WednUy, May 27, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Bakn. Once SCHOLARSHIP - M - Cascade chapter of National Secretaries association pres ented a scholarship to Denise Lovelace (center), McMinn ville, during a dinner meeting Tuesday night. The scholar shift which will be honored by Llnfield college was present ed In recognition of National Secretaries week. Pictured at the left is Mrs. Howard Wlcklund, charman of the scholarship committee, and on the right la Mrs. J. B. Hansen, president of Cascade chapter. The chapter will hold a "bosses" breakfast at the Golden Pheasant Thurs day morning. More Wheels Coming for Those Derby Day Bugs By VIC More wheels are on the way, kids, 100 seta of them. If you are one of those who have been held up on building your bug because of ' not having .' the wheels, you can get busy again. The wheels are expected to be here some time in the next, day or two but will be here by Monday for sure, so if you need your wheels, drop in to Douglas Mc Kay Chevrolet company next week and get yours. Here's a hint for better steer ing from boys who built racers last year. Make a drum on your steering shaft or enlarge the shaft in some way to .about 1 or 2 inches where the cable is wrapped around- it. This gives the best and easiest steer ing. If you use too small a shaft or cable drum, you have to turn your steering wheel too far to change your steering. If you use too large a drum, it makes your steering too touchy. Incidentally, fellows, a little warning from the inspectors. Follow the rule book closely and do your own work. We know that nearly all of you are doing your own work, but in a case or two, we hear rumors Samuel J.Lowry Rites Dallas Samuel J. Lowry, resident of the Rlckreall com munity for the past 26 years, died Monday morning, May 25, at the Dallas hospital. Born Aug. 11, 1884 at War ren county, Iowa, Lowry was the son of Charles F.- Lowry and Addie Demory. He was married to Grace Porter at Portland, Ore., Dec. 25, 1917. For the last 20 years he had I 1 . Ik DaILf county highway maintenance division, and at the. time of hU death resided at Rickreall. Services were at the Bollman Chapel, Dallas, at 2 p.m., Wed nesday, May 27, with Rev. ' Fremont Faul officiating. Bur ial was at Fircrest cemetery, Monmouth. Surviving are: Grace Lowry of Rickreall, wife; Mrs. Robert Peterson of Albany, daughter; Steven Peterson of Albany, grandson; three sisters, and one brother. George Antrim Passes Here Death Tuesday claimed George Antrim a late resident of 850 E street, and a farmer in the Wheatland and Union vale areas most of his life. An trim died at a local nursing home. Born in Yamhill county in 1886, Antrim was the grand son of pioneers. He received his education in Wheatland, Philomath and McMlnnville. In 188B he was married to 01 lle Harvey of Lyle, Wash. Antrim had been a resident of Salem for the paU nine ears. He was a member of the Evangelical United Breth ren church at Unionvale. Surviving are two daugh ters. Mrs. Rada Thornton, Sa lem, and Mrs. E. A. Wolfe, Dayton. O., a brothers, Ray L. Antrim of Aloha, six grand children and 13 great grand chldlren. Services will be held Fri day. May 28. at 11 a.m. at the Hopewtll United Brethren church under the direction of the Howell-Edwards chapel. Rev. F. E. Fisher and Rev. Leo Thornton will officiate and the interment will be in the Hopewell cemetery. PRESENTED FRIER that fathers, big brothers friends are helping out Now that isn't fair to the nut of you and it isn't following the 1 rules of sportsmanship and fair play, so when we find that hap pening, we'll Just have to dis qualify the bug 'and the boy from racing In the Derby. If we don't do it, the inspector from the Ail-American Derby who does the inspecting here on Derby day will probably do it You see, its generally pretty easy to tell whether the work was done by a boy -or a man. This deesn't mean that fathers or someone else can't give advice or show you how to do something. .That's what we want them to do. But we want YOU to do the actual work. Say, have you had your pic ture taken yet Boys in Dallas, Corvallis and some of the other towns have already had many of their pictures taken. Are you going to let them get their pictures in the paper before you doT Drop Into McEwans right away and get shot by the camera, that is. Another one of the surprises I was telling you about is that we are going to run the pic tures four times as large this year as last year. That s right instead of only a half column wide and 1 tt inches high, they will be a full column wide and three inches high. Mr. Main waring, the Capital Journal publisher, says he wants every one to know who's racing in Salem's big Soap Box Derby and that's one Way we're going to let them know. Here's some more of the good sports who are going to be at the top of the hiU at Derby Downs on July 12. Class A Dennis Pray, 326 Gaines street, sponsored by Herman Hodel; Neal Reiling, route 1, Hubbard, sponsored by Company C of the Marion County Sheriffs Reserve; Mike Sauer, 740 South Commercial - ' Jracy .rot. .Brooks sponsored by Painter's , Local No. 724; Don Johansen, 850 Plymouth drive, sponsored by Mootry's Keizer drug store; Stuart Smith, 285 W. Rural street, .sponsored by Valley Foundry; Charles Eastridge, 1055 Edgewater, sponsored by Adel's Beauty Shop; and Keith Harris, 711 North 16th 'street sponsored by Textile Mills Local No. 2637. Class B Stephen Dawson, Route 2, Turner, sponsored by Dickson's Market, Salem; Dennis Glasgow, 771 Rosemont street sponsored by Kannler's Used Cars; Robert Hill, 2250 Strong road, sponsored by Kenny's Shell Service; Kent Lindon, route 2, Turner, spon sored by Naval Air Facility, Salem; Frank Miller, 2575 South 12th street, sponsored by Valley Building Supply; Tim my Owen, Silverton, sponsored by Square Deal Lumber com pany; and Dale Redding, 2535 Bluff street sponsored by Speedway restaurant DEATHS Olty Kllaaaatk Karwaad nna Eliiabttb Norwood dltd at rati' daaca Koula I. Bo 41J, Saltrn, May ta aunltad by dauihttr. Mr,. Mabt. alar, aaltm. Mr,. Mlaal Backttt. niMfij, aorlan. Cetarada. Mr, i ntlt amria, Rathdrara, Idaba. Mr,. Altlt fUrrltt, Saltan aoaa. Frtd B. Not- bmi lutni. Howard X. Norwaod. Rta law. Waah.. Joha W. Norwood. Caltait Orom autara. Mrl. R. O. Baatata. TV ..t atmmi lira. Ilbal ataufttr, atrktan. Calif.: II ' draadehlldrra. II . ranriAhlldraa. Btrvlctl will htld Thurtday, May II, at l:IS .. la tha Clouan.warnc inapai. wr. T. Andtruv affltlatla. wanBtat at Etlcraat Manorial rar. Amim aatriai Or ana Aalrlm. It. lata rtavamt at Sal 1. Atrttt, at a Meal aurain am Mar M. Burrind by daaahwn. Mra. Bad Tharnta. aaltai, aad Mrs. B. A. Wolfa, Oaytoa, 0-: kralbtr. Bay IV. Aa tnat f Aloba: l iraadabudraa. rt jraat-traixlchimrta. H waa aiarakar af tha Braaiallcal Oallad Bratbraa cburcb at Unloar!. aarrlca will aa bald at Hoptwtll 0. B. anarch Friday, May at II a.m. undtr dlrtctloa af Howtll-Ertward, Chapal. Bar, P. B ptahar and Bar. La Tbarotan will affi nal. CaacladlOd Mrrata at Howaaall eaaHMry. Pearson'Pleads For Patience Eugene (A" The U.S. should not be impatient with the neu trality of such British Common wealth nations as India, Lester Pearson, president of the Unit ed Nations General Assembly said Tuesday. In a speech to students at the University of Oregon he said that gradual change, not sud den partisanship, had been the rule in the Commonwealth. Pearson, who also is Cana da's secretary of external af fairs, said failure of the U.S. to understand this might lead to further trouble. 