4--W 1 . Pan ! . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea,' Oragoa Wednesday, May 27, 1953 ;:. 1 i "a I -1 i I 'V it. if tr too rui to sui oa sell a bomb, pajlm oa iKvmrniurT pbopbbty- CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS t ii fean J Satixfeeterr ' aeretaa THREE BEDROOMS ONE FLOOR Mm 1 that floor pud too bin beea Wok lot for. leralr Urlat room with fireplace, dlnlnc room, a awl cheerful kltehea. Three bedrooac colored bath. DeUo forced air ell beat. l-ear ter.ee aad li M Bear ' trade Jr. and Sr. hlah aehoela. walk. Tt I1MM U U u MUUurtlM buy. Immediate tocupancr. Severin Realty Company 835 N. High St. Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 8-3292 01P FOR SALE HOUSES Close-In M tftMloa. across from Bush Park Has It s M ombloat)oa living end din Hit room, oak floor fireplace , MlchtD with smell ilnf apace, Uni bath. 1 tearoom town, i up. lor other Uni bJrodm up. Mtotfa rcrfaco ratio. Oil fired bol water heat. BtMmnt. 44 i 110 lot with thrua ud paved alln. Prtee $11.70. . E.J. ZWASCHKA ntt c-rent at. Realtor phone mot am ar akkii -croe:a laoac Thompeon. Bntlewood eJatrlel. Im mediate MtHMlOB, PhOOO I-7J4I. Bill WALNUT PARK Attractive t-Mdreoa homo, newly redecoralod. tlreplaec automalU boat, I10.PM. Call Jim allot f:to p.m. weokdara. alM MEW 1-BeTDEOOM bono, hardwood fin. attaebad earacc 1 niloa aootb op Ban- nralde Road. -471. am T WNEB AND B.rLDEB Lane I badraon plaetered home, locatad 1040 If. Hid. Price 111,700. Term, available. ' Por appointment, eoateet ' William t. J. foctteb HOME BUILDER ltat outo Phono i-lioo. a 117-1 IfODEBN't bedroom boma on Vauihn Ave. cotnpletelr furnlahed or uofur- lihad. WIU lata bou trailer on ' don parment. Ph. 1-4(11. Bill iT OWlVBaV-Uu than PHA pprftlsal. llTlng room 1MB, flrtpi-t. dlnint room, ULfltMn. nook, 3 bedroom, den. . m he the. LIcnt buement, oU, tree. double carue. ApprojUaiately H acre. tra leu avaUablo. 1030 Olenrtew War (Xiaareod. Ph. l-4Ot. tlLtot. 1T fntKOWINDodroom lVk-itorp houM a beautiful croundt betweea coif ooutm and beach. Oil furnace, com- pleteH furnlahed. 4U.M0 each. Bra lat. Capital Journal. alM FOB UU or Kxchance, 77S leth. ttaa elde. Orei. Nice mod. Iioum, looms . lot, treenheuM, db. I urate, lath hotuw. for Ttntal or email acrtaee in or near Salem. alto iiooo worn Will except ear w trailer houee for $1000 euulty in t aedroom uburban ttome. Kut. 4 reari old. CLAUDI KIXjOORI ' Realtor and Auetloneer SM 01 LeAcaiter Or. Ph, WH ' ellf it OWNEaV-dlalea BeUhU achool dU- trict. I bedroomi on one floor, laree llrjof and diniu room, fireplace, brakrut nook In Meal kitchen. Au tomatic beet. Deubl erve. .fJeautl- ful yard ISsU etorate room at rear of let. 204T Stanley Lane. Out Uberty Hoao to arownint wait one Plonk. alio WANT A VIEW? Bubarbaa S-badreoas homa, aloa. to 1 arada achool, an a, aero, alaaa Inilda and ant. Lola or flavm, ibruba. Eur treat awa.r and Aara. Prlaa a7aoa. Thla ! a tlra-awar, but wa vant to aall. Phona i-4004. alio . - I Ba-DBOOM BOMB, I raara old 1(09 down. Pried (lo.aoo. Prlra br mi Ubortr Rd. allbn a. jomra. kialtob ail X. HKk Ph. Itna, Bra. Mill ... a' Balpm'i Tint Drive In Pit. -7007 IUI POrtTLAHD KB. Smith Real Estate FARMSl Ul Actual, tint tin. .flared for aal.. MM ft. M nunwar fraotaaa. plertB. Two-bedroom bona, lane aara. ataoblna ahad, Alao Bodara autloaaa walldlnt. M.w turbln. Irrlc.ttaa pump. All ceod aott, prlc for aulck aala, . IH.too. Oeod tarma. At AOItkB, pood elder rrp. tour-kod- - Poem noma, ramodrlfd and la a wau tlful atttlu af natural trea. Sprta, wat.r piped l. all bulldlnaa. Barn with a atanchlona. Lane chlckan- bouta, double cereae. All klnda of ; fruit. Ootid eell. tt mile la etor,4 ..i aad achool. Owaar ntlrlnc. Priced to aall. Iic.ooa. owner will trade lor a ood tbrae-kedroom bom. la 8.1cm. ta ACftKf trala and peaturo land Oood welt, bara and naeblaa ahad. All Bifida af farm machtnerr. aomo ateck poaa with aala. Older trpa remodeled borne. All tlnda of fruit. Priced at aalr , , .iioa, ac make oner. - Small Acreages Suburban! tt ACRBa, beautiful new, aad ' IB aattlnc ct .em. beautiful Ireca. - nva-rear-OM num.. two bedroom.. Nice Urine room with arperele dtaln. room, inaioo uillllr room. Lane aa- raae aad ehlckeBhouee. 