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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1953)
WtdnWar. May 17. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8al, Orei RADIO PROGRAMS To Kiss, or Kill THURSDAY M. y DAY KEEN! IAF MnIMtrMl it THE CAKlTAli JUtKflAU sum, urrjon I STEVE SOKE ' T tW H IK .... "Ml1 W it - , .1 CHAPTEt 1 "Your family name wasn't al ways Mandell, wu ltt Curtis asked. 1 "No. The eld man (hanged It." "When?" "When he first cam to this country. Long before I was born." "What was the family name In . Poland?" Mandell grinned. "Yon oouldnt even pronounce It. It was Mancz toclukl. But the old man simpli fied It Bee? like we say Poland Instead of Rxecxpoapollta Polska." "I see." "But It used to be MancstochtkL I know. I've seen It on letters from Pa's brother." , "A brother named Vladimir?" Thaf right." Curtis consulted a mental file. "Born In Gdansk In 1867 and mar ried to Sofle Bjela. a Ctech, In 1923." He blew smoke at the cell ing. "One-time professor of ad vanced physics at the university of Poland. Later taught at the Sorbonne. finlgrated to Sao Paulo, Brazil, In 1843, where ne opened his own consulting laboratory. De ceased as of September 14, 1M7, a widower without Issue. Mandell was apologetic. 1 didn't even know he was dead. We kind of lost track of him during the war." He leaned forward In his ehalr. "But hoi come you know so much about my uncle Vladi mir? Whit's he got to do with a; ninglng me?" "Well come to that." Then was something vaguely familiar about the other man's voice. Then Mandell realised what It was. A weight. He'd felt the same weight before. Many times. Mostly, he'd felt It at night, lying sleepless long after Lights Out had sounded, or crouched alongside a half-track, listening to the heavy sturr in the distance, knowing that whatever happened to Barney Mandell was up to the eagle percned on his cnest. "You're s fed." he accused. Curtis smiled. "That's right." "P.BJ.?" "No. Treasury Department." ' "What's the government want of me? I pay my tax." Curtis nodded. "A lot of tax. Barney. But this fcnt exactly tax matter." "Then what la It?" the butt of the one he was smoking. "Right now, let's say - for some time." "T haven't been hiding." No," Curtis agreed. ' "We've known where you were all the time. But owing to tome rather clever razxle-daztle, we didn't know who vou were." Curtis shrugged. "There are, after alL some three million people of Pol ish extraction in this country, and it seems that your father didn't bother to legalize his change of name "No. T dont think he did." Man .dell said. It was hot In the small office. He wished Curtis would make his point and let him go to Oale. None of this seemed to have anything to do with the dead blonde. Curtis opened the drawer of his desk and took out a Polish-language paper printed In Chlrage. Ever read this. Barney?" Mandell shook his head. "No. I cant. I can talk It little, but that's all." I "I see Curtis said. He put the paper back In the drawer. "How do you feel about this country, Barney?" Mandell smelled the wilted car nation on his lapel. It was still faintly fragrant. "How do you mean, how I feel about this country? It's my country, I 11' It." Curtis 'nodded. "Yea. I think that can be assumed. Up until this late unpleasantness concerning Cherry Marvin, you've been a good cltltcn. You have an excellent war rcord. You never made better thim pfc, but you earned an In fantrv-man'a combat badge, a bronte and silver star, three bat' tie stars, and a Purple Heart. That right?" Mandell