Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 26, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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t 1Wtof May eg, m.
local Paragraph
Bollaaer Win a.k
Uutrited talk on Mt. McKinley
National pMk in AUik wlU
be gives i by Professor Luis Bo
, '.' if!.1"" Ornoa State college
n r,m nd ttends of
. , "ojogteal society.
I 1?turt wUl bt htld nut
"Thurtday ventog, May 38 at
.11 o'eloek la Collin, aU onto.
-.rr Pi. Moving
Pictures as well u slides will
enowa. The meeting li pub-
ft!. Mil. .
t, Fruitland Women's Circle will
.j - tirursoay at a pjn. at toe
.1 , , wwrai annex.
" ' AMUaattwM mA ai.
cations by persons who would
wwn UTlttr OMTltnn
tha now eeurthoun. i
completed, km ban filed with
vm county court.
Baa Frat Office Loren
BarUott of Salem was among
officers InitaUed by Kappa
pelta Pi, national education
narnmrj, at eastern Waihlni
Jon college of Education.
Chancy, Sunday. Ha wa elect-
ma to in OHice of hiitorian.
' Board BWtnratn rw .
lem man. 8tt. Jamn W n.
- 980 North 18th street, la among
- w i,w Army men due to ar-
rive In San Francisco from
t Korea Thureday on the trana-
w port lien. A. W. Brewiter.
Propose Merger
(Continued from Page 1)
. cauie no weather report!
, would be available during thli
n;. Noted in the letter waa the
, fact that airline flighta opera t
ltj ing Into Portland under ad
' verae weather come here from
t-.. Alaska, San Francisco, Denver,
, Salt Lake. Spokane and Seattle,
. manna- n a matter ox aaletr.
' Alao pointed out waa the fact
that Salem la on the Amber
Airway Nalbetwen San Fran
t eiaco and Seattle, where air
-. traffic la beavieat In tha Pad-
Oc Northwest.
. , Figure compiled by United
" Air Linea ahow that during the
paat five yean the Salem air
port haa taken 1,769 flighta
Bound lor Portland and unable
to land there became of
Top year waa 1848, the year
.that flooding of Portland
brought tha planes In here for
two and half or three weeks.
h', That year there were 1,287
flighta coming into Salem that
otherwise would hsve landed in
,' Portland and 27,824 Portland
passengers were cared for here.
of flighta and number of Port
land bound passengers are:
1949, 17 flights; 849 passengers;
1990, 78 flights, 1,170 passen
gers; 1981, 87 flighta, 631 pas
sengers; and 1952, 24 flighta
and 788 passengers.
" Included In the flighta were
eight planes from Western Air
linea and two planes of the AI-
. askan Air Linea. .
(Continued from Page 1)
Communist Pelping radio for
' the second straight day treated
Monday's truce meeting in a
reserved manner in contrast
to previous denunciations of
the Allied proposals.
Trnoa Talks Becassed
It said the U. N. command
asked for secret talks "for the
aake of free discussions,'' but
did not aay the Allies made a
new proposal.
The truce talks were recessed
K after Monday's session until
!r June 1 apparently at Allied
t request so Red negotiators can
y send the plan to Pevping, or
t oven to Moscow.
'.- The South Korean sources
' aald the new plan reverses the
f Allies' May 12 proposal under
!? which 84,000 txUKy norm ro
:t rean nrisoners would be re-
leased aa civilians immediately
! after an armistice.
! " The final disposition of these
it- and 14,800 Chinese captives
!L who refuse to return to Red
I rule is the last major roadblock
'. to a truce in the nearly three
's year-old Korean war.
