To-far. MT tf. It5l 1Wy, Kay n ltsi wTPMa 8 '"TBZ CAPITAL JOURNAL, gates; Oregon TSX CAPITAL JOUXWAL. WtwOrufM PRESIDENT CONGRATULATES TRUCKER DRY GOODS SPECIALS . i i RfaSf WOMEN'S PANTIES 33c - MEN'S FURNISHINGS ... , n f ,'.f r i ? I) President Elsenhower, who confesses he used to be a hot ' rodder, congratulate 8. R. Burkholdar of Sparks, Nev, 41-rear-old truck driver who boldt the industry's title of "Driver of tho.Yaar," during a Whit House visit Mrs. Burkholdar 1 at center. The president Mid he mi honored to meet a nan who had driven 27 year without an acci dent AP Wirephoto) Chinese Agree Farley Heads U.S. Wildlife To Qui : Bangkok, U. 8. Ambas sador Zdwin J. Stanton Mon day expressed hop that ar- Seattle m John J. Farley of Seattle was sworn in here Monday as director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. ; rang omenta wll be completed this week for withdrawl of He was appointed by Secre tary of th Interior McKay to 11,000 Chines Nationalist succeed Albert M. Day, long' time bead of th service. guerrilla troop from Burro. Military representative of Ralph A. Tudor, undersecre th United Stat, Thailand, Burma and Nationalist China last week began talks on de tary of th Interior, represent ed th department at the cere mony. Tudor was her on hi way horn from Alaska, on of tailed plan for th evacuation through Thailand Including the major ilan ana gam do f surrender of arms. - mains to com under Farley ! Stanton said th Burmese and 'Nationalist Chine are direction. Farley, a former assistant di showing every Indication of wanting to settle th touchy problem of th border of Bed rector of th California Fish and Game Commission, has a public relation repre Chin as soon as possible. However, it still 1 uncertain sentative for th Crown Zeller bach Corp. U. S. District Judge John C. whether th guerrilla force Bo wen administered the oath in th board room of th Seattle Chamber of Commerce, before a gathering of about 00 busi ness leaden and government official. under Gen. LI Ml actually will lay down their arm and leave Burma even though ordered to do so by the Formosa govern ment Formosa ha said it had littl control of th troop, who war driven out of Yunan Pro vince by th Communist in 1950 and hav been training in $3891.02 How In Blood Fund th Burma mountain ever tec. Measles Epidemic Cash on band for the sup Skmtem Decline port of th Marion County Blood Bank for th year be ' Th number of cases of me ginning July 1 total $3891.01, Charles I. Wainwright treas ale during th seven-day peri od ending May II showed a deelin over th preceding week, a report issued from th Marion County Department of '. Health concerning communl cebl and reportabl diseases indicates. . y .. i Thar war 61 instance of th disease during th week, including II in Salem, 19 from th balance of th county and on la a state institution. Other case of disc re ported included: 14 German measlee, ' 1 chic ken pox, 8 mump, I strap sor throat, 1 each enteritis. Influenza. Vin urer of th committee headed by Dr. Henry Morris which Is trying to raise th 19300 need ed, reported today. Gift from organization not previously acknowledged in clude th following Holly wood Lions $171, First Chris tian Church Willing Wokers class $10, Salem Ministerial As sociation $25, Ladies' Auxil iary, FOX, $10, Salem Memo rial Hospital Auxiliary $28, Salem Memorial Hospital $29, Merchant Credit Bureau $10, Salem Botana Club $28, Salem Jaycee $29, Marion County cent' angina and ayphili and Court $80, Temple Beth Sha- lon Sisterhood $10, Merry Min- 1 ch of lobar and virus pneu monia. glers Club $8, Keizer Sewing Club $28, Eastern Star No. ITS $7.45, Salem Unit 138 ALA Ike Signs Order to Inspect Tax Returns $28, Lutheran Laymen' League $10, Catholic Daugh ter of America $8. Dr. Morris is asking ill or ganizations who hav not done so to take up collections among their member and both , indi viduals and firms to mail their Washington, W) President Elsenhower Monday signed an executive order authorizing th House Committee on Gov ernment Operation to ex contributions to "Blood," P, O Box 11, Salem. amine income tax returns in connection with its investiga tion. .- The President's order au thorize examination of tax re turn for any period through 1991. GRAND ISLAND GRADS Grand Island Leon Palmer and Cecil Smith . were the eighth grad graduate of this district at th Dayton Union grad school, Thursday GRASSES give yee rH CswcDt yeo ed and rssisMitr, CDonl Hav T Pay On ''rmerMWe1 fivisytrwi .J.'JJJUJiH QUICK SIIVKII I. '"'"" lyer eglaHred Opmt,tl 7tF "" ' (7JW ' OFFICES- Iss REG. TO 1.39 NYLON HOSE 78c r 1500 poir nylon hosa. ISdaniar, 60 gaug30 eWnitr, 51 gauge and 15 denier, 51 gauga for your selection. Save almost to 50. All sizes ovallobl. Buy now. REG. 59c INFANT'S SHIRT AAC Shert sImv slip-M stylo REG; 25c TRAINING PANTS 19c Sim 1-4. Special prlea. . : 1 , Reg. 2.98 Sweater, Bonnet Set 1 fifi Infant Sis. All wool.............. RM.?.9I PLASTIC DRAPER 78c Savo 60 on. this one! A wld rang of colors and patterns from which to choos. Full 90x26 in. siz. Over 300 In this asst. Shop aarly. 3 days only! REG. 17.98-22.98 DRAPES lark cloth, pabWa cloth. . . 12.88 REG. 11.98-14.98 DRAPES Low price for 3 days only. 8.88 JIEF. 6.98-8.98 DRAPES A ftft Assorted slses, colors. . . . . ,ww REG. 5.89 CAMP COT , MQ Heovy white I canvas duck....... ',AW REG. 10.45 CROQUET SET 044 Quality 6-beH set. Special. . t REG. 17.95 SLEEPING BAG 1 A Q Q Water resistant bag. Special... "W REa 46.95 BOY'S BICYCLE 36.88 An American mad English type bicycle. 26-inch standard size. Maroon only. Special for the next 3 days only. Only 10 available at this low price. REG. 20V2C QT. BULK OIL ulk oil in your container. REG. foe SPARK PLUGS buy by the set. One low price. REG. 1.89 AUTO CUSHION 16c 37c 1.44 Popular wedge strap type DELUXE TIRES REDUCED Prices cut on Wards Oelux Riversides 25. Save without sacrific ing safety. You get a full size tire with full non-skid depth and full tread width. Every ounce of material is first quality. Tread de signed for faster stops. ' 99c 54c 22c 12x12 site. Asst. celen. . REG. 49c PUSTIC YARDAGE CQ AH erice Hues. RedMced . BEDDING REDUCED REG. 5.98-9.98 BEDSPREADS CfceisMIe sateads. FR end twht. REG. 10.98-12.98 BEDSPREADS 4.44 9.88 4.44 50 Chenille spread. Pud Sice. REG. 5.98 PLISSE SPREADS Drapes to match at enly. REG. 49c PLASTIC MATS All price lines mats reduced.' UNDERWEAR SPECIALS REG. 85c MEN'S SHORTS Darene speed shetts. S-M-t. . . ...... K REG. 98c MEN'S T-SHIRT Vfottt biff9f Milify) S M 4i REG. 55c BOYS' SHORTS ' 67c 77c 44c 44c RiUed knk speed short. . . . REG. 59e BOYS' T-SHIRT riat-knlr cotton. 