Put 21 FOR SALE HOUSES Cottages '".' FOR SALE 1-BEDROOM PRE -FARM CATED COTTAGES THAT ARE IDEAL FOR THAT BEACH CABIN YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED AT A PRICE )YOU CAN AFFORD. KNOCKED DOWN AND DE LIVERED, f 1.200.' COM- -PLETE WITH FOUNDA TION, PLUMBING, WIRING, ELECTRIC RANGE, ELEC TRIC REFRIGERATOR AND ' ELECTRIC WATER HEATER, JUST $2,173. ALSO 2 AND t - BEDROOM MODELS AVAILABLE FOR VERY LIVABLE HOMES. PHONE I-40SI. 1 jiw T ftmil AND BUILDIX Lar.e 1 Btdroom plaaured homt, loeaud 1440 . 19th. Prlct lll.m Tarmt .reliable. For appointment, tonttrl . wiujam t. j. ram ' HOUX BUILDER 1144 Olive - Phone MM. tin HODEBN t bdroom homt aa Youths Ava. Campltulr furnl.hed ar uafur- alahed. WIU take houae trailer oa dova parm-at. ph. I-4I1I. sltf f OWNER Leu than PHA apprilall. llvlni room 14x14, flrepleee, dlnlnd room, kltchea. nook, 1 bodrooml, dta. IVb bathe. Llthl ba.m.nt, ell, treee. double xeroxe. APProxImaUlr re tart, axtra lot available. 1030 Olaavlev Wop (Klna-woodi. Ph. 1-4 00. tit.poo. in Mak Your Home IN Englewood . Wo offer UUi alee 4-raar-eld home with I bdrme and an dowa. Boom for s up vita email expeoee. Bendlx aura. Beautiful rerd of floworo And s ehrube. cioeo oo eehoee. ahopplnx OIKl trojuporuuo. Tour .t tot I11.M0. '' Salem's Fint Drive In ; Smith Real Estate MB) Portland IKL Phone 1-7007 dor or ovoa. its' SMALL modem noaee, 4 oeno. eeaalder houae trailer ob down pirment. Rt. I, BOX 4t, VfAClOBP ftOBd. B117 ' 9o bdjoutlful rouml llwffa coif outm t4 bctvclL ou taratvc, om Sattir fu roil (ltd. 9U.S00 cub. Box 1. Capita Journal. 1M ; . SALE OR TRADE " Oliltr trp tbdrooiB bona on M- fcrtoo itrttk. Plo lot. with low do-rn pinttDt, or Uk la totwlc S r M'Oanom Mini. Comfortable t-toadroom hone wltb iMMTneot and flrvPlaea. t St. Via nfi dUtrlct. I10.WO, r taka tratla am all boma. Tbna-badroom ranch stria hi VI th batwrntai on Nob Kin. tllOO. ar , trada on I-ftory boma with doubl plumblDi. t RAMSEY SOU N. Coma REALTOR Ivtnino, Jim JUmity 4-ttll 4-lbM rott BALE or Ixchanit. ITS ifttfi, flta- Ida, Orct. Mica mod. hooat, 100x113 lot, - irMnhouM. do. aarait, laih . houia, for rtatal or am all fterasfa in or netr Baiem. a wo 11000 BQUITT - Will axeapt tar or trailar houu for liooo tqultr In badroom auburban boma. KaJt, 4 raara old. CLAUPI KILOOR1 , Rtaltor and Auatlonear IN aX Laneutar Or. I'll. M00S am NEW RANCH STYLE " I ; y V f e ara Uoklnff for b tood bur , tm b at boma, aaa thlt aea ocatad outb aoar iha bow blth achool and ' Laiiu Jr. blth. A 1-m.R. ranch trpa - htwft )lr. rm dia. rtn.. bltehsn wltb ylanty bul1tuu, oak flrt., double ta-; , rata. 1.000, and M.000 down will; bandla. j Maw, t-BR, Mr. tm.. din. ra., kit. 1 beak. Oak flra ftraalaca, all (oread :' air haat, arty m. with flraplaet in -umt., doubla taratt lb bamnt. 