Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pt s
Wedoaadar. Mar 27, 1953
In the Valley I
Edited ky mou poebeb
Mif City
M1U City Mayor John Mulr
oi Mill City announced this
week that there will b a city
tlactlon June S. Measures to be
voUd on include atrtet drain
age and improvement. Elec
tion will be from 8 ajn. to
pjn. at the city hall. If the
election la favorable, the city
charter will be amended ao
that 179,000 bond issue can
be made. . . ;
by Evart Brewer, member
the eenior elaat. The addreei
welcome wu liven by Richard
Verbeck, Junior cleat presi-
dent Response waa by the setw
lor daai president, Philip Qo-
Bob Payne, Larry Spraige
and Evelyn Johnson gave en
tertaining pantomime perform'
ancei of various recording.
Elected to - memberahip In
Santiam Rebekah lodge at 1U
May 19 meeting were Mrs
Gladya Mason, Mrs. Hazel An-
dreason and Mrs. Minnie Ro-
ten. i.
- Committee for the evening
was Nita Horner, Ada Dart,
Ada Plymale and Grace Hutch-
inson. . t . -
The annual Woman's club
picnic will be held June 23
at the home of Daisy and Ida
Geddess. A no-host dinner will
be served at noon. New officers
will assume their duties at that
time. -
. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swan
and son of Portland are visiting
at the home of his parents, Mr,
. and Mrs. John Swan. They are
also spending pert of their v
cation at the coast
The next Marion county
health clinic to be held et Mill
City will be June 83 at the
grade , school, according to
Mrs. Robert Wingo, R. N. Im
munizations for pre-school
children will be given at this
clinic as well as any other nec
essary examinations. ;
The Juniors of Mill City high
school were hosts May 13 to
the seniors for the annual Junior-senior
banquet The 6:30
dinner was held at Whitiet
Santiam cafe. Grace was said
"Tiwsji iit'i'
Gates Open IsM
' at :
atari Tract. (Was.)
Mi la TeehnlMter
1 noM Wyoming
m Msarsra O'Hara
Ate MMl ..
la Clmtiiln- .'.
Aircraft Carrisra : .
la Avttaa . . : c ' '
Sterna sUyeaw, '
The second achievement cer
emony for the Mill City Camp
fire council was held at the
high school recreation room
Tuesday evening, May 18,
Mrs. Roger Nelson, PTA
president and vice president of
the Mill City Woman's club,
the sponsoring organisation,
wa sin charge of the Blue
Birds fly up.
Those "flying up" from
Blue Birds to Camp Fire Girls
were: Jo Ellen Agee, Lorrel
Holt, Donna Hurd, Doris
Hutchinson, Judy Kay, Shirley
Meeks, Marilyn Maiden, Ellens
Nelson, Caroline Podrabsky,
Sylvia Peterson, Linda Rows,
Judy Vashell and Sharon
Mrs. Harry Dyrnman was
presented with a national mem
bership award. Awarding of
ranks was by John Muir, Mill
City mayor. Speaker of the
evening was 8. T. Moore, forest
ranger, who spoke on conserv
Carol Cooke and Carol An
derson received half camp-
ships from the Salem office
Leaders are Mrs. Harry
Dyhrman, Mrs. Lee Pinks ton,
Mrs. Courtlend Rue, Mrs. Leon
ard Herman . (chairman), Mrs.
James Hurd, Mrs. Jess Lee,
Mrs. Arney Podrabsky, and
Mrs. Al Yankut.
Carol Lea Merrill, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrill,
la reported to be improving in
health at the Mayo cllne at
Rochester, Minn. The youngs
ter nas been undergoing med
ical treatment there for the
past six weeks. Mrs. Merrill is
In Rlchester with her daugh
ter. - , ...
The Mill City Garden club
will hold a cooked food sale
in connection with the annual
flower show. May 20. At the
conclusion of the show, flow
era will be sold at a nominal
cost to anyone' desiring them
for Memorial Day. - Mrs. Rach-
Buena Vista
Buena Vista Mrs. Paul
Dodle waa. hostess for the
Highland-Buena Vista Exten
sion Unit meeting at the com
munity hall Wednesday morn
ing. Mrs. Lindsay Ward called
the meeting to order In the ab
sence of Pres. Faye Callles,
The nominating committee
presented the following names
for new . officers: chairman,
Mrs. Howard Powers; vice-
chairman, Mrs. Lindsay Ward
secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Paul
They were elected unani
mously and installed by Mrs.
Cecil Hultman.
The demonstration for the
day was "Vegetable Cookerq'
with Hazel Wells' and Elma
Hultman project leaders.