'The Communists realize this. That is why they strive so to pose as the defenders of the Asian masses against colonial im, raciasl inequality and ex ploitation," he said. He said the Commonwealth could become a bridge between East and West "an instrument of great potential value in the complicated and delicate mat ter of relations between Free Asia on one hand and North America and Western Europe on tne other." Buena Vista School Graduation June 28 ' Buena Vista Thursday eve nlng, May 28, at 8 o'clock, at the Buena Vista school, com' mencemenlrexercises will be held for the eighth grade class. Dr. Francis Haines of Oregon College of Education will be : the principal speaker at the I evening program which Is open for the public. Members of the class are Pa-1 inn v-ain, rfanei Me rerKins, Ann Marie Lierman, Jean Elea nor Hall, Oscar Hatfield, Don Parkinson and David Breedon. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Floyd L. Senter Dallas - Funeral services will be held on Thursday, May 28, for Floyd L. Senter. The service will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the Bollman Funeral Chapel with interment in the Dallas cemetery. Ministers in charge of the service are: Rev. J. E. Jamieson and Rev. F. E. Fisher, both of Salem. Paul J. Serunas Albany Paul James Ser unas, 62, 2280 E. Pacific high. way, died Monday at a local hospital where he was taken after being stricken with heart disease. Services will be held at the Fortniller - Fredericksen chapel Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial will be at Willamette Memorial Park cemetery with military rites conducted by the American Legion, Post No. 10. , Mr. Serunas had been a resident of Albany the last 22 years and had been employed by the Portland Gas & Coke company for the past 4L years. He served with the U.S. army during World War I. Mr. Serunas was a native of Pennsylvania. He worked from 1919 until 1930 in Portland when he was transferred to Corvallis. A year later he came here. The deceased married Alice Van derschuere at Vancouver, Wash., December 18, 1926. She survives as do- a step daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Keil, Aurora; a stepson, Wesley Pierce; a sister, Mrs. Margaret Yuzanas, Michigan City, Ind. Alfred H. Somers ' Albany Alfred Henry Sommers, 77, Albany, a resi dent of Oregon for 72 years, died at his home Monday. The funeral will be held at the Fortmiller - Fredericksen Fu neral chapel at 10:30 a.m., Thursday. Burial will be in Waverly Memorial cemetery. Mr. Sommers was born in Ohio and first came to San Francisco, Calif., with his par ents, whence the family trav eled via boat to Portland, go ing thence to Marion county. He lived at'Salem and Sil verton until 1923, when he moved to Coos Bay. He came to Albany 20 years ago. Mr. Sommers married Fan nie J. Hostetter, who died some time ago. Surviving are a son, Eldon F.; a daughter, Ada H. Sommers, both of Al bany; a sister, Mrs. Ida Heich liman, Colfax, Wash., and a brother, Edward, Spokane, Washington. FPr I. T Last. R.D Or O cnaa D DBS. CHAN LAM CBINK8B NATUROPATHS Csetalrt, Ml Nertk lAartt OftM am Saturday amy N a a talwB.fv1ai coaaalutlo Oload wrratun and anna taala art fraa af crura aracttrad tl nra ml Writ tar attraeilt in M M. tauaa MARKET QUOTATIONS Satterfet-Teatetle. oeedlate mim: ri uk 41 of e per an aridity ee llrered ra Pwtlul M-tle lk.i tint eaej. it, ii-iM: woM aualltr. M il.. valley note tad utrr petal. S eatt UN. blkt-Waalaeale ee HI HM M wneleaele. mi . n. tlei A trade, II acore. M: a, M Km SMI C. U KM, (la. AMfl HWI elrttur not whereoarem, OiN IIHIM, all.