Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Part If
Big Ten Ready
To Approve . . '
Pact Renewal
Campaign, 111. W) Having
already voted individually By
schools, the Big Ten 1 ready
to live collective conference
approval Thursday for a three
year extension of the Rose
Bowl pact a million dollar
football chattel.
Faculty representatives are
primed to cast a 6-4 vote in
favor of renewing the aeries
with the Pacific Coast Confer
ence after the present contract
expires with the 1934 New
Year's Day game.
School favoring continua
tion are Michigan, Illinois, In
diana, Purdue and Iowa and
Ohio State.
Those voting against it are
Minnesota, Northwestern, Wis
consin ana jxuviumau bwwi
1952 national champion who
will become eligible for the
Bis Ten football title for the
first time this fall and thus
Rose Bowl bound if it wins it.
In individual 'school voting,
a process . stretching out for
the last three months, the key
ballot was a "yes" cast by Pur
due. The Boilermakers, report
edly against renewal the last
time, assured the required 6-4
majority by switching their
stand. .
Shea Leads
Pitchers in
Hitting Dept.
New York WV-Pitchers
rarely are expected to do much
hitting. But several of the ma
or league hurlers are doing the
unexpected this year.
Frank Shea and Bob Porter-
field of the Washington Sea
atort, Mickey McDermott of
the Boston Red Sox and John
ny Lindell of the Pittsburgh
Pirates are the pitchers who
have been particularly potent
at the plate.
Figures compiled by the As
sociated Press through Tuei
day night's games disclosed
that Shea, with seven hits in
11 times at bat, tops all major
league moundsmen In batting
with a .636 mark.
McDermott, a rangy left
hand batter, has collected nine
hits in 31 trie for a .428 aver
.Si? clip. What's more, the
Senators' veteran ha walloped
- two home runs, one with the
bases loaded, and two doubles,
He has ten-for-28.
Lindell, ex-New York
Yonkee outfielder, leads the
I T-.1 - -. . - I.L
nations, uvaauv piicuvr wiui
Yesterday's Stars
en Th. amount trmn
rtUkku-JWama SMIai. MUvniw
Btmm. tm att IM CMUia bm
law. Ml rMMUM ris faar klu.
Baltlaa IU4 SnhoMSIraM, St Lnle
ntaua, sm tan. ana uua uam
M aM, InslaaJu . koaw m. aa. kMet
t la thraa ran. Ik. Cares eafaalMl
Iba OkKan cata, -, as lha Itnt kau
w . ownaaaeT. th tui m
aMalew s-a
J94 North Church
Staley Holds
1.84 ERA Mark
In National
New York WV-Gerry Staley,
St Louis Cardinals' ace right-
bander, has been one of the
National League's better pitch
ers this year, and it shows up
in the earned run figures.
Staley, unbeaten since he
dropped the season's opener to
Milwaukee, has permitted only
13 earned runs in 82 innings
for a league leading 1.84 mark.
The 20-year-old veteran of sev
en big league seasons has won
six games in a row.
Statistics complied by the
Associated Press through Mon
day night's games also reveal
that Whltey Ford of the New
York Yankees tops the Amer
ican League with a 2.06 slate.
Ford, although he has failed to
finish his last two starts, has
yielded only 11 earned tallies
in 48 frames. His record is 3-0,
Hoyt Wilhelm, who has ap
peared in 21 of the New York
Giants' 33 games, is right be
hind Staley with a 2.20 earned
run average. The brilliant re
lief specialist has permitted 11
earned runs In 45 innings.
Vinegar Bend Mizell of the
St Louis Cardinals is third at
.30, on 11 untained runs in
43 frames. He has four victor
ies and one setback.
Virgil Trucks, St. Louis
Browns' righthander,, is runner-up
to Ford in the Ameri
can League. He has allowed 16
earned runs in 67 innings for
3.1s average.
Race Includes
Mostly Veterans
Indianapolis U.R Next Sat
urday's 500-mile Indianapolis
Speedway auto race shaped up
today an a battle of veterans.
with auch speed demons as Bill
Vukovich and former champ
ion mil Holland blazing the
way in the fastest field yet.
vuxovicn, the Fresno, Calif.
nard luck pilot who hit the
wall last year while leadlne
the pack with only eight laps
to go, grabbed the pole position
a week ago with an average
speed of 138.392 miles an hour
for the 10-mlle qualifying
That was the swiftest ride In
the 33-car race day line up.
Holland came close to that
mark yesterday when he roar
ed back after his original car
was bumped by a faster one to
reel oft his run at a clip of
Thru -
There's a
I District Champs
hla t Besetting Earn 1-6
to have played la the state tournament at Albany last
week-end. The state temraey was can called because of (
weather eondltlens, se Cascade, like the other seven tour
nament entries, eaa always aay they "might have been
state champion ia 1153." Front row, from left, Wayne
Feller, BUI Brown, Daa Feller, Howard 8 peer, Don Wipper.