10-16. ... .........; FURNITURE SPECIALS REG. 183.95 BEDROOM SET QO QQ 2-pke. FirM sin bed. Mocha. . ,....7'00 REG. 114.95 BEDROOM SET 04 2-piece. Full sise bed. Ten. ........... y O REG. 289.95 DINING ROOM SET OOQtt 6-pioce set. Mahogany. . . ... . A ' REG. 18.95 OCC TABLES 1 0 bD Your choice el style, llond ..,.. ,00 REDUCED PRICES REG. 169.95 SOFA-CHAIR SET 1 0QM Wool frieie cover, leige or red - 1 ' REG. 219.00 SOFA-CHAIR SET 1 fMSS Wool friese cover. Rose or sege. ..... REG. 54.95 MATTRESS SET A A QQ Twin or fuH site. Your choice. ....... t.OO REG. 59.95 DINETTE SET S-pieeeset. Solid oak. 37.88 I PLUMBING SPECIALS REG. 74.50 POWDER ROOM SETA7 Q Q Vitreeus china. Fittings Ind. O.OO REG. 111.39 CABINET SINK QQ QQ 54-inch site with flttinas .....77.00 REG.94.50 ELECTRIC HEATER OaC qq 40-ganon. FHSerg less insuleted ..,., OO.OO REG. 38.63 STEEL SINK 35.15 Double basm wwh fUtlngs HUNDREDS REG. 1.69 BATH TOWEL Sis 2240. Asef. celen. ....... .... REG. 89e FACE TOWEL Site 1622. Asst. cefert. REG. 35c WASH CLOTH TO 60 Over 500 panties at this low price. Choice of elasf c leg in pink, wnire, ana Diue m sizes smaii, mediusS, large. Locea mm, pioira. . Koyon mareriai. ? REG. 2.98 WOMEN'S GOWN 1 fi Tlie latest In style. 32-40... IVJ 8.8 ' . - L REG. 1.98 PLISSE SLIP 1 c'o c Wonderful for summer. 32-44. . 00 REG. 98c NYLON PANTY Rlend of nyln and acerete .-' . . ' MENSWEAR YARDAGE 97c r ; Save ohnost 70 on this purchase. Suiting is inches wide.' Crease resistant. Assorted cafok srripas, riaias, ana anancsKin. a real value. REG. 10c CROCHET COTTON REG. 15.75 WOOL BLANKET All mw wol Cholc of colof , KEG. 5.98 UTILITY BLANKET A Mandv for olcnic. car. ate.' - 44t US riUberty 3 01 PRICES "1 EVERY ITEM ON THIS PAGE, AU?U AS HUNDREDS OF OTHER ITEMS THROUGHOUT THE STORE RECCED UP TO 60. SAVINGS CAN BE MADE BY SHOPPING EACH DEPARTMENTS OUR STORE WEDNESDAY, THURS DAY, AND FRIDAY. YOU ARE iWU TO VISIT OUR CREDIT DEPART MENT FOR INFORMATION ONJOttlDEASY PAY PLAN. DOORS OPEN AT 9:30 A.M. WE ARE OPEN FRIDAY NK5HTHSTIL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. 9 WEDNESDAYflTHURSDAY - FRIDAY MO. 364.91 :v15 CU. FT. FREEZER 319.88 May Sale price-cuts enable you to get this large home freezer for less than many nationall-odJw- ttsed 9 cu. ft. models. Holds 525 lbs. of fdpd. REG. 53.95 VACUUM CLEANER A". Standard tank model. ; REG. 159..95 ELECTRIC RANGE 10( 18 36-Inch 4-n 177 . I REG. 86.95 STANDARD IRONER Trtttis Standard m 11. Redueed ta ' 7 UO. 344.95 TELEVISION SET 299.88 Smart mahogany veneer cabinet; designed to blendl.n aecoraung scnemes. Simplified tuning ' . .on control, nas a no-glare picture REG. 45.95 GE TABLE RADIO Ifilt Clack radio. Fleer samBl. .... ! REG. 36.95 GE TABLE RADIO lksi& Clock radio. Floor tamol. . 4b V ! ilLi15''5 CONSOLE RADIO 1 OtlSrl 3-speed raeard (konaar. JWW AJLt 1 OF OTHER ITEMS THROUGHOUT THE STORE REDUCED FOR THIS RtS.2.f COTTON DRESSES 1.38 80 square percale cottons. Fa u- . i from which '-dS -18, 46-52. Shop early for the best selections. REG. 5.98-15.98 DRESSES 2.99 larrera.spms.erepes.. REG. 7.98-10.98 DRESSES A QQ Dressy, chmic, tattered strles.. ...... '.Ty REG. 12.98-19.98 DRESSES A QQ Peper taffeta, wools, spans. ......... W,77 Ri6.3c-49c BOY'S-MEN'S SOCKS 22c r 2000 oalr of men's and hasnf wki piw etc. Short and lona lenatha. Daaane nf mIm. a choose from. All sizes In this assortment. REG. 20c HANDKERCHIEF 9c 2.17 1.47 Men's fuHsiat). Special... b REG. 2.49 MEN'S DRESS SHIRT r 2-ctarRrent shirts. REG. 1.98 PLISSE SHIRT Washes like a dream. S-M-t. Rhone S-2191 LEFT REDUCED " KM. 249.95 REFRIGERATOR 199.88 Low cost refrigerator during our May Sale. Has all the features. Hermetically sealed refrigerating unit. Never needs oiling. 