1l3S E.G$3 tail EiiwjJ Lv.vJ L ,v,jj s mm ffleir w 7 3-2 in S:r!:3 C;::::: Senators Down Braves 77-5 Borst Winner; T TJnltad Pna Th Salem Senator ninl off to M early start last mlffct sad coasted to an 11-S victory re the Tri-City Bravo la a Wetter International Leacne baseball (UM. - Tht victory stretched Salem's Metropolitan ; nsw writ iu See Road Races Washington, D.C. The re turn of international road rac ing to metropolitan New York this year waa assured when the eontest board of the Amer ican Automobile Auociation thla week announced sanction for a 200-mile sports car road race at Floyd Bennett airfield, August 29. -. The last International road vent for New York, and the first in America, was the Van derbllt Cup races held on Long Island, prior to 1910. The armed services air wings will share in the re ceipts, according to J. S. Don aldson, race director for the event The entire net profit will be shared by the navy, marine, army and coast guard aitf-wings. s xhe course will be 4.2 miles long with eight turns and a 74100-foot . straightaway, en abling the cars to reach 160 m.p.h. speeds. Qualifying heats, by price class, will be held in the morning and the ndunnM avamt. 1in An for mula, gets an afternoon start ing time. This is the second major ports car event carded by AAA this season. . The Sa bring, 12-hour . Grand Prix d'Endurance, on of the seven world . championship sports ear events, was held in March. Four Beaver Trackmen Enter Conference Meet . '. Corvallis W9 Four track men from Oregon State will travel to Palo A to this week end for the Pacific Coast con ference meet. - . Coach Hal Moe .listed them at Merv Brock, 10O and 200 yard dashes; Ralph fiuttong and Jerry Church, javelin, and Jim Holmes, pole vault Don Chambers, 1 star hurdler, was to remain at horn with a leg injury suffered two weeks ago. , Marciano to Scout Charles Milwaukee aua Rocky Mar- eiano will personally scout Es sard Charles, one of the two top contenders for Marciano' world heavyweight ' title, to night when Charles fights Larry Watson of Omaha, Neb., in the Milwaukee arena. It will be the first time Mar ciano has seen Charles fight Charles watched Marciano's title bout with Jersey Joe Wal ott in Chicago May 15. . Watson, a promising light heavyweight will try for an upset victory to boost his na tional ranking, but will be lopsided underdog. Minor League Scores (Br Tko Attoclfttod Prow) DrTKBNATIONAl, LAAOCS aControal T-l. Baltlmora 1-0. Snd sons 10 aminos. Crtnor samas postpoaod. . ajoojcix association ItmnoapoU a, Loaisnila a. Indianapolis 1, Columbua a Ckarlaiton I, Tolsdo 1. Kauai CJtr I. St. Paul 0. 1 SOirrBXBN ASSOCIATION Atlanta 0-0. Hashrula 1-4. Btrmlntnaai 4, Chattanooso I. atrophia 11. Now Orlssns 11. afobllo S, Utllo Rock 0. TEXAS LSAOUB hraraport 1, Baaumont 0. Oklahoma Cltr U. Dalall I. Port Worth I, Tula . Houston 0. San Antonio fl. WnTKBM LSAOCl Lincoln 1. Slous Cltr I. II tnnlata, IHDrar II, Colorado Bprlnta o. OTana I, Wichita I. txa liolnci 11. Puthlo I. riovrxa uAoct Onat Palla 1-4, BUllnsa O-0. Idaho Palls T-l. PocaMUo S-L Oadan 10, Ball Laka a Bono 11, Mafia Vallar 4. . NO FINER SAW AT NY PRICE Modal 108 Contractor1! Sptdol A NIW HIAVY-OUTY SAW THAT HAS IVIllYTHINO LIGHT WEIGHT POWER SAFETY SPEED Low priced $AC0O - trt only Tesf Open Friday Nit 'til 9 Deyo Homers winning streak to four games, ana left the senators lust four and a half garnet out of first place. Jim Deyo hewed the Sena- tort to