Page 18 VACATION TIME THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salesa, OregMi TatrvUr, Mar 26, 1953 Old West Still Lives In Eastern Oregon The old west rtUl lives In scenic Eastern Oregon. Cow boys mar be seen punching and branding great herds of white-faced Hereford beef cat tle, and Indians are at home on large reservations. Each September, participants gather at the famous Pendleton Bound-Up. Indians camp in the style of their powwowing pre decessors and cowboys vie in con tests of riding, roping, branding and bulldogging. It is a great event to watch. : Throughout this country are panoramas steeped In the ro mantic lore of early explorers. fur traders, and pioneer set tlers. On Oregon's eastern boun dary is the Grand Canyon of the Snake river, deepest chasm on the North American conti nent Geologists and others in terested in antiquity are fas cinated by the fossil deposits found In areas once inhabited by prehistoric animals. This shining land still car ries memories of yesteryears la its setting of rich farmland great irrigation projects, pine forests, and high plateau coun try. . .... Although petroleum is pro duced la 35 countries, the Unit ed States produces and uses more than the other 34 countries. A VACATION MUST! fat tiHn villi's! RADIO Y -PLAYMATE JR." OurperforM Mat other arta! Kmptaooal ra erptioa rang. Aarovana loop antaooa a tba plaatie flip-op lid, Almoa V speaker and oetifhtlol too. "Armored aattal" caaa. uaaelad in Cray. Marooa ar Craia aprin-grip carry me; aar a. Abp or Danarj. PLENTY OF POWER! plays wherever yon go iast rams l ret . i r,j"JrJ 3GQGGIE)f 1 jsbfr Au-iri-otiE Motorola powarful ranpoon. finest At- - aaa. fj 0 Bico V paakr. tnatant tunin.- CAlZ EZADlW L i i immmrt unit m SSpiJecu, totour .art Yo-c-Word W-1-- Str. Ttone. with the -W"--.'" I Motorola monr ncaaa swiaal pncai aaa7 . saamwa filter, aew eeptiee pewet, volasse and testability. 39.HS 49 U5 wi em JWf STAMK rjfebe!! Rci's end Tcbvbbi SAlXS-SOtVKt , . 1 MO STATIST. HvONtJ7S77 . WIDE SELECTION OF COLORS, FINEST "QUALITY 11.95 VACATION BOUND SPECIALS Pacific Auto Supply offers you these low, low factory to you prices tor your vacation needs. PLASTIC SEAT COVERS Plaids writ, gold stripe, vinyl plastic bock on $1A AC froot toot. Ever woorioo. Easily deaasd .... - Itcol Kushicns Free air flow coo ttNtff eatira rime. Bo coot whilo yoa drfra. , . $3.95 Illltill-aWarar-AWTTUal ! aicait Saw is yaar aar wi M OIIOINAl AUTOTtAYI Naadiaaia. tearealeat AUTOTIAY aaaiai aaafty aaaat aeaa, . . . - - - - -- a - e,aL,-A WMfJO VVMa MaMafJfJ ", taj") BararrapKBB, idaal lat aUMraaj AUTOTIAY pa.artt 'aae'-alalaa aa clataaa, aakaUrarvl hirafeaar eaa1 ifcaraB"aaTa a faflilaaOa a OIIOINAL AUTOTIAY. At mt , - fcy It", no t ef aarai ONLY 2.19 Trailer Hitch BALL TYPE i Only 2.95 Tire Pump A MUST 13 EVERY Vftttfica AUTO. OY $129 St Rear View MIRROR 69c cp ;. Handy Spotlight Flags late cigarette lighter A Mfoty precaution for $2.98 Car Coolers Ceels the air ia. year ear as yea drive along too . highway o 10.95 Be Deflector Special 89c BABY SEAT Beat drops aowa so ft eaabeased iaastaadiag pesiUoaals. LjjkJi s3 or w.7J Vbcr -n i Mirrors feSEV W I 3 Gas Cans l-aUo 89 Miss i 7 the features of a custom-designed visor o MrWv o KevarkMarbiia o MfiMolrlaMskrijU O WMlndWCMTvO) o rrttMnta.aWaki. T.isnuT LUCITE ciintMQP byVlSION-viawi sigB fits hard-taps aad l-aT wtvAWeld eajj. GrJt MT 14" B:. Screens 59c Ksep these bags eat of ye radiator fcjtrJjtb3.5 SUM GLASSES 90c r IS SIGNALS ; i9.95 SOPP 1S3 N, Commercial unmi Phone 4-3601 ixniVanannrTEs