Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 20, Image 20

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    r4 Authentic J9et $ui4e to Settee lii'my
Iditee ky Meriee Uwry Fischer
PabltoM TkaiOay lack Wart
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, May 27, 1953
G apit al Jotaraal
Families Gather on Memorial
Decoration Day Usually .
Marks Startof Annual
Picnic Season; Get Ready!
Cake Baking Easy So you're the cake maker for the
crowd and you have the problem of transporting the picnic
or "sociable" cake from here to there. Tis no problem at
all when you bake in casserole or food-sized pan; carry
and serve like this.
' - Decoration day, or Memor
ial day, and the beginning of
the picnic season .seems i an
ideal time to talk about cake
baking and cake transporta
tion. From now on, we west
' coasters picnic both early and
late; at noontime and far into
the twilight - Both family
and friends are happily fed
out-of-doors . . . in our own
yards or in other people's
yards or picnic grounds.
. For serving at home or else
where here are fine Ideas to
delight family, guests and "the
committee on eating arrange
ments." '.
t This dessert treat combines
flavors of fresh orange and
semisweet chocolate topping.
Cake can be iced with deli-
. clous ; chocolate frosting or
, cake can be .topped with ice
cream aaaV sauced with same
chocolate; difference is in
amount of milk used. Orange
Orange-Chocolate Cake
3 cups sifted flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
Vt teaspoon salt
v 4 cup shortening ' f.
1 cup beet or cane sugar
' 3 aggs
Vt cup orange marmalade
2 tablespoons grated
orange rind
'1 cup orange JUlce f 1
Sift flour with baking pow
der and salt Cream shorten
ing, add sugar gradually,
blending together until light
and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a
. time, beating well after each
addition. Stir in marmalade
.and orange rind.
Add flour alternately with
orange Juice, mixing well, end-
. ing with flour. Turn batter in
to well greased pan, 10 by
15 by -inch. Bake in mod-
crate oven, 350 degrees, 30
minutes. Cut cake in squares,
top , with slice of ice cream
,and serve with chocolate sauce
or frost cake with chocolate
frosting. Makes 24 squares.
Chocolate Frosting or Sauce
Meat Loaf
Now Is the time for a good
Meat loafs are ideal
picnic fare. Hot or cold , . .
or both; hot . today, cold to
morrow. Betides being low
priced, ground beef is the most
versatile of all meats and is
packed with good nutrition.
This recipe scores high for
flavor, Juiciness and sliceabil
lty. Vary shape, seasonings,
Sstisfylng Meat Loaf
ltt pounds ground beef
pound ground pork
Vt cup finely chopped onion
2 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
Vt teaspoon sage '
Vt teaspoon poultry season-
mg ..r
S tablespoons Worcester'
For Eggplant
If you're an eggplant en
'thuslast try stuKing it with
tuna. Parboil eggplant split
and scoop out pulp. Combine
-,ith a can of bite sise tuna
and about 2 tablespoons olive
or cooking oil. Season liberally
with salt pepper onion salt
and sweet basil. Pop in the
Witur) . ;
I package semi-sweet - ,.
chocolate - -
X tablespoons butter or
. margarine
1 cup sifted confectioners'
3 to 4 tablespoons hot milk
(for frosting) or
; cup hot milk (for sauce)
1 teaspoon vanlla ,
1 teaspoon vanilla
' In top of double boiler . put
semi-sweet chocolate and but
ter. Heat until melted and mix
until smooth. Remove from
heat For frosting, add milk and
sugar alternately, aaains
enonsh milk to make spread-
able consistency. Stir in vanilla.
For sauce, increase milk to
cup. Makes frosting for top
ping 10x15 Inch cake or 14
cups chocolate sauce. v;
Chocolate Casserole Cake
You bake this sweet dark
and handsome chocolate cake
in a 2 -quart heat-resistant glass
casserole. Cool and frost it Lid
goes on and off you go with
no casualties.
Combine Vt cup shortening
(at room temperature), 1 tea
spoon vanilla and lhi cups beet
or cane sugar (whatever you
have in the sugar cannlster;
both give identical results),
and 3 eggs. Beat together for
about 3 minutes with electric
or rotary beater. Add 3 ounces
(squares) unsweetened chocol
ate that has been melted and
cooled; beat until well blended.
Combine 2 cups sifted cake
flour, Vt teaspoon sal VI tea
spoon baking soda and add to
mixture gradually alternating
with 1 cup milk, beating well
after each addition; 4 additions
of flour and 3 of milk does it
Pour batter into greased and
floured 2 -quart round deep cas
serole. Bake in moderate oven,
350 degrees, 55 to 60 minutes
or until wooden pick thrust in
center comes clean. Remove
from oven; set casserole on
rack to cool. Frost with frosting
recipe given today for Orange
Chocolate Cake or with other
flavored frosting. Top with nut
meats if you like.
shire sauce .