their early splurge by smacking a homer la the sec ond inning , with one aboard. The Senators went on and fin ished up with 18 hits against three Tri-City pitchers. Larry Borst, who relieved starter Bob Collins In the fourth inning, got credit for the Salem victory. Trt-city tallied twice in the first added a single marker in the second , and counted two more in the ninth when Jack Warren doubled off the right field wall to drive home the two scores. In other fame Victoria downed Wenatchee 14-10. Yak- una whipped Vancouver 8-2 and Spokane took Edmonton 7-1. Lewiston at Calgary was postponed because of rain. M 1 . (I) TrUCltr axoa a a oa TumIIU I 1 IShnrd.l Silt Lubr.ss t S t 4 Busola.1 Set Bmlth.tt Sit 4L.Tran,t lit PCTM.lt - 4 t 1 Wnmi.lt SIS OlTMl IIS tPatUla 4 t t Clardr.lk I S 11 1 Vuuu.r 4 t a witnw.r s I I Circlet t t S Nalaon 4 t T 1R-Tranj S t 1 oomna. it I i Born. sit Bant. till Bloom. let a-Hdrca i " HcldJ.n t t t Total 41 M tt 11 Totals tt 4 ST 14 a Pannad tor Bloom In Itn. aln SM MS Ota 11 It I Trl-OltT 110 HO Os t 4 I winnint nitcaar: Borit; loams niton r. anrdar. ptnhtr: . ir a i mon couin .... t u I I I o o Borit SO t S S 1 4 Sudor .... I IT 10 t 0 4 1 Bloom .... l l I t . t . 1 1 Hoekadar .1 "T 4 t t t t HBP Borst Bums TanaaM I. nar- wocd. Carrol, a. Tran. nft Dot. SBH Wltaoispoon. IBS Tnnasln. Loot. War- ran. BBI-labr a, Smith. Poroi 2. Son z. aartr, witaarapooa. miaon, Bocooia. J. OMMor. saovcauina. enac- vooa. nr-Taaann to ciarar. !:. Osutraa auinar aad oka Taktma Oil Ott 100 S It , tOJ 000 000 t 10 Vani HcrUk; Tbomaaan. OaltV i Spokan 100 000 0W 4 T It I nun on ton too 001 ooo o a worth, cortor (t) and abaau; llaa- r, nsnaru ti) 01 Wonateboo 000 too Olt It It Victoria too oil n 14 14 Cmbro. Tottnl (Tt and Bartolomal: wianaui, Boosas (0) and Harun. Woods Defeats Joey Velez Spoken UP) Popular Joey Velez dropped an unpoular de cision ' to fellow-Spokaneite Bobby Woods , in a 10-round lightweight boxing match her Tuesday night Th decision was booed by spectators. Woods weighed 131 sounds Veies 138. f - Preliminary results included: Bobby Lee, 161, Seattle, out pointed Chi co Aguilar, 187, Kennewiek, 8. Karley Breshears, 176, Par ma, Idaho, knocked out Wally Tittman, 175, WaUa Walla, In :SB 01 th third round. Ross Defeats Kindred on Mat Tony Ross defeated Don Kindred in the main event of last night' professional wres tling card at Salem armory. "The match went the full three folia, and Ross had to come from behind" to win the match, as Kindred apparently had Ross beaten on several oc casions. George Drake defeated Henry Lens and the Masked Marvel downed Al Watkins. oBBaaaaoawBBaawnM-- now Save Honey 0BrTfC yMrl SrMoytl w3WfawMP 4twl' Mol Of all the Raton why mort than 100,000 car owner insure with Allstate, ben an Jutt a lew of the most important ... Alittatt liability msro ta aaoac ooooo are mtbttantiaUy Irm tka aaoat of mo etiur Imiinj Jnaaraaoi ommpjjuit. AlUtalt't Cosy Poryaoooat Ptoa ste yea sis aarafAt to Day only 40 doom, 30 ator twte Skootias, owot 30 ator ou bmnIAs. AlUtato to faatooM for fatt, fair eiaiat oottfdiewnat ir-r frn- Y if rrinfissaT iijii Miiiaatiiiosj Alltaf oboom laouoo mt Btrmliaoi IUuotrmtor Polity Vat $mt$ you mort protoctio of no txtro eoot. Before yon renew, check your nearby Allotate agent Let hire help you compare rates snd benefits. You'll see why mon than l,S0O,0rx car ownm 1sw tbr MbPJbw3bB ' mWtmT4 SSI I A I by! WIL Standings . Or Tko Imilltad mai , W I. Ptt. t, T alJI ......... I ............ 