Haa THK CAPITAL JOURNAU Sales. Oregon Tuesday, Hey 26, 1953 Capital Women , Edited ky MABIAN LOWBI riSCHU P.E.O. Organizes 6th Chapter Here; Mrs. Perry President of New Group About 150 attended tht mtctlnf and tea Monday aft ernoon when Chapter CQ of th PJE.O. Sisterhood, alxH ehapter of the croup la Sa tern, wai organized. The meeting was at the First Pres- byterlan church. Mri. Dolph Pblppa of Medford, state or ganlzer, conducted the meet Ing. ; The new chapter Is made ap of members from other chapters who have moved to Balem, Members of . Chapter BQ, iponsoring organization of the lew group, asiisted at the ini tial event, Mrs. Ervln L. Pet , irson being president of Chap- JerBQ. Officers for the new chap- jer, CQ, are Mrs. William C. perry, formerly of Chapter CM, Pendleton, president; Mrs. K. 0. Lytle, Chapter BI. Rose burg, vice-president; Mrs. W. B. Gill, Chapter J. Wood sum, recording secretary; Mrs. William J. Bender, Chapter AC, Ashland, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Clyde Martin, Chapter O, Albany, treasurer; Mrs. G. W. Bruce, Chapter BA, Greaham, chaplain; Mrs. I T. Kvale, Chapter BI, Will nar, Minn., guard. Other charter members art 1 Mrs. K. R. Cole, Chapter AL, Edgemont, B.D.: Miss Wini fred Carrithers, Chapter FK, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Mrs. A. f. de Lesplnasse, Chapter AQ, Redmond; Mrs. Homer Hea ion. Chapter AT, Oxford, Keb.; Mrs. Arthur Lara, Chap ter CI. Newport: Mrs. C. M. Forbes, Chapter M, Kellogg, jdaho; Mrs. John Mulr, Chap ter AH, RJUville, Wash.; Mrs. Engagement Is Revealed Announcement was made ever tht week-end of the en gagement of Misa Marian B Roller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Roller, to Walter Eistel, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Dtto ZlsteL No date has been set for the ireddlng. Th bride-elect I graduating Oil year from Salem high school. Mr. Zistel to engaged m farming. Two Honored : ! Mrs. L. X. deWeesw enter tained this morning at an In formal coffee at her home, R teats including neighbors in ted in to say goodbye to Mrs. Wlllard Marshall, who is leaving in early June for a lour of Europe with Mr. Mar thall and daughter, Julia; and to welcome to th nelghbor tood, Mrs. HaU Lusk. Mrs. Gerhard Pagenstecher assisted lha D. V. Olds, Chapter BO. St Helens; Mrs. Don Richardson, Chapter B, Shelton, Wash. Other state officers at the meeting, in 'addition to Mrs. Phelps, included Mrs. A. Gilmor of Portland, first vice-president; Mrs. Wendell L. Van Loan of Corvallis, sec ond vice-president; Mrs. Rob ert L. Elfitrom, - Salem, re cording secretary; Mrs. Loyd F. Carter of Portland, corre sponding secretary; Mrs, Charles A. Sprague, Salem, past state president Mrs. Scott Samsel of Chap ter BQ Introduced the state officers and presented cor sages to them and to all the charter members of Chapter BQ. For th special program. Mrs. Marens Maltby sang two numbers, accompanied by Mrs, Ralph Dobbf. Flowers were received by th new group from th two chapter at Pendleton; a gift cam from th Roseburg chap ter and greetings were receiv ed from various other out-of-town chspters. Salem's other five P.E.O. chapters. G. AB. BQ. BC and CB, an gave gifts. At the tea, Mrs. Sprague and Mrs. Elfitrom poured. The tea table was set with a light blue satin doth, centerpiece oi pink, white - and blue blooms, and pink tapers. Monday evening, the newly organized chapter met . for dinner , at Cole's Chicken piner, later meeting with the state organizer at th home of Mrs. Perry. Th) Towns Jhcp Met v 2 Parties for Mrs. Wagner Honored at two parties this week is Mrs. Roger Wagner of Portland. This afternoon. Mrs. Duane Gibson entertained at a lunch eon for Mrs. Wagner, a shower oi guts xeung the honoree. On Friday, Mrs. Lloyd F. Ramey and Mrs. Alton L. Chamberlain are to entertain at th home of th former at a dessert luncheon and shower to honor Mrs. Wagner. SUNNTSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dutolt recently at tended the wedding of their nephew,- Derrel Pinkston. at Crescent City, Calif. Mrs. Leo Pinkston of Haver, Mont, sis ter of Mrs. Dutolt cam horn with them for a visit before re turning to her horn in Haver. For Marcia Jenny Marcla Jenny, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jenny, celebrated her fifth birthday Saturday, ber mother entertaining with a circus par ty at their horn in the after noon. . , , ... Wishing Marcia a happy birthday were Belinda Pur- vine, Clair Mumau, Billy Da- vies, Karen and Douglas Joehnke, Judy and Jan Van- Osdol, Richard Curry. Michael Smith, Jimmy and Rosemary Manlon and Nancy Jenny, sis ter of th honoree. Smith-Clark 1 Stayton Miss Esther Clark and Dwlght Smith were mar ried at a simple ceremony at the Methodist church ou Sun day, May 17. The Rev. Ken neth Abbott, pastor of the church, read the service. The afternoon ceremony was attended by a group of close friend and relatives. Both young people arc students at the University of Oregon. A wedding dinner was served fol lowing the ceremony by the Rev. and Mr. Abbott ' r t 1 i Wed at Woodbnra Mrs. Roy Lee West, above, the . former. Hazel Hermanson, was wed May 17 at Woodburn. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Engel Hermanson of Woodburn and Mr. West is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd West of Salem. (Arts studio picture.) ; OMCoil efc NAItUGUNE Pittd H Your f inml Needs" ' 'titlie Rosen Gradaat Carat tierre THE TOYSHOP Capital J Committees and Officers Entertained Mrs. Harry H. Charlton and Harry L. Miner, worthy ma tron and worthy patron of Trinity chapter. No. 175, Or der of Eastern Star, assisted by Mrs. Harry L. Miller and Har ry H. Charlton, entertained their officers and committee members at dinner at the Gold en Pheasant on Saturday. The tables were festive with spring flowers In pink and white. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fortter, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rosenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Flagg, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Braucht, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart Mr. and Mrs? D. M. Xby, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Newgent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mr.- and Mrs. Charles L. Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hedges, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Wilson, Mr; and Mrs. Her man Kortemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pattison, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cain, Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell Avison, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hartwell, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Field, Mrs. Letty Genre, Mrs. Mary Pugh, Mrs. C. M. Hixson, Mrs. Hazel An derson. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoff man, Mrs. Dana Bllleter, Mrs. Willis Brown, Mrs. Harold Lewis, Mrs. Cummin gs Held and Mis Shirley Rld. -. of th juvenile members were also present A three tiered cake with golden decorations, baked by Mrs. Louis Steffas, centered the serving table and was cut by Mrs. Miller. Cards were In play after th meeting with the prize for high score going to Mrs. Pat Ebner ana lor low to Mrs. Thomas Gorman. Mrs. George N. Beck er received the special prize. The committee in charge of arrangements Included Mrs. Pst Ebner, Mrs. LaVerne Otten and Mrs. A. Louis Stef-fan. This meeting took the place of the regular meeting original ly scheduled for May 26. . m Wedding Dated Butteville Invitations have been received by local friends for th coming wedding of Miss Barbara Jean Croco, daughter of Mrs. Russell I. Croco. and Jack Donald McLeod, Jr., on June 8. The young couple attended Butteville grade school and North Marion high school. Miss Croco has been working in an insurance office in Portland sine graduating . from high school last June. Mr. McLeod will graduate from Portland university this month and plans to teach. Coronation Theme Used At J W Club's Banquet Crow.f.vor. and i-. arrangement oi m lFmu... . ----- n , yellow irUe. d head table featured a corona-, tion theme for th Junior Wo man's club installation banquet Monday evening, th group meeting at th Colonial Hous. More than SO attended the event - Preceding the dinner a reaa- inc was presented by Mary Steven of Leslie Junior high school. -Mrs. Melvin Pilette gav th invocation. Seated at th head table and welcomed by Mrs. Margaret White, toastmistress. were Mrs. Fred Gast of Port land, third vice president of th state and Junior state di rector, and Mrs. George W. Ail ing, state treasurer, both of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs: Mrs. Albert c. un.lt, Junior Woman's club counielor from the Salem Woman's club; Mrs. Carl W. Chambers, new counselor for the Juniors; Mrs. Ted Jenny, outgoing president of the group, and Mrs. Wallace Cowen, new president Others honored were psst presidents, those present in cluding Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Thome Hammond, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, Mrs. Sam C. .Campbell, Mrs. Ralph W. Atwood, Mrs. Wesley Good rich. Additional guests were Mrs. Douglas Yeater, Mrs. Wheeler English and Mrs. Rus sell C. Hsehl. Jr. Conducting th installation of new officers was Mrs. Albert Grsgg. Accepting the gavel June 6 Event . Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stein bock have invitations out for th Bar Mitzvah of their son, David Rorary Steinbeck. The service will be at 10 a.m., Sat urday, June 6, at Temple Beth Sholom in Salem. . SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Charles went on a short vaca tion trip to eastern Oregon. Birthday Event Judson Bresaler, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson Bresaler, celebrated his 8th birthday at a party on Friday at his home. Birthday cak and refresh ments were served to Jack Dewey, Albert Fesklns, Tom my Pace, Robert - Saunders, Kenny Major, George Beck, Coble Grabenhorst, Jimmy Brenn. Wayne Messter, Ger ald Savage, Mike Myers, and Dickie Major. Other guest, were Judson s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gustafson of Portland, Mrs. Carroll Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gustafson. 50th Anniversary Observed by CD A Woodburn The golden an niversary of St Mary's court No. 893, Women's Catholic Or der of Foresters, was observed May 21 at St Luke's hall. Mrs. W. C. Miller was honored as th only charter member pres ent The court was organized May 21, 1903 by Mrs. Mary Colton and the only other liv ing charter members are Mrs. Joe Nibler of Woodburn and Mrs. John McGrath of Port Guests were Mrs. Basil Stup- fel and Mrs. Robert Coleman, both of St Paul. A large group Recitals Planned During This Week Presenting piano students in two recitals this week will be Miss Ruth Bedford,, the pro grams to be at Roberts studio at 7:45' O'clock. The Interested public Is invited to attend. For the program on Wednes day evening, Mrs. Walter Hart of Whldby Island, Wash., vio linist, and her accompanist Miss Patsy Thor, will assist Students participating will be Adele Welty, Patty Jones, Hel en Manke, Mavis Malbon, Ju dith seamster, Dorothy Mac Gregor, Merlene Phillips, Prl cilla Payne, Jimmy i Seely, Rosamonde Bothman, Shirley Pugh, Gary Lovre, Laurel Mal bon, Patsy Thor, Joanne Sallng, Jerry Olson, Patricia Payne. Flaying in the recital on Thursday evening will be the following students: Betty Coe, Sue Shaw, Patricia Whelan. David Bradshaw, Shirley Gov ier, Marilyn Friesen, Wally Park, Beth Hoffman, Richard league, Wanda coe, Sara Al len, LUa Mae Burger, Marian fast, Gayl McCain, Patricia Edwards, Jerry Davenport, Nancy Teague, Mary Beth Lockenour. DeGroot-Darling'' Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Darling of Vancouver, Wash., have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mildred Louise Darling, to Edward B. DeGroot, son of Mrs. George W. Shafer of Sllverton. Both are graduates of Oregon State college where the bride-elect ard Lankow, second vice presi dent; Mrs. George W. Dewey, Jr corresponding secretary; ur. Lawrence Barnard, Jr., fi nancial secretary; Mrs. Gordon Rraher. treasurer: Mrs. Ted Jennv. narliamentartan; aura. t1 TibbetU. publicity; Mrs. Clinton Ault Mrs. Earl Hamp ton and Mrs. Bill Claoaugn, - vector. The annual report of club ac tivities was given by Mrs. Jen nv Proceeds from the several club benefits were donated to the state fund for scholsrshlps to the children's hospital school in Eugene. Mrs. Fred Gast an nounced that once again the Salem club was tops In the state for contribution to this fund, the group contributing over $300 this year. The Juniors alio gave aid to veterans fs cilities, state schools and hos pitals during the year. Twenty-five dollars was do nated to the blood bank Mon day evening. Mrs. Richard Jenning will head a committee for the sum mer picnic, the date to be an nounced later. In charge of th banquet on Monday was Mrs. Margaret White and working with her were Mrs. Donald L. Barrick, Mrs. Norman Johnson, Mrs. Frank D. Ward, Mrs. Charles Knapp, Mrs. Melvin PiIette. Mrs. Floyd Miles and Mrs. Earl Hampton. Betrothal Announced Th miKniit of Miss Lan- 11 Darrow, daugnter oi nr. nr. ura Hirnara uauiiu ubp mar nf Portland, to Donald Zenger, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Zenger ox saiem, oaa been announced. . Mlu narrow a a atudent at Marylhurst college ana Mr. zmht iz a iunior at Univer sity of Portland. www Recital Saturday At Jessop