. Dash of tabasco
2 eggs
1 cup tomato juice
4 slices bread
Combine meat with onion
and seasonings. Beat eggs
and add tomato juice. Cube
bread and soak in the liquid
mixture. Beat well. Add to
meat and mix lightly. Pack
into 5x0 inch meat loaf pan
and bake at 350 degrees for
1 Vt hours. Let loaf stand for
10 minutes; then drain off
liquid and turn out of pen.
Spread with catsup, hot toma
to sauce, or barbecue sauce.
Vary the Meat Use H
pound ground pork shoulder,
Vi pound. ground veal and 1
pound ground beef ... or use
1H pounds ground beef and
tt pound ground bologna. '
Vary the seasonings. Use
dry mustard, thyme, horse
radish or pickle relish.
.Vary the liquid. Use cat
sup, chill sauce, tomato sa ice
or canned soups.
Vary the toppings. Spread
loaf with chil ssuce or thick
barbecue sauce before baking.
Vary the shape. Bake meat
loaf mixture in muffin pans
or ring mold. Or shape into
individual loaves.
Extra hints. For moist
meat loaf, bake in a loaf pan;
for a crustier, browner loaf,
shape meat in loaf form in a
shallow pan for good circu
Stock Up
Now for
Picnic Time
Might aa well start right
now and put la a good supply
of paper plates, paper cups
and napkins for use all sum
mer . long. Nowadays paper
plates are coionui ana xancy
as well as sturdy and prac
tical; laminated, they're a vast
Improvement on plates of yes
teryear. It is quite- obvious
that they save a vast amount
of time and energy so we're
not going to mention it
It's a good idea to reserve a
shelf for picnic supplies now.
It will prove a Joy for months
to come. Staples handy to
have on hand include canned
meat spreads, canned meats to
grill end serve with barbe
cue sauce, canned frankfur
ters to roast at a moment's
notice, packaged potato chips
and corn chips, jars of pickles,
plenty of mustard and mayon
naise, assorted packaged
Ground Beef, plentiful and
low-priced will star at many
a picnic in hamburgeis,
cheeseburgers, meat loajj,
meat balls and casseroled
dishes. ' Better put in some
frankfurters, too. Another
good meat buy for summer
months is a smoked pork
shoulder butt, sometimes call
ed a "cottage rolL" Easy to
prepare, easily sliced; fine hot
or cold.
Cold cuts now come in amai-
ing variety both in the meat
section and in the ' canned
foods section. Ideal for sand
wich-making, they also go in
to many quick hot dishes.
Keep sliced cold cuts' in the
relrigeratar at times; wrap
in waxed paper or store in the
wrappings in which purchas
ed: use within a few days.
Poultry plenUfals include
turkeys for roasting and for
frying; chickens for broiling
and for... frying. Consider
poultry for one or snore holi
day meals.
Vegetable Buys
Potatoes and onions, fla
vored salad duo. are plentiful,
low-priced along with aspara
gus, cabbage, cauliflower, rad
ishes, greens, lettuce, carrots
and celery: all good salad
Fruit Buys
Loose, local apples, white
grapefruit lead with avocados,
lemons, oranges, bananas in
good supply. Strawberries,
pineapples, pears are variable
right now.- Melons and cher
ries are Increasing right along.
Good marketing! Happy holi
day! . ,: '
Sugar-Crust Raisin
Bar for Your Picnic
Warm weather brings pic
nics and they mean plenty of
food to satisfy ravenous out-
of-doors appetites. We like to
plan foods that will give the
cook a holiday, too. A dessert
that goes over big is fresh fruit
and these "Sugar-Crust Raisin
Bars." The bars are the perfect
picnic cookies since they taste
extra good and are easy to
pack. Bake the batter in a fl
inch square and carry it to the
picnic that way. The bars are
rich and delicious with flav
orful raisins to help keep them
fresh. They're wonderful to
serve with cold refreshments
during the summer months.
Segar-Cmst Raisin Ban
cup seedless raisins
1 egg
Vt cup brown sugar (packed)
Vt cup melted butter or mar
garine 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
Vt teaspoon baking powder
Vt teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons granulated su
gar H teaspoon cinnamon
Rinse and drain raisins. Beat
egg lightly and stir in sugar and
butter. Sift together flour, bak
ing powder and salt Add to
first mixture and blend well
Stir ' in vanilla and raisins.
Spread in greased 9-inch square
pan. Stir topping ingredients
together and sprinkle over bet
ter. Bake in moderate oven
(350 degrees Fahrenheit) about
25 minutes. Cool. Cut Into bars,
Mskes about 24 small bars.
