Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 26, 1953, Page 31, Image 31

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TmmUt, May 26, 1953
North Coast Rich in
History and Scenery
Oregon's northern coast is
rich in history as well as in
scenic beauty.
Oldest community in Ore
con is Astoria, at the mouth of
the Columbia river, founded
in 1811 by an expedition sent
out by John Jacob Astor. Dur
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A z . .
Oregon Offers Chance to
Catch Fish in the Surf
Compiled by Oregon Travel I The worms are aeveral
Bureau I inches in length, wearing a
No fishing license! No closed tubby fringe on each aide.
kmwui ro ujniis!
These are things for surf
w i i
umiiim hiui puj uoni we.
ton's 400 mUes of shoreline
south from the Columbia river
to the California state line.
, ,
"""It1 bT
ST. cs'rLtlyXm
foaming depths as breaking
waves play at their rocky
bases. Lone rinr f whit.
fringed waters explore smooth, troVble oUm o,an de
sandy beaches and roll back 'Win whther he wishes to
again into the deensi tini nimself a perch on a rock
Somewhere in the breakers ?' to "de "J0 h tar "nd
and behind them, most any- there throw hi t "t
where in the briney flood are water
the fish. If he decides on a rock, he
And to catch them?
Even the most inexperienced
anglers need to know only a
few fundamentals anifpossess
mm ...'..iu.i Vi (car, wu ine oia i
time surf fishermen tell the I
Oregon state highway commis-1
. . uuutuuuup oepan- a long salmon rod, casting or a
mtTt-. bamboo surf rod, he can usu-
To begin with, the Individ- ally rent one at any of the an
us angler should know the merous seashore resorts and
comings and, goings of tides communities along the coast,
and to take advantage of low Host surf fishermen use a reel
uoe. He ought to have such with approximately 90 yards,
eauiDment mm m bK - . '
miiy 7,j ., Z, T
Mck or an old-time tire Iron,
iT7iJrOCSa re exposed by
imZ.Te angler will find
Zu ,J um cov".by mu-
SeiS. Which lr nrjjwl 1
' , . - -- an eism-ounce smxer to
f0'""! tici or tire Iron, the end, especially if the surf
f, kT."!! n" eds to be heavy. The sinker
used for bait, but better yet are can be lighter or heavier, ac-
the kelp worms which live in cording to the surf at hand
Sr. cJose P-ced the sinker keeping toe h" k
monusks. J from washing back Into shore.
-Y. gr .
I mv mvuii u mtriiiu os loco-
motion- They are not to
I least attrattiv iA thi worm
- - -
hu?ter- but r" toothsome
deUey 'o' t"6 tiih- Also
PPuIar " ba" he smaU
sand crabs found by digging
These UtUe creatures are about
i" quarter, with an
Sr""1 M
.1.Then ,,or U0.
nler should have no
must remember to watch the
incoming tide lest it maroon
nim from the, mainland or even
wash him over into the foam
vcjka iuu m wiin in
creasing power.
If the angler does not have
or less, oi aoout 40-
pound test salmon line.
They tie a double loop of
string, about eight inches tong,
to the end of the line, attach-
i ; i . 7 .
, -j -. ' "
O rj
Smooth sands of Ocean Lake meet the surf for a long
distance along the northern Oregon coast to provide out-.,
standing beaches which attract visitors frbm many places.
The girl in the foreground is viewing the long panorama :
from her vantage among costal flowers. (Oregon State
Highway Commission Photo) - - -.
It is also explained that a
string is used for attaching the
sinker, as the string would
break rather than the line in
fiie event the sinker becomes
snagged in rocks.
About four feet up the line
above the' weight, the angler
attaches a No. 6 snell hook. It
is now ready for the bait,
which usually consists of kelp
worms or sand crabs. These
lures bring in perch, sea trout,
flounder, kelp fish or rock
cod. The angler is conscious
of the pull of the surf, but
Has a BEAUTIFUL Selection of
lTke Nans kop
Don Romstlell
416 State
t .. - 'ft
when a fish strikes, he soon
knows he "has one on."
The angler may .wish to
combine deep sea fishing with
surf efforts. . All he has to do
is to contact troller boats lo
cated at a number of places
along the coast. A complete
tackle outfit is furnished and
he can relax in ease sitting in
a boat chair as he plays out
his line in sea sections where
salmon are apt to be found;
usually three to five miles
from shore. If he goes on out
to 25 miles, hard fighting tuna
will rise to his lure.
29 TO 42
Jay Monnetta ,
- Mian 3-6537
ing ine war m idm ii ku w
AW. T3:(l wrtiAM 1a Haw.
over the fort, whose name was
changed to Fort George, for a
time. -
w t- J .in. i At...
.l4 r IPnn at tha nnun
HIUKI W - - . ' . .
site of Seaside, which is the
western end of the famous
Old Oregon Trail highway.
The Oregon Coast Highway
glVCS m iww
view of the coast, with its
Deacnes ana pwu. r.ct:iieni
be found in this section of
It is against the law to honk
an automobile horn in Rome,
Italy, except in case oi em
ergency. xxe can vau:ti as uwijr as
good luck cares to give him.
When be brings nis catch back
to such ports as Depoe Bay, a
custom cannery will prepare
ik.m In nna.hsilf Mid Ana
pound cans in Just a few hours. ,
He can arrange to ship the fish, '
too, to hometown friends to .
prove he is an accomplished
ocean fisherman.
383 Court
' en4 lirvtrtt