Studio Mrs. E. Donald Jessop pre sented her piano students in recital at the Jessop studios on Saturday evening. Seventy-five guests attended. The following presented the program: Linda Rae Funrue, Earl Fakborg, Jeanne Buchan an, Don Galen Jessop, Kathryn Overlund, Lewie Davies, Jon na Jacobson, Marilyn Olden bcrg, Laura Moore, Karen Ann Rose. Sylvia Thelen, Valerie Jessop, Margaret Mai lor ie, Alice Ferguson, Sharon Thorn- Judy Koehler, Mary Kay Davis, Patricia Kabatoff, Rich ard Davies, Julette Sather, Dav id Merchant. For Bride-Elect Honoring Miss Ells Schroe der, bride-elect of John M. Williamson of Eugene, ; Mrs.' Hall Lusk is entertaining next Monday evening. A group of Miss Schroeder'a friends has been Invited for dessert at 7:30 o'clock, th party to be at the Lusk horn on Fairmount Hill. Th engagement of Miss Schroeder to Mr. Williamson was announced last week. F SINGLE PLEASANT Point Social club will meet Thurs day, May 28, at the home of Mrs. Burnett for a noon lunch eon. . '. Wedding invitations Invitations are out for th wedding of Mis Shlrlee New bry, dsughter of Secretary of State and Mrs. Earl T. New bry, and William E. Bitiell, the couple to be married the afternoon of Sunday, June 14. The service will be at S o'clock in the First Congrega tional church. The reception will be at the Newbry resi dence on East Rural. Mr. Bis sell Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Blssell of Ashland. Is affiliated with Gamma Phil Beta sorority and Mr. DeGroot ! Is a member of Theta XI fra- ternity. A summer wedding Is I planned. PLATING in a piano and or gan recital Tuesday evening will be 'four students of Don Worden. The event Is an In vitational affair. Misses Pat Pack, Giovonna Davies, Mary Gottschalk and Christina Ed strom will present the program and will be assisted by Miss Ruth Bedford and Mr. Worden. COSMIS club members met for their monthly dance, Sat urday, guests for the evening Including Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ad ams, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Friese, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gen ii art, Mr and Mrs. Sam Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson, Miss CoraneU PryzbiUa, Claude Graham. New members wel comed were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riffey. Hosts for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stuhr.-r. r Family Dinner Sllverton ' ' Mr. and Mrs Wenzel Stlrber entertained at dinner at their home for their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Williams and fam ily, who left for their San Francisco horn this week-end, Pisces were made for the complimented guests, Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zollner, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Scharback, and the Wenzel Stlrbers. 155 N. Liberty rhont 34191 t V V,i .'' I T - 1""" "l t ' i 4. -'' . Plastic Tile Demonstration Wed Gr Thurs. Only EASY ITO APPLY WE'LL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT FREE HOMI TUT Eddie Lewis TV 41$ Ferry Ph. 14711 A Factory Representative will b ot our tort all day this Wednesday and Thurs day. He'll show you how easy It is to apply Plastic Til. H'll display th com plr lint of colors. Com In and se. rlASTlC TIU IS LOW PRICED For th beautiful results you gt, th prtct ! rmarkobry low. Color got Bring your room measurements, 'l b glad to furnish a fre estimate of th cost of finishing any room with Plastic Til. If you wish, we'll do th job for you, in cluding moteriol ond labor. all th woy through, can't ever weor off. Plastic Til won't chip, peel, crock or croi. Cleans with soap ondwattr.Sq.lt. 44 .. court s.treet store RED LETTER DAY FREE PHILCO DEMONSTRATION Mrs. lecea Colirfney Phiko's famous Kom economist demoastrat th) Mntational new Phiko Rang all day Wdnsdey, in Roberts Aoplionc D apart mnt. Cooking . hint and new culinary inno vations will 1 b pre sented! . isplilKS DtsL . Dswmtiln Cssrl Slrst - 'A - t SURFACE COOKING CAPACITY , -kjr NEW 1953 PM1LC ELECTRIC RANGE Another sssn tional cooking advance from Pbiloa th exdtxrive Built-fai JIFFY GRIDDLE. Adda to your rang th cooking capacity of t additional surface unit. Cook eggs, pancake, meat and other foods. Real luxury at low pric , in thi new 1963 Philoo. In addition . BroiU ander-Glaaa... Super Speed Surfao Cooking t . . Hug Antocoatie Banquet Oven. Can't b quailed for feature and value at Ha 1953 model. 16995u NO DOWN PAYMENT We Give and Redeem frtf Green Stamps ) S3 m n iA M r. A t vt 11 at