911,100 with fl.Mb taah. Burt Picha tvat.t olUaa ftatehcr t-rrot tn M. Iltb BL Off.: S-404T - alW iT OWltR--vUlam lalabta achool dit trlcfc. I badrooma aa ono floor, lartc . mint and dinlm room, flraplaM, braakfaat nook In Meal kitchen. Au- ' torn k tie tatat. Double tarate. Beautl ful rard. 13il0 storage room at rear f lot. Mil Bianlt f Lane. Out Liberty ' noad ta Browning, watt ne block. alio1 WANT A VIEW? Suburban t-bedroom home, cloaa to trada achool, on i acre, clean IntVde and out. Lota of Ilowera, ehruba. Bur iron owner ana aave. rrtce neoa Thtt Is a tive-awai, but wa want tc Mil. Phone 1-O0Q4. ' a0 UAVtNO TATK, would like to aU modern. I-bxlroom home, electrtr heat, lane corner M. 41030. a!35 I BEDROOM HOME, 1 If ara old. IS00 down. Pi iced 010,000. Orlva by 3333 Ufrtrtr R4. ALLEN C. JON KB. REALTOR Mi m. hub rn. noao. Eva. ttoti H.vtRTos-oood room fcouc. Pire plare. furnace, baeement. Approxi mately one acre, Irult trait. M.000. Ill w. net, Beltm. 3-IOt3. alW EEAVINU, BTATIp would like to till modern I bedroom houae. Electric beat. Corner lot. I41S0 cash or 14500 crme. Ktuor DUt. Phone 41010. alM Wx OWNFmt, modern 3 bedroom home. Lerte lot, tood location. Oak treat. riowtra, thruba. till center. Fhone t-7.71. kife FOR SALE LOTS CITT LOT tcrtaa from Blebmoad achool rn ranaj. aalTO' FOR SALE FARMS TOWN FAPM tt tcrte of the fine! Willamette eilt, all la wheal, auiuble (or a. moat an- tiod ar farmint. within one mile Amur, eaet. A tit-room hcuee that ta in tip-top oondition. Three badrooma. competition roof. latulated. wired lor electric ranre. Cltr water, achool but mr floor, ronr ar aiitr tarn, four Bun dred-bird rhi'skea houie, workihop and aerate, niafrtr whiow will aeu lit.ooo wlih only lM down and par- RiMiw wm at art fail af lift 4, or 1 take amill houae In Salem ta part payment. Thlt tirvaia firm la lie ted wun lit onir. Severin Realty Co. I K. Hltn 4-l, aSaa. I-MII - bill . t,.Miuu AtivrsTiiiisa Per Ward 4 time. ' 14, Fee ar.r4 4a Fee Herd, I llmea lee Fee Herd. I maelb Sec J. Rero.de Mlelmam M Wa.de. SrAtllka la l.r.1 Neve Celtma Oalr, Far Word lo Mlelmam II Werde Ts Plica Art la Sams Oay'i rspar, Phons t-t4M Ivefors II a. no. 1 REAL ESTATE ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor vi call bo unfimu. 1-4144 (Pbokj pbckbnpauoh i-mii MOTEL IX dtBdP Individual Back wim im4 mlmm mi , BOlU. too ft. alwar frost BB 1UUL priced t 111.4M. wm take aaad noma to aeitm to OICBAHO. INCOME PROPERTY TUBES An. trlller opacoa plot , Tory nice llvlnr atrt. for awnora, huUdlal Bf ufttlmt BOBOIWUOB.. Nev fur. Ml fired hot vtr Mot. thea. Ibo tood Income, lilt of Blot lbtat trot. 110.000. ' 411 NORTH BOB AT. ROY TODD Real Estate WE HAVE MOVED OUR OFFICE TO 2319 STATE STREET . CAPITOLA DISTRICT Fear reart aid. aaa bedroom, aloo kitchen, llriax, hath. Wo. Vol . at oxeeUeai loutloa aorta. Cl.ee la atorso e ttbaaL Oalr (1Mb. CaU Mr. Vaaaarrort, aatooaioB. ENGLEWOOD I adrau. MUo IKlap, kiMbn itb oot. nut. wind tor tout. Oa rato. Lot O01I7. If too Uwa, abrooo. 