14 11 ' AO0 ....M...M It i 14- SOI ........... 14 .,. 11 ..401 a ....... u it jm ........... n it .440 10 U 11 , M Trt-Cltf Taxlmo ........... u si 14 Taktaw a Vanestoor a Statano T. admoaia S (It Vtstatlo 14. Wanalahao t. aalsm 11. Trt-oilr a. bawiatoa at Caliarr, rata. , at at calsarr (. at VUisfto. i al Trt-Oltr. Tanosarar. NW Golfers to Qualify for Open June 1 r Seattle (1 Seventeen golf ers, only three of them ama teurs, will ' shoot for three berths in the National Open Golf tourney in the Northwest qualifying test June 1 over the Seattle Golf Club s testing lay out ' . " ' , Mining from the entry list were the names of Joe Greer, Yakima, ana ieo Gaulocher, Olympla, who qualified Mon day over the same links for the National Professional Golfers Association tourney July 1-7 at Detroit Although three places will be open to North westerners, the area actually will have a fourth player in the Open June S-13 at . Oakmont near. Pitsburgh. Jack Westtand of Everett quali fies automatically as national amateur champion. - - The test will be over 36 holes. The entrants and their starting times (A-amateur): ' t:M aav Hareia watt. Panama 031 Dortd KlUan. Bnoaaos Bddla Bonn, paiiiaas 0:44 urrr ijowsim. imiiam. Kan Tnafcor. Bvaratt. 041 Bill amltn. Portland. IM BUI waiolt, Baaaawiaci unarm anrato A) U:lt Uord Korditrom, aoatUoi Soo Mosal, Portland; Aoolpfa Bcnsnao (A), fflnuau 10:11 Btmta Bran. Taoomai 4onn BodA Tneanwi Jack Wal tan A), Taoo- Shaw Envisions Change in Style Of Track Cars Indianapolis nut As grand strategy was being mapped for Saturday's 900-mile auto race, it appeared today that new and perhaps r a d 1 c a 11 y different equipment will be necesssry to set qualification records in tne future. ' . t ' Hiat much appeared evident during three days of Urn trials, which produced 71 qualifying attempts but no track records. True, the field Itself la the fastest in the 37-year history of th "500" nearly on mil an hour faster than last time. But the 19S2 track records of 139.600 and 139.034 for one and four laps respectively, still stand. Former speedway winner Wilbur Shaw said "It seems to me the records Chet Miller set last year are becoming increas ingly difficult to crack with the equipment we now have." Shaw, who heads the Speed way Corp., envisioned that the race car of th future compet ing here will be more stream lined and more balanced, simi lar to the low slung tan used for record runs on th Utah Salt Flats, although not as large. t sol M-iauVai aeVaa,tau flajsanontkaai aUntBteaneadsl 1 Hfallllf WWwT VWIW WMttt LOCAL UNITED MttSS FAN FARE Jack Krar.sr Takes 53-39 Lead in Vcrld Net Series By chbis Kowrrz, J. Oregon Stat College, Corvallis- Jack Kramer took a 63-39 lead la his round-the-world tennis aeries with Frank Sedgmaa here Mon day night, defeating the Aus tralian amateur champion t-7, 6-3. Kramer, undisputed world champion f tennis, awed 1143 fans with his blistering serves aad hi aBeaaay abili ty te be In tht right place at the right tian. Sedgmaa, whe tamed are Jast before th tear began, captured th fancy of th crowd with a hard-htttiag atyl ef play. - He played every ball as If th world's titlt depended oa that en return.. . Diminutive Paneh Segara f South America need aa unorthodox tw-handed shot aad an endless supply of en ergy to defeat Australian Ken McGregor 6-1, 6-4 . in another singles match. - The American due ef Kra mer and Segara teamed ap to defeat McGregor aad Sedgmaa 6-3 ta a. ont-set doable match. Dan Jones Retires Oregon City QM9 Dan Jones today announced his resigna tion as Oregon City high school coach. Jones, who has coached here since 1839, made no com ment on his future plans. here since 1939, made no om-l i - - ItAl . '-J I tL-Zs. I t 1 mentonhlsfutureplsM. . t V .5) .) I ( VT . J 1 I WT'TO-anktaM. 