took a clgarett from the package on the desk, but Instead 1 to-make Kpcrata to be mde u BEX MORGAN. M. D. nivc wnPV EUSlERii w.y.t'fcw a'hu" pwiwtnVSuJ ir"T" 1 -'-iziT" !rousT a n r i'a sow.' x teAss, M wiu yoi !ri I JJo a livlir?0r MIVKt nUW full iklrt. nd-htther you iJ nftiTB, ILOSTMV J TAKI MB HOVS NOW T J W Tt 5fi 1 chooM the round rwckl or the int TH AT rr, Juni f A VAN FLEET yHBAD,. I I V l I . ' Ef?Snil I eoop necked leeele bkxue. YOU fTiu. THiN fy, V. J I 3 vmT j. 0 ''vMA I you'U find Lhejr will tke you ny- I'W CK. CWnT XXI T 7 TTN l ( "V'iT f 3. Jlirili itTW pSh, yj I where. Anytime! Smart: roke the jr?tf - VI f X Awt V 3 I VV"1 1 viSw A helpir the lob "y1 llJ tl il -OUt t n I I HAVEN'T y'EVEVSuRE.ViSE WE'VE SOT A UTTLE Pi?09lBw MOW OO Y-v NiNETy- fjew Wn'iW'l SoeArmint Cum. II W-lJJ '!fHt I S, impl"N meARO OP A rrf GUV? vvHAT J in arithmetic, UNCA i ou PiviOE.TwO POUNP9... eip oo Ref rcsWngc j J " ' JOVE. SLIAA...I HAVE THE SOLUTION A SAWNS OXF BAU.?1 ailkS? 1 iHra' if 'A TO END THE ANNOYANCE OF 1 ...TITINO TO FIGURE 2J&fcf$fj TylTT U -aSSSCWEJ "iH. TrftljV ' LOSING GOLF BALLS AND MAKE THAT ONE OUT VOULD 7Ts?tT "SCJsmW i' fvjTvD? J A 7tl 4 IT EASIER IN FINDING THEAft PUT TOO DEEP A SCRATCH ... TjfCgyA-- HMtlCl Ji JVCO- r( TW.J :rj A GOLFER CHECKS THE LOCATON ON AV CURLY-AAPLE j lV -4 KtS CP ScO i WHERE THE BALL WAS LAST SEEN ) HEAD ... BUT WHAT1L ' ,v ' . "V' ' m ....THEN QUCICLV FINDS IT BY A J AAAKE THE BALL SAOtEr . h 1 1 L. . I 1 . . RIBBON OF SMOKE ARISING Nr? ' MART WORTH Fim THE HIDDEN BAUV (T lr-. yZi. v - ST-V' ,7 L 11 J --- I I DAINTY fOOTSTEW AfPHOACHi. .if" i OM.-NO!! d I fUNNYi.-NO, "lljfc 5av OCP&s -rI V - " . maybe mhouid havi a pmyuc i Jit J lONtHtRt-.-! J 'iSt., TftVAL, V'1-? j HEADS. flL BE THE DA77LIN6 -TO XE HOW Ht UXX I fc4Jo- - A JtV-' llr-J? !h vIvV ' 80NETTE!" TAIL. ITXl BE THAT - WITHOUT MAKE-UP? S i tV f ViT7o IC- I sSkDU f?k'lr OOROtOU B10N0E!-AND UTILE if T j- js PRIVATE , l.c!! 2" of llghtinnc It he ihredded It between hli f Insert. That'i rlcht.' "On your lepuatlon from the en Ice, you reoumed your line ca reer and did well. You fought ail the men of your weight and com piled an Imprest' ve Iltt of knock out." "Not all the men of my weight," Mandeu corrected nun. "No," Cur tit agreed. "You were anituni for a to at the title when you had yourtelf committed to a I mental Institution. , Mind telling me wny. Barney?" "I'd rather not Manden aald. Hit fee line of uneulneat returned. He wiped hit handi on hit trou- era. "Look. How come you tuyi know to much about me? How come you ball me out? What'i thlt au aoout?- Curtla puahed back hit chair and atood up. He walked to the dawn-dulled window. An ei train wu passing. He watched It Into the next tutlon before he spoke. "About a lot of money, Barney." "That'i for me Mandell tald. Turning, Curtis tad on the till and looked at MAnaeu tnougnt- rully. "And about something even more Important than money." "There's nothing more Important than money. I know. I was uorn back of tht yards. My old man didn't make much. After he died, It got worse. I went hungry when I waa kid. I saw my mother go hungry. I saw her go without a I warm coat all one winter. Go I without a lot of thlnu. That's why I got Into the fight game. 80 I got mv brains neat in. so wnair It's the only quick-money busi ness open to guy who's none too nrignt to begin witn. uuc is ongnt enough to want to stay on the right aide of the law. Naw. Dont give me that. There's nothing! more important than money.