. Second row, Larry Gewer, Gerald Waldrop, Howard Buell,
Ed Forest, Harold Bfttermaa. Third row. Bob "iolt, Irwia
Balk, Elton Beach, Ka KendeU, Bay Batten, Bob Stewart
On member of the team, Dlok Gilbert, was sot present for
pietnr. ' . r- . -. . 1
Oregon Baseball Team Eyes
Playoff With
University of Oregon, Eagena
Oregon's youthful baseball
team, an mpsat winner ia in
1153 Northern Division base
ball race, leave her by air
Thursday for Pale Alto for the
annual Pacific Coast Confer-
ence championship series.
Coach Don Kirsch's Ducks
meet Stanford, winner of the
Southern Division title and co-
winner of the California Inter
collegiate Baseball champion'
ship, in a single gam at 1 p.m.
Friday and play the second
game of the scries Saturday at
1 D.m. If a third cam is needed
to decide the playoff, it will be
scheduled for later Saturday
Coach Klrsch said he plan
ned no change In the lineup
which carried the Webfoot to
their ninth Northern Division
championship In the 21-year
history of the league. Either
Norm Forbes, a sophomore
right hander from Victoria, B.
who was th worknorse 01
the Oregon staff this spring, or
Stan Dmochowsky, a sopho
more who transferred from San
Bernadino JC, will pitch the
Co-Capt. Earl Averui, jr.,
will handle the catching and
Infield will be made up of
either Don Hedgepeth or Bob
Wagner at tint base, Jimmy
Johnson at second base,
George Shaw at 8hortatop,
and Pete Williams at third
base. Hedgepeth is a taller
and the ethers ar all sa
mor -
Co-Capt Jim Lives sy, on of
the Northern Division's best
hitters and defensive men, will
be In center field and will be
flanked by Don Siegmund in
toft and Ron PhlUips in right
Stanford will probably open
th series with It ac right
hander, Bob Murphy, who won
nine and lost one during the
Indian's drive to th pennant
Phil Page, a southpaw, may b
Coach Everett Dean' choice In
th second gam. Led by Jack
Shepard, on of th West's best
Greyhound Agent
Cascade high school baseball
wen the district ( champion-
in the district finals, and was
South Champs
collegiate catchers, and Co
Capt Chuck Esse gian, an out
fielder with a talent for home
run hitting, tne Indians are
rated as a better hitting club
than the Ducks, who have been
In slump since mid-way in
the season.
Oregon's chances of winning
seem to rest with the pitching
of Forbes, Dmochowsky, Bill
Blodgett and Trenton Huls and
th tight defensive play which
has been turned in by the Web
foot infield during the last
month of play.
.' The seriee mark th first
time th Ducks have taken
part la th playoff, which
was began la 1147, despite
this being the ninth Oregon
pennant The Ducks, who had
an assist from th weather
this spring, have been frus
trated on three other chance
at th championship by rainy
The Webfoot wrapped up
the chance at the FCC title by
winning all six of the games
played at home and then split
ting in the six played on the
road. Included in the nine wins
were three in 10 innings, two
of them against Washington
and one against Washington
Coach Klrsch credited the
pennant Success to his pitching
staff and to the team's ability
to com from behind. The Web
foot were ahead In only two
of their league game at home
and also had to overcome early
opposition leads on several of
their road games, both in and
out of the league.
This la th fourth
Coach Klrsch baa been con
nected with an Oregea bate
ball winner. He was aa all
Northern Dlvudoa aeeead
baseman for three year and
played a th pennaat-wm-alag
team la 141, IMS aad
1143, He earn to Oregon as
heag baseball coach la the
fall of 147 and began his
Uesr You
Leg Injury
Halts Career .
Of Dark Star
New York aus Just three
short weeks after his upset
triumph In the Kentucky Der
by made him the toast of the
nation. Dark Star came ia the
end of the racing trail because
of a leg Injury.
Harry F. Guggenheim, own
er of the brown colt who as
tonished the experts by beating
heavily-favored Native Dancer
in the derby on May 2; an
nounced that Dark Star suf
fered a "bowed tendon" during-l
last Saturday's Preakness
stakes and will be retired to
"I regret to say that Dark
Star's racing career is at an
end," said Guggenheim.
"Stable Jockey Henry Mor
eno reported that, while run
ning with great ease in the
lead at th head of the stretch,
Dark Stai suddenly stopped.
After falling out, his leg filled
and the injury to the main ten
don became apparent."
Guggenheim, owner of Cain
Hoy stable, said that his three-
year-old Star would be turned
out to "unwind" at Port Wash
lngton. Long Island, this sum'
mer "and will begin his ca
reer at stud in Kentucky in
Michigan State's Tom Yew-
clc likes signal-calling Jobs.
He is the first string quarter
back in football and catcher
on the baseball team. .
career with th Ducks during
the 1948 season.