11 dlllarent " kind al fruit treoa. Priced at aalr pp.rea. ACTA am Will Cnak, tkree-ked- ream noma. ale. llriat room and aep i ante dlnlap room, utllitr room. Barn ' and chlrkcnhouee. Part paatura, lo catad Turner auburbaa. Wall and altr water. Aillnc aa.KX. a ma 11 dowa. INCOME PROPERTYI WTtXX-lll no. Ineorae. aaparalc raBrh trpa aalla. Not aulto , , a raa aid. All hardwood floor, aad , ; ra eseeiient eondlUoa. Bach unit baa , wa ..a rale caraae. Barrllaal lore Ilea and each apt. ran line for Ml ma. Prlaa palp 111, Me. WAUCIMO DIATAHCB t. nerrthlncl werp daclrablp looatloB. Home plua fwralahed apt. Pun baaml. Immediate Boaa. Priced at (11.140. "BBBT BUY aalahberhood ireccrr." Tnia weu-aaiaailanad aroccrr la Eri lewood dlilrlcl ha, loralp Hrlnp caar. tera. Out of the ordlnarr. And buainu. anouth ta kp aaa aad wlf. an the bop. Bom. credit dona bar. which u 104 4 ood par. Call u. for more iaui. we win w Had to Ilaarc with rau. Owner wmhaa to retire, aa mlcht aonaldar pood Iwa-bodrosm kama aa part perm.nL ask ron ctrTDB on BMrrrr oa THIBB all!' cLAaairiru AiiriiBTiiiNa Per Word timet u Par Ward it Per Ward, I amao la. Per Word, I Booth tec N. Befpada ktlalBBB It Ward. BBADkBA la Ueal New. Colette Oalr. Per Word ta . Hratmam It Warda Ta Piaw Ai la Same ra1 raprr, Pharw t-t0 Mara 1( ajn. FOR SALt HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES LEAVING STATE. WOUld like U Mil nod.ro I bedrooa hMM Bleetrle boat. Conn lot. (.144 aaah c MWO trmi. imir Diet, pnoae 41031. 11 BI OWNER, Bedera 1 bacTroea bona. Laria lot. toed location. Oak treee floworc ehrubc SUA Castor. Ptaan 1-7171. . PI !' BMALL nodora bouaa, aaroa, aonaldar houaa Irallor aa dava aaraiant. HI. I, box 4a, afaalaap Baad. all7 1 BCOBOOH, alawrl 1 aara. Hoslr la. Urlor docaralod. 44304. axw down. 144 par ataata, laaalra uh Braaa d. am FOR SALE LOTS CITY LOT acroad front BUbataad aabaal. Ph. 3,043. aallf. ON COBMIB af Boltaa pad PraooU AH. La rot tot, arm 41,400. Lot, at i 110. o4 haataatM aa vaal atda. lailda altr. Kaatrtotoal (a faood aoaua. Prlaa aaaa. X. J. XWAAOIKA, BJUlvrOB. flOHI 1-4011. aalia $500 Down 20 YEARS TO PAY oo bv S-tMlrooa hoao. Dlnlnt room. oU haftt, pavm trMt curk, idtwaiki. MVtT. I-MU. Oil! FOR SALE FARMS IXTBA BPICIAL . AM A. CAaballa all! loam aoU. aiaal 1.nt for anr trpa fannlni, all undar Irritation, lata far boatlav and tub lac, alfalfa daaa wall, aav la dlvarat- flad aropa. s laraa alloa aad IMdlna barna, eropa da not 0. 1 t-B K. bouaa and 1 t-AVB. bouw. AlMaM, with At), apt down, tarau aa baiaaea, 17 AotBS I1I.TM aartk .all aultlraud, on pavod blab- war. coea Bur, no aidta. A CHOICB M Atrat Tanulaa Boltam aoU. I ll kauaa, daakl. taraaa, lea. ahad At lhar Maaa, akaat 4 A. ta ara. trri- aauoa wau u irntata an. m.poa, ORADB "A" 141 A. dalrr nam. (. ban, 14 atanchlona, ethar bldaa, erar IT-tb. a not, mi A. bar, II A- Irrlaalad paa luro, I aprlnoa, paar 'round 4trt.ro, 4-B R. noma, pump paaa. 131. too, with It down. Por informatlaa about thaaa and otbar tarau,! call pur farm Ban, Don wail. Burt PicKa ffl H. BU h at. Braa. 4411 Oft: 1-4047 bill TOWN FARM ft aaraa ar Iba ftnaat WlUamalU aflt. bu IB wnoai. auitaaia ror aimaat aar kind af fanalna. Wttbla aaa bim af Amltr, pail. A all-room bouaa that to in up-top condition. Tbra. bMrooma, aompoaltloa roof. Iaculatad, wirad for auctrla ranta. Cltr water, achool bu, br door. Portr br alatr barn, four hua-drad-btrd chlckM heuaa, workibop and carate. Bldarlr widow will aall for llt.ooo with oalr t&004 down aad par manu will atari fall at MM. ar will taka am all beua. la Salem aa pan parmaal, Tbu baraaln Ibtb U llated witn aa aur. Severin Realty Co. IX a. Butt 4-Mtl, iraa. I-MN I kit.. FOR SALE FARMS HOWIXL PRAIRIX BEAUTY 1 aeree. an extra vail BBHwawadt a Ttnifled farm eo paved road. 14 aerea ef tbornlua eaaeberrlea, 14 acree of otrawlnrrlea. about a Mra t Kb fruit and nut. Alee tome era to and peeture land. A rmrmrt i.ia.k..iii bedim noma vith baaement. Cod reiHueni irrnauot. Tiihte. oalr wUUfiL. aat 6nn mm a-. wwt bow in atHtm. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 111 S.uth Hlah street Phoa. I -trot Phona araalaca and Suadar: 4-1411, 1-leU, 4-1144, J-4,7(, ,.UI. bin 20 ACRES awme peaverdam land e ft. All I F:aee. nouee vacant -- to. eve. F. H .Weir, Realtor U7 a. Commercial . Phaa. JP411 bltT FOR SALEACREAGE J3.000 TI4 4raa. Iccalcd watt. Ooad hl.cb t? '.ii! "'tala l-room home Purnlahtd witn iood turaltura. Wen and BlIUI, bout.. ,, ,,. fchoe "a door. You don't flad IhU cau ojr. auii, co-o. Broker, ar ATAKLTT BROWS, with State Finance Co., Realtors tat a. aiek at. run 'aaiaaa l-HCI . I im bbltr REAL ESTATE SNOP at lllk a aula. Pnaed l-t'nli worm. a. nmrvB.nt RANT. WIU trad, ar pall with toad MALL. MOTTO. AND BraOrBBI RSMT- raj.rvDjion and APPUANCB Bra. " vrw aiev..o areea tact pear. "nJlimAL un. oeod lanuaaa. 