1 wolouu. 1 appio, 1 aborrr, tropat. Oalp IMW. CaU Hi. Bwob, atlonaa. 4-BEDROOM, LATE MODEL A famUr bw roa will oalop. A torr aoaToaloal aoaio vllk Mr placo, attaobod taraio, oorortd patio, oa pafod atrool, aUoo la all oaaronlOBeai. Oalr lll.PM. CaU Mr. Todd. . BACK YARD FISHINO Ml aa. form, foaaod di amo-foad. at aa. aalUTsloi. 4 aa. otraav. . . aorrloa, kal. la arola. Co kara, obotp kara. abiek. boo, 4 larkor koto. I flab poadt. I BBuaatatlp alatkod, tod kr tprlaaa. Isadora 1-kdra. aamo antb llrlaa. dlalao, klUboa. 1 ml. from amou ton. Oalr Hl.na . - hKldla aropa. Mar Irado for bmUL oaU Mr. atmpasa, lolaaaoa ROY TODD, REALTOR Ml (UM atrart onua akaaa i-aMI Taadartan i-anti Todd 1 - MR. FARMER! HERE IT IS! ' " Thia M-oVcra lam baa wr food lmproTtmenii, l-badraom modern Soma, lull baaemaat, dale, tarata, walk-la fraoaar, 0O00 a. fU brooder aratvee, ataachlaa barn wltb cement floor, S teed well. Far mora la farautlaa or appi. to aaa, tail Palo JUrbum. . . '- SUBURBAN SPECIAL $2950 B.rt'i a daadr t-fcdrm. Boma aoaatmaUd af pomka block, locaad aa . Brova road wltb approx. (4 aara. Daa'l kaoluts aa Isla. Full Fries salr I MM. Tarma. CaU CM! so. ' yrACRE SPECIAL : : ' . Thlt l-bdrm. boma far HIM needa aa owner haadr wltb tbo paint i truth Drlvt br MM Srervreen Ara tbta tall Dolt JUrbuni for op pomtment to tot. Tarma If dewJrad. TRADE 1480 SQUARE FT., 3 BEDROOMS Opportanltr It knocking opaa your door br trading rocr t-bedroom boma for thlt now S-bedroom oa oaa Ceor, fireplace, auto, ail beat, baa 14M aa. ft. Owner vtrp anxloua to tall or trade, aaklnt lli.130. Hurrr aad call Cbel TREES! TREES!! TREESll! Woodar aattlno ta the cr, axecptloaaOr alee trounda, with many abroba, oatiVdc patio with fireplace and rock tardea, baeement, forced air heat, llrlnt room, dlnlut room aad large nook. Two nice bad- roome. oalr 910,000. Call TUtbatta. , SUBURBAN 2-BDRM. HOME 1075 SQ. FT. Thla homa la laealad aa varad tl. 100 I MO lot. t kMako ta aheool, t bloeka lo cltr but. Full dla. rra., bit Ur. rm.. att. soraoo aad aatra aor port. Oood Urraa. M.loc. CtU Jim. OWNER SAYS TAKE OFFER . Varr aaot 1-Mm. Bailovood homo. Thlt lo sea tm oaa'l afford Is milt. CaU Jim. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) 0M Iff. Capital ' Otfleo 14444 Sr 4-1741 Svoalaf phoaM ' Tlkkitl, M4M Jta I-MII Cfctt l-nll ' 'Sola lUrkarB MM FOR SALE FARMS HOWELL PRAIRIE BEAUTY 74 teraa, aa aitra vaU Improved dl veralflad farm oa ptvtd road. 14 acre, af tharalata atatbtrrlta, II acraa af atravktrrtta, about 4 acraa af kaarlat fruit aad aula. Alia torn a eraln aad ptatare laud. A food lau-buUt I kodroom boma vltb aaiamant. Oaod taaaat houaa, alto 4 piektta' cablat. P. rwan.nl irrlaatloa rltbu. Oalr It mUaa ta Stlam. Ml.ooo. WU1 trade for a oood bomo la Sal.m. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 111 South nith treat Fboao l-om Fhone erahtnta aad Suadtr: 4-1171, t-lttt, t-UU, l-tl-t, 1-1111, 1-lllt bin 20 ACRES Some bearerdam land aa -it. All CTone to with place. Houae rataat aow. price lio.ooo. ' F. H .Weir, Realtor 1147 8. Commercial Phone M41t FOR SALE ACREAGE $3,000 Thil 4 atrte. located seal. Oood kUakIlu.5U0 aeU. Rel eomfertable l-room borne. Furalahed vltb tood furalturt. Well and utllltr htuaa. Ltret ttraae. School but ptet tbt dear. Ton dea'l find tbla tins wr ertoo, Terme. CtU O. V. HU141 Co-op. Broker, or STANLKT BROWN, vltb State Finance Co., Kealtors I4T a. Blah at. Fh. t-IIM l-tlll Treetilnaa l-IMl btur REAL ESTATE. West Salem 3-BEDR00M A tortlp ranch trot borne tloat to oehool and but Una, Oalr one pear old and la perfect condition. A kitchen there t worn an 'a dream come true AJ hardwood fkora. P H-.A. apprataed At tlOeftoo and wm aeU (or that price, $650 DOWN I -bedroom home la tood dutrletl north on pared treat. Lane kitchen with lota af cabinet apace, Lena lot with a tood aawortment of trull and aut treat, a tood bur tt onir 4M. ONLY $5350 bedroom home tnd toed aaa ment. Larae dinlm room. Larte kiKh- en. riot a new home, but t toad, roomr, well built bauae that ta an attelrtnt ttart for a trow i at femllr or would makt a tood rental. Paved a treat, tloat to but and aUcrtnley achool. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Hub Street Fhoae l-llltl Fbone oron'net tnd Buadtri 4-lttl 1-laM. 4-U44, I-U14, 4-alla, I-4IM SIM REAL ESTATE CITY CONVENIENCES IK um oouatrr. bbb block to alert baa, htra-aarfaatd M. lUtM lot, rotl aleo eampleulr man. S-bdraa. want ta to toadlllaa. aelr I 'I at. GOOD VALUE PTVB reart old, -br. heme, aep arato dlalao rm, ootlao opaao ta too kitchen, laildo alUllr vlth ohever, eecluded beck nrd, UM M ft. af floor trace, a load Pur at 114,114. FBONE l-MH llR)' imptaa i-aapi auiaa -nit ini aUf REAL ESTATE Close In Acreage t Acre located Baal ea buo lino. Hae oood, modara, I-B.R. bomo. Baeement vltb oil furnace. 1-ear otrtaa. Foul trr houae. Beautiful lava aad thru be. Garden. Price 114.404. View Home with Trees Located Woat, tnalda af altr. Larte lot. Tbla opaelovo 1-B.R. borne vltb baeement and aU beat. See U'xir L.R. vlth flrtplact. DR. Kltcbea vltb leu af buUt-lna. Aa Ideal boma avtr tram too aala. and trafflea, but ret eo alott Is daera tova. Price iit.SM. Washington School Dist. -raia i-b.r. borne lo la lbs aeot af tondltlon. LB. 17111 vltb fireplace. DA Hilt. BlUbea flauhed la nau nrel flnlah. Attached lerue. Thla bemo etaee to eohoel and cltr bua. Lane lot vltb plwitr ibrubt. flovrre a) tr.it, Aa Ideal tamur borne. Prloa .Oil.oeo. Northeast Dist. vonderful Ilk. home aa MUM let. Boma at extra eleta. Batameat. OU beat. ' Oaraaa. Bprlnkllai intern la lava. Fruit and nut treat. Bettor