1 (SslS TSJaXTXI rJ W ) ) - - UAVIiW IV I oaMolodii0odVoBooo. W j-tSl'; I,. Vl-7 J ;T OiTJiX N ft 1 sto.- I i KV" x vAK-liiW , fW?-K ;. 1 ' - a. .in l. ltrL Jlmirlinil I I o VAIA sVWdiaaiaivra j aa.a.aara wipm VfoH 1 I (Gy Eddio Lewis - tAi7 90rf,M'",,M,tt,ii'V 31L. l-w ff $jx Television wtriijwtw jfviiys .: ! ' sS!10 aUal70UQ.slw.Wa7otktMM.U W78g95S II I rll,l,l,,,.,,.ai,.,,.,,.l..... ...1:,l . a.,.,, ...,...,..., ii in i.i. i ,,. wmmwrnm .. m mm ASSOCIATfD HtZS Salua, Omn, Waslavaaday, May 27, HM Full Race Card For Jalopies Saturday Night Saturday night's Jalopy smash program at Hollywood Bowl will be In the form of a regu lar racing card. ... , A trophy dash, four heat ra ces and two. main events, for 20 and 26 laps, will be run by the Jalopies. '. In rout, th drivers may smash into tach other in any way they tee fit, except head-on.-.. ; ..... ..- . . r . . . , All th cart that manage to still operate by th time th main events are finished, will engage in a free-for-all smash- up, just to make sura they all get ' wrecked all except the last car running. Drivers who appeared la Sa lem previously in a hard top program will drive the Jalo pies Saturday. H They Include Clarence Smith, Bob Porter, Dick Gaboury, Don Guth, Walt PQughaupt Kenny Dean. Dick Braniff, Lucky Glascock. Jim Bozlch, Arnold King, Emmett V inning, Cecil Dal ton, Stan Diets, Walt Wald- ron. Bud Cavett, Limey nocx. Art Watts, Rod Love. Larry Gardner,, Cecil Wright, Don Porter. Art Pfaff. Bud GruoL Orin Been told, Wally Larson, Dal Noll ton, Fred Connett, Clarence Schmltt, Don Klum, lih7im STRAIGHT B0DRB0paf NEWS AND FEATURD Pai IS yWawDttaw Duffers Invited To Pcrticipate In Shrir.3Tc.rr.3Y Golfers of all abilities will participate la the an nual Shrin dab-sponsored one-day golf tournament at Salem Golf slok Sunday. - Competition will be con ducted la a a umber ef flights, aad ta ltt-edd mer chandise prises will be dis tributed among th winner of th various Hlghls. , In ether wards, just about anybody who 'can swing a golf elab at Habit to bring hem seaae leet treat th Shrin tournament. . , . ., Ia addition to bMUvMual play, four-man team play will be contacted daring th day. sUrly-btrds will tee off at 7 ' am aad will keep tanging away at the little white pellet an til timt for the bar been m the evening. ' Men : and women alike, whether or set they are golf ers, are Invited to th bar beeae, aad tickets art new en aale by all members ef ; th Shrin elab. - Seme lucky barbecue pa tron will drive home ta a ' brand new IMS Oldsmebile. John Ketchum, Bed Mon than, Armond MlUen, Jim Davis and Bud Beeb. San Diet UAa lihth baaing atafl by Jack Bfttata gam Baa Dieg a 3 to 3 vic tory last alght ever rertlaad Beavers before seme 1,781 la eifie Coast Leaga fans. Dino RestelU started off scoring for th Beavers in tho second inning by hitting hi ninth homer to make it 1-0. Portland mad it J-0 in th fourth. Hank Arft singled, Jim Russell walked and Re. tell! sacrificed. After an in tentional walk to Aaron Rob inson, Charley Grant slugged fly to left field to score Arft Th Padre