City Finance
(Continued from Page 1)
t which had been absent from
;; the original estimate, by mak
F lng ruts in various spots, but
t mainly In two major places,
i. Tt eliminated a 822.000 Item
'from engineering estimates
i for the extension of North
t 16th street and It reduced the
!; fire department personnel by
' five men by curtailing the first
1 M and fire inspection aerv-
'!' Additional revenue of
i $12,500 was . estimated by
!h council approval of 300 new
" perking meters that are yet to
F be installed. '
!t SAua snaoaiAii osnrai.
f HABTLS-TD Mr. sad atr. Crta IT
St. ComlM, a Sttl
, nirti,
ioBcirra-T Mr. ua tan. cmiim
RoMrU. SUM".
ainaiW- mt. w Mra tm9.
arwaldt, 1M1 MltlMB SI, tor. MM
'( OWt-T Mr. nd Mrf. Ut W.
oCManLb-'T Mr. ua Mti. kw
Oradaatlw. Ham Daaee-
aquare aaacera who hav hii
practicing under the tutelage
" wiue wuaon Kieft for two
months will graduate at spe
eW Kuare dance party at the
.a. weaneaaay at 8:30 p.m.
This will be an ones hiiim
nance party for all who wih
o anena. partners are not nec
essary and singlet are wel
come. Graduates will get their
square dance diplomas after
uung their final examination
a square dance "?''"1ng all
w we bsic agurea. This will
do the last beginners' class un
til September. There will be
no folk dancing at the YMCA
on weaneaaay, June 3, aa the
Y gym will then be under re
pair. The regular summer folk
dance program will begin on
Wednesday, June 10, at 9 pjn.
Jam Contract Awarded
Cascade Fruit Products, opw
atea oy emery Hobos, nas beet!
awaraea a contract for furn
ishing jellies and fruit to the
Chicago quartermaster depot
Tha contract involves an ex
penditure of 326,447 on the
part of the quartermasters de
partment Hobba plant la on
South Commercial street
Baildlng remits Joseph P.
Rupp, to reroof a Hi -story
apartment house at 1473 North
Commercial, $390. E. F.
Brown, to alter a garage at 391
Rosemont 8300. James Minty.
to build a one-story dwelling
and carport at 240 Boice,
$13,000. S. W. Sorenson, to
site a motel at 2997 Portland
Road, $9900. Wright Noel, to
alter a one-story dwelling at
1798 North Fifth, $200.
Derby Inspectors Meet A
meeting of Soap Box Derby
Inspector! will be held Tues
day evening at 8 at Douglas
McKay Chevrolet company,
Chief inspector Bill Page an
nounced. He stressed that it
was important for all inspec
tors to be there.
Gaseliae Taken Someone
drained the gasoline from her
car some time Sunday night
Bernica Worden, 1137 South
19th street, reported to city
police Monday.
SappUea Missing First aid
supplies, bedding and attend
ants' uniforms were taken from
the Salem Ambulance Com
pany, 310 Belmont atreet Mon
day, owner Stanley Fltta re
ported to city police. Fitts esti
mated the value or, the missing
articles at about $50.
Driver Fined Egbert Alan
Pruitt 1170 Market street waa
fined $100 In municipal court
Tuesday on a reckless driving
charge for which he waa ar
rested Monday night He waa
held In lieu of payment of the
fine. Ransom M. Dean,' 1S53
North Capitol, changed his
nleaa to guilty on drunk driv
ing charges of December 31
and Aoril 29. He waa fined
$250 on one charge and waa
continued to June so for sent
encing on the other.
Barn Burgled About $400
worth of equipment waa taken
from his barn and milk house
some time between May 18 and
24 while he was away, J. C
Brown. Turner, reported to the
Marion County sheriffs office.
House Slashes
(Continued from Page 1)
Another roll-call vote, 237
to 156, boosted by $6 million
the funds recommended by
the appropriations committee
for several payments to school
districts whose population ia
swollen by military and
atomic energy activities.
The house voted $66,500,000
for this purpose, the amount
requested by President Eisen
hower. Former President
Truman asked for $70 million.
Nehru Endorses
UN Korean Offer
New Delhi, India, W Prime
Minister Nehru said Tuesday
he has seen and endorsed the
latest United Nations proposals
on Korea. He expressed hope
that an agreement may be
reached soon at Panmunjom.
