Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 26, 1953, Page 43, Image 43

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Taesday, May 26, 1953
Blue Mt. Region Glorious
Place for Vacation Trip
The aatereafJnar
Wallows aatnmtain
astern ORiaa m
ending source of scenic
and clarions rcenaUoo.
The Blue
from the
Grant County
er county to the northern part
of Wallowa county in Oregon.
The Wallowa are a lea exten
sive bat equally beantifnl rna-
ged range in the southern part
ox waiiowa county and north
era part of Baker county. Both
the terrain surrounding the
ranges and the peaks within
them remind visitors of Alpine
scenes viewed by nan only in
the movies and on picture post
Much of this
ever, is easily arressihle via
Oregon's U. S. highway 30 and
state highways S2 and 304 out
of Pendleton and LaGrande.
One of Oregon's most scenic
trips is over these highways
from Pendleton to Wallowa
lake near Joseph.
From Pendleton, the home
of the famous Round-Up, the
motorist may take U. 8. SO.
Emigrant Hill to the southeast
offers a breathtaking panorama
of the checkerboard grain lands
of the huge Umatilla river baa-
in and immediately south of
the mountain, the motorist will
begin to enter the pine tree
country of the Blue mountains.
Perhaps one of the first stops
wiD be at Emigrant Springs
State Park where the visitor
may eat his picnic hmch, cook
at rustle fireplaces and enjoy
the cool shade of majestic pine
groves. Much of the route along
here Is within the Umatilla Na-
High among gorgeous Cm
aadiao Rockies you'll ind
your dream vacation at bcand.
fnl Baas' Springs, lovely Lake
Louise! Rein; with (op service,
comfort and world-tarn OM
food. Enjoy sniff unit anjia
hike, sun, ridel Ask about the
2-4-6 day ail-expense soar in
the Canadian "-n-v Make
reservations with your local
agent or see
1 ilVVfersM. M 3044
the Old
Oregon Trail. Be will also pass
the Blue Mountain rarest Way
side and Gangloff State Park
near LaOraade.
At LaGrande, a railroad cen
ter end agricultural commu
nity, the motorist may visit the
campus of the Eastern Oregon
College of Education. This city
as the southern entry port to
the Grand Bonde Valley, and it
as here that the motorist will
chance to state highway S2.
The Grande Ronde Valley.
and the river of that name, ex
tend northeastward. The valley
is one of checkered grain and
seed lands. At Rhinehart, the
aaotorist will begin to parallel
and cross the river twice before
entering Elgin. This city is s
year-around recreation center.
Hunting, fishing, hiking, swim
ming and skiing are available
from here in season. H is only
31 miles south of the Tollgate-
Spout Springs recreational and
winter sports area.
At Elgin the motorist win
turn almost in an easterly di
rection and begin to climb. At
Minam he will cross the Wal
lowa river and drive beside it
Along the river here is the Wal
lowa Lake highway forest way
side. Directly to the south art
the Wallowa mountains and
Wallowa national forest. This
national forest includes within
its boundaries 1.008.54
f which t74,282 acres are fed
erally owned, included are
ipped peaks of the Wal-
watershed of the
Snake, Imnaha, Mmam, Wal
lowa and Grande Ronde rivers.
The Wallowa valley, running
north and south a distance of
30 miles is abundantly watered
along the Wallowa river and
more eastern portions are suit
ed for grazing. Grain and hay
are the chief crops and most
of these are marketed on the
hoot Private and national for
est land afford ample range for
the line herd of beef cattle and
large bands of sheep. Hogs arc
raised in impressive numbers
at sprout.
It was this land that the Nez
Perce Indians fought so ten
aciously to retain against the
onslaught of the white
From these same mountains,
Chief Joseph, arrogant
honored leader of the Nez
Perce, started his historic forc
ed retreat- considered fa
circles as one of the moat bril
liant in military history. To
day, at -the foot of beautiful
Wallowa lake the visitor will
aea the monument erected
memory of this valiant Indian
leader's father.
After leaving Enterprise, the
gateway to this great Wallowa
mountain region, the motorist
will travel almost due south to
Joseph near Wallowa lake.
At Wallowa lake the visitor
will marvel at a tonic
phere; thrill to sunsets imhr
lievably beautiful and at
of the most spectacular scenery
the northwest has to offer. Here
awaits a wide variety of out-
d o o r recreations, including
many for those who do not de
the vigorous exercise of
mountain excursions.
At Wallowa lake, too. Is a
park which offers a baseball
diamond, boatinff. fireDlacea.
fishing, horseback riding, a
kitchen,' mountain climbinc
picnicking, swimming, tables
and many other facilities. There
no overnight camnina al
lowed in the state park, but
facilities for such will nrobablv
be available by 1054.
1 I w
Several snowcapped peaks
reach an elevation of 10,000
feet within a few miles of the
lake, and in the high valleys
are some 50 sparkling mountain
lakes, with free forest camp
sites. These are mostly located
in the Eagle Cap Primitive
Area within the Wallowa Na
tional Forest, which has been
set aside for a rummer play
ground, completely untouched
by commercialization.
The high mountains can oe
entered along forest roads and
trails Irani Lostine, following
the famous Lostine river or up
Hurricane -Creek. ,
Another striking feature of
Qua scenic Wallowa country is
the Snake River canyon, deep
est earth gash on the- North
American continent A favorite
lookout is Hat Point, 61 miles
due east of Enterprise. A
charming forest camp is main
tained near the brink of the
canyon, with an almost sheer
drop of 5,750 feet
The road into Hat Point Is
maintained by the U. S. For
estry Department and enables
visitors to drive all the way to
the rim of Hell's Canyon. The
round trip from Wallowa Lake
is one that will live in the mem
ory forever. Local inquiries,
however, should be made con
cerning a motor trip to the
The complete trip to Wallowa
lake from Pendleton, via La
Grande is approximately 134
miles, a most satisfying day's
Journey with leisurely stop
overs at points of interest and
at scenic vistas, and a trip of
never-ending scenic variety. ,
a s - - - fck AftaetMMMk nun aeeka the
evening horiaon while a lone fisherman Is silhouetted
against the glistening waters. Oregon has scores of hun
dred of miles of fishing streams and hundreds of upland
lakes where followers of Izaak Walton may challenge mem
ben of the finny tribe. (Oregon State Highway Commis
sion Photo)
6 Campsites Available
In Park at Champoeg
Six campsites are available
at Champoeg state park, locat
ed seven miles southeast of
Kewberg (SOW), on the east
bank of the Willamette river.
This park la situated on the
historic site of the 1843 pro-
Dmuuui In addition to the us
ual park facilities, a museum
containing many Historic me
mentos of early Oregon days,
is located in the park and open,
to the public.
For That WARM WE ATHER Vacotion
$395 f 0 $95
The M
Don Ramsdell
416 Store
Fbom 3-6537