J - ii Ji THE CAPITAL XOUIWAL, bum. ortgw Wednesday May 27. 1954 TACK ROOM GALLERY . I, . v. ' J,' ' "-.V VVJWW rdHsadsNew Mo!sl-Hofel Group 11m new Salem Motel-Hotel association mat Tuesday Bight and elected Dmer Odegard, op erator of the Mountain View Mote, af president Ourltt Robblna of tin Argo Judy Wolf. Tack Room Art Cillery director, polnta out to Sharon Keene, Junior, aome of the high lighti of the Tack Room Zxhibit, open through Sunday from one to i eight at 2345 Fisher Road. Senator secretary treasurer. Membert of the board elected were Russell Bone steel for two years, Robert Baker for one year, Frank Bligh for one year and Del Milne for two years. D. S. Orton waa made chair man of commute that will de- dent and Leonard Rowan of the' sign a tourist folder. Others on tezzllla MWi Eslbs 7 Co Off a aU Camelllaa Named HM a37 tfileweek variftlrs .-. 3 for I.W OfcZlzj E:si lish fiats rr Uw far, . . $2X3 I la aontalaers . ... $1.25 Per: null) I Asters , . I Tutsrcss Besfniss S! ? 2 w 35c ' I $2.50 - C annas, Beck Daphne, Bedding Plants and a foil line of Shrub. Closed Decoration Day. Knight Pcarcy Nursery - Open Bandar1 Tawa Yard S7I S. Liberty I Blocks South of State Ceaatry Tard en IIS, 1 Mile South et Brook i Jtef Green Stamp th committee are W. W. Chad wick, S. H. Donttead and Frank Bligh. Lewis Released From Jail in Portland One of two Willamette uni versity student accused of selling marlquana . at Salem, was released from Jail in Portland Tuesday after post ing 11,000 ball. He is Charles O. Lewis. The other student. Charles u Naoin. etill 1 In jail... They were arrested last Thursday. Finds $16,500 Ring, Sells it for $5 Fort Worth, Tex UB R. Masteron III, a Guthrie, Tex., rancher, was informed today that a $18,500 diamond ring he lost while staying at a ho tel here had been recovered. ' A hotel valet who found the ring said he thought It was glass and sold It to a woman employe for $5. Tack Room Art Gallery Extends Showing Period The Tack Room Art Gallery, Salem High School teen-age art exhibit, will be open to the public three hours longer each day and two days beyond origi nal planning. It will be open from 1 to until Hay II because of In creased interest, said Judy Lebanon Queen i To Be Crowned Lebanon Mis Audrey Mis- tret U, who was Hiss Oregon of 11 Will MAM T -.k. . Strawberry Festival queen in a street ceremony on June 4. Hiss Mistretta, a music stu dent at the university of Ore gon, recently appeared in Leba non a a featured soloist of th Civic Chora club concert Shu will also sing at th corona' Uon ceremony. Although Hiss Jean William was acclaimed as ton seller of strawberry fair pins and tick ets, the actual queen choice will not be made until June 2 ct the queen's ball and btnquet. Last Saturday the Lebanon court made Its annual visit to the Scio Fat Lamb show, and this week on Friday the group is scheduled to participate in the centennial celebration In Crawfordsvllle. FefeWjilUse Historical Flag Lebanon Annual Memorial day services will be held at the pioneer Sand Ridge cemetery at ii a-m. on Hay so. William R. Thomas, Lebanon attorney, will aeiiver tne address. George Simons. 