Pt 12 VACATION TIME 1W ft r Mi Taeeday, May 26, 195i Tuesday, M,y 2, 1953 .. . " j.V.a . D" A.WVW ... tot u r;. utoJ?;v-! otv- ot - .. oj :.v v"- . . v- jie Live S Stoop .1UG1NAI 2r ,4 o,jdt Mix 'n mnirU t, - ' " ' ' ' acAlium in Original Soilcloth for summer livin in thm W,t,kT.. .... oole, wonderful ... in new care :!!! co,orS- All ore unmistakably ) TOGGLE JACK with eherran Pfcs 00 upper Minna. XS- S-M-I SfiJiS CA1JJHNNEE8, tapered calf, S-ls , jja ) 8TA-BRA ty in place de tachable, adjustable straps 10-20 J J5 WHISTLE BBITCHESSlcufed , shorts, with aide Hp, 8-16 1.7S e) CARRY-ALL with p'.astlo Uning ZJ5 dl TRAIN'MAVg JACKET Wlthld- Jus table cuffa, S- fjs CLAMDIGGERS for roll -up, roll-down eaaoalness. 8-20 .... fjs ) SLEEVELESS TOF to Mr tucked In or oat. 10-30 4JS - LITTLE BOY SHORTS, cuMed aborts, side-zipped. - 15 . Ciar: Clean White, Sail Rd,"8umm Navy, Depth Green, Tar Black, Char coal. Heavenly Blue, pink OoraL Seal Brown, Sun Yellow, aUplenut all wUh contrast stitching. 13 n V .0 fpO' Plr- . Ace0-' EMBROIDERED MAGIC BY... JEWELS OP . THE SEA riwgic...tfnwt)fIthusyorrta ' - "irtolMiett brt bofldt your noral ... tf wjrttiltnftlnoMtoinjfteifftito " Ctjf.Coo1fiJt...R'iBt)c - , 2ND $1795 FLOOR 1 Jit See Our New; Big Television- DeDortmenx. lanil The Greatest Names in Sportswear Look Your Best on a Thrilling Vacation! WHITE STAG ROSE MARIE REED ... plunge in! The water's fine when you don tf Jantzen or Rose Marie Reed swim suit or bathing suit . . . and when you're In the sun . . . If s White . Stag to moke you look your most glam orous self. So, come on donw to Mil ler's real soon and choose from the world's best! t, - " ... " $7950 ACK BEACTT -It trims . i . It slims . . . It swims and you'U be the belle of t hebeach in thU telutSul nw jinUeT .Tr8 "Ws ad hold FTatterint delun E2i-WlJ,h d3,UK1le, trP that crias-oiss ovn the low-cut bcfc Elasticized side seams that adjust to your ira lecrthu Faahioned from Sun TaffeU-Janteen s own blend o? AcSSte powered with Laton in eight new coloiiM-SS tlM CHEESE CAKE BY JANTZEN J Black Beauty By Jantzen CHEESE CAKE Youll be prettier thai a picture In this stunning jantzen swim suit You'll love the famous Jantzen wtai hra tat nrettie. vnup ninM a.u la sted panels will give yon that taoll alim look I Free-action innerpantr for ticized detachable baiter strap for swim. comfort and freedom in the water. Elas mine or sunning. Fabric is crisp Latex Faille ... shrink-resistant . luxurious. Kine new sun-happy colors. 32-40. iui 195