. 0 - - rx ti mnmt on flit MCHA 35c Cehst9 , Sbvfcg Crcrin 53c Ccfeata , Urbor Crcrm csnrci Kwccb . flawMat C I amnf -IrwawtO atlump) - $1X3 Ufa Curtis Sum tta Bair Catmetla) 2?c to (eft 589 Dtstli Stamps ft. I, I im ShiYlnj (no 47cMMlhlnBWi 47c RUBBING ALCOHOL Tl AbMlaU AImImI kf Votam. Bf, 4t 23c SfMhil 16-cl Urvex MoUiyrwrft olotht, fanUtar. np. Ob Bnytaf t4kprft 1 r. OiarUa, atatalM 79c D:si!i Jtesps $2.75Kylc3Erb!j H:!r Bns!i IM-lm. ai UckhralfM wMI kaek. MM mil wm ftrMI 1.90 US .sir - :'l"r -'.-' - 1 Tate it takaaM J MMttlf PfMftMM f I h, .a, ESs2S KSi n39 HALF PRICE LIMITED TIMt ' Ftfflpcr four djry ikjn with chit - ton, hub cram. BmorM make-up, clemei geotir but hnimnihiriy. Um k ererr dT KtkrTe (Icio kxik tovdiee. Stock up eov, WTt tulf cfa cokI IBM LS AJ-.-l L. 2.71 VllN KmU MIT II8XIIB Dcubh Stamps ttj $svliwsj( FopioAp5SClJ DoRonmGRc , WHTI UlAG i 4 olbor bw p I JM Boqt. tiinii Bowjoit, Svoot Spico, NotvraL WRITI UUC m Colte Onnhl i...jOO(ilaaSn. l milium Sof). hVJif). IIU IN., . .ILB WBITE ULAC woCokha CMM1 i ktttoki: Dcsbh Stamps SsWMSlll CmnNfMoil TmrneKt IR0IV . 6rtj WT IUIH WIMKt lmd6ti-....tum N STAMP ES Dcuble Staisips REVLON ' Tw AquamariiM DEODORANTS LeSicn Decdsrcst Spny Desisrcid Both for $31io Phi Ta NIWI AMAZINOI CRAFLEx' 22 SHOWS YOUR PJCTURI FUU-flZI BEFORE YOU TAKE IT! tft ON) OWMI... IHl 4 laoo Camphv-LyplM COUGH SYRUP 7t DOUBLE STAMPS Revlon 'Moon Drop' Moisture Balm 3.00 Revlon 'White Sable' Cleans. Crm. 1.50 TOTAL VALUE 4.50 SPECIAL Plus Tn . ,. irTr" 1-Of.Ci. 2S?i wcsa DOUBLE STAMPS Now yoa m k fan lotinfl wiM. TK ntw taiy way . . . ColcmatricVeight Central Ctatalat araryriiinf yaa m4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Onm anon 111 IN OUR COUPON - KLEENEX ( 300 SHIET IOX WITH COUPON ONLY , Void Afttr May fm Vtrinm Vahal Elastic l!ss Ligbt la wlgrh ' Cool oonfortttblo, o iaoompieaoMl mUMtin Tim ranlMMt " mm- tartenT uuica m rm tat im west VttivlMAKiitrilt OlaftM AYTiNAL huh. ....... ZSL ran una nun OlafsM BraM CUCXON-12 who io.... 32S $ . Both IK m 610 Film HoWrfcrMbwy -iitwiur cittMSntM 1 Doublft Stamps m II ram m j- i 1 1 rv n i i I "v A T T STOKE COUPON 27, 1953 J EX-LAX LAXATIVE Chooolate-typ . e DOUBLE DOUBLE Given &9C G R E E N S T A M P S DOUBLE mW annual .. , ' ' '. , ' . - ..... . - Mr Tcnic Lubricates .e Double Stomps 25c Vocdbury SHAMPOO 49c Jergsns Loticn BOTH FOR Plus Tax al" GREEN XVjf Dorothy Gray TreatmentLotioflS Omh0o Ploww SMa Loaonf atin W Tuaiin in Jtr o dfa n-m. m. .7... Two boportant Bonty Batica in ItM aaww "Sok of Thrae' far WroKar okja M onaty Maaal awiafat (fVam ! tm ) GREEN STAMPS Wed., May 27, Only fifi&lS see the- ) KODAK POHy 135 CAMERA GREEN 0 J 6 J DANDAID Plastic Strips Tia f n baaaMg dry Kalpi 'e Diabetics CAN UM fcnraid la a Boaaal, M Bk. Not ' 0 i lo Of till !. ) I EVENOO NURSCtr ttki4oia. Jtl konH STAMPS I0W G R E E N. S T A M P S STAMPS ns STATE ST. (Corner of TaaatUy. Mar M IMS W A 1 Special 5.00 Trad) In AUOWAKCE Toward a Brcnd-Nsw SIM 20 n your oM olactria skovar, any atalw ! Deubls Sfssps 3-piaca Raycino Ilactrlc Hair Clipper With boeklat "How U Cat Hair $10.95 Doiibla Slsntps Gira Swim Movomant MUSICAL POWDER BOX Choice at aiaar 1t- ortta $4.19 Doubte Stamps 39c lorrio Hydreaaa Peroxidt Pine (limit 29c Double Slops AbsorbiattJr. Ra. 3S ilia 79c Double Stamps Tired of 6arier Belt Bind! Try a MARY JAKE All-Elastic Garter Bolt N. aaaaylat atrata, ' lft ar ala . .. yat Haakian ara fhatly ti Special Liberty)