some people say to eat, too. ': One trick to keep aalads fresh and enticing is to use easy-mad French dressing and vary it often. Made with salad oil, it prepares in Just one min ute. Sometime add pimento. onion or catsup, or a combina- Caramel Frosting ' You'll like this elegant nev er-fail almond caramel frosting on most any kind of cake: Com' bine S tablespoons butter or margarine with tt cup evapo rated milk, few grains salt and 1 cup brown sugar (packed) Heat and stir until mixture boils. Remove from heat and stir in i cups sifted confection ers' sugar and Vi cup chopped unblanched almonds. w -mm 1 f JI I -. V V4 cusa nerkrid Egg! There are ell kinds 4 eggs food, bad, and indifferent . . but those you terra your family MUST be absolutely FRESH! There ore many kinds of bread, too, but only MESH bread will appeal to your family and tatitfy their desire for rich, wholesome flavors. MASTER bread reaches your grocer bakery-fresh and troys toft and moist longer - because of its quality ingredients, tine tex ture and scientific baking. Buy a Loaf at Your Food Store Today STAYS FM-SU LONGER 'popukh. BECAUSE ITS tftE y the plain French dressing is the most sophisticated of all. Jt lightly coats the foods and brings out every tempting fla vor, Is simply three parts salad oil to one part vinegar, season ed well. Might as well fix a pint of it to keep on hand, it stores a goodwhil. The way to add the dreuing to the salad Varies with the type of salad. Just before serv Ine. greens and fresh vegetable salads are tossed lightly with the French dressing in order to protect the greens and empha size the flavqrs. For arranged salads, such as fruit wedges,1 the dressing is poured on at the table. In mixture kind of sal ads, such as potato, the thicker French dressing is added an hour or two early to marinate it, or give time for the flavors to blend. And seafood salads, often the shrimp, are dipped into the dressing right at the table this gives chance to en joy the pretty shellfish and to dip on as much dressing as de sired. Basle 1-Minute French Dressing 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon sugar V teaspoon pepper Vt teaspoon paprika teaspoon dry mustard cup vinegar IVi cups salad oil Shake up in covered iar. Shake again before scrvma. This recipe makes 2 cups . . . Keeps nest In a covered Jar on your pantry shelf. Use with vegetables, seafood, meat sal ads. Ambrosia French Dress ins To Vt cup 1-mlnute French dreuing add cup augar, V teaspoon celery teed and 1 ta blespoon catsup. Shake well. Wonderful on fruit salads. uiow enow French Dretsinc To cup 1-mlnute French dreuing add 2 tablespoons minced chow chow. Good on seafood or vegetable salads. Creamy French Dreuing Whip cup . heavy cream (sweet or tour). Blend with 2 tablespoons chopped plmlento and Vi cup 1-minute French dreuing. For chicken, potato or other vetgetable salads. Onion French Dressing To Vt cup 1-minute French dress ing add 2 teaspoons chopped onion and dash of Tabasco. , ' I Chickenburgers Vary Usual Fare of Type , (rkiMbanhnrori" in ' ehinae for the "burger" food. Chickeabargtr round buns slices tomato 8 slices proceued cheese S strips of bacon For topping: 1 6 -ounce can wm chicken, chopped I 3-ounce packages eresm cheese 1 x grated onion J t lemon Juice : y4 e. butter or margarine, softened n.uiitf innk bacon. Mix ingredients for topping and dl iA. .man a 8 sliced buns, spreading evenly. Cover each with one slice 01 kiiiu, mu -u. rut slices of bacon in half and arrange two pieces on each burger. Bake in mod erate oven (350 degrees r.) tor 15 minutes. Replace tops to serve. Makes 8. A Llfht Dessert For a light and refreshing dessert after a hearty dinner, spoon chilled pineapple chunks into serving dishes and top with a scoop of lemon or lime sherbet. Memorial Day Picnic Menu Some times getting a picnic b.ther takes so much tune and labor that the light-heart ed expectancy it lost even be fore we leave the bouse. We believe everyone should be al lowed to enjoy the novelty of eating in the open air.- So we've planned a menu tor Memorial Dav nlcnle lunch that will guarantee the cook a nonoay, ioo. mpc olivet come already chopped in 4-ounee cant and at a very small price, too. .Com bine them with chopped bard ennked eaf. celery salt PeD- per, picgle and enough mayon naise to Diena. npreaa Be tween buttered slices of bread for nourishing "Olive Egg; Sandwiches." Serve finger , relishes of radishes, green on ions, carrot sticks and celery sticks. Fresh fruit such aij apples or bananas and brown ies, either of the homemade or of bakery variety, are an I easy dessert. And, since it's the first picnic lunch of the year, take along a big jug of! lemonade! ' I A different Salad Plentiful tomatoes, cabbage and green onions go- Into this unusual salad . Ceaatry Style Slaw 1 cup shredded, cabbage 2 ripe tomatoes,' diced 4 cup sliced green oniont ' Vi teaspoon salt K teaspoon black, pepper ' -I tablespoons top milk or cream ' 1 tablespoon vinegar Prepare vegetables in a salad bowl. Blend salt and pepper - with vinegar and combine with top milk. Pour over vegetables and toss. Phon: 4-1451 195S.Ccsunercisl m. m mm IflffJslBslI -WAV' T-'-'aWaW' IB" V " W ' a -a. . - Fresh Spring Chinook Salmon RAINBOW TROUT - $1.25 Fresh ' aaA4 Ling CoclLb. JmF Fresh Fillet of Sole ..Lb. 59 3 Fresh Deep Sea At Crabs ...,w,07 Fresh Skinned - Sole Lt. 35 Freeh FUlet ef , Red Snapper Lb 39 HAUBUT fit)! OVEN READY HENS Lb. 53' Pta Beady Fryers ... Lb. mrs IIIIlK ' Phona 3-4424 Free Delirery Umm. ' 216 N. Commercial St. aVllll 65 1 FISH & POULTRY I BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN ; 1 Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half . AGED CHEESE CAPONIZED FRYERS T-BONE Steak 54c ib. LARGE R. I. Reds rflOQ 79c YearOtsi YOU HAVf TRIED THI REST 9J7 . w, ... T,ar0'd NOW TRY THE I EST H Ground Beef 1 LAMB CHOPS 39c ib. LEG OF LAMB A Qc 55c Rett In Town . Lb. "V Swift', BEEF ROAST PICNICS RIB STEAKS Guaranteed Tanner Lb. U A Man's Sttak GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BROADWAY TIME IS THE BEST TIME ALL THE TIME RANA.NAS2lbt.29c CUCUMBERS 3 for 25 C CELERY lunch 19c I CALAVOS 2 for 29. TOMATOES TicSS'" LEMONS Field Ripened 2 for 49 C fRESH DAILY 29c Oat. 2 25c CORN TANG CAKE MIXES strawerry 2r$9c urm 3.1.00 JAM Cot. Irand, 303 Site JTC Quart fHltbury'i 29eyr WE WILL BE OPEN JELLO ALL DAY SATURDAY o OK Tomato Juice AND SUNDAY i.aa;jc 23c 44.. TUNA MARGARINE C?FFEE , Cat. Irand , LifhtMeet 4 mm aa 141 r 00 Xib.4aC OtC ib. , . C Sweet Siateen FaUer-a ORANGEADE . 1 t . 25c- SatP BROADWAY f.WRKET ccsto, BREAD . s. &VJ!l IVd