2l 1 "nio Ton a noun " tra.wuw VUArai, CONTACT REALTOR M4I H. Capital at. Bra. t-IPII all 1 v- i a a m INDUSTRIAL SITE tlacrea, 1 kwckl (rota tttp llatta. Conauta af laral lead, laraa l-bodra em heme, bara. rear creek . Sellrat far 14.400, tormp Ileal 4ewa aad AM per moo lb. Future potential taoka toad bare. Ben Colbath, Realtor REAL ESTATE Close In Acreatre I Aara locatad Baal aa aaa Una. Bu iood. BOdera, l-B R. boaa. Baatmcat wita atl luraaco. 1-car taraca. Paul. trp baaa.. Baautlful lawa aad akruba. Oardaa. price 114.404. View Home with Trees Ltcated Weal, taalda af cltr. Lari let. Thla apacloua l-B B. homo with be Mm. ot aad atl beet. Baa lfx37 L.B. with fireplace. D a. Kluhaa with Uu .f bullt-ina. Aa Ideal home awar froa the aolae aad traffic, but ret aa cieae ta a.wa towa. prico (14.000. Washington School PisL Thla t-B.R. boaa It ka lb. beat af aandltloa. LI. ItaJl with fireplace DR. Hilt. Bltcaaa flalabad ta nat ural tlaUh. Attached taraca. Thla boma eloae ta eoheel and cltr bua Lane let with pleatr ahruka. fjewen Ai treaa. Aa Ideal lamilr beau. Price tll.aw, Northeast Dist. W.ndarful l-BR. boata aa MUM let. Home la aatra eleaa. Baaameat. OU beat. Oaraca. aprlakllac craum la lawn. Prull aad aut treaa. Better aak ta aee thla bom. bitten II at a ' bur for ei.rM. Swegle District err 4 ood l-B. B. boa. oa w.U-kept MrJll lot. Oood well. 14alt tar. TBla boa. la located amont a ood homaa aa blacktop road. Wa think that thla ta the aleeet email eereace w. bar. bara la a lone time far I7.PM. $10,300 New, aoaCra t-B. a. boaa. eaet. Auto, all beat, iarae taraca. Lot looalPO. 1 Oood coil. Cloae to achool aad bua. l.oot dowa. Balance P H A. 18,890 Acre with ntw. attractive t-BR bom.. D.R.. utll ra. Auto, oil forced air fura. Oood w.U r' caalnt. Black top ilrttl. cioea to sma. Il.loo aowa. $6,790 Voir Beat, late . kuUI t-B B. hortr aa oaraaa Bd. Laraa lot. Oood wt.L cioaa ta aanooi. Taraa. $2,900 Small l-B R. modern hoece on 8. Rob BUI. Borne built on back af let. Oood auiMiac location, soma furafture. WaJ aut treee, tc ii.aop aowa. Can O. bum. co-op. Broker, ar ATTANLkY BROWN, with , State Finance Co., Kealtors Ml a. Blab St. Bvcnlnca tstot. Ph. 1-4111 J5I41 C117' Colbath BEST IN VALUES . $650 LESS THAW PHA APPRAICAL. WAS A7S0. MOW $1100. This makes a aharp bur In brand new bdrm. home lttb lerea XaR, nice kltehea with eating area, lovely bath different than moat. lean lot with new lawn In. JUXffXDIATX POSSK88ION. OOOD PHA TCRJIS TO MATCH. XXCELLXHT LOCATION. SS PAVID, KVK. PH. 23024. BEST BUY lit TOWN FOR MI34). ANOTHIR OOOD BUT la brand new l-bdrm. haaa, ereellent location, bra. lot, wcll eont troeted. larto Urine rm., clamor. oua kit, dinette, t Inner than arcraac bdrma.. attached tar. ALL ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED. MA HOO. DOOR THROUGHOUT. Mora in for 13.000 DOWN. NO FINANCE PTES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 8KB MRS. OOLXBBEE, BVB. PH. Kill. HILLSIDE HOME WITH B-nTIPUl. VI aTW OP SAT-Elf. mounUtns hills. HOT OFTEN DO WB HAVS SUCH A HICS BUT IN ntarlp new l-bdrm. home with hdwd. firs., fireplace, lorelr bath, kitchen Is a dream, da-lliht basmt. Immediate poeseulon. Selllne war below actual eoal. 23M down, balance tfl? per piomUi lac. taxes, tl;- Ins.. Int. PUB. OUT OF BTATW OWNER LIT TTNO THIS OO POR flfM. SCB VAN WORN, MVM. .PK. 417UO. 5 ACRES - HOTEL HOWELL PRAIRIE DIST. Oa pared road. I choice terra with Fuddlnt rlrar frontal a. Lane country home with bdrtna., clean At neat. Maor oulbldta. (aU In tood aondltlonl. THIS IS A OOOD BUY FOR eePM. TRADE FOR SALEM HOME. SEB T. T. AN DERSON, BVB. PH. 41114. orrica dui. llllllllll tlllllllll BUY (IIIUI(44lttt4tM 44111411111111 LIST IttlllllllltUIIIIIII M4MIUII U llllttlHI (444(411 It huh it SULLIVAN KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Heat aa a pin, this charmint l-bdrm Is well situated on en overuse let In one f Salem's beet res Manual dJa- trlets. The verd petto is a natural to make lata a third bdrm. This house plastered throughout, insulated to save luti. naa hardwood floors, auto, ell furnace, a fireplace, llfto ee. ft, of floor specs. The tmtlr slop ,lar lawa la well landscaped with pleatr ef space for a larte tardea. The price a iis.ooe. ar tner wtll trade for i entailer piece ar let in the Kaiser dle- WHt, S BDRMS., $1000 DN. Just I blocks tram Itli A blocks from Baker actiool thu elder tf e-Mfio. none. Tble place Is wall kept, has oU heat, la ptaatered, and a lane 10x14 u till 17 room an the ground iwa ini nca - eeBBf. DRIVE BY IPM Saclnaw en Falra.uat Hill th. loc.tloa. Notice the Undacaplna and the ntlehborhood and then phone aa to ac Ibreuth that place. Here rau hare a full haeeaent. a fireplace, hard wood froora up and down, automatic lurnooe. oouaio piumblnt, tiled hatha and a well-landtcaoed and i..