19 T-wday, May 26, 1953 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJtm, Qragaa VACATION IT'S TIME TO PLAY! Take Your Time To Pay! JUST SAY WHITE STAG CHARGE And You Have up to 90 Days to Pay for the White Stag Clothes You Wear Today! Open Your Account Today This special offer is made so that you may take advantage now! Of the large color and size selection ' i, 5l I Ji 1 .) X ( I i&tA m m x?, . ar-ir :. a. 1w WW .M Mix n match fun-lovin separates in Original Sailcloth for summer I aJ I AI I LI. nvin m im sun: vrasnaoie, wear able,' wonderful ... in new and . carefree colors. All are unmistak ably White Stog! . a) TOGGU JACK with chevron CAUTBKINNEU (tapered-to-ealf, .. 10-11 , BTA-BftA sUn in place dftach- djuatabto ntrtfm, 10-.... CUIT-AU wttfe ptutie Unlng.. TBAHnfANfl JACKET With ad- Juatable eutt, S-M , .Sf GIJUHMOOBBS far roil-up, roB -down ceiwlrwi, - CM 6LEEVELE88 TOP to wear tucked - in ur out, 10-30.... UT1U ROY 8HOKT8. nutfed abort, aide-sipped, - ......... M Cam dean 'White, 8ail Red, Summer Navy, Depth Green, Tar Black, Oharooal. HcavroW Blue, Pink Coral, Seal Brown. mm iiuow, aaapienw ait who connait aUtohing. v TM. Be VM. Fat. Oft For Your White Stag Favorit es-Come to KAY REMEMBER- . UP TO 90 DAYS TO PAY .WHEN YOU SAY WHITE STAG CHARGE "DISTINCTIVE APPAREL FOR WOMEN" 460 STATE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 4 COURT ran sc IN THE CAMYOLSHOfWNG CENTER ; OfN F&IDAY NIGHT Ttt 9 OPEN MON. & FRI. NIGHT .TIL 9