Officers Named by J D Bethel Election of officen and in itallation of the new guardian ESS?-!! WfhlifhU when . " M' J0D 1 Daughten, met Monday auar.1... Honored queen It Min Nancy ; Owens; senior princess, IUm junior princess. Miss Vlckv W.i. ...ZtTiZri Nancy Snider; marshal, Miai ath i nomas. . . Mra. Norman Fletcher was Installed mii.. .w..U ur in ' S5.mt0er otticer being mup iuucr, associate guard -Jan; Mrs. George Edwards, sec retary: Mrs. Kmiulk ui- treasurer; Mrs. Warren Clark, iu:, oin. jess Eariywlne, sociability: Un T.iuin paraphernalia; Jess Eariywlne, ' unance; jmrs. Meivin Kelley. hospitality; Mrs. L. C. Tennis Patrol: Mrs. Kennath rwi.. director of etoch; Mrs. E. T. wneian, pnuanthropic Mrs. Milton Thomas, merit keeper; William Mnmwr imimik. o( fraternal relations; Mrs. ma snider, guardian of pub licity. Conducting the Installation was Mrs. Edna Cation, grand secretary of Oregon. She was assisted by Mrs. Wayne Mor row, guide, and Mrs. Eldon Cone, marshal. Honored and escorted were Miss Patsv Snider. hnnnraH queen of bethel No. 35; Miss samara Anderson, honored queen of bethel UD; Mist Bar ' bare Cone, senior nrintaaa nt bethel No. 35; Miss Susie Youngquist, Junior princess of bethel No. 35; Mist Frances Burris, Junior princess of , . bethel UD; Mrs. Edna Cation, grand secretary and past grand guardian of Oregon; Mrs Eldon Cone, guardian of bethel No. 35; Mrs. Wayne Morrow, grand director of - music; - Mrs. Otho Eckerslv and Carl finvrfor worthy matron and patron of saiem cnapier, tuner oi East ern Star. Welcomed were Mrs. Ward Green of Portland, grand guide of Oregon, Mrs. Kehne Wln and Mrs. Howard Gates . of Parkrose. . An award, given by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yoder and Holly Jackson, was presented to the girl who was most outstanding In benefit work during the year. Mist Sharon Ibert won the honor, this being the first year it was presented. Degrees and gifts were given to Mrs. Arthur Woods, retiring guardian of bethel No. 43 and Miss Charlen Woods, retiring - honored queen. Next Sunday, May 31, is church Sunday for the group, the girls to attend services at St Paul's Episcopal church. Miss Painter to Be.' ' Installed by Group Woodburn . Miss Janice Painter will be installed as worthy adviser of Evergreen assembly No. 12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, at a public ceremony at o'clock Wednes day evening, May 37, at the Masonic temple. Installing officer will be Miss Joanne Williamson, the retir ing worthy adviser, assisted by Miss Nancy Schuler as chap lain; Mist Shirley Anderson, marshal; Miss Suzanne DeAr mond, musician, and Mrs. Patty Luffman Reynolds, recorder. . The crowning ceremony will be conducted by the officers of Woodburn chapter of De Molay.. '- ... A short program will be pre nlH which will Include nl- ano solos by Harriet Hooper and vocal solos by Janice Han auska. The senior alrls of Evergreen auemhlv were entertained at a buffet supper Wednesdty by their mother adviser, Mrs-.Tom DeArmond, at her country home. Invited were Misses Jo anne Williamson, Elois Nelson, Nancy Schuler, aniuey An ri,rmn. Phvllis Roberts. Mar jorie Chltwood, Janice Painter, Dollie Cummlngs, Jean blacn, Irene Lavne. Donna Becker and Joy Graham; and Mrs. Joyce Graham and Mrs. Patty Reynolds. ... . Liberty Woman's Club Installs l.lhrtvMn. William Luit- hoff entertained the Liberty Woman's club for we annual club picnic on Thursday after nnnn at her home. A no-host luncheon was served at the noon hour, and Mrs. Harold A. Rosebraugh conducted a - short business meeting. Mrs. C. W. Stacey re nnrtaH An the club's building fund and Mrs. Roland Seeger announced a plan to obtain sil verware for the group. A picnic at the Children Farm home is set for May 28. New officers Installed were: President, Mrs. WiUlam Hall; vice president, Mrs. Louis Kurth, and eecretay-treasurer, Mrs. Lettitia Clark. Mrs. Rol and Seeger was the installing officer. Each new Officer was presented with a corsage, and a gift was presented the retiring president, Mrs. -Harold A Rose braugh. Committee chairmen named were: Cheer, Mrs. Addle Free; publicity, Mrs. Louis Kurth; program, Mrs. Nina Browning, with Mrs. Harold Rosebraugh Today's Menu COMPANY DINNER . Broiled Chicken . , Potatoes ChantiUy ! Buttered Snap Beans Watercress and Pineapple SaUd ! . ' f Bread and Butter i Chocolate Roll Beverage Potatoes Chaaiill Ingredients: 4 medium-sire baking potatoes, (about, i v. pounds), 1 teaspoon salt, pep per. 1 tablesDoon