In the afternoon the. Buena
Vista Women's club held
meeting, with Mable Short and
Henrietta Busby as hostesses.
The club will serve lunch at
the Frank Xrauger sale June
Tht summer club picnic will
be July 13 at Helmlck park,
The eighth graders of Buena
Vista school made a trip to
the coast Saturday.
Their teacher, Mrs. Lund
Home and her husband. Prof.
John Horns of Oregon College
of Education, accompanied the
group. Donald -Parkinson and
David Breedon made a separ
ate fishing trip camping over
night Friday.
el Olmstead Is chairman of the
Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olm
stead were Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Lewis of Prlnevilla.
' Mr. and Mrs. Harold With-
row, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hult
man ware among those attend
ing the Amana Freexer school
at the Thomas hall Saturday
We are glad to report that
Mrs. Luther Oiborn is able to
be up part of the time now, her
daughter, Mrs. John Hanks
Salem, is taking care of her
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Zeb MlUhouaar
were guests Wednesday
nlng In Monmouth at the home
of their son, Clair Mll'-housor.
Sweet Home
Sweet Home At the Asso
ciation LA.P.M. meeting held
in Portland May 17-18, Lady
Edith Rlnker was appointed as
supporter to the past presi
dent and Lady May Ingle wu
appointed banner bearer.
Lady Edith. Rlnker acted as
guard at this meeting, in
special ceremony Lady Anna
Weaver received the decoration
of chivalry and there to wit
ness this honor bestowed on
her great-grandmother was 10-
ycar-old Karne Anne Nichols,
Forest Grove.
Those attending from Sweet
Home were Anna Weaver, Iola
weaver, Doris Weaver. May
Ingle, Jenettie Farlow, Mar
garet Ulberg and Edith Rlnker
and Bernice Anderson.
The next meeting will be
held In Grants Pass In May,
Lee Compton took fifth
place In the 6-12 division at
the marble tourney held in
Portland Saturday and Charles
Trtpplet won seventh place in
the other division. - -
(ryjlil Gsnfess
Old Tint and Madera
Music by "Pop" towards
American Legion post No,
150 is sponsoring a Memorial
Day parade and services. The
parade, featuring the Mill City
hand, Boy scouts, fire depart
ment, honor guard, and the
Santiam Riders, will start at
:9 a.m., moving through Mill
City streets and ending at the
grade school gym. where mem
orial services will be held at
45 a.m.
The band, under the direc
tion of Earl Loucks. will olay
several numbers.
Song leader will be Rev. Lee
Joiner of the Community Wl-ne-ma, the Christian Youth
caurcn. invocation win be giv
en by Rev. Harold Martin, As
sembly of God church. .
Memorial Day address will
be given by Rev. Hugh Jull of
the Christian church. Necrol
ogy will be given by Rev. C. D.
Brewer of the Free Methodist
church. Cemetery services will
be held at the Falrvlew ceme
tery, beginning at 10:45 ajn.
Attending the 8. P. and 8.
Railroad plcnio at Benton
Lane Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. I. W. Pipkin, and grand
children Marilyn and. Eddie
Howe, Mr.' and Mrs.' John
Wooden and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Pegg and two children. The
car inspectors and invited
guests from the Albany, Eu
gene and Sweet Home division
were honored by the company
at this affair,
The Young People's class of
the Sweet Home Church of
Christ spent the weekend at
Starts Tealfht
Oaea t;tt
. Jasaes I law art -Jaaet
"The Noked Spur"
' Also
"African Treasure"
camp. ,
Members of the high school
class that went, are: Richard
Reld, Bill Spurgeon, Fred
Spurgeon, .Larry Ellis, Harold
Angel!, Vivian Trirpiett, Jan
ice Calvert, Donna Smith, De
lores Seaijeant, Norma Jean
Sawyer, Darlene Morris, Mar
garet Riggs; .Marilyn Rlggs,
Lucille Sheldon, Joan Wright
and Marianne Shepherd. The
group were accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Womack,
Mr. and Mrs. Nell Robertson,
Mr. and . Mrs. Merritt Sear
Jeant and Charles Trlpplett Sr.
Queen for a Day was the
theme for the Young Married
Couple's class of the Sweet
Home Church of Christ Satur-
you foot ' fij 'y:-"''-':
Amity One hundred ninety
six persons voted for the grade
scnoot Dona issue and 71 voted
against the measure.
The bond Issue is part of
the plan to standardize the
Dr. T. M. White was repre
sentative to the sessions of the
grand lodge IOOF in Portland
May IO-Z2.
He was one of the nominees
for grand warden and received
a large vote.
Robert Massey of Gervais wu
elected grand warden, Harley
booney, vuu orove, deputy
grand muter, and Harold Pat
terson, Canyon City, la the new
grand master.