tek ta eee thlt btmt bteauao It IB a aur for m.om. Swegle District err load l-B.R. homo aa vert-kept Malll lot. oood veil, lull tar. Tbu nemo to located emotes tood hornet ta Blactlep rood. We thlak thai thu It the aloeat ameU acreate ve bare aavt ta a toot umt for I7.0SS. Rev, modera 1-B.R. home. .til. Aula on neat, urre ttrete. Lot lOOilet. Oood toll. Cleat t. achool aad bua. Il.teo doaa. Balance F.H.A. 8,850 Aero vltk aov, ttlractlre 1-BR homo. D R.. utll. rm. Aula, all ferad air fura. Oood veU 4" eajlna. Bltck top aueet. Cloaa M Balem. ILMO down 16.750 Varr aeot, lete-kuUt 1-BR. bone oa Oerden Rd. Lane laa. Oood veil. Cloaa la echooL Tarma 2.500 mail l-B R. modara home oa B. Nok Hill. Home bull, ea back of lot. Oood kulldlao wcetioa. swat furniture. Wal sui treee. eta. Il.teo deem. Call O . NUMB. Co-op. Broker, sr BTANLKT BROWN, vltk State Finance Co., ' Realtors 14T . Hlik St. Fh. 1-4111 rr.ntnee TAI04. HH1 rllT RANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICEi if rour prepertr u for eaie. real ar atohenie. Hat it vlth ao We beat OU klnda el etab burtra STATS FINANCE CO, REALTORS III Blab St. ta WE HAVE ler.ral ttab bura far 1 tad I badroom bomet, la tbt batter dial. II rou with to a.lU pleeae eontect at, SEVERIN REALTY CO. Ml N. Hlth St. Dial Mill. Era MMI HAVE BI TER far lane elect and eheep rtnen. rreter aome irritttloa. What btrt rout Al lank, loll Potlltnd Road. Phont 4-1111. ea WB ARE la aaed af load bouaee lo eaU, la ar aeor saiem. if rou with to Utl rour propartr far I. lo, art ORARCNHORST BROS, REALTORS 114 S. Llbertr Fk. 1-1471 ..a To Place Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm. Ongom REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES ' afl BBD ITDtOBV-Boau, Farm. Aarauai, Batlaautt, Mttaf Caarlt. Ttvrraa. Wpal Bats Taat THIS WON'T LAST Hi' a kar. Ovaor mar oaa- Uor ueboaalBa far amalltr prapor or. Boomr. II kao 1IM m. ft. floor opooo. flroplaoo. DBllalobod BHUIH . alia otolraor la. Boa kr door. Varr etoao ta Btoro Bad aabooL Oood vail. Daap lot with oood toU. Btraral vtl But Irtaa. FMU Prtca pair lll.PN. Torma. NO INFLATION HERE labJaad out. IH bodrooma. Tarr alata. Att. laroaa Pfd. drlnaor aaa at. faaulotad. Laaa Bad obruao. Xa tbo kaat of rapalr. FuU prloo oalr ""CANDALARIA Madara. aelr I rra. aid. laaalatad. mi ul drtaaa laa. Baa kr door. Flrat alaaa aaaatruetlaa. C1il flrt plaao. Lava aad akrakt ara la. Ovaar laarlal. Fall prtoa ..111.100. . . Business Frontasre Oa Ml aartk vllk aa alaar trpa l.hadioom homa. 1 flraplocaa. l-ar oa- raaa. Varr altos. Juat lutod una aaa far lll.flM, aaa jra vorta tat bmif. THE GEM OF GEMS Mr. Ixaaatira ar Doctor, raa aktuM aaa Una wralr soma. 4 kodraama. A dlalaf toaat Ihot't aal at IbU varla. t aanaoaa kalbrtoma Plaa I ball aia aoriakia antom. t-car saraaa. Broalbtaklaa Mav. Boollr ktaotKal vtll-ta-vall aaraau. 