84. will raise the flag, sewed by hand by his mother during the winter of 1862 when th Simons family uvea on a donation land claim near Berlin. Thia flag, still In an excellent state of preserva tion, was xirst displayed at a Fourth of July celebration In Brownsville ln.1883. It ha 88 stars. ' For more than . a (core . of years, the raising of this his toric family flag ha been part of the Sand Ridge Memo rial day service. ' Wolf, sophomore gallery direc tor. The Tack Room gallery. named because it Is arranged in the tack room of a low rac lng stable backgrounded with hay bales, red and white 'trim. and horse trappings, is the 1053 project of the Paletteers, Salem High School art club, a project possibly destined to become traditional affair if high inter est by art-minded adults eon tinues. Opening Sunday, the exhibit has been shown to students, faculty, and interested adults at 2343 Fisher Road, one road east of the new Salem by-pass east of town. The week-long exhibit was made possible through the cooperation of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf, Mrs. Dl ane Stearns, art teacher, and Judy Wolf. Various techniques, moods, and materials mark th first art gallery exhibit along pro fessional lines for the students. Art enthusiasts from colleges expressed interest in the ex hlbit at its Sunday forma! opening, declaring it waa bet ter than many colleges at tempted. Prize winners Delores Plena and Jack Strayffeler, winners of Scholastic magazine awards, have watercolors and tempera sketches demonstrative of their ability. Jack Eyerly, through a water color mural, exuresses problems of his age. Edith Fredericks, coupling sensitive poetic feeling with a sure line has included three illustrations. Jack Schrader shows artis tic enjoyment through his experimentation, now humor ous, now -deadly serious. Gary Weber and Jim Sbull deal with abstracts, Jim concentrat ing on Oregon. These exhibit ors are but a few of the m-iny talented youngster who show their talent in at least 23 dif ferent art media at th Tack Room Gallery. The Tack Room Art Gallery at 2345 Fisher Road, one street cast of the East Salem by-pass. Awards Made At Sweet Home Sweet Home In a special award assembly the following people were given letters in their special fields. The Band awarded letters to Delores Andrews, Marjorie Beckett, Dean Knutaon, Donna Linkle. Pat Ward. Eilma Wil a, Marvin Cline, Melvin Haley, Dick Hutcheson, Mary Mealy, Henry Mofflt, Marianne Sheppard, Florl Sloniger, Ethel Updegrave. Gold medala were given to Lloyd Yunger and Bobble Jean Davis. Letters in music were given to Barbara Menear, Geraldlne Guthray, Beverly Landon, Car ol Krogh, Bobbie Jean Davis, Vivian Triplett, Sharon Bur nett, Aria Roberts, Lucile She! don, Delores Serjeant, Janice Calvert, Francis Johnson, Grace Bennett, Jeanne Thorn- trough, Mary Jane Hyde, Mary Mealey, Chrissie Dayton, Anna May Wagner, Wanda Calster. Carol Bowser, Dalrene Peck, Barbara Monroe, Janet Walker, Katherine Cota, Lynne Ro berts, Merita Points, Donna Smith, Donna Lee Reynolds, Chris Skoog, Norma Sawyer, Herbert Drew, Edward Mur ray and Larry Sommers. . i Academic awards were giv en in Typing to Marilyn Mon roe; bookkeeping, Leola Gay lord; short hand, Barbara Hoy; English I, Carol Bowser; Eng lish IL Myrna Safley; English m, Barbara Menear; English1 IV, Bob Anderson; drama, Tru dy Hawley; foreign language, Trudy Heaeman; girl fresh- man-soohomore physical edu cation. Lorna Reed; girls Junior-senior P.E., Beverly Lan don; boys freshman-sophomore PJL. Erni Baxter: boys lun lor-senior P.E., Norman Hil scher; geography, Carol Bow ser; world history, Ethel Up degrave; . American history, Fred Chambers; social prob lems. Ida Fay Cole; general science, Wilson Latimer; biol ogy, Myrna Safley; chemistry, Dean Melling; physics, Edwin Ledford; math L Bruce McKay; algebra, Phyllis Barnes; home economics, Georgia Stevenson; shop, Larry Cummlngs; art. Gloria Minney; chorus, John Ophus; band, Ruth Martin; John Galey and Norman Sprague tied in the test given by the American Mathematical society. Each received a medal. Promotions Given 5 Marine Reserves Five men belonging to Sa lem'a Organized