-! Otnm la. leaf. tlte-tlVael trtHete. lit, Mm taaa laaa to eeateloio u lea. HM IBeMdad Ox. Portland. A ired Ian. Mte-MV,; A medium MM-tlal M trade tart, tm-iite i rertiaad sum Bereet Batter rTlee to IWWK Or. AA print, llei a eertea. tlei a ariata, lit: aartoa. Tl; B anal, a,. in la irilmn Ceadled t a. a. Portlead: Oairadod Ian. 13 doe.; trade aa Ian,, tt de.i A Una II 4a. AA awdluat U a.: A trade avadlaaa, 0, do, i A (tad aaulla aaatlaal. ara ia analhw Otaaa AA. lam. 1-Ues A ln M-to: AA aMdlum a Hei A awdlua. ST-tMi A aaull, 41 Mc Carwu aaU addlUaaal. CkM-rnca u nuuara, rartlaaa, Oraioa alDllM. WH-Hi 1-1. laavia, 1-Uti: trlM,u. 114 Ma thai ala SlM. Fnauuai atuda atala, Ml laal, atMa. MiMid Aaartoaa akaaN. HI lean la ntaU, V-a kV FaaMry U,a Calakaaa-UI, t aaalllr. ta.k. aUau.l Frnn. 14-1 Iki. Il-lac: 1-4 lb. 17-Ma: raaiUra, H Ita. tad anr. n-ltc; burr Iwa all mtihu. s-Sac: IKbl bra, all MtbU, St-J4s akt raau wi, ll-llc Dtwal Cklakaaa Ha. t drautd to ntalltn. Frrtrt, krsllan, -! Ik.; lotaUr. all tu. W-U: luhl kai. Sl-lte; kvr kaa. tic: eut-ua (rrara, U at. H-11 lk.i whol, drawa. U-Uc Ik. aakalt ATran to aravoa: LIT whlla. 4-1 Ika, n-lk; 14 lk, 11-Uc lk.i colored palu. 4c Ik. audtr; aid data. 10.14c; (tw hlihtr. Praab draaatd frytra to rtulltn. U-(li at a. tl-7. Caaaltr KUWd Maala Top uaiii7 It-tto lk.t ratuh htavlaa M-IOc a Ltaa klockan, U-Jaa: Java, llttit so-Jle. io-j " ia. Lanka But. u-tw lk.; ntrllau. Mauaa Beat, u-it uu-uuiitr. ""J.otii.., . .,,. ,.. cntuta u-xc: aheiia dowa t 11. .,7.77 .7 .... n. w. at tare, chew Sat-Tak tba. U.OO-tl.M: rood. IT.M-ta.M; eoraraanlal, UN-ll.oo; utility, n.M-ll.M; eawa. eommarclal. S7.00-I1.I0; atllltr. M.M- M.oo: canaar-cuttara, tl.00-M.0t. Baal Cata ICbatea atatra) Bind outrun. M.OO-M.M; raunda. 41 M-aJ 0; full lolna. trlmmtd. 0S.00-K.00; trl nllta,; fora-auartara, ll.o. is.oo; tbuckt, rlba, 14 00. VaoJ aad Calrta Oood -choice, tt-M; eomratrclal. ,34-44. Uaaa Cholca-orlma. W-M lba.. Ma tt: tooi- ttl-W.M; avrlu lamb, chotea- prima, a-i. Malta a Good choka, Park Cata Lolna. No. 1, t-13 laa.. 111. aas; anouldara, l Iba t3a.,; opart- riaa, tao-aa; train Bam. 1S-14 la,.. 051 00. work carcaaaa,. 110-170 lba., tll-ll. Satakad Hataa sklantd. tll-tM. Ha. flnd lard la drum. 111-11. S0t ,lb bac on. ISI-lt. fortlaad Mliaallaaaaaa ctlary - Cat flat erata. 1-ltt doa. Ult-tll raw ta li.H Oro, tlU CIO. Oalaaa so-lk. tackt Watt Ortiaa yat lowa, mad. No. la. l.u-1.00; 3-la. mla.. 50-4.00; eommarclal 10-10: Tau erntal wax. S.aO-1.00; Taaaa oraao. 1 2t 7; Calif, rtd Olob, maL, t.ot-n; ral lowa, attcL, 2.00-lt. Fotatttt Oraoon Buuct No. t. 4. TO TS ; nam brand AM, II lba ilia A,; 10 id. mean, o-aoe; local Rut No. 1A. 1.00-1. JOi Oallf. Ion whltea. aala, No. 1A. 1.00-I.M; Calif, looo whltaa. No. L 1.71-4.15. ay O. a. Na. S (ran alfalfa, da llrared car tot f..k Portland, aoatloal- ly 114 00 ton: Seattle. Ili-ll. Waal Ortaat bU. Wlllamatta Tat- lay medium, tt-ll Ib.l Baattra Ortioa fin nd half-blood, aj-llc. Wlllamatt Vallay Umb wool Ue: u-atoath wool. 40-6OC. Makair U-I7a lb. on 11-month irow- th, f.o.b. country htptnf aolnU. Hldea producan paylnr prlc r.a.b. Portland, call aklna. ll-lle lb. accord. In ta eondltlon; oreen kip 17-11, lb.; iraan cow hldea, t-lle lb. aceordln to wrltht and aualltr: bull hide,. 4-ae llu bldaa. H par cant balow arte for abov clauea. rilbarta Wholeaal telllna an. No. 1 medium Barcelona, ll-ltc lb.. ahU- td. tl-lle lb. Wafaala Wholtfil Mllln arlctt. flrat aualltr larra Pranouatta, Sl-lOc ahelled. Uabt mber helrt. 7t-7tc Ib.i Utbt halrea. 71-llc lb. SALEM MARKETS It laaM m CaiHtavl Jtwtal . rtadfTf. Bsa aUllr.) $4 51-140 UOC-lb. bMI. Kit Mtlk IS.S0a4.IO. Dairy fm4 3 H-l II (M . OmI. $4Jft- M H041 Wt.t. Posltry Bmjima Piim Coiorotl frrtn. ?ei aid rooitipi. 16c; cotortd fowl Sic; lanhorn fowl, Hej rooitara, St. Barlat PrletM-bci, Ail. 4ci larta A. 41-Uc; m4l.ym AK, 40e; tvatllUH A, U-4ic: iniall. lie. Whaitaala rri9-En vtrtMaiaia mhm tantrally t-U kiibar than ib prtom o Larva trada A t-otrallr ttoiat at Sic; mtMllurn. lie. tttrrfat Buylnc vrlet: Prtnlnm. It 1U. No I. w7-Wc. Na. S. Mc Ballar Whelatala aravtia A MiaaaL TU ls.t raUll. 