unln u cup firmly - packed grated cneaoar cheese, 3 tablespoons ouner or margarine, cud cream. Method: Peel notatoes. cut into, strips about Vt Inch thick. Place potatoes In center of a large piece of heavyweight aluminum foil. Sprinkle with salt, . pepper . to taste, parsley and cheese; dot with' butter. Turn edges of foil up, and pour cream over1 potatoes. Bring foil up over potatoes and fold edges . tocether to make a tight package. : Place on cookie sheet or shallow pan and bake In hot (425F) oven 40 minutes. Tranfar nnfatnn in foil 'to serving dish. Pota toes wiu aosoro tome of the sauce and the rest may be spooned over them. Makes S servings. Miss Newman and ' Mr. Baker Are Wed Amity The garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Zimpelmann In Santa Ana, Calif., was the setting for the marriage of Mist Doris Ethel Newman to Robert Frank Bak er, Friday evening, May 22; The bride it the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Newman of Amity and Mr. Baker It the son of Mrs. Flora Baker of Waggoner, Illinois, The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Oran H. Smith, director of the missions department of the Bible Institute of Lot Angeles and pastor of the First Baptist church in Fullerton, Calif, Leonard Hills trom of Los An geles, sang. He was accompan ied at the organ by Miss Peggy Van Aaltt of Tacoma, Wash. A white picket arbor cov ered with pink and white ivy geraniums with ferns on either side provided a background for the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white slipper satin with a short train. The fitted bodice had a sweetheart neck' line and the long sleeves ended in points. Her fingertip veil was of silk netting and was held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms first worn by the bride's mother. She carried a crescent shaped bouquet of white rosebuds and Stephen' otlt, centered with a white or chid, with streamers of white satin ribbon. Her only jewelry was strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Mrs. Eugene Uselton of Dal las, Texas, matron of honor, was the bride's only attendant She wore a dress of yellow net over faille. It was designed witll scalloped yoke and peter pan collar. Her bouquet was of lavender daisies, also crescent shaped, with yellow streamers. Best man was Eugene Usel ton. of Dallas, Texas. Ushers were Ralph Paulson of Phoe nix, Ariz.; Gene Newman of Amity, the bride's brother; and Roy Zuck of Phoenix, Ariz. The bride's mother, Mrs Newman, wore a forest green dress of French crepe with pink accessories, and an orchid cor sage. A reception followed the ceremony in the patio. . The couple it now on a wedding trip to Silverado can yon in southern California. At ter the middle of June they will be at home in Majagua, Camaguey, Cuba, where they are going as missionaries un der the Practical. Missionary Training, Inc., board. The bride attended schools in Am ity and Mr. Baker was grsd uated from Waggoner high school In Wtggoner, 111. They both will graduate from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles . 1 1 T - 7 una .June assisting; education, Mrs. C. W. Stacey; hospitality, Mn. Wil bert Kurth. Coffee hours are planned during the summer to augment the group's building fund. UaVnnffin I Youths' Art Tack Room Exhibition : Of Interest - By LANETA KING Salem's high school students have hung a large showing of their art work for the first tins at the Tack Room gallery, 3345 Fisher Road, - which opened Sunday, May 24. This exhibit of the "Paletteers" will attract both those Interested in young people and those interested in art Especially for those who have become a little toured by sensational reports of the rath er dubious activities of a very few, it It encouraging to see this more positive side of an even greater number of teen agers.' It it a diverse show packed with whimsey,' solemnity and including maturity. From an amusing set-up at the entrance, which features a colorful bar ber-pole seemingly stuck diag onally" into the lawn, through the Gallery' crammed with paintings, prints, collages, cer amics, weaving, wire-sculpturing and even a coffee table, the display it here for possibly the best of all reasons the artists wanted to do it The striking variety of both techniaues and approaches. even in any one selected artist, ! indicates good fundamental art ' training. To the credit of our, schools, students are not being forced into dull, stifling molds, but encouraged to learn and experiment