Tf IS THE CAPITAL JOUHNAL, galea, Ortfoa Wadnaaday, May 27, im ur.:i 'resent Rco The otter of B'nai B'rith provide a United StatM flag for the hi South Una high achool when that building if dedicated prior to the opening of the 1954-85 echool jrear wu accepted with thank by the achool board Tuesday : light The dlrectora expressed plea- . aura In connection with the offer of the Jewish organiza tion. At the aame time the board decided to purchase a lJ-acrt , tract of land from Lewis Jud- aon for 30,000. The land which la without buildings, ex eept an old barn, will be used as playground territory in con nection with the Leslie Junior and Sotgh Salem senior build ings. . - The tract extendi southwest- ward from 13th and Hoyt and la considered a "natural" in connection with the possible development of a football field and stadium. A small stream meanders diagonally through the proper ty and it la estimated that ft would cost 818,000 to take care of the water flow through a large tile. This Improvement will not be undertaken in use Immediate future. The board asked for bids for a new 00 passenger achool bus, a quantity of slab wood for use at the administration ouuaing and for ether materials which will be needed during the 1983 04 school year. $139,096Med In Man's Deafh Albany A widow and three children are plaintiffs in a f 139,040 damage suit baaed on accidental death of the husband and father, filed In circuit court here Tuesday. Plaintiff are lira. Kathleen Story, 27, who is suing In ben half of herself and children, Kathleen Marie, aged 4; Chris tian Ann, aged I, and one-year-old James Edward. Mrs. Story alleges that few husband, Jim Story, was killed by a falling tree July S3, 1953. At that tuna, complainant sets forth, Story wu employed as a timber-bucker by the Sav age Logging company, operat ing a power chain saw on a road clearing project She names the company and Athel Savage and Henry Hlebert, partners comprising the firm, as defendants, The plaintiff ac cuses the company of falling to employ safety measures and de vices required by law on such projects. East Salem Cast Salem The last home extension meeting until Octo ber for Seat Salem units was held Thursday In the homo of Mrs. M. Stephenson on Green wood Or. Officers installed by lira. Ited HcCaQ of the county committee were Mrs. Stephen son, chairman; Mrs. H. A. B la ke, vice-chairman, and Mrs. Scott foster, secretary-treasurer. The closing demonstration In herbs for . variety and accent was given by Mrs. Ronald Hop per and. Mrs. Floyd Thompson as they prepared the food for the luncheon. Attending were guests: Mrs. Floyd Sweringen, Mrs. Louis Da Louetto, Mrs. Laddie Gale, Mrs. Brosia Cusick, Mrs. w. R Howard, Mrs. Ayers, Mrs. John Lee, Mrs. Hank Juran and members Mrs. Artie Be an a. Mrs. Biake. Mrs. frank Caa- pell, Mrs. roster, Mrs. John French, Mrs. Vernon Gllmore, Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. T. Knight, Mrs. George Seymour. Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Ai McKinney. t Mrs. Frank Blcket was hos tess for the closing meeting be fore summer vacation for members of the Garden Boad Neighborhood club at her home on rairview ave. Friday. A dessert luncheon was served to guests, Mrs. Anna Martsching, Mrs. r. X. Birch and Mrs. Olga Northup and members, Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs. Paul Lynch, Mrs. Mary Swingle, Mrs. Ralph Werner, Mrs. A. C Schafer, Mrs. Julia Jennings, Mrs. Carl Wood, Mrs. Jess Hatch and Mrs. William Hartley. It was octal afternoon with only Business planning for the sum' mer picnic. Week end guests at the Carl Dlbbern and William Hartley homes on Lancaster Dr., were air. ana Mrs. Archie WehtJe or Astoria. Mrs. William McKinney was ue honored guest for a birth day party Sunday night at the William Hartley home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. John Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph eln, Mr. and Mrs. K. K Brandt, Mrs. Walter Bradley, Dam Contracts Walla Walla. Wash. W British firm was awarded an 1357,600 contract Tuesday for manufacturing six transformer units for the McMary