-. loaded with ahruberp with a atparatt euttlnt tardrn la the rear. lelnt cloae o acoeoit arm who Due atr.lce prac. twallr at the front door, thla 4-bdrm. r tec tor in. i.r. er trow tnt famllr. The tint floor bee 1400 " It- the houaa waa completed la wen. tea to aao tola aa.. ENGLEWOOD DIST. a pieeieni aaiahborhood a a aul.l ctraet add la the dralrahllllp af thla Eaalewood heme There la a fireplace eu forced air beat. The lane floored aula It perfect ta be made Into I tiirt bedroomi. If rou aetd mora than the I on the flrat floor. 11 la located " item aaaiewaoa acbaol a aimcat oa the bua Una. The la an Indoor atllttr room a a Broerete din. Int room. The interior finlah la plaa- li'lll l,lU Th prk' Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR I Ml Portland Road Ph: kr aftice. ill n Hub Pk: lo. pha: l-PTM, 4-Maa. I-MM 4-1411 4-M4I 4 111' wa bown. ( r.ar-eld Kidtoem boa.. Suburban. ISI3A. ALLAN C. JONSa Mttma Ul a. Hlab St. Pk. aut. Ire. mu 44494,2-4552 y G$ f inn -1 To Place Classified Ads REAL ESTATE ROY TODD Real Estate WE HAVE MOVED OUR OFFICE TO 2319 STATE STREET CAPITOLA DISTRICT Pear reen aid. aaa bedroom, alee bite htm. Urine, bath. tat. let la aicalleal teeellaa north. Oloea to electa At ached. Oalp 11104, call i Mr. Vaaderrert, caleamaa. ENGLZWOOD I bdrma. Nice tlrlac, kltahaa with cat. opacc. wired for raaca. Oa raaa. Lot 42x111. bice lawa, anniee. I walaata, 1 apple, 1 aberrp. trapaa. Oalp 44404. caU Mr. Buck, aaleaaaa. I . 4-BEDROOM, LATE MODEL A faallp bona roa will mlor. A eerr atealaat haaa witfc fire place, a I itched taraca, oorerod pane, aa pared atrett, eleaa ta all eoatealaaoaa. Oalp 11140. Call Mr. Todd. BACK YARD FISHING 141 aa. farm, fenced eroaa-fenecd. M ac culurated. 4 aa. atraw- kerrlaa, bal. ta trala. Caw aara. aheap bara, ehtck. baa., I turkar kaaa. f flah poada. 1 abundaaUr elocked. fed kr aprlaaa. atrdara l-bdrm, bam with Urine, dlalac. kluhaa. I BL froa aaaU towa. Oalr (11. tot teeludlaa cropc Map trade far motel. Call Mr. Slapana, talMaaa ROY TODD, Mil auto a treat Taadarrarl t-IMI: Todd MR. FARMER! HERE IT IS1 This M-ecre farm has Terr poed fmproremenU. t-bed room modern borne, full basement, dble. earace, walk-In freeeer, tooo e. ft. brooder space, l-dStanchion barn with cement floor, S good well. Por more In formatloa or eppt. U see, sail Dale Barb urn. SUBURBAN SPECIAL-$2950 Hero'e a deadr l-bdrm. seme constructed of pumice block, locoed oa Brown road with appro. V acre. Ooa't hesitate on this. PuU price oalr ltu. Terms. caU Chek now. ia-ACRE SPECIAL Thla l-bdrm. hone for OOSM needs an owner handr with the paint brush. Drive br tots Vvenreen Ave then caU Date Rarburn for ap potntmenl to aes. Terms If desired. TRADE 1480 SQUARE FT., 3 BEDROOMS OppoTtunltp Is knocking open pour door br trading pour l-bedroom borne for tau new t-bedroom on one floor, fireplace, auto, oil heat, bae 1400 aa. ft. Owner Terr anxious to sell or trade, asking I14.1M. Hurrr ar.d call Chat. TREES! TREES!! TREES!!! Waodar aettlnt li the cltr, .leaptlon allr alee trounda, with manr abruba, ouutda patio wltb fireplace and rock tardea, katemeat, forced , air beat, llrtnt room, dlnlot room aad lane nook. Twa alec bad toome. Oalp 110,000. CaU Tlbbctta. SUBURBAN 2-BDRM. HOME, 1075 SQ. FT. Thla borne la located oa pared at. 100 s tot lot. I blocka to ah cool, t block, to cltr bua. FuU dla. rm., bit Ur. ra., alt. I trace aad aitra car port, Oood laraa. (4,100. CaU Jim. OWNER SAYS TAKE OFFER Very seat 1-bdrm. Snglewood borne. This la one 700 can't afford to tnlas. call Jim. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) toco a. Capitol " Office I-4M4 or 4-1711 Bvcalat pbonea Ttbbelti J-14N Jim I-B7I Chat l-(3!( Dale Rajbura 1-3041 Grabenhorst Specials BAST - SUBURBAN Dandy l-bdrm. home, approi. 