5 yr. service warranty inc. REG. 229.95 REFRIGERATOR 1 QQ 7 cu. ft. bos. Reduced to... ..... ,ww t REG. 269.95 REFRIGERATOR 09QM 9cu.ft.bei.Reducedto . . . ... SmMmW REG. 179.95 REFRIGERATOR 1 59M 7 eu. ft. bos. Redueed ta RIG. 205.95 TELEVISION SET 184.88 17-inch TV st. Easy to tun. Blends with ony room decorating scheme. Clear viewing. High gain tubes give Delux reception. No-glare picture. See It today. REG. 349.95 TELEVISION SET 319M 21-inch eensele model REG. 354.95 TELEVISION SET 299M 17-Inch console model REG. 404.95 TELEVISION SET 349 21-inch table model 13.88 17.88 3.88 Royen, oeotata gaberdine. REG. 1.98 MEN'S SPORT SHIRT 1 AJ Ceefobert sUeve. S-M4........ I.t MEN'S WORK CLOTHES REG. 2.89 WORK PANTS 2.47 1.97 6.66 1.54 Army type twill pent REG. 239 WORK SHIRT Anny typ fwllf sltht. REG. 70 WORK SHOE Selected brewn-frain leather. ........ REG. 1.69 WORK SHIRT Pioneer brand, chambray SHOES REDUCED REG. 2.98 WOMEN'S CASUALS 1 A A IEG. 2.98 GIRLS' BALLETS 2.66 ArWlf1 fctClL Jetfc'Ji' REG. 5.98 WOMEN'S OXFORDS A QQ Plain or Oypeytie styles. ............ REG. 7.98 MEN'S OXFORDS : 4L Q O Dram at casual etylas... .... .... ...... 0'0, HARDWARE SPECIALS v REG. 16.95 ELEC. DRILL KIT 1 0 QQ Uw price for home hobby .' 1 REG. 1.95 SOLDERING IRON QQr U. Upproved.3deysenly.......:.. 77t; REG. 5.95 PUSTIC HOSE 50-foot plastic hosa. Gray ............ REG. 49c BAMBOO RAKE . Handy ta have around. Special. . 4.44 HOUSEWARES NEEDS REG. 36.50 SET OF DISHES 95 piece set. Gloria pattern. REG. 20.95 SET OF DISHES 53 piece set. Gloria pettern REG. 14.95 ELECTRIC IRON 24.88 14.88 9.88 5c Popular brand. Autamatie. REG. 10c GLASS TUMBLERS Red and groan swM design THIS EVENT ONLY REG. 1.00 FLASHLIGHT t n flathllfM. UmM REG. 79c GAL BUCKET REG. 59c FEATHER DUSTER Old foshloned typo. Special REG. 1.29 PLASTIC BROOM AoMMftoT! csC0fuV HvAvJIW fuel 48c 44c 24c 28c EVENT- REG. 29.95 SPORTCOATS 31 frenj which ta ckoost) REG. 35.00 MEN'S SUITS 44 from which ta cheeee REG. 4.93 MEN'S SLACKS - ONLY 3 REG. 1.98-3.53 BLOUSES 1.48- Over 300 from which to choose. Long and short sleeves.- Nylons, rayon crepes, and cottons. Wide as sortment of colors and styles. All sizes available. REG. 1.98 WOMEN'S T-SHIRTS 99c REG. 2.98 WOMEN 'S SWEATER QQ- AH wool sleeveless style. . . , . . ... . , . . REG. 9.98-15.98 SKIRTS 3.99 All wools, rayons, 22-21. . RBG.2.9-S.9I WOMEN'S SKIRTS An assortment of wools, failles, and taffetas. Dressy or tailored styles. Blocks, browns, greys. Sixes 22 28. Save 60 on skirt of your choice. REG. 2.93 GIRLS' SUN-DRESS Crisp finished cottons. 7-14. . . .. .... REG. 1.98 dlRLS' SHORTS 2.47 1.47 Denim or twilL Sic 7-14 . . . REG. 1.79 GIRLS' KNIT SHIRT 1 VJ REG 4M FAINT ENAMEL Two for price of one . . .-.2 t. 2.10 REG. 3.10 FLOOR VARNISH i ; I CE Two for price of one.. ....2ts. .Vaa' REG. 1.25 FLAT PAINT . .. Exxolow, rubbar base flat paint. . . .Qt. . 88c ; RiG. 4.91 GAL HOUSE PAINT 4.36'"' Save now on all colors of house paint. Buy the finest quality paint. Take odvantege of this special value. Season's lowest price. Lost 3 days at this savings. REG. 1.45 SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL QQr Ideal for kitchens, bathroom Qt. , REG. 4.70 ROOF COATING . : VQ QQ Roof brush included .S gel. REG. 1.49 GAL TURPENTINE 1 OQ Fare steem distilled Gel. REG. 23.45 16" MOWER 18.88 16-inch cut. Ball bearing wheels. Ball bearing rubber roller. Self sharpening. Steel tubular hande. Rubber tires. 