with as many fa cets of the tremendous field of artistic activity as it possible. From such a foundation, we can expect to see the emerg ence of truly original artists rather than stereotyped imita tors who can hardly be termed creative. We are looking for ward to another such showing next year. This exhibit It epea to the general public and will, run through this week until May 30. We suggest you see it for it it hard to come away with less than an optimistic view of the future of art In general and young people) In particular. Miss Bam feted ' At Shower Party Aurora Mrs. Wilmer San dmen, Mrs. Merle itaehley and Mrs. Charles Sandenest were hostesses at a bridal show er recently in the Lone Elder club house, honoring Mitt Dor othy Bany, whose marriage to Patrick McCormlck of Lai Ve gas, Nev., will be a June event. The decorations re at urea Calla lilies, stock, lilacs and purple irises. The tables were covered with lavender crept paper and white place mats with bouquets of wnite macs. Honors at games went to Mrs. Fred Bany, Mrs. Lawrence Kneaston, Mrs. Lolt Gavlola, Mrs; Ctrl Klobe, Mrs. Adam Bany. The door prize wat won by Mrs. Lester Peter. Guests Included Mist Bany, Mrs. Lester Peter, Mrs. C J. Atkins. Mrs. Peter Lelack, Mrs. I. V. Bany, Mrs. Allen Yost Mrs. Henry Peter, Mrs. Bertha Marks, Mrs. Lois Gtviola, Mrs. Ben Cummlngs, Mrs. Marjorie Er.os, Miis Olga Howe, Mrs. I Ctrl Klohe, Mrt. Floyd Marks, Mn. Joe Nixon, Mrt. Arden1 Charles Johnson, Mrs. Robert J Bany, Mrt. J. A. McCormlck, Mn! Carl Kalb, Mrs. Edgar Smith, Mrs. Russell Rutherford, Mrt. Leo Schmltt Mrs. Claude ! Pullen, Mrt. Virgil Gregory,! Mrt. Marvin Brawner, Mrs. Ad- sm Bany, Mrs. Fred : Bany, Misses Kathleen and Julia Bs-1 ny, Ora Mat Pendleton, Char-1 lene and Benny Ssndsness. Free Home Trial WARREN'S 1993 Fairgrounds M. Phone 3-74S1 Across from Willamette Valley Bank ef fresMy ground coffee , , IN STAN TIT THI CAPITAL JOURNAL, gaka. 0rtcw ai - '" t-3 vimA..i - ' v Pa .wov-tfearu Heads Group Mrt. Robert Installed at president of the (McEwan studio picture) -1 1 u i i i w i i i it iv u r i i ii II i " I i ii m ii ii u l v lrro. I ;lllllllll f'X. 'V III I I I f I II I.. -r - . I I 'mm -f 'v o k .. X''.' : v -A '." - m :.'. I 7 I I . 1 ' US 'Ottr'tt . - (- 1 1 1 i n-r I n v J UUA JK i HU - iJ GIVEN ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH 1 ijv .ei EVERY BEDROOM SET SOLO. HURRY, LIMITED TIME ONLY! I r 9 P. M. y nxmmvuxn uuki imuia t ca mxaszt I 1 1 SALEM OlIEfiCa CITY t . r ' MS- Sites, above, recently was Jaycee-Ettet at Sllverton. . . M M J Ml II V Lw - You'H b amoled at tha wonderful ' U-jm W W ii DARTed at ""IT Engelman Home Woodburn Belle Pits! chapter, Daughters of the Am erican Revolution, sponsored its annual mother daughter tea last weak at the bom of Mrs. Karl Engelman at Butteville. The) good citizenship girls were honored. Mist Dollia Cummin gt of Woodburn high school and Mist Elois Nelson of North Marlon tdgh school and their mothers, Mrs. Sidney Cum mlngs and Mrs. Howard Nel son. Mrs. Engelman was assist ed' by her twin daughters, Mra. Bud Yergen and Mrs. Ed Jones. . Special guests wert Mrs. Pansy GUlandert of Eugene, formerly of Woodburn, Mrs. Yergen and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Fred Denial, Mrs. Howard Nelson and Mm. Sidney Cummin gt. A musical program wat pro- tented Including two vocal so los by Jimmy Johnson, accom panied by his mother, a vocal tola by Mrt, Yergen, a vocal duet by Mrt. Yergen and Mrs- Jones, and a vocal solo by Mitt Janice Hanauska, accompanied by Mits Harriet Nlzic, director of vocal music at Woodburn high school :. Corsages were presented to NoMonevDown V the good eltlxsmahin etrla. Vlaa Cummlngs and Mist Nelson tad to tnetr mo inert. Plana wart made to decorate the craves of deceased mam. bars la Bella paasl, Hubbard and Rock . Creak cemeteries this weak. Bella Fatal chapter mem ber will be host see se at the Memorial cabin at Chamnaa park next Sunday, May 31. Mrs. Lester Keller, regent, was la charge of the meeting. , ' JlJ 'K )1 ( taa ee Jrfr , I e4eaa'LiIJ, Til I 1 o r taaa, at I V ' - ''-r I I Am4 Umk to 4 M Mm g waaaeasaasaaaaw CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED AM UTCfY Refreataamte t 4 by the smuts of spring flowara Nil r -v-Ing table and abovt t . t. wocrsrrn-.r 13. Jones will eater a t . ter J ei the PJLO. 1 ' 1 Thursday ovunipg, l-y v at bar home, g;g BiUar nt- nue. Study of tha by-i.ft 3 be the program for taa as 2g with Mrs. Ivaa C. Start at mspsmf9i