1 flrapltaat. Lanlr Ur roam at kateaMat. Ovaar mar oaaatdar oawllor boma aa port Parana!, ran arias Hl.tM. Varr Income $140 Per Month plat avaara OTlas satrtart. omir aalo prapartr tkal doaaa'l ratolra matk otra. 100 I 1M lot. Farallura la oaa af tbo raatalo. Ovaara vUl aot.pl a boaaa ap lo 7oM ta part Par- most. Fall prloa 4U.MS. .,. ' 4 UNITS LacattOB lrr daatroblo tor laet-aa aroparlr. Baas' aa aaa aataraorn. Ftrklaa aroa for aart. utlUtr rati plot ataraso apaoo. In torn. 1M pa mo. Ubtrol tarma. FuU prtea IllNO. CALL FOB DAB StAAK .BTt. FB. t-iui. ar mb. kiooins. xvi. fh 4-4414. ar MB. CrtAWFOlU, XVK. FH. a-asio. u aa aaavtr, tau 4-xms. 1V ACRES with modern 9-room bout. BalH la 140. Chicken bouao. Oarate. Work eh op. Rear obaiem. WUL oolL Fir trere. Tar liberal tarma. Full price 73. , $1000 DOWN - 4-aere tract. Cleae to Salem. S A otrawberrlomf ifrult tad auu. Modern B-room beuae. Oood barn. 9 chlcktn boaaea. t-er I trace. Pvd. rd. 1 Mkt. lo oabeol. 9v& price only OHM. v 6y2 ACRES aoaa la taat. Oosd dark soU. Tarr sood vtU vltb lota af vottr. Oaraaa that toald aa mada Urabla. Oalr lit xillaa aatt of Baltm. Thla la Matl for country bomo. Full prleo 11T40. CALL FOR MR. UATaNa, BVX. FH. l-tni. II aa aaasar, sail 4-XMi. MORTOAOB LOAraj . M-Ttar Maturltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor laadTICa Lore-rl M M MM Oltleo pbonea: 4-1111 ar 1-7110 Mil FOBTLANO ROAD o. phoata 1-4711, 4-etlt, .. 4-JMI, 4-MM or I-1MI If at aaever, pboat 4-1241 NELSON Good Opportunity for Retired Couple , to htr4 thla aaal, aleaa, t-kdrn.' hesta. OU fir. furnace, sood-elied lot, oat of oltr Umiu. Ovaer vaata to xeora cloaor la. WIS trade. Frlct IT.IM. CaU Mrs. WeotUs. 1 Unfinished 3 Bdrms. LOOK IT OVBR l-bdrm. home vlth Ideal floor plea, approi. 1104 at. ft. Had. lira., dbla. plumblnr. abakt exterior, sar., aa prd. it. Flnlah a luxurr homt far , anir M4M. Call Mra. Woattea. Buy on Contract '- Thlt daalrablt 1-bdm. homt It aoar Roo.er tehotli I hik. It oltr bua. It u atcalr landaeapadi 4 food kaaralas oberrr treea. Price MM4. CaU Al. Watta. .7M. - Close In Apt House I aat-kdrm. furalahed apta. vlth saraiae, alvtra reated. vUl brlat roa a tood monthlr tacome aa rour ln TOatment. IH.4M. Cell Mr. aVhaUdt, 3 BEDROOMS 1 ILK. TO XJBItlT aWHOOL A real opportunltr for a famllr with achool children. la altht of public piartroundt tt twtmmlnt pool, walk Int dlataneo to I oKbooU. Nawly re decorated l-rm. bomo with full baaa ment, aawduit heat, aU for 1 10. too, . 33 ACRES KXW l-BDRU. HOWK Oood aoll with 1 aerea eberrteai 4 aa. pearai I ac applet 4t wnlnatt: t ae. prnnat: fVb ac. of permanent pot 4ue. AU thla for onlp 114,(00. NELSON & NELSOtf Bpeclellttax Realtor 41 R. Huk St. fb. 1-ltaa elll USINESS t INCOME Canitol Lumber Fuel Co. Flrvood aoree. aid rrevth fir. plaaei Irlmmlnn, Phone 1-1711. 