Only seven of the 18 players
who will make the trip south
are not sophomores and only
two, .Co-Captains Earl Averlll
Jr. and Jim Llvesay, are sen
iors. The Ducks will headquar
ter at the Stanford Village and
plan a workout at Stanford
Thursday afternoon after their
arrival at the San Francisco
Airport. The Webfoots will re
turn home Sunday morning.
Wherever men know and appreciate Una
whiskey, they call for "cheerful" Old
Sunny Brook, famous since 1891. Thig
growing demand has made it the "World's
largest selling Kentucky whiskey."
Sblin Hurls
As r.lilv;ou!(C3 Wins, 6-0
New York. The, eya
les whs art waltlag far Mil
waukee' babble to burst may
rua ut ef aatieae leag be
fer the Braves rua out ef gas
er winning pitchers.
Southpaw Warren Spahn, a
little weary of seeing "boys"
like Don Liddle. Fob Buhl and
Johnny Antonelll do "min i
Jobs for Milwaukee, took mat
ters in his own veteran hand
yesterday and hurled a four
hit 6-0 victory against Cin
cinnati. Fourth Win
By gaining his fourth tri
umph of the season, the 31-
year-old Spahn increased Mil
waukee's National League lead
to a game-and-a-half and con
tinued to fulfil a prediction
made years ago by shrewd old
Casey Stengel.
It was Stengel, who upon
seeing Spahn for the first tune
while be was managing the
hapless seventh place . Braves
in 1942, declared:
"There one kid who if
going to be a big help to the
Braves one day.'
Spahn who returned to ac
tion only four days ago after
being sidelined since May 14
with a pulled side muscle, was
in exceptionally fin form . a
he struck out three and walked
only two. Only Gus Bell and
Bob Borkowskl were able to
solve his deliveries, each get
ting two hits.
The second-place Cardinals
lost a half-gam In th stand
ing by splitting with the Cubs.
St Louis winning the opener,
6 to 3, and Chicago capturing
the nightcap to 1.
KM guinea
Red Schoendienst drove in
three runs with a homer and
two singles as Harvey Haddlx
Charles Knocks
Out Watson
Milwaukee VP) Xxxard
Charles, former heavyweight
champion, knocked out Larry
Watson in the fifth round of
their scheduled 10-rounder
Tuesday night to score ' his
tenth straight victory in his
comeback campaign for a shot
at th title how held by Rocky
A crowd of 6,850 paid $24,-
597 gross.
Miceli Meets
Saxton Tonight
Detroit tin-Joe Mlcell and
Johnny Saxton, a couple of
New York welterweight, meet
tonight In a 10 round bout at
Olympia Stadium that could
earn the winner a crack at
champion Kid Gavllan. '
The nationally televised fight
was rated a tossup although
Saxton holds one decision over
Miceli. That was scored three
years ago and Miceli has im
proved greatly since then.
Gus Eriksen, crew coach at
Syracuse, won letters in row'
ing, football, swimming and
skiing whU at th University
of Washington.
Mik flbt Mfilagi vmb at fi
A favorite from coast to coast
1 LU Ui KJ
Four - Hitter
Major Leagues 0
(Br Vattt tnul
W fc ret. o
, SI 11 - .
n ii w
, 1
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MUv.ttM . ClaetM.ll
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Calf sum. wMluM.
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Chlwua a Lerali I.
Olavalaa t, Oeuelt
teatw. ai riUlaMPhia.
Oalr sunee aekaduue.
gained his fifth triumph In the
first game while Turk Lown
limited the Redbirds to six nits
in gaining his first victory of
the season in the nightcap.
Larry Doby smashed his
sixth homer of the season in
the bottom of the ninth inning
last night to furnish Cleveland
with a to 8 victory over last-
place Detroit.
In the only other American
League gam, the White Sox
defeated the Browns. 8 to 2,
as the losers suffered their
ninth straight loss. Tommy
Bvrne. former Brownie, was
credited with the victory.
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Sox-Doth Red
And White
Win CIoxj Ones
New York Tl wlnnta.
th doe games 1 a mars TofT
good ball club, th Boston Bed
Sox and Chicago White Sox are
two of th better ones.
The Red 80s have won eliht
tilt by a one-run margin this
year and dropped only thr.
The hustling Chisoa have a t.
record by a single tally.
The Brooklyn Dodgers wm.
four wins and two loss, hav
tne oen one-run siai in the
National League. ...
No Trailers
Allowed in
Newberry Area
Bend UA Angler will not
be allowed to tak house and
boat trailers into the Newber
ry crater area this week be
cause of bad road conditions,
Deschutes National Forest of.
fictas announced today.
Officials said fishermen at
tempting to make their wa
Into East and Paulina lake
the area will do to at their
own risk. -
OCE Rained Out
Again; Title
Game Thursday
Portland OJJO An Oresaa
Collegiate Conference baseball
championship layoff was sehai.
tiled for tomorrow alter betas,
rained out yesterday.
Oregon College of Educattea
meets Portland State college tt
Beaver stadium at t pjn.
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