Page 20 VACATION TIME THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orecoa Tuesday. May 26, 1953 360 Acres Added to Silver Falls Park Area Enlargement of beautiful Silver Falls park was made possible by the acquisition of an additional 360 acres of land purchased by the park division of the state highway depart ment from private owners. Funds to purchase this prop erty are being obtained from the sale of timber on isolated park lands to which the fed eral government hold rever sionary title. For That HANDSOME Vacation V Ct7tTMtClT.TAllBBa V IN NECK SIZES-AND SLEEVE LENGTHS STRAD-O-CRUISE $8.95 STRAD-O-GAB $10.00 STRAD-0-CLOUD $10.95 - OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 em s Da op 414 Star Jay Mouette Phooe 3-6537 State Parks . Oregon's state parks divis ion, too. is making improve ments that vacationists will enjoy. On the coast. Improve ments are being made at Cape Lookout state park near Tilla mook, Spencer creek, south of Otter Rock, Humbug mountain state park, Harris beach state park. Big Creek, south of New port, Lost Creek north -. of Waldport, and at Tillamook Head near Cannon Beach. Improved camping facilities are expected to be ready at Emigrant springs state park on U. S. 30 between Pendleton and La Grande and picnic fa cilities at Hat Rock stale park near HcNary, east of the Mc Nary dam on the Columbia river. ; In all, over 200 state parks will be maintained for the en ! joyment of all v I Improvements and new ac commodations are on the in crease in the Beaver state. Over 100 more facilities, including hotels, motels and resorts, were licensed during last year than during 1951. A new eastern Oregon re sort is called Boulder Park Re sort, located on Eagle creek I at the edge of Eagle Cap Wil- derness area in the Wallowa i mountains. Mm -nri-iiin You Can See Oregon By Bus, Train, Plane Vacationers who do not wish to use their own automobiles have a choice of fast, frequent, comfortable railway, airline and bus service throughout Oregon. Four transcontinental rail way systems have their termin als at Portland. Each operates fast, modern trains. There is also service south to California , and north to Seattle from Ore gon's metropolis. . Transcontinental airways north, south and east, serve , Oregon. Los Angeles, 1000 ' miles away, is only three and a half hours by air, 27 hours by . train and 28 hours by buses. -Plane passengers reach Port land from Chicago in eight and a half hours and from New. York in 10 and a half hours. There is a network of bus lines, trains and local airlines . over the state. . it's a TABLE RADIO I ' Outdoor if a PORTABLE Plays AC DC or Botttrlts Play it upright or on its side ... this trim, lightweight portable con verts to a striking table radio for any room. Precision-engineered with G-E Dyna power speaker and pow erful G-E antenna. New finger tip tuning for faster station selection. Weighs only five pounds with batteries. Ebony or burgundy red. - Less Batteries) Tmiiiam Gilbert ,' as 260 North Liberty He did his own vacation planning f T mm mm mm T Uf mL She took a carefree pre-planned vacation! MRSONAUY YOURSI Unlike conducted tours, your Greyhound Vacation is "tailored" to order for you alone! Hotel rooms referred at stopover points... sightseeing arranged . . . transportation included ... length snd cost of your racacioa planned to fit your time snd budget. AMAZING VARirTYl Choose from Greyhound Vacations to Western Beauty Spots, historic East, the romantic South great national parks, beautiful Canada, glamorous Mexico! other fascinating places. . SO LOW IN COSTI Because Greyhound travel is so eco nomical, yon see more, go farther, have extra cash for txtrs vacation fun. Get free folder on Greyhound Vacations... and let's talk k overt Sample Vacations from Salem - " ' WESTERN WOMDEWJINO, 13 days . UM CANADIAN ROCKIES, 11 doy . . $114.10 CRATER LAKE, 4 days . '. .... $34.05 SAN FRANC fSCO, REDWOOD, day .$38.95 nmftsCmimmtiJmmNmrtm)- J.L.WGLLS 4S0N.Ctwrch. fON12242BT