10-in. wheel. Buy now and save. May Sale. DAYS LEFT Cominf tresav as eld lrea JaspJ is cCJri , tif the xaatur clown of Ballry Bros. I proud of, feacoK a faoeraUoo to. Th tamoo lUdiac Hot1l wore the twai ot all Surop and war wined and dtnd by JClnsai sad -Queens, alter thre (eaetauMt of tb Ridln( Hodgtsltbr , ' cam to this country and Joined tb first road drew fat this country In 1781. Sine that Urn th Hodinl nam ha been featured with every big elrcu m th V. 8. an-4' today wbil a member of th ninth cenaratlon of that tnad, old nam XdtU Hodglni has carred a great nam for kisrv elf as he is known to be th funniest man m tb rircu business and whan you see Xddtt and U comedy Tord be. will spellbind yon with his funny eapera. ' x ApproveOiiat TrcjlsV Diis II!) AtSilverfon By ala.aM.J J Bllverton r Three-hundred- Partlarat rl A aawwd twnty-scvcB achool patron of trollay bu waa . atruck cs- district 4, turned .out 4 vota. HgtatnisaS during axcaa Ma aiooday ovaeing. C cial starday: axtamoeav eaal . Bine. i : -r -. the Forttand Xraeuosi c. r t no on waa tntarad aUsx a ravorlng, the apeelUd: bud- tet tor the amount rteeeiUng tb interior eC tb oosca. Mt th over par cant aUowanea, Ugntly.Ptsraad. ;, . w: --f: XU voted ryejr ad S4, Tno," rtm htOtHtmA scar ta 7..; 11. not voting. . . - ' : s s pot, aad itcavaksd': dow . t ; On thf second bauoc . n- aldaaCttiamia.Tiiwaar s cernlng the pladng at Under- panto but "etyassa got ocVM iirtm wk m tne raauiar a aurryr a wesnssa paaaaaauar ? achool -curriculum, lift voted asad. Bh add tnat t wa for the, - iiiiii ., and , io at th and tbe bu as on . aaalaati with castanat no vote. . Th third; aauwt provtoM Fewer was knocked out bv -, number at era throagheut axtra moon to ba raiaad for earrring a, m aanoargarvsn tte'etty s Bghttdng etraek j oroarami and oassin witn trantmtsMon Un. . " i 10? "y," and a lis "no" vote. COBONATION CLBMENCT Leaden ) Thome V Oltourke was tent to Jail Td K PcrkhLTsfs Honcr day for. druahasuiaas but he p wont mis tha-eoronauoB eel-, ' bratioa. .'.", r . .' - Sweet Home A family re Matistrat Harold Sturf. i union In . honor ot - MeJvin Parkhurst, Nam pa, Idaho, who any money to pay a ten shilling - (81.40) fine, imposed a five ! la leaving soon for Korea, was held Sunday In th Sweet day Jan sentence with th ex Horn City. Park. Present for planation: the reunion were four genera 1 am letting you out for the tion of Parkhursts. ' coronation.'' . : , - .. George Parkhurst. Clifford Parkhurst, Melvli Parkhurst and KUabeth Bayoold, Port land: Clifford Parkhurst, Ros and littl Annette Fartnurst war the representative of alie Parkhurst, and Nancy the generations. 't Thos attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parkhurst, and Eva Annette of Nampa, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bleakney, Normal Plaum, Nan cy Benson, Earl Bleakney, Shir ley Blcakney, and Jay Bleak Parkhurst of Tlorencci Mr. and .Mr. X. M. Moateal at Terrlbone; Mr.' and Mrs. Paul Petit and Lynn, Johnnie, and Stevle of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Monica!, Wayne and Kenny of MIHloan, Oregon, and ' Mr. ' and ' Mrs. ' George ney, all of Sllvarton; Sharon Parkhurst, Canby. - ' - muii&teb&xza Z points -, The smartut way to travel because sf safe ..more conyenient . . . saor acoaomiaal. The next time you traM travel Treuway. your highway host from coast to coast. Ad Um( tm m W m Cirtimsl Csawaa, SAMPLE LOW PARIS Moron s s.11 i.w. MDfott $ tt it m rtuKBco .... IMS if. u naasn ..... iits it us was ...... mm rw.. i ucan .,.:....I7J5 u. TRAIIWAYS BUS DEPOT BUS MFOT 320 N. HIGH ST. fhonel-SBIS Salem, Oregssi i! A 1 m a 7 i - 3 tf 1 ? r 7 Kit : '3 . . f. ; . . . " . . -.. - -TV - -J-