John Glbba of Amity served
u grand marshal of the (rand
encampment Hazel Gibbs and
Rose Wood represented Indus
try Rebekah lodge at Rebekah
Assembly. The local lodge was
one of 22 Rebekah lodges of
the state receiving honor roll
certificates presented in person
by Mrs. Olive Heeny, president
of the Association of Kebekan
Assemblies. Winnipeg. Canada.
Hazel Qibbs wu selected as
co lor bearer LAPM. Others at
tending LAPM and Rebekah
Assembly from Amity were
Vernlshla Newby, Laura Stock
ton, Cora Newman, Margaret
White, Nell Turner, Mary
Gladys Turner.
tar. and Mrs. James stone are
the parents of a baby daughter
born May 19 at General nos-
Eltal In McMlnnville. The child
awana Lynn, weighed 7 lbs.
10 o. and has two sisters and
Rev. and Mrs. Frank K.
Mapes are the parents of a son,
Kenneth Wayne, 7 lbs. o ox..
born May 20 at General hos
pital. Ha la their first child. ,
The Amity Lions club hu
nominated the following offi
President, William Ford: vice
president Wallace Hewitt; tall
twister, P. E. Meeker, Robert
Haberly; secretary, William
Plue; lion tamer, Jack Wilcox;
directors, Adolph Nlelson, Al
bert Yoder. Election will be
held May 25.
and family spent Sunday in
Berlin. Ore.
Rv. and Mrs. Harold Beaty
of Yonealla, Ore., are spending
a few days with their daughter
and family, Mr. and airs, uara-
ner Johnson. -Miss
Flora Mae Slape. BJi".
attended an alumnae reunion
at the Canyonville Bible Acad
emy, Caayonville, Ore. Miss
Slape stopped over in Eugene
visiting the Dare rniuips, zor
mer park residents. -Work
week on the camp
grounds extends from May 25
to May 30. Pastors and laymen
from Oregon Assembly of God
churches are cleaning and
painting buildings preparatory
to the annual camp meeun
which begins June 20 and runs
for two weeks.
Bethel Park
Bethel Park Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Reed . of Eugene were
weekend guests In the Gardner
Johnson home.
Stumps are being blasted and
an area cleared for a children's
playground behind the admin
istration building.
Rev. and Mrs. Ray Cather
Sublimity Clement Lulay,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Lulay, wu stricken while re
turning to Portland Wednesday
evening. He underwent an
emergency appendectomy at bt.
Vincent's hospital in Portland
Thursday. Lulay is a student
at Portland University.
St Boniface High Alumni
association held its annual ban
quet and dance Friday evening.
Thomas Tate, graduate of
1051 wu muter of ceremonies.
Paul Belling, principal of
Gervais high wu guest speak
er. i -
Newly elected officers were,
president, Gordon Burns; vice
president John Stuekart; sec
retary. Delorer Wolf; treasurer,
Betty Wolf; historian, Bernard
Lulay and warden, Francis
A pantomime wu given by
Sandra Hill and Debbie Man
ning. .
Four students from Wiltsey
House of Music presented mu
sical selections.
The Women's Catholic Order
of Foresters held a regular
meeting Thursday.
Mrs. Rose Reisterer won the
plant for the mother having
the largest family while Mrs.
Ted Etzel received the plant
lor being mother of the young,
est child..
The court voted to subscribe
$25 to Santiam Memorial hos
pital auxiliary for - the Red
Cross blood bank program.
Unionvate MSgt Normanj
Gubser left by automobile
Thursday for Camp Kilmer, N.
J., for overseas assignment aft
er several weeks with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gub
ser of Unionvale and her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones
at McMlnnville.
His wife and 21-month-oldl
son. John, will remain here un
til he can get living quarters.
Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gubser,
ol Unionvale attended a Gubeerl
family dinner held Saturday
evenlna at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Ivan Gubser In the!
Pleasantdale district '
There were 16 members oil
the family attended. Captain!
Burly n Gubser of Bergitromj
Field, Austin, Texas, came the
furtherest to attend.
He came In a Jet plana Fri
day evening in company with!
another plane and pilot They!
flew from Ivan's home to It
sel's home then back to Port
land and were met with cars,
The other pilot visited relatives!
in Eugene. They left for Texas!
Sunday noon.
day night
The men cooked, served, and
were on the kitchen detail for
the evening. The queen, by
popular vote was Mrs. Royce
Lang. .
