8 VACATION TIME THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tnesday, May 26, 15S 'fkegtm Builds Better Miakvaus for Travelers JAMES n. nl Snw I v aT " ; , - By JAMES D. OLSON Tourists entering Oregon ring the 1953 season win Witness a gigantic state-wiil highway construction program in pncmi, and yet will ca- counter but few detoun and aww progress on but few atretchea of road under con struction. Present U. S. Highways 99 extending north and south from the Washington state line to the California boun dary and U. S. Highway 30 ex tending along the Columbia river from Portland through Eastern Oregon are being re placed by freeways. ... These two freeways will Silver Falls Draws Top Park Attendance Attendance in state parks Increased considerably in 1952 with an estimated 5,390,421 people visiting the parks as compared with 4.312,318 in 1951 and 3,649.455 in 1950. ac cording to C. H. Armstrong, superintendent of state parks. Silver Falls park drew the largest attendance during the year, 242.724 persons having registered in the guest . book n 1952. Attendance at other major parks was as follows: Wallowa Lake, 231,093 per. eons; Sunset Bay, 191,910; Armitage. 181,992; Honeyman, 175.947 and 134.480 persons at Ecola state perk. Tracts Donated to Oregon State Parks . Several gifts of land for ex isting state park areas were made during 1952. These in clude: 7.02 acres given by Multnomah county for Crown Point state park on the old Pnlnmhla ritrmw hlahm.-. n an acre deeded by Caroline Lead better, Ralph B. Jones and ethers at Devil's Punch Bowl state park on the Oregon coast and one acre at Hilgard Junc tion state park donated by the Mount Em lie Lumber com pany, eight miles west of La Grande. New water systems were In stalled in 1951 at Silver rails and Sarah Hefanlch state park In the Willamette valley; at Hilgard state park in Eastern Oregon and at Harris Beach and Boiler Bay state parks on the coast have access nntni i .-!..- rapid and safe driving from one end of the state to the ther. Property has been and being acquired by the state highway commission to pro vide from 300 to 500 foot right ways to preserve the natural beauty along the highways and Prevent bill boards from mar ring the beauty. At present the state high way commission is in the be ginning of the third year of a five-vear which time in addition to the federal aid funds, its normal income, proceeds from $32,- uuu.uuu of bonds will he pended on the primary high way system in the state. At the end of the five vnr period. Ben R. Chandler, chair man ot tue state highway com mission, predict that 400 miles of Highway 99 will be! replaced oy freeways. Grade aenaratinn. truMur are planned at many points on the two freeways to enable traffic to enter or leave the freeways: overhead and un derground crossings are being constructea to by-pass present highways and county roads as well as rivers and railroads. In national forests In K tate the highway commission in its road program by furnish big allocated funds to the U. S. Bureau of roada for ran. struction of highways with the limits of the forest Such roads are designed in allignment to Join the new highways under construction by the state. On U. S. Highway 99 con front Brookings to Elbow Lake. siaeraoie work Is in progress While not designed as a free wav manv mile nf mwIv 1a. cated highway, designed to eliminate many of the sharp curves on the coast highway, is oeing built. In mountainous areas both the state and the V. S. Bureau of roads are constructing high ways with a passing lane. This extra lane will enable heavy trucks to pull to one side on the third lane and allow traf fic free passage. It is believed that the pass in lanea were oriffin&ted In Oregon after it was found that truck drivers frequently pull ed to one side on grades to al low passenger ears to move on. The Stat hiffhwav denartmuknt made some widening! and soon the passing lane was develop ed. It is now a part of the FREIGHTER GOES UNDER NEWPORT BRIDGE . . - -r. - .:. : Ccmp DIanftcts 100 Virgin Wool Grays, Hum, Kahki, Greens I 1 efciWren'i K . Mm m m rw saawaaaawas J ' 5,57'5 after rocotion for Is, xtr re. Open ell day V- lYoolen Mill 1 s. -4 m -4 i J! interstate highway specifica tions used throughout the UnitedsStates In new highway construction on long grades. Oregon highways are being rapidly modernized, to care for the ever increasing traffic util izing highways in every sec- The lumber carrier North Beacon is shown passing under the bridge across Yaquina bay, Newport, on the famed Oregon costal highway. The five bridges en this bighway have won nationwide acclaim for their beauty. tion of the state. This high way, modernization - program, designed by the state highway department and approved by the highway commission, will in but a few years, give Ore gon the finest highway system in the country. 1 l Vacation Time Is . Make this vacation your most carefree with a gay new coiffure by Erich of New York With a fresh, sparkling, new permanent wave by Erich you can kiss your hair problems good bye. Relaxe during this vacation . . . Don't fret about straight, straggly hair that never seems to look right . i . Make an appointment with" beauty . . . maybe today ... for sure tomorrow! 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