1300 to. ft., pica bit lot. Lawa and ahruba. Homa la I rra. old. 111.000. CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER SELECT YOUR HOUSE FLAN Wa will build to etllt you cat a lot of pour choice 1b Caodalarla Hclrhta. Plnanclnt WIU be arranted for auallfled jpurchaaera. CALL PETER OEISER FOR DETAILS ROOtl TO BREATHB Lovclp l-bdrm. homo on Suburban View lot 100 I 100 ft. Lie. rm. with raited fireplace, lea. din. rm. kltehea with lie. nook. Full baamt., dble. plot., dble. a trace. CALL t. B. LAW. OPPTCB RENTALS Immedlatclp North of Underpaee on Portland Road - 11 a 10 rooma, auto, boat, aaphalt floor eoverlnc, off-etreet parklat. IN each room par month. CALL C. L. ORABENHORST loot DOWN I BDRMS. Ur. rm. with fireplace,, din. rm. brkf. Book la kltohen. Full baamt. Oaraca and nice rard. No. I bualaaaa tone Oood terme. CALL H. X. LAYMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 S. Llbertr SI. Brtnlnta a Sundara call -. B. Larmea i-lill I. B. Law l-llll Peter OeUer I-M4I Bop Farrla Carnival! Carnival! LIBERTY ROAD AND BROWNING AVE. May 28-29-30 Fun - Rides - Games Proceeds go to of Joryville Park SPONSORED BY South Salem Suburban Chambers of Commerce aeeyeeeeoeee. ...... ceeoeooe'eoa.cccaecaoeecc.e. c. ...a REAL ESTATE NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES TRADE OOOD OPPORTUNITY FOB BLDERLY COUP LS t. bar, thte aeat, aleea. t-bdra. boa. Oil fir. furnace, tood-alaed lot, out af altr Umlte. Owner wanu ta move aloeec In. Prka I7IM. CaU Mra. Wool tea. TRADE la-UN IT APARTMENT Owntr'a htallh force, llauldatloll Woadarful aarnlnl record aettlnt aver 701 per mo. Proportr In iood aond. Bacelleal urate Bar be arranted for auaiuied barer. Owaer win accept homa, eoatrecte. or morttacaa aa dowa parment. Prlca 171,00a. Call Mr. caBtdt. TRADE SUBURBAN aROCER Y FOR HOME W.l.iocated atlihborhood atort aartlnt a Una termor,, prelttable lamiir operation, urine .uartera on premleei. lnrentorp 46004 to (MOO. Cau Mr. Schmidt. TRADE BNOIXWOOO DISTRICT " Thla attractlra aawlp radactrated home Wltb I bdrm. la I blka. from Bnaleweed achool. Raa dbl.. taraaa. Lane, ftaccd-la .beautiful rard. fruit, ahruka. tardea Priced ll.tot. WU1 trade tor -bdrm. home ar 1-bdrm. borne with unflnlahed atua, aaburbaa. TRADE fM-ACRE DAIRY FARM A iood atrial dalrp rare, p.w mlltlnc parlar. aaw aanrreta atare alia loetlae ahad M a tot arc pert af the tmprovemente. A iood order a. rm. bouaa. Meal lor famllr. will trad, far Betel, raaldeatlel court, boa. ar athrr proportr. Price PI. aaa. Stork 4k mlpaeeat lacladod. Nelson & Nelson aPBAUEINO REALTOR ' Tai a. auk st. ra, i-itaa ai' REAL ESTATE REALTOR Office pboac 1-18.1 Sli t-Ulli Ruch l-7lt 1-1711 Ph. 1-1471 1-U10 till the development el 77 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOT ICS t If your property is for gale, rent or exchange, Ust It with ue We have all klnda ef cash buyers STATS FINANCE CO.. SKALTORA I4J SHtibSl ce" WS RAVE several canh burs for I and I bedroom home, in the better dlst. If rou wish to sell, please contact us. SEVERIN REALTY CO. Ml N. High St, Dial 4MU. Eve. .UOOl ' a HAVE BI TIP! far laraa ock and aheap ranch. Prefer tome Irrlaatloo. What hare pout Al latak, 1011 PorUand Road. Phona 4-111 1. ce lt ARE la aeed of tood bouaa to cell, ta ar aear Salem. If raa wiah ta lut pour property for acta. to. ORABntKOIUTT BROS. REALTORS 114 a Llbertr Ph. 1-1471 ca WANTED GOO a, newtr. 1 or I bedroom homa. Oood location. Pboee I-I7U ovonlnca. titll USINESS k INCOME Caiitol Lumber Fuel Co. Plrwoad aerea, aM trowtb fir, planer trlmmlnee. Pboac 1-1711. 1M aa. Coa'l. JOE PAL00KA fit-My. mL.i REAL ESTATE Outstanding BUY. ante a era. eld. Twe-padreea plaa- Brad aaaa located oa pared atraat eloae la aaw Meralacttd aaboaL I block to treat. Booatr kltcbaa with kroehlBBl bar. BardweMI floora. OU furaaao. At terete atuiir. Aa aitra ater attaebad aaracc Plreplaaa. Larte Itaallt ft. let. Nice lawa. Can pott Imaaiae all thla far aalr M7tct $750 DOWN bura pour aaw t-hedreea baaaa. Oalr aaaie fuU enca. Loralr dlolat room. Ported air oil beat. Laria picture wtadow ta llrtat re. at. All bardwaod floor.. Larta attacked aar act. pared at., aldewalkt aad dl rawer. PHA. Daylight Basement Bread aaw. FuU beta meet wltb lane darllabl wladowa aad a fireplace far a dea. Alee a baautlful fireplace la Uelat room. A dreaa kltehea. t Isf.lr bodrooma wltb lan. .loaeta. Attached atraat. In .Ida cttp limit, aa paved ctraet, dec. ta acaooL A let a! beau far aalr (ll.tte. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Baulb Hltb Street Piieaa 1-4101 Phona crcalnta and Bunder: e-1171. 