Pe VACATION TIME THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales, Oregen Tuesday, Mar M. 1953 Vacation Opportunities Best in Your Own State Portland tU This is the time of the year when most Oregon ians are thinking of bitting the road again for a well-earned vacation, many of them to scatter to the four corn en of the nation and some of them overseas for a more elaborate outing. Some of them might wen re member that right here in their owa state are some of the at tractions that annually lure up to 3,000,000 tourists across the Oregon border and have placed the vacation industry third in line on the state's economy ranking just behind timber and agriculture. Here are some of the high lights of an Oregon trip, if you seed reminding: If It's fishing you want, you'll find plenty of activity throughout the regular trout that linen look at a price you can pay mm sport shirts of IRELINl Looks like linen, feels like liasD. It's handsome Iretia cloth an uneondi- s (tonally washable Soap 'a Water fabric Wings gives it that superb tailoring that distinguishes a fins port shirt. Luxurious pia-pieking ... smart con vertible collar. ..2-butto cuffs. A shirt you 11 be pleased to take your ease in. Superb new colon. ALEX JONES 121 North High St. seasons or you may want to try your luck on the bigger salmon which migrate up stream over falls and fish lad ders to traditional spawning grounds. A near-record 'number of spring Chinook passed through fish facilities at Bonneville dam on the Columbia east of Portland. Some of the finest trout streams in the nation, includ ing the Deschutes, North Ump qua. Rogue, upper Willamette and scores of smaller rivers and creeks, are easily accessi ble. For the motorist, wild flow ers including azaleas and rho dodendrons color the road side of Oregon, and several mid-summer celebrations hon or their presence. Biggest show of all for flower lovers is Port land's annual Rose Festival, which is scheduled to start this year on June 0. It winds up June 12 in a grand floral pa rade featuring the flower which gained Oregon's largest city its nickname, "City of Roses." The skiing season is over, but if you want to see how it's dene by the experts, the Port land festival features this year a 15-story scaffold with artifi cial snow for world champion : Jumpers. And it's all within the comparatively comfortable and warm confines of the city's Multnomah stadium. A water carnival on the Willamette 'river also will be an attrac tion. Scenery lovers will want to see famed Crater lake, an ex tinct volcanic cone filled with deep blue water, reachable from the southern part of the state through Medf ord or Kla math Falls. They also will want to view the Oregon coast and, of course, visit Mt. Hood the towering Cascade peak which dominates the northwestern sector of the state. Mt. Hood offers its famed Timberline lodge for those who want luxury with their scen ery. And it has a new "sky way" an aerial tram or bus which scoots along a cable from government camp to timberline over a landscape hitherto barred to all but the most ad venturous. The Columbia Gorge, where the Northwest's greatest river makes its dramatic break through the Cascades to reach the Pacific, also is a tourist must The Columbia river high way east of Portland is now a water-level route, giving an excellent view of the high wa terfalls which drop off the Cas cade bluffs into the Columbia. Along the way, Bonneville dam spans the Columbia, The Dalles dam is under construction, ana McNary dam is n earing comple tion. Northeastern Oregon offers the alpine-like Wallowa moun tains with glacial features that have given the area its "Switz erland of America" name. Hells Canyon on the Snake river, which can be viewed from Hat Point. Just beyond the Wallo- was, is also something to take your breath. Pendleton, where the re nowned Pendleton round-up draws the nation's top cow boys, is the center of a vast "bread-basket" or Wheatland. Central Oregon is known for its sports hunting and fishing and is a geologist's paradise of fossils and ancient lava beds. One town if you care for an oddity is even named "Fossil." Fossil, Oregon, that is. -ii ih.i Aimfa toa strenu ous, then you can Just plunk yourself flown ai me doh-u where facilities are ample and costs are moderate. In fact, you'll rarely need reservations anywhere in Oregon because accommodations are plentiful, except at the height of the sea son in July and August The atmosphere is informal and you'll want to dress that way, too if you decide that Oregon is on your agenda this summer. ' . First Valley Berries Portland, W The first Wil- lamette Valley strawberries of the season reached - market here Monday, selling at $3.50 a crate, compared with $4 ; opening price last year. The berries were brought in ; from the Canby area by a ' produce handler. JT STAtllMO IAOTIFUI - DiAflD KIDSK I N 8 mm v Kidskintoft and glowing draped and worked1 into casuals of high fashion interest and appealing femininity. . M FOX THAT EXTRA COMFORT DURING VACATION Milled. IP D O (UJ3 :. th starched look that's olways so young I and so flattering to "indoor" winter I complexions I Choose your radiance from our group of crisp, white piques From 1.98- Tik twatoJii tlif-" - -v 2nd Floor