Twadar, May tt, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sakaa. Ore VACATION T1MJSPa U Chief Oilers Vacation Hints Ttzzd tt Ttz& h! Trczd tih? Trzd h! Tnzd fib? Ttt U J- -I A reminder ta mmHou was issued this week by Chief of Police Clyde Warm - If you are leaving your house mm (iMijn win no one living in it please notify the police department so that thev ran nulta lar check of the premises while you are gone. Warren urged To . make it easi m k police department, a new form has been prepared by the de partment giving police infor mation as to who may be con tacted locally In case of emer cencv or a nlace whm k vacationers may be contacted if necessary.' This annually-offered serv ice is available by simply call ing at u department and zill ingn out one of the forma or phoning the station with the information. Police then will make a daily check while the home is vacant. Approximately' 100 residents nivs uuten aavaniage ox Uus home protection so far this year, warren said. Canadian Pacific Has Lure for Vacationer Travel In Canada ha been made easy and pleasant by the ' Canadian Pacific's long time program of providing top flight hotel service at key points along its coast to coast railway system. Nearest ones to Oregon are the famous Empress in Victor ia and the Vancouver In Van couver, both adjacent to the great playground areas of Brit ish Columbia and within a day's driving distance of Salem and vicinity. For the traveler going far ther east across Canada there are the Chateau Xjake Louise and Banff Springs hotel in the Rocky mountains of Canada, the Saskatchewan in Regina, the .pawser in Calgary, the Royal York in Toronto, the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec, and others. The Canadian Pacific also operates steamship lines to Al aska and Europe. Put Oregon Caves on Vacation TraveF List ' "The Marble Halls of Ore gon" the Oregon Caves, is a a sight that no one should miss. Ages before man . looked upon this sphere, nature's art ists were carving and molding within this mountain of mar ble. Through winding corri dors, connecting countless chambers, are wierd but majes tic creations. Probably no cav erns of the world hold more to attract than the famous Ghost Chamber, Paradise Lost, King's Palace, Dante's Inferno, Wig wam and other rooms. The caves are located in the heart of the Sisklyous 4000 feet elevation, SO miles from Grants Pass, where the Pacific and Redwood. Highways meet, and 76 miles from Crescent City, where the Redwood and Ore gon Coast Highways meet The Oregon Caves Highway, No. 48 connecting with the Redwood Highway at Cave Junction, is of great Interest From Grants Pass, Oregon or Crescent City, Calif., a paved road leads to the Cave entrance. Regular guide service Is pro vided from May 29 tfi October X ' Tfie tiro that tones on neiv cars SALE ENDS iYIAY 30 i : p .Mffff Pi 11 lili'na- 8 u 6.70-15 EACH UST -PRICE 22 05 PIUS TAX LJ i S 6.00-16 LIST PRICE 20.10 PLUS TAX es savr:3 cri onzt sizes, tco tees r-ouriTD rm Att safe prices plug fax and year old fir nrffabJ for recapping ' , MM 6.00-16 I I TTJ J 6-70-13 " DEFIANCE U mS DCFIANCI LIST PRICE $14.60 HUS TAX LIST PUCE DEFIANCE 516.55 I PIUS TAX Phone 3-9600 SftULING JACK'S OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 ) I CORNER CENTER and CHURCH STS. J