Nehru told a mass meeting
the proposal Is the closest so
far to the Indian resolution on
Korea which waa accepted by
the United Nations.
Th Knit Shop at Turner
will open again starting Mon
day, May 25th. Please contact
me on any yarn oeing neia as
soon aa possible. Mark down
sale en all yarns. Buth Nyberg
Barber. 125
Fresh killed hen turkey,
JSc lb. We also sell turkeys
by to piece. Orwip Market,
8078 Silverton Rd, Phone
Moving and atorag across
the street, across the nstion.
Call Russ Pratt Capital City
Transfer Co. 125
Castle Permanent Wavers,
SOS Livesley Bldg., ph. 8-3663.
Permanents 88 and up. Ruth
Ford, Manager. 125
Merry time club rummage
sale Thursday, 220 N. Commer
Red Diplczd
(Continued from Page 1
tin, 18. and Peter, 14. still are
m Romania and have been re-
fused permission to join their
parenta in tha United States.
Ueorgeecu. who waa former
general manaaer of Ramano
Americano, a subsidiary of
Standard Oil of New Jersey to
Romania, reported Zambeti'a
prooosttton to th FBI and the
State Department
The department said R
carefully verified" his toior-
matioa and sent a terse note to
the Romanian legation Tues
day morning which aald to
Note to ooasala
The government of - the
United States haa ascertained
that Christache Zambeti. first
secretary of the legation, has
engaged la activities toeom
patlble with his status aa aa
accredited official.
.Therefore, this goverament
is impelled to declare Mr.
zambetl parsonna non grata.
The legation la requested to
make arrangements for his im
mediate departure from the
United States."
Zambetl, one of Romania's
top diplomat! here, came to the
United States in September of
1951. .
Asked to Spy
State Department press offi
cer Lincoln White was asked
whether the. State Depart
ments diplomat language
meant Georgesni had been
asked to, "spy for Romania."
Whi replied, "Certainly.
It ia implicit in what la said.
What else"
- Asked whether he Interpret
ed the matter as attempted
blackmail also, White replied
Although Georgescu Uvea to.
New York City, it was under
stood he ia currently In Wash
ington, .perhaps In conn action
with the ease. Zambetl waa re
ported to bo to Now York
Tuesday. '
General Counsel of
Harveys in Salem
Louis Ylereck, general coun
sel and secretary of the Harvey
Machinery Company, waa in
Salem Tuesday to visit the al
umina plant here, which re
cently was purchased by the
Harvey Machinery Company.
After checking the plant
Viereck, who waa accompanied
on the trip by his wife, left for
Portland and from there will
return to The Dalles, where the
firm will build an aluminum
plant .
Comlna to Salem with tha
Vierecks was Harry Schenk, of
Oswego, Oregon representative
ox tne firm.
Circuit Court
JunM - ftnd Onet BT. TTer m.
CharlM a u Srin Tuahn Hues:
Order dlnctlBS Uw Mart to buii ft
eovmUiioovr who ahll fix a Hun
bovndur bttvM araxrllM at aru
BUto Slchwmy CotnmlMios vs.
e Vade Banbardt aaa WlUaautto
Vannr bank: DafandaBM' umr aa
andtat rodtwal aaatort auamn m
i ef atwe.
Kau OUra aeblae n. Ma A. eahaur:
Order modlfrlna tonna af prarlaaa aa
araa. radociu wamthly aaraaato Sf
alalaUU fraa see IS SM.
r. K. akaUas va. WUUasi Thoinu
Varata: Aoamdad caaaplalnl Bmtvlae
anta-padastrlaa accldant.