1-1441, 4-1144. 4-Ult, 1-1344 Cll4 USINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL OBOCEBT. Urlat auartan aoa Bected. WU1 trade for hem a la Satea. Ph. 11071. caul' WANTED FURNITURE 51 ffljffffllt 'SBxfiSZ To AUCTIONS Sudtell's' Auction LWErT TOCT FURNTTURB till SUrtrtoa Rd. Pbooo 1(041 It A.M., MUc. Furniture, Dlahee, Trailer.. Farm Machmarp 1 P.1A. UVTATTOCr. Chicken, a rabblu. calfa a teal. waaaar 4t feeder pica, 4 Yorkahlre brood aowa. Bilk a keel eowa, hetfere, bulla, ataare, ahaep a toata. Alwara a tood uvaitoak aala. 1 P.M. FURNITURE Balance of aetata of Robert W. Stta antra, 1131 Florence Deluxe Bl.c Kama. I Pe. Chroma aat (yellow. Frleaa Darcno (like Bawl, 4-ln. Joint er. 11-ln. Throat Band eaw, Miter Bos, 1 Efec. Motor., t-la. Port. Saw (Maiamltt Band Toola of all klnda. I Pc Mabot. Bed Rm. aat. I Fe. Maple Dla. Rm. aat. 18X11 Draw Fireplace acnea. Fireplace Tool, eh Baakat, Contur Chair, Flraplaop Mirror, I Pc. Chroma BK tat, Rtdicc. wal. Twin Bad Rm. aat, 1 Fe. WaL Din. Rm. act, Mattreeeea M Boa Sprlnea, Bada, Draa- era. onalra a Manr MUc Artellai. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION BALES YD. ddlll FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BEOUTXBED Harford bun. Two yaara okl aioo. rnoao i-Tut. ain NEW CUSTOM MADE Waa tarn eullted double rle aaddla. Coal tlM. Aakna 111. sac at l M. Hltb office houra. alio LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCRIB BEEF White fact Jtrtford. aac Locker pork. 15c. nothlot dowa. t mac pay. cuitom amine. Trauar waaaa free solea Meat Co. till s. Itth. Ph. l-taal oa PETS MOOSE TBOPICAL PTiB, Parakeati. turtiaa, auppiiea, p bum irom Laacaa ter oa Madcap road. (-1771. Claeed wedneedare. ecltl1 aoLLiwooo AaiiAaiin ipu Mocor, one block caat of N. Capitol, lVj lecae aaraa ei apMicoa. rn, i-aier ecltl. TO OIVB AWAY Mala dot. Country noma preferred, ucenaec pan. 4 lot 3 eclIT t BLACB. MALI Cocker papplac 17.00. ezeei. cellt MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA popplac Phona 41071. 43M Durbla Ara. OC117- WANTED, yount Bale boxer, watch doc rnonc p-tipc. telle CHOICB CANABUt Price raaau. ... Phone 1-4144. 1141 ohamtketa a . ccl.tv WANTED Homa la couutry for tuirt- land aheap dot. (Mlalaturc Collltl. Af. fectloaate, llkea cblldraB. t-tut. eclll FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. It- CLEAR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , Pickup Wood 111! Ediewalar Pboaa Salem 1-4011 FOR SALE POULTRY OOLOEN BROAD and New Bampahlre chicks, batched every Monday and Thursday. Our chteke crew factor. Pot's Batcbery, 1134 State St, Ph. I-4M0. f PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTAfOES-Metted Oema, plant aar time now to uir. ii eo per 100, Phlltlpe Broe.. Rt 0. Box cel. 1 miles eaet 4 Come re as State St. Ph. 43011. ff SEED POTATOES, onions, 1.00 00 lbs. Battue poutoes pee oo iba. JU Ped. 1230 Portland Road. 4-4071. fMM HELP WANTED STBAWBEBBY P1CBEB1 RetUttr aaw. It acre l alia north af Salem. Kurta a Ureiler. 44(11. tlM ANDSEtEN FABM aaw rwutarlat tlraw. berry plekare (tat n. Laacaatar Dr. Phoa. 41141 r 41111. till WHAT A CXJT. NET. LIKE MV CWN oON.,.c I 4AS CL0 ENOUGH rHAV HELP WANTED Of MILL CITY Cerilllialiat far Ccp Ital jouraal. btaat bar. typewriter, taaet cxpcclaaao. Ooad par for part time work. Caataal hake Ferae.. Pel. tap Seller, capital doaraai. Ore. aanieTaa aaw far aatktat atrawbwrtac Lan. .Waa tttld aa MS berth. Clot. IB. ye rati Lane arm, aeae rwuwj. Bat. Pboaa 1-111. UU BajrraD atrawbarrlM aad Boypaaa, Lacanc BoUaad J err. tat B. Front at Paie 11ML after IBU tltll Salem. Ore ( want a axaay Ficauaa. tuo Brooke Art. .at Cherrr Arc to Clear .View, la Brooke Ara, Fbaaa afur p ar- tin BSOMYBBINa STBAWBSBBY plekare fo M aerec Proa irMiaportetura lor troupe af alt er more oroupa who waat arearpertatlaa Pa. 41174 ar drlre aorta aa Pert lead Bd. la Totem Fata. Tarn ntbt, drl bp Laklah Ceator raad. Tura left aad aaa all. la BUI WUuamaaa Boa atrawbarrp aara- ail. Rl. I. BOI I4IB. till STBAWBEBBY PICKEBS wanted. 11 acta trrlcatea. sue crop, ueoa par. Traaaporutloa furalthed. Re, ater al Ml a. Hub ar caU 1-tlOI. tilt' BESSY PICKERS aa platooa. WU1 be ready lal thla montn. oood paien. Tranaporuttaa furnlahed. cau a-cuo. Mn. Marah. aut STRAWBEBBY plekare tea later aualaea aerea af baary crop, wiu a.od pouncaten for a platooa, alao waat drlre-ouu. H, L. rearer nur. aarr. fu. 1, Box 141. 