For the Children
Here's one for the kids.
Cook rice in milk in a double
boiler. Serve hot and crown
with tiny flecks of butter,
brown sugar and chopped
walnuts. Tie a good dessert
with stick-to-the-rib qualities
Chocolate Coated
Pineapple Chunks
Chocolate coated pineapple
chunks have a wonderful fruity
flavor and all you have to do
blot drained pineapple on
paper towels to remove excess
moisture. Then melt dipping
chocolate over hot, but not
boiling, water. Drop in the
golden pineapple chunks and
using two forks, twirl until
they are coated on all skies.
Lift out and place on waxed
paper until the chocolate is set.
Special 'Burger'
The teen-age crowd will give
their stamp of approval to
these moist and flavorful plne-
apple cheese-burgers. Broil
hamburger patties as usual,
then top with a ring of pine
apple and a slice of Cheddar or
American cheese. Return to
broiler just long enough to
melt the cheese. Sandwich be
tween split toasted hamburger
buns and serve immediately.
i v.
If sweet soft
Day; Picnic
This Glace
Pie Worth
The Effort
' A good peach pie is some
ting to bring praise to your
Peaeh Glace Ceeenat Fie
1 package coconut cream
pudding and .pie filling
2 cups milk
1 baked 0-inch pie shell
packa ge (3Vi table
spoons) orange flavored
.; gelatin
Vt cup hot water '
Vt cup fruit Juice and water
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
' 1 cup drained, sweetened
- slice fresh peaches
Vt cup cream, whipped and
Combine pie filling mix and
milk in saucepan. Cook and
stir over medium beat until
mixture comes to a full boil.
Remove from ''heat Cool only
about S minutes, stirring once
or twice. Pour Into pie shell.
Place waxed paper on surface
- 1 1 v
drinks leave you
IMS N.Uheity
Colorful Dessert
Cup cakes and ka cream
make a pleasing dessert espe
cially if the cup cakes are
decorated attractively. Di
vide your butter cream icing
into several parts. Flavor
some grated orange rind,
some with vanilla extract and
some with melted 'chocolate.
Frost cakes and decorate with
halved and chopped walnuts.
Pretty as can be!
of filling. Chill, i
Meanwhile, dissolve gelatin
in hot water. Add fruit Juice
and water and lemon puice.
Chill until slightly thickened.
Then fold in peaches.
Remove waxed- paper from
top of chilled pie. Spread gela
tin mixture over filling. Chill
until firm. Garnish with puffs
of whipped cream and mint
leaves. -
If desired, 1 box (12 ounces)
quick frozen sliced peaches,
thawed and drained, may be
used. Or use drained canned
sliced peaches.
Fresh, clean taste as you drink Sqxdrt...fresh clean taste
after you drink Squirt.never an afler-thirst!
Yes, if sweet sort drtnka leave yo reaching for a water . , :
chaser, then Switch to Squirt the ooa soft drink
that tan
Nut Bread
Is Good
Novelty fruit bread change.!
the humble sandwich into a
glamorous treat whether the
sandwich is Jumbo size for the
lunch box or dainty, bite size
cut in fancy shapes for the tea
Pineapple nut bread is easy
and quick, sure in the making,
and slices best when one day
old. The technique for making
this bread is the same as for
muffins. Sift the dry ingredi
ents together. Combine wet in
gredients and add to the dry.
stirring only to blend. Do not
Pineapple Nat Bread '
2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
. H cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
H teaspoon salt
1 cup raisins
1 cup walnuts, coarsely -chopped
' ' '
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla '
in i
say and prone never an aler-thlrst t
When you terra mixed drink,
and when you drink, be smooth about it..
Switch to Squirt, the SMOOTH mixer.
Try This Sandwich
Try this sandwich for hmch
sometime: Toast one aide of
bread. Spread tuna salad mix
ture on untoasted elaa. Top
with slices of processed Ameri
can or Swiss ebeese and btvj.
until cheese is melted. Good '.at
supper and late evening swxks.
too. ' : -
- S tablespoon melted shoet-
enlng , ;,
I No. 1 flat an 1 cup)
crushed pineapple, not
:- drained -: - - -;:
1 teaspoon soda " " ,
Sift flour, sugar, baking pow- '
der and wit into bowL Add.
raisins end nuts.
Combine egg,, vanilla and'
shortening; add to mixture.
Dinolve soda in pineapple and
add. Stir just until blended.
Pour into greased 8nx4"x4M
loaf pan and bake at 250 de
grees (moderate oven) about
one hour, or until done. Cool
on rack..
Serve buttered, or spread '
with cream cheese. - t
oven to heat uorougniy.
lation of heat
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