rjr ..-. :-.r Wodaaaday, May 17. 1W fHE CAPITAL JODKNAU Mtw. OrtffM I 1 I AH Girl Class, ;; St. Paul High ; , St Paul For ta tint time 5 "nr ol Bt Paul Union nigh school, an all girl araduat V ln claai wUl hold 1U com- mencement program in tba St j.-' Paul city hall Thuraday .ve-V- nlsg, at pjb. Although there hive been ','" numeroua boyi in the class during the other 11 years in achool, the put year baa aeen imp io nine girls. Members ol the class are: Frances Bernards, BerniU Brentano, Jane Brentano, Lou Ann Bunning, Eva Kimmel, Marian O'Mara, Madlna School, Carol Smith and Margaret . Wkkham. Four ol the girls, Frances ?. u Bernards, BerniU Brentano, Jane Brentano and Lou Ann I ? Bunning have been together in .''.the St. Paul schools lor the l' " entire 1J years. ' The class motto is "Consider , . the Past and Look Forward to t the Future." They have chose ' as the class flower the Yellow j,1 'Rose and selected white and ; yellow lor the class colors. The processional inarch will be played by Claudia Ernst 1 invocation will be given by J1" Rev. James Maxwell and the salutatory address by BerniU Brentano. Marlon O'Mara will -play a piano solo, "Liebes TjStrawn" and Carol Smith will .-. play "Polonaise." Eva Kimmel wUl give the J -i valedictory address and the St. - Paul high school girls octet '' will sing two numbers. . Mr. Ankeny will direct the f s octet. The address ol the evening T will be given by Albert E. O'Mara ol Portland. Awards will be presented by Principal K. W. Bowers and graduation diplomas will be passed out by chairman ol the board ol education, Patrick McCarthy. Father Maxwell will give the benediction and the recessional will be played by Claudia . Ernst Usherettes lor the program will be Mary Ellen Coleman, Claudia Ernst V emits Kim mel, Joyce McKillip and Dar lene Pelland. Electric Energy in N.W. Increases New York UV-Electrical en. ray distributed by the utility Industry ol the nation Increased to 8,012,902,000 kilowatt hours last week compared with 7. 939,054,000 kilowatt hours a week earlier. , Last week's output was 12.1 per cent higher than the 7,148, 204,000 kilowatt hours turned out In the same week a year ago. All geographic divisions showed gains over a year ago. The Pacillc Northwest was up 13.2 per cent On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Owlr atwrai MtMSltae utnmm WEDNSSDAT II pal. Owara lac Ttwnariaw l is paw Lon af Ufa J: 49 V.H. TQjmtlH 4:0 p.dl Hovdr DaaSr 410 p.m. TocUla Hlppotrema l ea p m. eirl. It Blah 4 10 pm. Doap Mwarli I 44 p.a Tlma lat Saaar 4 oa pm-runu : p.m. Hwa oawaa :04 p.m. Ukaraea 7 14 p.m. Arthur Oodfrtr -444 p.m-I Marrlad Jaaa 1 19 p.m. ThU la Taur Ufa I DO p.m. Kraft Thaatar. TV TROUBLES? Technicians en Duty Till 9:Sf p-m. DaUy TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1419 8.12th Ph. 45512 r Tele -Views ? Radio-Television y DATE BLACKMEB a Bob Burns, young- Salem dairyman, will be a feature guest on the Eddy Arnold Show over the NBC network, Saturday night, May 30 at 8 p.m. The farm; entertain ment show focuses attention on Pacific region ranchers each week in feature interviews from West Coast ranches. Mr. Burns, who is building his milking herd, will de scribe the methods he uses in improving the quality of his stock. The interview will originate on the Burns I ranch. Among the stations carrying the program will be KGW, 620 kes, Portland. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING WEDNESDAY . Pabst Bouts, 6. Johnny Saxton of New York, unde feated welterweight, va. Joe Miceli of New York in a 10 round bout from Olympia Stadium, Detroit Libence, 7. Selections include: "Nola"; "Margie" ; "My Foolish Hearty "Maiden's Wish"; "Liebestraura" and "After You've Gone." Arthur Godfrey and His Friends, 7:30. Perry Como is guest host I Married Joan, 8. Joan takes up golf and though her instructor has nerves of iron, he's driven crazy. She then throws a taffy pull at her house which winds up even more a total disaster than her golf. This Is Your Life, 8:30. Mrs. Cornelia Pearson, gro cery clerk of Hollywood, guest. Kraft Theater, 9. "Final Edition." A murder mys tery with a newspaper background starring Chester Mor ris, Cliff Roberts and Irene Vernom Crusade in the Pacific, 10. "The Road Back New Guinea," reviews the amphibious leap-frogging opera tions by which the Australian and U.S. troops gained con trol of the island. , ' ' Nile Owl Theater, 10:30. "Oh, What a Night," Ed mund Lowe, Jean Parker. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING THURSDAY What's Cooking, daily, 9:30., Portland live cooking show starring Vera Angell. Puke of the City, 1, "Line of Duty," army buddies sharing the danger of combat Now one is a policeman and the other a thief . . . innocent or not? His former buddie must decide. Matinee Theater, 2. "Legion of Missing Men," Ralph Forbes and Ben Alexander. Toymaker, 3:45. Local live children's show starring the German toymaker with tales of boys to delight the young of heart. " The Unexpected, 8. "Mr. O." Story of a dignified middleaged gentleman who takes a job as a mechanic. Later his landlady discovers facta regarding his identity. Ford Theater, 8:30. "The Jewell," starring Paul Hen- reid and Marjone Lord in a story of an amnesia victim pursued by the German police for possession of a diamond pendant Ethel Barrymoro Theater, 10. "The Victim " with Edward Arnold. Arthur Kennedy and Ethel Barrymore. Story of a brilliant and one-time sucessful attorney who has become dissolute and believes himself a failure. He redeems himself by saving the life of an innocent man. Nite Owl Theater, 11:30. "Sarong GirL" with Ann Corio, Bill Henry and John Davis. 14:00 p.m. FMltlc CroiaOa 10:10 pm. Mlta ThaaKr MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC BaJrai'a Meat CompleU TelerMoo Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day ar Nifht 2-161 lor 2-4728 Motorola TV TPTOBSDAT . t:H O.WL What'a Cookinaf 14:44 a-Ms-Taaaoaj Blnia 14:44 a-ai Hollrwaod Baal MITCHELL'S Factory Trailed ferries an InstaUatlM UN State St. rtteao S-W1 10:44 a-m. lloralna Bdltlaa 11:00 a.m Tba Bit Faroff 11:14 am. Wait omt Travtlara 11:00 woaa axau Salt Show 1:00 p.m. PuUa at City 1:11 p at Arthur CrMfrar 1:10 a.at etrtka It Rich t oo p.m. Mallnaa Tbaatar 1:14 p.m. saatch for Teaarraw 1:10 p.m. Lot, of Ufa 1:45 p.m. ToTmakfr 4:00 p.nu Howdr Daadr 4:10 P.m Km Ilaala 1:40 p.m Suit MOM MO p.,. Doui Sdararda, Xawa 4:44 p.m. Tlma far Banp I 00 p.m. r,,ro Tnmt Tbaatar 4:10 p.ms Dlaab abara 4:44 p.m. Ntwa Caravaa 1:00 p.m. Oroucr.0 Harm 7:10 p.BU Burna ane AUaa 1:00 p.m. Th Onazpailae I SO p.m. Pord Tboatat 0:04 p.m. Uartln rasa 4:10 p.m. Wraltllnt 10:10 p.mMlta Owl Thaatar 1 P' TV TROUBLES? Ill J Ha au4ar ka4 4 aiaka raSIa ar E BJ ' TT Saf Taw kapa, 1 aalOafa wi ta- mU ft pair a kattar. )ycs 44140. latifirll v CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 42I(0WT-1i2fltBna DouMc DwCaer ! euavatim pib for S KW)WERFkS o!ik STATE HI6HWAV FBEEWAy AT VANCaj"tR.WASH IWGTON- CJJrVOKTAft SONS 'OCtttniUtC P-7TKAXR.'PCZfS ITS OHH RDM) IHTD-HARD-T0-6ET RACtBANP PEUVERS THE PKT WITH TO HmAWA AVP.BACIOE.TI.t mSIANM MAS NO MlktoWIIVr, FULL 93 H0iSE-R)WER OF THE CAT" 47reBa10PK)WNlD 15'PEPrHS CAV5 NTERSTATE TOCTOR SAUM 2-41 41 Send (or Free Catalog 4t New Hyster HysUway M-pate eatiloc Just etf the press, free lor the ashlar. Address - Interstate Tractor, Boa Hi, Salem, Ore.. ; HAVE iNTBRSTATat MOUNr Hy&TaTR HYSTAWAy ON VOWT 'CAT P-C. P-7 or. D-6TKACnX ANP VDUVE 60TA SHOVTL, CEANC.PRAtfUNe, WCVMOE, CUMSUEU OR PlLE PRlVt7R.-AND A PRACTICAL cosr-ctnTEK! Noma . Address Ciry ... '.: y AT (Pmes&oSk) THUtlS. FRIDAY Values and Bargains Galore at Salem's Finest Mens Store. Duo to late shipments from bur manufacturers, we are forced to mako these Drastic Price Reductions. 500 Yes you're right we've just received another large shipment of those famous leisure jackets Sorry No Names but your first guess will be the right one. The best known name in western wear. Again you're right these are imperfects but the slight imperfection is practically undetectable. Com in and see for yourself. Regularly Sold at 17.50 ' See Our Window. CH 1 & 5 , ror rottern Selections The wheel was off the track somewhere along the line on the shipment of these raincoats We were to have these for February instead of the last of May. From the looks of the weather they arrived about the right time. Never-the-less, the boss says to sell them at a reduction so we'll have room for our summer clothing. Rayon gabardines in all sizes and also one lot glen plaids and checks. These will not last long at this price. . Formerly Sold to 21.95 Some Slightly Irregular . II" r Men Here's the slack buy of the season Sheen gabardines and fine flannels in all sizes and at a price YOUR pocketbopk will hardly notice. 100 all wool and finely tailored to meet your exacting de mands. Buy two pair at the price you would normally pay for one. Two days only at this price. (2 pr. for 2500) 12" (2 pr. for 2500) Open Friday 'Til 9 P. M. Free Alterations 4 8 cS-itce 1890 No Refunds or Exchanges All Sales Final v : r i ;: I v . . V- N. - . 4 t t . ' t f v ...... r