4-1(14, I lie' WANTED Berry plekare 1 aula from city balls cat Cherry Arc to Alder. tura rUbt ta Brooke Arc. then luro left, sua wiu direct to 11.10. rn. UM, L Hartaaa. 41N Brooke Ara. 1144 WANTED lot atrawberrr pkkara. to recUter Bow. A. M. Zaharc Bt, 1, Box 411. Ph. 4111. IV. alio caat of Totem Polo aad Vt mile aoutb. tuo STBAWBEBBY PICKEBS Lane acre. ate. tood ptcatat. Max weode. I Bllaa aaal af Cbeaawa Totem Pole. 4-1011 lilt SYSAWBXBBT PICKEBS M. McCoa- aau, lilt cuelew, aft Cherry Ara lilt BEOUYEB NOW for atrawberrr plcklnt. acrtt eleaa, IrUatad ocrrlaa. 1 mile waat aad aorth from Kelaar achool. Joraonaen-Evana, 111 Wat Bowden Lane, Salem, phona 4-lP0t. till STBAWBEBBY PICKEBS. Platooa for Dowaay Farm, out Keuer war. MX- celleat berrlw la IrrUated patch, hue tranaparteilon furalabeo. FamUy troupe, adulta and children 11 and arer. cau Mrs. Roan, 114 He Hlih atnel. Phono nice. tilt STaUWBEBBY PICKERS wanted. RttU ter Now, Alrlat Schwantal, Route 1. Box 4M Saltm. Phone 4-Jill; IV. Bllaa out al the Toua pole, then BUa aoutb. till WANTED BTRAWEERRY PICKERS TO P-K3IS-TER. STANLEY 8NEXD. M10 BLOS SOM DR. PHONE 1-1141. PICKING JUNE I. aerea trruaud, flrat year Nortbwaat aad 1 aerea Marahall ber rlaa. Located, t atllaa aortb of Salem. Tura wait off ef Portland bUhway at Hareaellle. to V. arUe. . till HELF WANTED MALE ROUTE MANaiust be neat appearing and hare car. Phone 3-l7, i p.m. to p.m. for appointment. m THROOGBLT experienced aemco gta tlon attendant. Prefer Standard Oil experience. Walter B Zoael Co. Chemeketa and High. ghlSl HECP WANTEDFEMALE ATTBACTrvB WOMAN. U-41 is trala aa conaultant Cuetomera aervicc de partment. A day weak. Apply . 1135 State. 1:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., 4:10 p.m. te:0t p.m. tbl!7" BOCTINI OFFICE CLERK Apply Sean, Roebuck Co. Salem. . cbllt EXPERIENCED LEDGER bookkeeper Apply Scare Roebuck a Co., Salem. ebllt BXFEBIXNCBD SALESGIRL wanted. Ap ply la Parana, Bartmaa Broa., IM tale. tblll- WANTED Baby altter for t-day week, e.Bop alter t p.m. tbl20' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs! X. 8. Orade. applr now for Bast June openlnce M shipplne, rc. clerk UT5 KOen. ofe. bor, trpe 50 bl Sales Trainee, accta. exp. ...osoo h oic credit mer 1350 P Type, file, atock control $115 P Trplst, several to ll5 P Apt wflfurea. id. hd. wrtf...17S P Beclnner, recept., bkkpr 160 P Bkkpr trial balance 1250 P Acct. clerk,- dar ..... $100 P Oen. bookkeeplni 1250 I" Btkpr.. recept., Dt.'t ofe. ...1200 r -casaier, atcno .1225 F Eip. lecal iteno. 1350 -it eecf., sieno., td. fiprs. ..2 P Payroll, steno., ren. ofe. 1250 TOHMEKCIAI PlACEMElfT AOENCT 404 State St. fOrecon Bide t 4-JiSi PORTLaAND Ope, 430 S.W. MORRISON WANTED SALESMAN Salesman WANTED! lane national food concern bai op enlnce In Salem erea. OooU start tnx aaiarr. Bonus, expense advance. Ex cellent opportunities for advancement, Car furnished with liberal personal use. UVN 34 TEARS or under pre ferred.' State ace, experience, marital status, write Box 101, Capital Jour nal. M136 WANTED Salesmen under 00 rears of ace to eell reliable le.t-selltns elec trical appliance and TV set. Oood set-up for ricbt man. Tester Appliance Co., 175 Chemeketa. cgl2?a REAL ESTATE SeUesmaa. Write box 19. Capital .Journal or call Ulna Welch. Broadwar 4131 Broker, Portland. If 130 WANTED POSITIONS CAaPENYEB WOBK, naw or remodellni. Br hour or cootract. H. MuucL Phone Mill. hll0 OHILD CABB, BP home FhohO 41411. Hob N. Commercial. hl27 CHILD CABE by dare Clean boma. eood mcala. Phoaa 17(14. bl27 TILUNQ. naw M. E. Rotarr uller, II w hour. Phona aranlnca 11331. hill FOR COMPLETE palntlat aarrlea. Work aaaahlp tuaranteed. Free eitlroite. CaU Joha Janaen. 13141. bltl LAWN MOWEB and circle aaw aharpaa Ine. etc III M. lltb. Phone 1-4414 or (-(HI. h BABY CABE. ay borne I boo! the or rounear. Pa. 3JI04. bill" TELLING WITH Rotary-hoe. Oardcn lewaa. Fheoa l-llll. mi Iranreea. hilt MICKENBAM-S DAY NUBREBY State Ueeaaad aad taapectad. Phoa. 17194 bll4 ...I4av...y tniiLO if MIS wflajJFAPClfB;, twi Ftftafr, 1 1 4- I "1 1 7 I 1 Ta 4 I It WANTED POSITIONS aoTtrriLUNO Ph. 44412. Middle Or.re Nureerr. 4Plt BUrntoa Road. h OABDEN, FLOWEB bad and lawa pre parauoa. Plowlot. avclat, arellat, rotatuuas. aarrtop ceater. poeoc iiiTi. bite UOBT CBAWLEB, Aaalac. dirt laral. tat. iradlat. Phoae l-lOt. hlM OBAOINO, lar.llne. baokflUlna. tawne tardcae BP soar. Job. Pheaa -M41. bits PAINT eon tree tine. Break tr tsrap. L. a Haw Neleea. 