finally hit their stride in th sixth when, with two out, fcarl Rape walked and Morton and Buddy Peterson singled in order for a run. . San Diego conped two more runs in the eighth for th win ning score. Dick Faber sin gled and then Happ tripled to score Faber and tl th score at two-au. Ray Welmaker replaced Ward at this point and then Morton singled horn Ranp to makltS4. By SCOTT BATLLIB Saa Francisco W9Th haughty Seattle Bainier were th latest PCL club today to be tripped ap by the dormant 8eramtnte Bolons Los Angeles waa mighty glad when the seventh-place Sacs left-Wrigley Field on Sunday after the visiting Sen ator! had dropped their rug ged series by only on game. Then last night the Sacs pro ceeded to outscrambl the first place Suds, 6 to 6, and par Seattle' margin over the Angels back to 3tt games. Seals Wla Tw ' Los Angeles picked up valuable game by downing Hollywood 3 to S In a town feud whll San Francis co swept a twin bin from Oak land, 3to3and4to3. toget big jump tn their vendetta. Pint-siaed Marino Pleretti went the distance for his fifth win as he outlasted three Seat tle hurlers in a free-hitting eontest Relief specialist Bob Splear chalked up his second victory in three games aa he rescued tho Annuls Kddle Chandler in the seventh inning from a Bol lywood uprising. Frank Die prima won the game la tn eighth when he hit a high fly to ecore Gen Baker from, third. Old pro George Vico, back rcL staNa:::;c3 10 Jtt a x i BaUmad Portland . ... II 9t .04 t mh,ih i S4 IT ,4T1 11 ... in mm... so as waj n'm ....... M II AN 11 s ; aa PraaiMn a Oakland not). aa Ptaarans 4. Oaaund S Oxd. Ma a, BaonaM a to 0. aaatUa t. - a, psniint a. th Seals' lineup again with i troubletomo) knee repair , spoiled 'Al Getter four. hitter In th opener by sock- in U three el th needed taUec. . dim atarsnau. vainly tut two run homer for th Aoorns th final off winner BUI ' Bradford, who bow b t-l. on o a o a a o a a- ill! s a I 4 S t S 4 t T t set BokoMt 41 tPadrUa Artna I It lOmoa.lt SIS tAlsavlk RaauulU Sit OPakarf S 1 1 BM.rf Oaaatak t I Iktnajk Anstuvat t t t 4PMo.ai 4 1 s llsathia.a Ward. a I 0 1 laaUUkp W.laUr.o 0-0 0 1 a-oudsta 10 0 1 . 00 IMU Totlla B) t Sill . o H.oa. sa far wsnnakat la 0n. Portland oio loo toe- San Ctato 000 Oil as- I PHonot.- ip ab a b am bb so milk ..... t SO S t I I t Ward ..... T JT I t t t t Walmakar ..1 tltttt Wlnnar: South: loan: Ward. B Arft, MtaUl Pafcn. Itmar 1. utt Portland an Dlaso a IBH Bapa. BB-aaaHlU. altt. Ward. Anstra. BBI Baa. tain. Oraat, Patarsoa, aaoo, Maraon. DP-Ward. AiattD and Artl. T 1:1a. U-Anaka, tronoa and iratart. A 1.TSJ. . aattla 000 M SOt-S tt t aarameato lot 100 10 t U t BTsna. Dol Dooo 4). TMfia Ml aa Ortals: Ptarattl sad Blloltsf. . Booraoad 000 101 Ola-1 t 1 Ojaaan, Isma (01 and Braoaa, " m l cnanmat. Okllai m and riisa. Ml 0-t 1 tot ooo o d Oaostn. Cloask M) and Toman oW tao oia 01 4 a Atkins and Bkolt Bradford. MoOaM R) aad TMOMTO. Ffciofs Icit Ulzb (Bp Tho asssilstiS filial ' anfcna Bssard Onnilaa, laoaA. anoafcad oa tan? Watson, 110 Vi, Oaaa- na. a. Buns mm? auo ansua, liia, attsoit Tsaamt Usada. liotk. baa Ansana, t. imiiii luttr woods, in, nitm, oataotntad too Valas, lis, aaakaao. 10. raanira waimiao onval atwnoi Borrtoa, Ut, Pnorto also, oatnolalad art Btlvan, tnsa, thlladauhla, II. oioaotaai. oowronunr Hanaois, uo, Uo AnoakM, and llanoal -nolo" non tax. U4. ana Jose, draw. "T-erc's a barrel of qoilityia every bottle' it, i 550 North Cop! Sc. Pkoxf l-tl91