Frank D. Vlnaon Ta. WUUaai Tlill
Varab: Saandad eonplatal aafaMas aa-eaatrlaa-aato
nay damanta va. Prank and Maa Ktna-
Jar and Prank Doarnar: Ordar dtraeUoe
Uial minor ahnd bTalrad ahaa ba ao
Blttad (a aaitodi at aawt kit Utat ska
pannlttod ta eta? In tha burl ax
tha dafendanta eaar Waademra Ordar
alaa laraad raatralnbje dafandaakl Klna-
Irr (ram ramarlBS minor aula.
etate as, wmiaai BIkart Cent! Pin dr.
sallta a laraaar, aaattnaaS far aaaaaaaa.
Carl w. aatneai . Barkers aaaa
Ralnwald: Drroraa llllilaliH. aHaala
amal an4 tfthaaua traatwaat. Itantad
Warn, Saptwakar St, ISM. t
OUaarl Xatnar as. Balaa Kaffiart aa-
nrar and an
Marlln Mat Blatahlar as. Pad Oar-
don aaatahlarl Dtverai
imna anal and tnhi
Marries at nana, tun.
curt ere Daaabartr a. Oiartr aiaxaa
rr, aaaarlnlandarit at aanllaatlarr:
Plauuira annrar te daraadeot'a raw
arm as awtiaa tar Jaotatani.
Prober Court
rathlaaa and Ohrlatlna Dm saar
dianihia: Ordar aavauitlas Vsraaa X.
Dm ae nardlaa.
knlla CaaakaU ettetet Ordar aattur-
Blnr aala at paraon
uaciMd at
MUdrad Lai
dtr admiutnr in to
to and ep-
pautiar Altraa
aa aiantar.
Xdwia a Badlaae aatatai asaraiaas at
Marriage Ucent
Thorn m w. Bidvall. tt. M. mlaor,
and Sana a tawta, M, aaaerwlfe. both
at aaUMrlla. Ora.
Kobart Donald aahaafar, ta, Oa. iraf,
Cntlar Cltr. Ora. aad Kathrra Jaaa
Shank, U. alark, ISM IahtTetm4a Baad,
frmt Hmmm Trial
yeater mum
& nuvisiOri to.
. 75 Ckeeiteket St.
rhene 8-4111
Washington The United State ordered Christache
Zambetl, Communist Romanian legation first secretary,
to leave the country Immediately. The State Department
aid Zambetl "attempted to subvert" V. C. Georgescu, a
naturalized American citizen of Romanian descent, May 30
in New York. Georgescu was naked to apy for the Reds
In exchange for the welfare of hia two minor sous and
their possible return to the parents from Romania. Geor
gescu was a former manager of American oil properties
in Romania. (AP Wirephoto
Evens Valley amnrevctnenU-
County Surveyor A. D. Graham
haa secured the necessary ease-
menta ia connection with tha
proposal to cut back some of
Savings l? to
I Q o
Remember . . . for nine days you can save at
SHAW FURNITURE. Easy terms-free delivery
-free parking. We give and redeem United Trad
ing Stamps.
the curves existing along the
Evens Valley road north of the
school house. To improve
ments will be mad in duo
jL-"Ct' ' x Days
Drapes and Drapery Mate
rial, Living Room Sets, Mir
rors, Breakfast Sets, Lamps,
Bedroom Suites, Linoleum,
Asphalt Tile, Mattresses and
Box Springs, Pictures, Rock
ers, Chairs, Davenos, End
Tables, Hassocks, Carpets,
Lawn Furniture, Card Tables,
Wall Racks, Refrigerators
..and All Fnrnltnr items . , .
In the Capitol Shopping Center
Sdii), SfCwU.
(Continued from Pe 1)
Governor Patterson pointed
out that la view of the mini
mum and maximum aalary
scales set by the legislature toe
board must adopt a policy de
termining whether to present
institutional head are to be
paid the mlnlirtMr or maximum
or a figure la between. ,
1 have about 30 positions
for which I must set the sala
ries and there should b a uni
form policy," Governor Patter
son said. "I feel that we must
attempt to follow the dictates
of the legislature although I in
believe that the superintendent;
of our main institutions, where
doctors are being paid mc
than tha- chief officer, should
be set at the maximum."