7aa. Chleece Oalona Cblcef 0l Buplla eood,rl. de mand alow, market dull. Track aelee 10 lot. I: U. a. I able, eteted: Arltone Tallow Barnadaa I- lnch and lareer er Tetee Tellew Berumda I to l-lneh felr eer 1.31. alee late Tueedar s tood care l.M. atrret aelat nt lba. I: Tea, Ttllow Brrmudea 3 ta 3-lncb 111-1 It. l-lncb and larsar law l.tO; Orana l-lneb nnd lareer I to l-lneh l.ol-l.ll: CryttrJ Waa t to l-lnch 1.71-1. It. I- Inch and larrer I Mi Arleona Tallow Brrmudea I to 3-lnclt I IS-l.Ti: Cryetel Wei I to l-lnch I.Pt-3 00: ll-lk. aaeka white bollera eome lerte 1.00-l.M: cell foral Oran l-lneh and Iftraer Notice to Septic Tank Owners There's nothing more simple than a septic tank wltta It worktl Ami there's nothing note embarrassing than a septic tank that doesn't work! Usually Uvtre are two rraaont why thty stop-up and overflow first, btcaust the tanks are not cleaned at proper InUrvala, secondly, toilet tissae that dot. not readily dwntcarat. may clog the drina and force tbem to back up! Few toilet tiaauat are made with the atptie tank probUat m mind. The one that at MD Toilet Tiaau ia acatniificaUy pmLiiaatd to that it absorbs wattr completely and quickly. Try tt ia a glaaa of water and aat for your!. Best advice: Contult your County Health Department, yoor plumber, or a septic tank sarvice company, for advice on c laa ni rag your tank. Vie MO Toilet TiaBual 5 N.W. Projects Get Priority Washington (XV-Five Paclfie 'Northwest projects were among 33 given top priority in an ' Army - Engineers' request for planning funds filed with senate appropriations subcom mittee Tuesday. Brig. Gen. C. H. Chorpen- nlng, assistant chief of Army Engineers for civil works, ask ed the committee to set aside three million dollars for the 33 projects. If approved, the proj ects would be undertaken Inn the year beginning July l; The three million dollar bud get request for planning funds was reduced to $877,000 by the House Appropriations Commit tee which also approved only 10 priority projects. The list submitted to the sen ate group included; . Flood control: Idaho Columbia River local protection, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Utah, Nepada and Montana, $125,000. Oregon Lower Columbia river, Improvement to existing' works, $25,000. Multiple purpose projects: Oregon Hills Creek reser voir, $100,000, approved by house committee. Washington Ice Harbor, $73,000. ; , rattlaal Kaalalda K at rarlland UA North watt Mian arte war abaul alaady at 3-M-I.1I a rat at Ui Xaatatda Paraaan aarkat today. Tot Quality traaa aaloaa wtra affarad at ao-aa ccata daata aad radlabaa btld firm at U-M tau. Tb U8DA erop r portlat aarvlca ld two), att w,atbr would dalay tba atraw karry narvaat varlod la Otacea with voluma klekm aat aipactad to at uodarway uatU Jun I, a waafc latar tbaa artdtctad r!lr. Chtaaca Uvaataak Chkata IAV-Hog wrlaa, aaala rrrd their prarloua dar n paltera Wadnaadar for talru af II ta at caaU a hundred panada ui a fairly active aaarkat. catua war maatly ateady ta aa aaata lower but lembe wr fully aUady aa a llmltad aupply. Haat karowa and lilt aald fraja 114.0 t lll.OO kut a few load and let, war worth a ta !.!. aowa ranaad from llt.U to ll 00 with a law tappuio out aa luhtwauhta at 111 to. Prima terra and yearllnea aold fraaa Mt tt t tit. II and cemperabla hatfera from tM.M t 134.00. Cow tapped at Ota.oo. Baaura ahlpptra took aatlr aprln lamb, at 137 eo ta N to. Ooad and cnoie trade aold from 12 to ta 111 to. Batlmated aelebl head totaled O.rtoo hot". 