Marine Corps Reserve unit, Third 155 mm Gun Battery, have been pro moted from privates to privates first class. Four of the men in the group were from Salem. The fifth. who is from Oregon City, is Harold L.' Achtziger. The Salem men promoted were Frank G. Austin, 1135 Albert drive; Carl L. Fischer, 1305 Park avenue; Ivan W. Ge- ren, 040 Hoyt street and George Read, 1005 Garnet street Kaval Air Reserve ' Will Sf erf Cruise Starting a two-week cruise at the Naval Air Reserve Training Unit in Seattle Jun 1 will be men from the Naval Air Reserve AGU 802. Tat unit, which is attached to the Salem Naval Air Facil ity, is commanded by Comdr. Carl H. Cover of Salem. In the group taking their two-week cruise win be Cover, Lcmdr. Robert B. Hrysko, Portland; Lt Dwight Cather wood, West Linn; Li (J.g.) Jack E. Hill of Portland; and Lt- (J.g.) K. W. Llndholm of Portland. (MICK CASH LOANS for lost sitautt punhnts If. when yen wont to lake auick advontaae of a caih bargain or male a last minute pure hat that our fast loon service is aratt helpful. 25 to $1500 in 1 -trip cm (1) slgiMturl ton), (2) car or (3) furnltur ' tm. MM, imi How, JI7 OM. Phem 4-1SM V -j . ftae ' AD.WMim.Mtn MO ttO nt HOT k"AOT.VJ VfslsAlWc nJMtflrMMataV Mltflf 1 TOST lltfKsYIHVV WHb IV IUR10NM0TOBS 1 rv You'll "cop" real value in usee? cars from our lot Every car here is priced to sell fast Drive in today and get our trade-la figurea. HERE IS : . TOUR HOLIDAY DRIVING SPECIAL! 4NWraTWaflWITim KTAJJiD RSI m Md wJ car stM Ms wmk m emmm mi im) sua mm you can outperfo any othe in the loi s s s s ss lextiwM t wendarfutty compact, It Wight f landl, tlrivt and park In today'f traffk and tharo'o ampU ream for six. W don't k you to tak our word for what thia compact new kind of car will do. Because on any road, street, hill or highway you select, wall outperform and outdemonstrat any other make of car in th lowest-price field. What' nor, this compact companion of tha fabulous Hudson Hornet will do it with lea fas, oil, tire wear and maintenance than any of them! You think that' a powerful state ment? You're right! But the Hudson Jet ta the meat powerful performer you've ever seenl GIVE US IS MINUTES AND Will PROVI ITI 4 SHROCK MOTOR CO. 316 North Church St. Salem GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS . . . CHECK YOUR CAR limit I 7 Mil eaaaaaiHlaasaaaa I . - Wotto Popor Basket ' Riibbor Floor Mats . Plastic Cloth Lino Int arW ctrtn t ItsarM cekn VtI wleaosr, Iff Ise, 29c nhw Vaf leg. $f J9 nbn MM rtdihkiila,7taT . Jumbo Coloring . Aluminum Foil - Family Pkfl. Comb Crayons Shrptt" fa 2Tnt,lbfir "! 10 csate h cat) 15cnla. V teeds, lie 49c rL A49cnrat. "Dot" Roior B lodes Candy Ban Beauty Knit Crochor Esck kf. CMttka tlAiXt WWb tt 41 iW V " S i V b-00T. U htl Sb af Irasdi oaf I l49cTthM. mf f 49c Big, Fluffy Turkish Bath Towels (or $400 I mwmm Mitt ) Safe haU! rules and sell celen. NattonaUy adTCrttoe Wands. Stack aa for wtmXbt t eea. Mm' Draw Argyl Sox Van 10-12. Tow PA. 2 r- art Irrasi. l Mas priced mx. Sit. 59 for 1.00 Mon'i Knit Brlfs Dwm km iSgkt seftch Rut 4 Mt itrtd mr. S-M4. 21 Mitse Nylon Anklets Sum 1-10. 1st cobNtbti SngWrrop. -31 Famous Make SPORT SHIRTS 1.98 The best nine, yea ever saw (or the BMoeyl Fancy pat tema and plain cl era. Bayaa sheen, time gtnfhama, ray en shaatanss, krsad eMhs, etc SHant ly Irrer. Blurt sisee 1 t U. 1 NTLONB AND Nyksa Paekenttes 2.98 WeaM sell for 4JI3 tf per fect. Sat t.W! All aba, eslers, materials. METRO'S PRICE BUSTIN' SENSATIONS! LodlM' Dress Blouse Usual, ltd. VaLliSm liMrr iflAK BTiasi iirrm raV imfOV wwmwmm ww w e mwwt rnnilW 21 21 ioyt' ' tot 4-12. Mm niUa. Ideal tor Tenmls Shoot $98 136 NO. COMMERCIAL