dam powerhouse oa the Columbia river. Col r. 8. Tandy, the army' district engineer, announced the award to F errant! Electric Co., Inc., for manufacture Hollingwood, Lancaster, Eng land. The award precedes by a day a re-opening at Seattle of bids for transformers for Chief Joseph dam, upstream from McNary. An army call for reblds on the Chief Joseph project, after a low Wd by a British concern, created an international "in cident" recently. It Included criticism of the United States policy in the British house of commons by a high British gov ernment official. STUDENT ELECTION Mt Angel Thomaa Traeier. Junior, waa elected student body president of the Mount Angel preparatory achool at Mrs. Lula Wilson, Mrs. Charles Bottorff, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mr. and Mrs. William Damery, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Rawch and Mr. and Mrs. Hart ley. Merry Min fieri club meet ing will bo Thursday, May 28 at 1 pjn. in the home of Mrs. Clyde CoIwelL 928 Bieber ave. Lansing Neighbors Garden club May meeting will be Thursday, at 1:30 pin., In the home of Mrs. William Hartley on Lancaster or. " Vi tin Wu, ,.m riii mm li imnm am hm m WOlBMBraaLVSl mtt Wmtm SMt Ml wcmSSSJfm ttaeV" ESS i"SyirSu wotisioai MycATao eoj lM la IiIim k CmIHL VMS Manx. owl, tnrnm, aw SiSnln eras Motmi elections held Friday afternoon. Elected to serve with Traeger during the 1958-1954 achool term Include Leo Buchheit Junior, vice president; Joseph Bcnauoerger, eopnomore, sec retary; and James reasler, Jun ior, treasurer. DULLES IN ATHENS Athens, Greece ) U.S. Secretary of State Dulles arriv. ed here by air from Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday for talks with high Greek officials. ill. til m INATVN arises fed Star Trntsfcr Ahftaeat 1.8-tUI aaiar oa A fat 21 PLANTER ? CONSOLE FREE HOME TRIAL Na obligation to bay Nothing to pay If yea return the set In Mahof enyi 349M oomt fiais awus. HWI IMAM MHi w natr aal ImmI Im Tu. fli rbat mn 7t i YCsm it App'la! KiTekYfcksCo. messsk mama IT'S LEON'S NOTE THE ITEMS Then Compare the Prices . . . It's All Bright, Fresh, New Merchandise . . . and At the Thriftiest Prices You Ever Saw ! Suits By "Waver ly" , . . many sty lee to choose from, rally elasUclsed for that perfect fit la reee, salmon, navy blue, black, purple, red aad yellow. Staee 33-31. $6.9$ Pe4d Puttier From a famous manufacturer wheee mama 1 we eaaaot disclose. Made of flaest vat-dyed aaHeleta aad made to fit Blaea 11-18. $3.99 Sleevelets ShuM A largo aeleetloa of cotton blouses from Arlene . . . Peter ran . . . Shirt style. In the season's loveliest colors. , $199 Slacks freea "Mealier . . , rentuae Caleeheea gabardlae . . . tailored stark. Just right for Males, week-eada aad vacation travel. Black, hrewa, red, gray, navy, beige. PlatSlitei h A weaderfal aelecUoa ef eparkllag new lay aaeea . . . Imported llaeaa ... aad apple son elk akin leathers. A variety ef atylee and eelera to cheooo from. Extra alas to wide widths. $3.99 1 Stocking For the first time ever ... sale of "Ham' mlng Bird" atoeklngsl New It denier gauge, aad the. aver popular IS dealer 81 gauge. Also contrast keels. Ml 20 V ,7 M'S SffllUfJS JACK'S OFFER YOU THE HOST SENSATIONAL COMBINED BARGAIN IN SALEM! THIS ,;; ;-;v' :, 1950 CHEVROLET 4-D00R SEDAN . PLUS A fslAHOGANY 17" CONSOLE TV SET FOR $515)1 EOO ONLY II r-vLri )i v 1 ; eaiu From -Stockton' ef Dallas, Texas ... la nary denim, aad also aaddla panta la red and black far samsser fun. In alsca 18-18. $2.99 Open Friday Night Til 9 234 N. Liberty Here Are the Vital Statistics t ON THE CHEVOLET ON THE TV SET . 1S0 Model 4-Ooor Uim 17-inch Screen Original Metallic Green Finish On. Owner Car Hond RW Mahcny Cabi-a Ixcellent Rubber Cuoroni Cabinet Styiinf fartoct Mechonk-4 Conrion , ' f owtr Pla. Chaatla Inrerior Iporleta . SUREI-WE'LL TAKE A TRADE! SEE THE CAR ON THE TURNTABLE AT ORVAL'S SEE THE TV SET AT SMILING JACK'S CONVENIENT TERMS, OF COURSE BARGAIN CORNER IN SALEM IS CENTER and CHURCH THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE MISS ..'OBVAL'S THIS! SfJLiraS JACK'S B.F.Goodrich Store (Ml Main In Lebanon)