1I.0O0 cattle, to celvaa aad tot aneap, .. . rarUaad UvaaUek . Portland (unTradtnr la cattlt wu tew m tha Portland llvutock aarkat to day whlla otbtr claaaaa haVd ataady. Cattlt soo: narlcat alow: law alauatatar taara-htUtn about tttady; cowa auadr wun Ttnaaara lata Me dacllna; law uinity-comnifrelal alauitatar otaara i ncutra if.50-; comnircUl ataara 31- ai Tjtnity-omaitrcltl feu 11 undtr M lba. H.tO-U; an all lob aadlua-aood atock halftra 19. Calraa M; narktt ataadr; faw utility food litbttr iUucbUr talvaa aid vtalara u-it. Hoaa, ISO; narkat activt, ataady; choica 1-1 barrowa and aiJU IfO-ZSO lba. M.M-17, Itw Itvo-m )ba. U'ti.n; ahoica 0-M lb. aowa 32 0-14, , !, ISO: aprlna lanba Ma aSlarhatr; othara ataady; faw ana II lots cholea prlma print lamba M; faw toed-cbolea low crop abort, lanba Na . mil ii. S3; cull to tood aborn alautbtar owaa 1-0. Chftatw Orata Cblcato t Oralaa wart thrown back iharply wbD tbay nada aa attanpt at contlnutnt tha pracadlnt aaaiioa'a rally on tha board of trada Wadaaaday. Wlit at fall to a naw low point alaea 130 and many eoniracU of othar ear call ut naw aaaaonal Iowa la aaUint mora which tot underway around Bitd-morning and continued throuth to tha eloaa. Earlier, tha market had ah ova aoata itrantth. toybaaaa partkalarly fort lot anead on ihort cove riot la aympatby with hither aoybaaa oil market. wneat cioied l-lVtj lower, July ) t' . corn jh lower to hlahar. Jul r iijcii.tiK, oaia - lawer, tfuiy ft rya I to IV lower. Julr 1.4 7 ".a. 1.4T, aorbeana 4 to 1 canta lower. Jul S3.M-l.R4, aad lord I ts 39 cenU a hundred pounda lower. July tt.M. Parltaad Qrala Portland --No eoaraa train bide. Wheat (bid, ta artva market, baa La No. 1 bulk, delivered coaat: ftoft White S 14; 6olt Whlto (txcludloet Bex) 114; Whiu Club 114 Hard Rod Winter: Ordinary 1.40: it per eal I ti; 11 per cent 3.44; IS par eat 1 . Wadneadayo car receipt: Wheat 49: barley 1; flour t; com li onto tt mil. feed 4. and araar rectal dleardara, .till! bH IT HUCS UaTITl dfVtjf elltllll (hnb) ei.Ueaa.H B, waeBl ewW lreeel THI PIAN CLINIC Opee It earn I Bender rkreeea e.ieer. Until t a Meeey, Wedeaaeey aad rrleey. Chlreproetk Paraitleea ... le ear 43rd year. jto raownwarr taieaT toutrvua iraatawil Pinlaiil It.caw. 1 I IT rmF i p ii IpJCJ and arker rertal ditarden, I .7 B etltll til rteiut uanrti I taarU You can't afford to risk the health of your Herd. A new bull may bring in duwase; any bull may spread infection from diseased to healthy cow. Be safe. Balls that supply our semen pass a rigid America Breeders Service physical for twi mission to ttvtds and art) r tetred regularly for Bangs, T.B. and TricHomoniairt. Our technicians use dii potable plastic tubes and sanitary cleaning rnethods between services. Start using diieae-free breeding now. Pbooe ua, Guernsey - Jersey - Holstein Hereford Service Fee $8.00 For Series) and Information Phone Collect Warren's Proved Sire Service Albany 2436 Jock Irons, Ttch. Albany, Oregon i STOCKS OJy Tba aaaeauted Pre. Admiral Carparallaa SI allied Caamical ttlti AUto Caauaan at Amerteaa Alrllae lilk Amerlaaa Pa ear A LI,!.,,, ,a, it, Aaaartaaa Tel Tel Iktit Amerteaa Tab arc , ,, tlVk Aaacanda Capper , n Auklaeai lUBrvew ... ,,, Sltb Bafhreaem Atael , l BaMat Alrptaaa C. . 41 Bar Waraer , Tta Barrawa Addtna Macbll Mi Celtlara t nctlat .F 14 Caaadlaa raclfM Ill, Oatarptuar Tractor it Calaata, Cavparatloa stte Chryalar Catparatlaa eau. Cltlea aamca tt Caaaallaetad Bdlaeet Sl Caaanlldeted Valtea crawa keneraacti ,, tt Cartlta Wrtlbl ., , u Daaila Aircraft ...... 04 0 Pant da Nemeara tt Baetataa Kodak 41 Bmeraaa Radio Oaatral Bleetral .....'s. tlte oaaerai pwaat ' a aa Oeaeral taotora ) Oaartla ra. Plywead if, Oaadya Tire 11 Bamnuka Miami Ca- to latentatlaaal Harrettea apt. Inter laUattal Paper- . u. ti Jahaa Mearlll Kalaar Aluminum - tltv KMuHoall Capper , at!, Ubby MaHall Laekaead Aircraft 14 Laewen Ueerperated 11 Laai kali Maattamery ward ttt. Beak Kelt la a tor Silk New Terk Central 11 Nerthora Paella, lit. Peel tie American Path 10 Pacin Oea A tlccttl 11 Paelfla Tel at Tel lit Packard Motor Car IH Partner, J. O tlw Penntylaaala B. B. 11 Papa Cola Co. 14 Pbllce Radla tl Badla Cerporatloa Slli Rayonler Incorp lira Ray outer Incorp. Pfd. 31 Bepuelle Steel .... ,. 41 Bemolda MeleU .... 