1-4JC7. kltra LANDSCAPE auiataruovoe praslas. trtBmlat. plaa Una, fertllattne. Sorw lea Ceaur. Phmt. 4-tlH bllw PAINTING 24 yean experience la Aaleaa. Free eetlmatac rnoa. j-iut aiPt NEW LAWN I, Rotary hoelni. Free attu aatac Duaaa walaolt, Pbaat 1-1137. kUT BXPEBIENCED BOUakWORK bp ace a week. 1-7011 altar , t ax. WIEMAL'S NUUUY State and laapattad. Infanta u liml. OABDENINO AND Uwb Work. Ball Cap. Pbooo 17111. SM Marlea at. hi IT PAPEB aANOINO, palatial. Free att- matae Don Luc ere. Ph. 1X31. blta AIRWAY SANITIZEB cUtntr repair aad aarr Ice. Pick up and delleerr. Alrwap Branchee 10U Portland Bd. Phona 1-4701 or 4-4353. hill- TREE WOBK Topplne, tiimmlat. ra Phone 2-0ln. h morlat. Joha Faroe, FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire B. L. Stiff Pur niturt Co. Phone S-S1S&. j- orriCE SPACE, shop and storage, phono i-M. ixrt RENT Down Town 2-ttory concrets iley wire house. Electric elevator, ex cellent distributor's letup. also ' Ferry street room, for office or store. Large basement. In Hotel Salem building. . State Finance Co. " " TEL. 34121 Mr FOB LEASE too to lot fact froatata ob Edf ewater st, wail Aaiem. Ira 1. Pitta, ph. 11403. I j WANTED TO RENT BEDBOOM, near trade tchool, pre- -f rational aaa. Perm an ant. Arrjrrext matcly 7t. 4-4935. lalll WANTED, t bedroom bom. for WUlaa. etta Ualraraltr profcaaor. Call l-liat, Ex. 11. lal37 DOCTBa AND PAMUI daatr, alec 1 at 1-bedroom booaa. Oaa rear 4-A03I afur t p.m. . .v BEDROOM, located couth. . CaU alr7 e-xuou. FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN t-BEDBOOM bOBC 1413 Park Are. Phone 45711. 140. Iml37 NICE I BEDROOM, unit beat, flnnjaee, tea I love, do aoma decoratlat. lal. Ohmart a Calabe Raaltore 1-4111. tall YEAR OLD modern, parr eleaa, 1 bed room bouaa, atort aad refruereter . f urnUhed, taraea, cloae ta hue la- r autre 14( N. lib. 1-7410. tar BEDBOOM boma. cat raata, water furnlahed, 40. 145c Abrama An. 15311. Imin CLEAN I BOOM furnlihtd eottate Utlli tr room, aaraca, oil beat, electric ctoTc. 1-5151. Jmlll NEW SUBURBAN borne 3.000 ac foot. a Deuroom, ta acre new property. Dtahwa,h,r, tarbaea cUipoaal, radian! heat. 1100. WU1 laaae. 44H3. Imlll SMALL HOUSE, furaUhed, fro, water. North Salem. Phona 17170. JmlSI CLEAN AND NEWER 1-bedrooa court rental la Wat Salem. Lovely tUe bath, lane rooma, refrUerator and alactra rmuxa furnlahed, aoO per aaontft. Raw Una Realty, pboaa 34444 of 41741. lm 4-BOOM HOUSE furnlahed. Take amah child. 1415 Jefforeon. Imlll LARGE 4-room unfurnlahed bouaa, with taraca. Adulta. 1711 Market. Jmllee CLEAN. ONE bedroom, Urlat room, klt ehea, dinette. Attached taratc Elaa trtc ranee and beat, (17.(0. 11331. Imllte l-koo.M MODERN houaa, clothe, clout, uuu.-ine a-.tou. , jmlll- COUNTRY HOUSE Modern l-bedyema unfurnished .baaeBent, IU. Fa. 3-2011. JmllA t-BEDBOOM Capo Cod type houaa. Ra- imcrtior and ttavei furnlahed. Laua drr facllltlee 1(11 Court St. Phoaa 1"M. ji. 1-BOOM HOl'SE aultahle for 1 acraoa. lane tardea, water, electricity. 130. 11(1 Ereiajreen Ave. Jmlll DUPLEX Clou la. Automatle oil beat. ' Jmlll. WILL HAVE recency War 30th. Ona bedroom enfurnhthed cottaee. Utility room, taraaa. leaaoaablo real, 410i Portland Road. i i.m o..a,o..........p....oea...occ FOR RENT ROOMS TV, kitchen prlrueaat, 120.40 pay month. riion. a roxv. JkllO BOOMS FOB elrla. kltehea prlralet.l. uaa entire bouce Ml N. Winter. 1-4171 or 1-14(0. JkllO. FURNISHED rooma for a lac pine ar Uehl nouteaee pull, wuioi Reaaonabla. lilt Trade St. raitr. PLEASANT SLEIPINa room for ..ntl men. 1050 Norway. Phona 14541. Jklll LOVELY FURNIP.HED room, with kit- chra facUltlae phone 1-4117, 1st Perrr. Jkllpa NICELY FURNISHED, prlr.ta entrance' blocka Irom clip canter. (H N. Cot- 'T'r'rrrrijjj---rr """ OFFICE FOR RENT ROOM lUITB-Oreioa BuUdlat, Ph' 14114. jp. OboUND floob office ar atora apaoo i rent, wan at pitta Market to gl"AC ' "at. 2l par moT Capitol, aext to Dr. offlcce Phone join ........coco .cc.ee. ...... ..p. FOR RENT APARTMENTS r"v"H". ' SXopplnt center": ... ..mi. r-nnnt .4714. Jpllie t boom furaUhed apt, tlartrla rante refrletrator. Elderly (aaUamaa. AM month. 1-5171. )pii LABOE. UNFUBNISHED, Ihrt. . nOwZ lih. i'?..'n- "" aai. Phone 1-1117. jBlxie available JUNE I. a rary altraatlra court apartment al IM So. lltb. rooma and bath and eaa be rented funnmed tr aafarnUktd. Ph. mu. Ja By Ham Fisher T CHWIACTtRS HILL Mt.. T I PON T P.H0W WHAT IT, IJ0 PYITH- I Phone 2-2406 altr ;'i;i:-4C:', , a)