- Curtis IrJd the cigarette on the sill and atood up. "i nope He spoke the two words and stopped. Mandell heard the door behind nim ooen. He had a oiur- red Impression of Mr. Curtis' right hand disappearing under his coat lapei. men me ceiung arm went out and Curtis was shouting: "Down! Hit the floor, Barneyl" (Te Be. Continued) Butteville End of school i. - i. w Cundav afternoon BUTTEVILLE PICNIC I TtMTOH ARRIVES- J I LATE u'LAtweWS-J ASAlTJV h , Vii&KMAA I J HOFALONG CASSIDY M fef f. 7 ' . rr w m oont i I mwbe i &houu k mxmv A ww question I I ,Tif., .7L1' ' tl S4? I' ' "4 y VsK JCLLIiOfi THE ONLY ONE I (f T V0 ANSWERS ? START J WffdV fCMri ) rllIWBIMV5 oEH'SHVKiSMA' ME SOME ISaW 7 I WERE 4KKETLY PLHNNIN6 10 SHIP THEIR Ps T WIP THAT tNP WENT ARE ANSWERS: . SlLt-MJyOCA I W1 11 ., J!!IS)lwHATOHA TRVIN' TO ) II WHAT'S THE MATTER IfSS C r rn-r un 3? mmi mmmw mxvyj mrmt h rimnwi I I 11 g' M ; U I 7J I I ilsa J iu a I rooo . Lis.. ,.a . II MJtClJf WIMII WWMMrnMMl I PONT Kf I wave t Max 1 1 areti; ikhi iwpu. ORPHAN ANNIE - . . 2r& 'fwm 7RI I B2H Ok 1 "H WJN. 1 ! M Mk MiJtK. " I -Hi I r ,1 . rtsiaasT 1 I t-USS SS AT.'. W, ' Wf 111 I I II n . i . -.-if it t . '11 vrH , yiiM LIL ABNEB -.,. 1 ) ' ' ' WI-kr5VJ JITI V' iTrAi .-A , I f I i 7fl IU I f fct Mil KGWlKOIN KtX KSLM KGAE KOCO h sjt-Lrjsr, f At ramn W W t'"' ZmZ a Ih. Hash i;wr. c"..., t:r ,"r r Dr.i: 511 k1 1:1; Haah ,"''., Si wail Saaaar ClaS Wraa If. KS ...- " aTr WarM Nan HMI Htllh CtUM rHait i.a.a I f. a.r M...n 1, AW- ".r . sMbaU I f aar lam It. Mm Mart; """" "TS ralkar Tl-.. laf .tS Sh.a Oh. J' S:tf .... L.. V. N. Star, r.l t Ujh Jm.j.1 VaaalM Bias Craar Cla.- CM' SH.I. .T.Z" 17, ., rtaal riaa BSMht aakl.ii Jrr Er.'.f!!. !S:!: Saarh Flu, T.a Warl D.. II Na.ara.1 Jh H. JJ.if G.l . Tnumn D.. II New. MM S, J:J; Thaw h.alul Tl-e CM-, rih. ; Xtokt Saw iie aw Bak Crwkr ... tlmt Crl-. Was , NlikJ Saat I :Tt Lwai BhCall Mash D.a.. TI- Hnh " Baas 1 Cltr Caaaall Mash Daaat TI-. Maah " a J :JV Cllr Caaaril Mail. Daaat Tli 1. Itlra Oft lUaat iDaaaa TtoM Im ' Malair Oft FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at Onr Television Theatre See Them In Action Before Ton Buy Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, Wettinghouie OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evening! by Appointment v YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketo Phono 3-4311 FRIDAY -A A.M. S-k Da-a W.t '.TJ Orw rana B. INawi IBraaklaat . Waitara i-V D.ra Wert KOIK Bhak Fna at n-ataiaar Haak Mahar a'tl Dara West COIN Blast Far- Bt. News BrsaMaat rarai Haas il 'arsa Thu BOIN Klaek Tar- Haar Msrcfc Tlsss Haak sr. i.sf Ctlr, Itlla? KOIN Black NI llssslafa Braakfaat KOCO Khak tr Jakaas WlUs Nraa M. cf-askr Naak KOCO Klask :tt Haas He va Bak Gsrrsi Braakfasl Breakfast KOCO Klesk '.). a Maaatai H. BakalH Bek Basaa Hire. Haak KOCO Khak a. a. oiS Baaaa New. Breakfast Cecil Brawa Jl Daair KOCO Klesk Oli Saar. Hrat Clak raasDr altar Jl- Daaar KOCO Klesk I'seMaeleBes Biha Treat Breakfaei aiah asat Jl Daata KOCO Khak i:4r Xaslr Bes Gal Saaiar Cl.k 'r,te Bear Jl Daaar New. a.aa Mash Be. Kaai Life News Dr. Sweri Baek Feaea Wa aa'r Ft Math Bal Ma Ferkla. Teear1. Star Ca aat.rr Mallaea Mash a 'if Mash Bai Dr. Maleaa Break Baak Pastar Call Bsek Feaea PlaaaFat'ra g:4s Llailakr Oali. Uckl Break Baak Bar. Caaatai Maltaa. M. WfcKht : i.e Batten Mrs. Bartea Dea Gariaar Glea B.rir Matlaea Bar. It 'll Fartr f- Maaaa Ckrt BaaUar Ttlh Tail Mallaea Bstaris I Sulke Bisk Nerak Drake Trae SUrr Mash Mallaea Bar. It:4 Strike Blefc Brltkter Par Trae Blerr Math Matlaaa as ret if. aa Desalt ar araai Sla Wbliarrinr Ladles Fah Mallaea . Bass -' ' 'It Nelklat Math Stark. Girl M.rrh. Ladln Fair Matlaea . Ssssrat 1 f-brase Pan Bsase V Llailhsr Qa. for Day Mallaea - . Bars l:at Bek Beta Party Barney Keep Oa. far Par Mallaea ' Beeeres rm Hes.i koin t 1.1. 