11 Blehtleld Oil lit. aaftwar Storea Inc. S 1st, Beau paper Ca Bear, Boekuck At Co. U my-Vaccum OU 14 S Routhera Pacific 49 Btandard Oil Calif U ttendard Oil N.J II Studebaker tforp v .. I44. aunahlna Miami IS Swift At Oompany 17 Treaeamarlc Corp. I7H Twentieth Century pot :tto Unlet! OU Comaanr m Iltt Wntoa Paelfla - . a ....IKI". DBltad Alruee v 17 Called Aircraft .1 Oatted Oorparatloa t Ceiled atatea Plriood TT Onltad auto atari ...... St waraer Pletaru - Weatara Oatoa Tel 4 Weatlainouae Air Vrak.. aa weatinehouM Blertrw 41 wealwarlh , 44H Sleek Market Mew Tork OPV-Tha alack market dined wedneedar after a lotaeery teaaat kv aha raitroede felled. Laeaaa ran ta between 1 and 1 palate at tba autelde with moat major aectlena af the market tntotyed la the fall. Volume on the fall wea moderate and came ta an eatlmeted 1.10 100 aharea far tha day. That compere with LlU.ttl ahara traded Tueedar. LEGALS C.4XL FOB BIU Bailed nronoaala will ba raeel-ed by tba Board of DlraeUra of Behool Dia- trlct No, U uatU 0:00 o'clock P.M. June t. lOSS, for tba conaUttctioa C a trada ehoot bnUdino. and will ba yubUcly opened at Tna Kilaer Behool. aOM J. Rlrar Road at that time. All blda ahall bo aroaaad to tba Board of DIrectori of Behool DUtrkt Mo. U, Marlon County. Drawlnta. Bpaciricatlona. and Pormi of Contract Dooumanta may ba abtaioed from the Ciert of Bcnooi DUtrict no. U at tha Kelier BohooL 1001 . Alter Road, upon depoalt of 031. Tha amount of danoalt for one oat of doc u menu will ba returned to each actual bidder upon receipt of tha docu- menta br tba Architect. Each propoaal onail be made out m a Propoaal Porm contolaad In th Con tract DocumenU. Each propoaal ahall bo accompanied by a eurety bond or oartiried check for 10 of tha amount of tha bid aa aecurlty for enter in t into a contract in tha event me aia ia accepted oy tna board. The Board of DIrectori reaervet the nam to reject any and ail blda. , Oenevlove Oldenburt. Clerk Behool Dlitrlct No, at Marlon County. Data of flrat publication: Mar to, IMS Data of eecood publication: May ST, ltu CHOKED GAS? THANK KBAVKN8I Moat attack are wrtd Indtfortlon. When It trlke, take Ba. . Ba tablets. They ewntein Ota taateot-aetaait atedlelnea known ta doctor rar th roller ef heartburn and ta. at raiunded U aat Battened. Bend empty eartoa t Belt-ene. Orangaburg, N. T. Oat Bell-ana today. SM CC3D-DYE COZES Bapry ennck raUef and epeadtly reanovw acaing aoatta with thin. cnaahioa lat Dr. Bcboll e Ziao-pa-W. Coat but a trine. PILES SO BAD I COULDNTSIT rntMov aVrtv, 4. W $m simttmU, Tma Aimiinc Pbso rplirm tort ore of innpi pim fart. Aetitortrmitclviniand sain iHHtmllrt SaothM innimrd tiwuni. Lahrvrttiw. aoftrnt dry. hanWiwd parts). Hflra mluca wrlltni, tvml crackinc. Don't turTtr larlptai mmrf of iirnpU ptln. Gvt Pin, tH rral Comfort t if hi tsartsv. Atk docttv bnit it. totpptmiorf form or tuba witii prr (orated ptpt, Omtmmt md &tptmnnu$ 1 li - nn3 B3S3 Woodburn 4191 Chuck Horter,Teh. Woodburn, Ore. MA LIGAU MOTICI TO CUHTOU Retiee ta harakp itna thai taa aaaer Maad aa keaa apt Mated ay ta Ctr- eau apart af arte ate to af Oeecea far a Oeaatr af Martaa, alula aa Pre ta. aa aaatutrla af tb aetata af aVaat elaath. fwaoaad. aad ha duly aaail- ftad aa ack axeeatrlai alt paraaM aavtat alaiati aaalaat ati eitete are berekr oattfled ta araaaal Ike aaata, duly aerlftad u kr law ratalrad. ta Ike amawreataed tt Room tat. Or) Build lar, aalam. Oralaa. wlthla alt aaeatka from lba aat af tbla aatloa. Sated at Baram. Oraaaa. aad flrat pakiiabed thu Mtb day al May. ltu. ateUAA BIBLatacal. Baeeatrll of the eelat af Baat llelmeb - tald c. OHnrer. Attafaap far Baaaairta, tat Oraeoa BaUdlat, .1 am. oreoaa. May It. 37. June S. IJ, 17. 