Flax Straw Firth ass I
The board approved recom
mendations of state flax Indus
try on prices for straw offered
by th Mt Angel Flax Grow
ers association, which la about
to abut down its plant
Th prices agreed upon and
approved era 360 for No. 1
straw, $50 for No. 3 and $13
for No. 8 straw.
The board ordered bids call
ed for construction of two resi
dences at the penitentiary for
use of to deputy wardens and
their families. The legislature
appropriated $32,000 for th
two housea.
Th board also directed Boy
Mills, secretary, to exercise op
tions on th Cherry City garage
oa a price of $65,000 and the
Anderson property, which ad
joins the garage for $19,000.
Th options expire on July 1.
The state plana to construct a
new service building en to
site to be used by to depart
ment of finance and several
other state departments.
Duy Your Ccnip!no CI
fit On Eccy Di!2 Fn
,'1' el "V '"'" :" '
o Sun Drcnd o VhEJaUco
Cclcman o Hsttrisk
Kemp Keck
Rear Room
V PalmsttoTcnt
MmJ f Heavy Wafer Ritt Oram Drill. Tab taw
tors Hm dvaaa f tka aaraHa Hart alaa tha
SwJWawlw nOGf1 Wlfll PtpOfl MMW 4MM Wt1tQ9m .
WWat lMp9j C9Mpllt wtta fffVNI VPpN Ms) pOHM
Sis irfxlO 4tof. Prfcev f0.0
9x9 Palmstto Tcnt
lUar -
Lajrg wlaaiaw to r Ma. Pttea. 3k9AS
; KU4 tVW
NpwMlwt WITCV flVCvM.
xkppef atewai Va 't7T!L
RtVrprle $1XC9. tpetoa ....... . tV.e)
KmoIc Ua4 WxtV 1
VjIIyCbI flfNI WVttfT NDttlwSNt fiMMh MwtW CWWT gftoiaf
nmrw Mm, ioo laajaiwlng mmm fataair owa sm
ejpj1 acra voiiaaji. Twa Jr inaMiwM palcjt8. 1 wa tioa
ait M aappM nojajrbar to mm ajaejbto SI J QC
twa. lUflvtor arle $20 JO. Sola pric . . Iaa77af
Sleeping Dags M.95
IVt harm 'm j
Tea atoese Wea i 1
f? Z aoad hod is a J I
Fishlatg Tcckb SpsdsU Tlssf WiJI Mi
Year wtmi
Prices Good thra Friday
Airtx Spintttr
Ratator I1SJ0 .
Recora Soiitnini Kl ....
Orvla Spinninfl Rl
WrifM McGlll Splaalna Rl.lUfl. 10.00 Sola f.95
Motitoou Glass Coatlnf Rool.Raf. 7.93 Sato 3.95
Record Spnning Reels
Jegurar $27.30
Montagu Grata Ply Rod . . .
rflugar Akron Cmrlnf R.
Sun Glasses
Rt vtor 11.45
rtosh Ralf
Dolly Midft
HaaMM Nakia Saaal
2 . S . 4 . U IWfc. Call LmW
450 CoiltOr ph 2470
Te MM av. Qraaa
ma. Me flaa Ua4W-
&WQ9 Ml taBtMaw CajpyajT) am
eta. Met fCtaw. Ijctr Wawv
Mere Enjcyjtla
As tag aa Stock Lasts ;
Spinning Reels
. $795
27 JO Sato 20.93
R. 27.10 Sal 20.95
,Rf. 12J0 Sal 7.95
Ret. 10.00 Sal t.95
Rf. lOS Sal 75c
With Case
R. 25 Sato
...Rf. 5 Sato
.Rm. S5e Sato
Rm. 73 Sato
aa y
" a. (mmhII His UTBsme wm.
"Sas. . . 1
cial, 8J0 to 4:80. 128