1 a.-, u DIAL LISTING koac .v: Tkarsaar F.M.I CbUi- Tkeater; :. Xsraae Bssert. (:M. News, Westker: 1:1s, Irs alat Far Baari l af. BBC Tkaaleri t:a. Math. :, Meillalhai !:, sin Off. Hubbard Hubbard Graduation exer cises at North Marion Union high school for' 35 expected graduates will feature Dr. Wal ter Giersbach of Forest Grove as speaker. The evening will Include the orocessional and recessional played by the North Marion band with a special number in between, the Invocation and benediction by Rev. . Robert Hampel of Aurora, the saluta tory by Joan Solberg and the valedictory by Eleanor Aho. M. H. Beal, principal, will in troduce Dr. Giersbach and pre sent honor awards. C. A. Blake will present the diplomas. Memorial services were held Tuesday evening at the Pythian ..u " m- bridge. Effective June 1, the pie. with past chiefs in the ,on for , car ,nd passnger chairs. Guests for the evening the bridge to cross the were the officers of Una Tem- ColumMa River between Wash pie, Aurora. The staff, directed : lngton d Oregon wiU be 60 by Mrs. Sadie Rich, presented I cents. BM- ACROSS I. Dry t Garment Constellation 12. Cotton gauze IX Sandsrac tree 14. Doze 15. Blur 14. Singing voice 15. Fetch 20. Emmets 21. Proved te be untrue 14. Competently 2. Cstkin 27. Puzzling situation SO. Outfit 21. Straight. S2. Rowing Implement 34. Elc .cr,l speech 20. Entertain 38. Soft mineral 39. Beard of grsin 40. Mix 42. Wrong 44. Renders prone 4. Tie icore 50. Flow 51. Kind of duck 53. Irritste 51. Affirmative 54. Old Italian family SJ. Period oi time DOWN L White vestment ' V lJ I4 '(s I lT I " " 3 ?a 7t :; -f 'T1"m yr?i rnsrer -a-b- -4- ''ftC ' , ,i airy JT 5- j3 --.jj it sr 3Tt " iSTST -5T3T ' ST 5 'g sr TO 11:45 A.M. it .-. 'ux nx tut KOAC, IS KOAC FriSar A. M.l H:s. Haas, Wsatkari !!:. Sekaal at As); , ItM, New. aai Waatkeri 1:M, Nan ' Skewl I:M. Off Skeltl :H, Far WeM the drill given at the conven tion in Portland. Mrs. Harold Colgan presided over the business session. She announced a special program honoring all past chiefs of the temple, June 2, with Mrs. Zane ! Yoder as chairman of the com. mittee. The temple gave $10 to I the cemetery association. Host- 1 esses for the social hour were Mrs. A. J Smith, Mrs. Ella Stauffer and Mrs. Lester WiU. Mr. and Mrs. George Paice of O'Brien, Ore., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mann. Mrs. Paice and Mr. Mann are brother and sister. TOLLS REDUCED Olympia, Wash. W The . State Toll Bridge Authority Tuesday approved a 15-cent rerl.lMlnn In rar anrl RDitsnrrr i fares ovcr the Longview toll omtien at Vesterdays Pusxie t Unit of reluctance t Daughter of Cadmus The old mare AlPIDnAlRIEDnD0P id 1 rieTic Tip rMsa wEI glv oMjTK s nia pip gjgl fe-lFlEK a It dTT ECT A JLIE AiyiE IRtJP L PIT 1 snsicj AjppfE V A Dj VjgTffF EED E R e teDe ar I NqgQ vn eHpje n tPe R s 01V E RSE aDoUC A SI i 1 1t1tnt e r lace IkTLfMJaIdIeIpItUtIhIeI . Mid I City la Algiers t. Good buy I. Silkworm (. Author unknown 10. Rave II. Monkeys 1?. Story 1. Not wholesale 21. Philippine article of clothing 22. Mohammedan prince 22. Residences of diplomats IS. Dims 27. Clamor 23. Sail support 29. Surf see 32. Finds ii Mounts la Iske ST. Woe 3. Psrsageway 40. Active 41. Factual 43. Animal food 4.4. Dined 47. Compete 4S Old musical note 4t. Biblical character -1