1111 NOT1CB TO CBIDfTOBS t bare keaa aaaalatad edmlelatraLea af ta aetata af Pbbct BLUndbu. do- Hint All amaai aaeia alaltee aaalaal aaM mtete here, era taaalrod ta pra- eeat taeaa. wiia araear eauckara, wttbla ela maatha fraa dau hareaf. ta ata. at III Pioneer Truel Butldlat. aalam. Mar. cwaaty. oretaa. it May 1MI. PBItOT RONALD eU.TJMOaU. aa each tdmlalatrataf AnaB O. at walla P. Careen. Bejem. Attanay far Aawiialairaur May St, ST. Jaa t, It, leal 027 ncLilfcLn nnn: lWrMtakm.tt44 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5655 UNITI0 REPAIR COr 25S N. UIERTY . Autho-ied Repair on All ivfajor Appliance and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Dcliweryoo ;, Large Appliances Ivan Roy and Walt Claua, Owners AVNIKGS-TENTS-TARPS Fh. 3-47C3 SAUM TINT AWNING CO 72 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Iarlptiotj "ANYTHLNitiVM APE TO YOUR ORDER HICKWOK FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE . rirepltces, pktlot, pUnters, brick steps, etc Also pa tea putaterlng. Chimney tope. ALL WORK GUARANTIED CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing In Chinese It American Foods featuring "Oood Foods Well prepared' Bring the Family Call for Retervatlont tor Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLESS ILOCK C0.-14rii S, E. H0YT Approved Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks ' Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concryte - Alao Chimney Block Equipment H0WSIR BROS. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers - Air Com pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tilt i Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Givenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 : STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1110 LAN A AVE. . Water Systems Deep Well Turbines ' " ' Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fitting WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER S ALEM-PORTL AND MOTOR FREIGHT . ' , "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 90 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machtnea SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., $31 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD , 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-S7? OILING WEST SALEM , ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IR0S. PLUMIING 1 HEATING Repairing 33SChemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny THEQUISENBERRY 110 J. IrbertT 310 (ftrl, DrairtM 2440 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 1:00 A.M. toll:00PJrl. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 1:00 P.M. and 6:00 PJ1. to 8:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holiday! - Radio Repair MITCHELL'S Rdle - Motorola Dtaltn Pick up TELEVISION H EIDER'S RADIO 1 TELEVISION J9S N. HIGH SERVICE INSTALLATION - SALES Horn and Auto Radio and Television Soaclaliati la tb - Willamette Valley for It eara - U1ALS BIBCTTaUT c" ta c NOT ICS OLAOTB Laa aa karat, ay twder at lam CtraaM Caart af tb, aaala af Oewpaat tar Martaa Ciaaly. ttmalit oawaatrta af B. tke dale af tkt, aMlaa. Doled tan lota any of Aprtt. list. ; OLAtrra in Biee atria f tha Batata tt t OTBeB. a. Laa, numtt BBOTBPl. aWOTB) 4 arwaawJTnA Attermara at Law tit Ptaaeer Treat ata. aaleat, Orel eat Altec ears tar ttaratrts ' ' .- -Aprtt be. Map t. is, St, ST, itat. ratal bstatb itorsca I bare filed la tl Oraxaa ler Martaa aaanlr i nraaai af tha aetata af Jean U Tie tea. K"lad I M a'eleak e.ra, Jeaa tt, tat, , tha ttate far tb kaaibaa of ikmilaa. PR SO B. TRtTBAX a oaok otnus I. kowttb aalam. Oreaea Attaraay far aatk a May St. ST. tm I, la, 1PH Fh. 25545 Fh. 2-6555 taa aatae to mail a. lam. naraatid Aap pareew aavta oialaei aaeaaal aaat aauta are laaimned ta praaaat lhaee, with proper yiaibiia, tp taat aiaeatrta al 111 Ptaaeer Traet BallatM. aaleea. Oratem. wttata ata ataataa traaa TAHS Fh. 37324 Safes-Renfdfs Ph. 3-3646 1 1tS S. 12rii ST. Ph. 3-5584 Ph.2-4151 24 HOW savia Ph. 3-9123 Saver Stamps ' PHARMACIES Ph.J-3157 Maicil (aiat 3SZ Ph. 3-7577 T.ltltlor - .l 180 Stet. for aW . ; Generol Eltctric and Delivery ' "'. FH. 4-2271 . aa aew "a h,...r'r v ' , e. . ewt-et.". . . , r ' '.M v't-u-..a. " ' "