,1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salon. Ortfon Tu-Ar. Mr 1953 FIRST COURTHOUSE MARBLE PLACED ... - S.'J'u Marble setters for Lute Marble company, Portland con tractor!, placed the tint alab of lurek Danbury Vermont marble at the aouthweit corner of the northwest wing of Marlon county" new courthouse at 10 o'clock thla morn ln(. Between elf ht and ten ears of marble and from teven to eight months time will be required to complete the job. from left: Tom M. Smith, 8. Gardner and Lloyd Allen, superintendent. ' I chairman of the convention di vision.' asiiited in conducting I the meeting. - ........ Tourist week and Slogan Proposed for This Year Can you create food slogan hat will draw tourists to 5a- ism and help them after they get Here. - Too will have your thai tor the combined tourist and lonventlon committees of the Chamber of Commerce, me aig Monday night, started a (rive for more travelers to so- lourn ta the city and more eon- renuoB to eoroe here, and a little later la the aumnter pre sose to have a tourist week. As for the slogan, H is pro posed to make that a son test. irhlch will add seat to the en- lerprise. William H, Hammond, chair- sun of the tourist division, , itressed the seed of courtesy in greeting travelers, and said Lowe Wins Match On Horseshoe Courts Ivan Lowe, 195 Salem tone prtohiof hamploa from whom the title hasn't bam wrested, won the organised Hatch played on the Bush Pas ; lure Park courts Sunday aft ernoon. sMx plegrere participated. . Inderson and J. Anderson tied lor second place. The games were watched by I good-etied crowd ef specta tors. . Eugene Freeeott, secretary k we salens Horseshoe Club, at present a patient at I- m Memorial hospital. In drilling deep oU wells. more time la ueed taking toots ut of the well to change bits ind putting them beck than in sctual drilling. that merchants, and groups of all kinds should be Interested In their entertainment Dave Hoss will serve as chairman of the tourist week movement. The Junior Cham ber of Commerce came through with an offer to provide per sonnel for Information booths placed strategically at the high way entrances to the city, and said the Jayeeettes would assist In the distribution among trav elers of pamphlets and other media ef Information. It was said that service sta tion owners have formed an or ganization and that It will co operate.. The hotel and motel owners have also organised to work with the other agencies. Clay Cochran, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, said the chamber would be a clear ing house for Information and asked all Interested In conven tion to make '.arrangements with the1 chamber for dates. ' Russel Pratt, president of the chamber, end W. WVChadwlek, lS 5 Tears Old For outdoor Rover, call lor MI"-1 TbSpvfimaA&tittf mil OLD JO STILL f3 nfld kt Woof.:. rich la Am UBIN Tltl new town rate KcSi FIFTH PINT terato MJ- tvry drop matJt, mtflamd ni kttUd tMy ey TIHU-MUH IIITIUIIYi IITalUINIO 10UISVIUC IY4 1MI 2 Inmates of. Prison Escape Two state penitentiary in mates escaped from a prison larm worn gang Monday after noon while their guards were attempting to fix a truck thsf the duo had sabotaged. William P. Mullin and Wil lUm C. Dormey. both 28 and both serving robbery terms from Multnomah county, pull ed the ignition wires loose from the truck which had been used to haul the work" crew to the farm near Salem. While the guards were at tempting to find and repair the trouble the two escaped. MuUin was 'eentencd in 1990 to six years and Dormey in 1982 to three years.. They brought to 10 the num ber of men who have escaped since Warden Clarence T. Gladden took over the prison eight weeks ago, Including one group of five who hid in a false bottom. of a flax truck. They were all apprehended within a matter of hours. PURPLE HEART ft. , V" r ' . . ( , -i- :t .. More Burglaries for Week-End Reported ' Two more week-end burgla ries were reported to city po lice Monday afternoon. 'About $7 worth of stamps and s portable radio were taken in a break-in at Gas Heat, Inc., 263 North Ommercial street, after a rear door latch was forced : to gain entry. Desk drawers were ransacked and the cash drawer opened, police said. ' In the same block, the Coast-to-Coast store, 233 North Com- j mercial street, was entered by breaking out a glass in the sky light, but nothing was report ed missing by the store manage. ment. About 93 per cent of the farm area of Sweden is pri vately owned i FRft HOME TEST Eddie Lewis TV 45 Ferry ; Ph. 3473 Used Car Dealers ' Elect Boniface Milan Boniface wu elected president of the Salem Used Car Dealers' association' at a I David ff.-Kauffman. seaman, USN, (right), son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Kauffman, Route 3, Box 815, Salem, is presented the Purple Heart by Capt Lawrence R. Daspit, commanding officer of the Navy cruiser USS Los Angeles. Kauffman received the decoration for wounds cn the face and cheek and neck received when an enemy shell struck the main mast of the USS Los Angeles splattering shrapnel over the superstructure and gun mounts. Ten other men were also wounded. The ship was bombarding Wosan. U. S. Navy photo) meeting of that organization Monday night. Other officers elected were Dale Dorn, vice-president, and Gale Dorn, eecretary-treasur-er. '' - The association voted that all members would close their businesses Saturday in observ ance of Memorial day. . U.S. industrial research pro grama use about two billion dollars a year and employ about 235,000 people says the National Geographic Society. n? wans UP TO $1500 "YES" promptly to 4 out of 5 employed man, women marrwd er sms). 1-vWt ken . . . phone lint. You select boat payment dste. Lunch hour rvice. Considerate service In your belt intmsU. Find out why, , "It's Mewl to be surer m.r-t M Arte, hrnHve er SeMry . NOW!' Loans m(-$1509 Tskfvp to 24 nonriis to rtptty I VI TIM I . Ground Floor, Oregoa IMg., 105 8. HIGH ST., SALEM : t tI.llexDnle,YMIIAHager ' 1m enr $300 mm4 ky ttni nmce Ce. e Maries County aaaar ttte . . ' , laaaVW taaa Ceaaealai Ad Oraaaa: ( K- Um aasi alaw al sS naniin n ttm tkwn aw. HM. S-ltl k EUDiJSII . .aanntaW 4 I S-iSsJ ' I Open VATCH .OUR WINDOWS Prices on Merchandise Displayed in Our Windows Are Being Reduced Daily Until , They Are Sold While They Last! DINNERWARE SET IrKtUOING SH.VCRWAKI FRE.ll With the Purchase Of Any Dining Room Set in Our Store F zi zi For the Living Room you get a Dav cno and Chair, Coffee Table, 2 End TablesPlastic Occasional Chair," 2 Table Lamps, 2 Pictures, a Mirror, a Wool Throw Rug. , SAVE Opto $ For the Bedroom you get a Cabinet Bed and 2 Nite Stands, a double dresser and Mirror, Box Spring and Mattress, 2 Vanity Lamps, Satin Comforter, Throw Rug 110 oo ' on RANGES REFRIGERATORS AUTOMATIC WASHERS NO IXCHAKKSES NO RcVUNOS NO RETURNS For the Kitchen you get a Beau tiful 5-piecc Chrome Dinette. Monday and Friday Till 9 p. m. iMAxzi mil "n1 r- la-waaT.a i. a- " " "