In charge of the program
and dinner waa Royce Lang,
After Investigation of Linn
County Sheriffs office, state
police ' and- local authorities,
three 17-year-old boys were
arrested and charged with
grand larceny and Charley
William James, 48, was taken
into custody for being in pos
session of stolen tools belong
ing to the Brlggs Construction
Donald Paul McNallan, Fos
ter, pleaded guilty in munici
pal court Monday, May 25, and
Judge Ed Russell fined him
$150 for driving while under
the influence of intoxicating
liquor. The floe was paid.
Albany Accumulated un
paid rentals on a jeep and pow
er line hole digging apparatus
totaling $4330 are involved In
a suit filed in circuit court
here by Leslie B. KeUey vs.
Dean McKean, doing business
u the Lebanon Electric Co.
Kelley alleges that he and as
sociates own the equipment
which was rented to the de
fendant at an agreed rental of
$20 a day for the Jeep and like
amount for the hole digger. -
Fairview Approximately!
100 natrons of the Fairview
district attended . the annual!
community spring club meet-
ing and dinner at the school
house Saturday.
The annual election of offl-l
cers resulted In Howard Ste-
w 1 j
As you all know the Radio Hams
were her in convention last weekJ
but what you did not know, or
even suspect wu this . . . they
didneat ham at aU, they ate
beef steaks. This to proof poduve
that the best beef steaks in the
country are served at the Marlon
In me Oak Room, in the main
dining room and at special dinners.
If you would enjoy a first class,
top quality, really tender and cor
rectiy cooked steak, come over and
eat at the Marion. By the way
getting beck to the Radio Hams,
you know those people were won
derful convention guests. I only
wish we could play host to them
every year. Tbey conducted them
selves u true ladles and gentle
men and believe me it wu a real
pleasure to have them here.
b Salea Vt fas IsM Merita, 14123
pheni being elected president;
John Allison, secretary-treasurer.
- Charles McKee, the outgoing
officer, wu president two
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steph
ens of Fairview district showed
their slides of Wuhlngton, D.
C, New York and Gettysburg,
to the Daytton grade school
Thursday morning.
Roberts The Roberts school
will dose this week with a
community picnic and potluck
supper at the schoolhouse Fri
day evening.
The Home Extension unit
will meet at the home of Mrs.
R. L Irvine Thursday at 11
ajn. .with a no-host lunch at
noon.. The subject will be
'care of rug and upholstered
furniture,", by the , county
sgent '
Webfoot Eugene Carr and
Ralph Lyman were the two
graduates of the Webfoot dis
trict who were members of
the class of 51 to receive eighth
grade diplomu at . Dayton
grade school Thursday eveninc.
May 21. 1
for two weeks
And Hii "Open the)
Door Richard".
All Start
Louise Beatty
As Vocalist
Chef Doa suggests yea
try his Barbecued Spare
Ribs with Baked
Potatoes ' .
Portland Road
The MINna w Tf-lm" Bast Man, eae
cjf t4 fcsHwtliSH irffvMo In M ptw MriN
M IUYIR PIIFEIENCII Again this year-ej la every lnle
post-war year-more people are buying Chevrolets than any other
car. For the first 3 months alone, Chevrolet si over 20 ahead
of the seeood-cholce car. Nearly 2 million mora people now drive
Chevrolets than any other make.
New high-compression power with a new 115-h.p. "Blue-Flame"
engine in Powerglide models and aa advanced 108-h.p. "Thrift
King" engine la gearshift models. New Power Steering to make
driving easier and safer than aver before (optional at extra cost).
IN NO-SHIFT DRMNOI Who an entirely new Powerglide,
Chevrolet's farther ahead than ever in automatic driving. And yon
get far better gasoline mileage, tool
M ECONOMY AND VAIUII Important new savings on gaso
line! Lower overall costs of operation and upkeep I And, again, k 1
(A lowtti-pricHl tint in la field. Come in and let us demonstrate.
CessMattioa of rveerttlde entgaatis traaaauaaoa sad 115
snsiM eptioaal ea "two-Tea" sad N Air skxMs at estra
510 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.
sweat a-eoee
Fred MacMurray
Vera Ralstea
la Trader
Kara teraea Treat!
Deaa Martin .
Jerry Lewis
Tyrone Power
In Technicolor
tMwatftV "wJ
CV "AaST BtnUH-a-M'iNEWdninitic J-f-T
s&Xrr0X nothraTet novel tra J
Wuef: 1rouaht to the screen by j&
i 'T0" tht producerg of i i us
1 1 Technicolor
llXJ & gm '-'JEAN . ; STEWART 4 Vf'
I f Git? W 1T1V - citt stiTsnavw nwv-n im
m Jam liimfi Abthitb Wrvpnic. .
-rs-r w" awvwaiv mm nniuvn 11 afemi SMUej saUUnlAaUrr
Year's Most
Unusual Picture!