1M Sa. Cam'l USINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIAL SPECIAL Bnirrass offortunttt KtUbavr- aood erocery tad tea auttaa, l-rm. modara ra.ld.ace far avaar. aoed. tuad J tore aaata. tood oaulprntaL real ateta aad fllturta, eta ..UMS, Urma Homeseekers Agency , SILVERTON, OREGON edin IMAU, OROCERf. u.lnt outrun oa- aaetad. wiu treat) for tome ta Salem. Ph. 11017. edlll WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BSOISTEBBD Hertord bell. Two rear. eld. ate Fhaaa 1-7134. aut- NEW CUSTOM MADE Weatera ouiltad oublo ne eeddle. Oat till. Aaklnt 4144. Sm tt m B. Blab OaTMS aware. REAL ESTATE .ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES AVAILABLE A vaamtrtal aov sakarkaa kaaw itk all laa roam pas soald vltb lor I tpralp kodroataA, ISO, kaiao, s kai llaitkad partr rtata aad oaa puis aa.tla lak .. ' ' GOOD SUBURBAN BUY, AT $7750 A 4-ratr-ti4 homa aitk I koAtama tad Urit lot frU treat la t-va sal.m Bilabu dlttrtcl. JUST THE PLACE TO CALL HOME Ttu'U ks aMIthtad vltk thla atlraeUra 1-kadrMm baata loealad la a modara raudaaual area 411.104 It tbt Pilaa. Wa'rs ra roa vlU Uba II. . - I BEDROOMS SOUTH Atlrtcura atria, vltk katamaat, taaaroU dlalai room. Braploaa la modora llrlat room. I kadrastu dava, 1 lane room Bp prletd M tell tuiciir tl lll.MO. FUTURE BUSINESS PROPERTY Lot la M l MO loroo. saU kuUI t-kadresm aamo vltk ataamaal aad atvduat furaaaa. Bare la jour appartualir t Our tbla propartr at iutl lll.ooe., 41 ACRES ON TURNER-MARION ROAD ' . Oaod achool lotatloa, til op toadaaadad ta bar aad (rata. ma trailed l-oedroom homt. kara aad ahlckea bauae. Tbu It a 4004 bar . for I10.M4, vltb trap aad aU maoblatrr aa pitta. Tartu. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 4Tf Court at. Bra.: Btarr Tarr end um - Ltult Carnival! Carnival! . LIBERTY ROAD AND BROWNING AVE. May 28-29-30 Fun - Rides - Games Proceeds go to of Joryville Park SPONSORED BY . - South Salem Suburban Chambers of Commerce Grabenhorst Specials BUILT FOR TV Nov ranch trpa l-bdrm. borne. Ur.-dla. rm. la loaa. tatraiiat htu, aieoUent room arraatimtat, batb vltb able, lavatory, dble. tar port, late al book ahalrea aupbaarda, .quipped vltb dlab vtabar Aj direr. FJt. all beat, flraplaet. treo. Lot IN X 144. But br door, oair in.400. call arm a. onaxjt OWMIR RBADT TO alAKX DEAL Beautiful l-bdrm. homa vltb fuU aaemt, bdvd. ftra. ftreplac. birch kltchea. auto. aU beat. dale, ae rate, tome .lev. cloaa ta atorea, bua aad eebool. WU1 take trada. . CALL BOX FXRRIB, OO-OF. BBOKKR . ' , - FIBST-CLAml saoa BRFAIB eTHOF la aaa at alem'j kualea! dla tntlt. AU otock aad ten 1pm eat ,ota. Frlead nsht, Far particular! B. X. LATMON , . MEAT s-BDRM. RANCH TTF BCaaB-Ia oood Wulat aeuhkarhoad. .. Betullfallr laadaeaptd la rat lot. Lie. Itr. rm. vltb ttrepltca. Fine kitchen aook. Reaaonablr prlcad at PPP!9. CALL 1. B. LAW GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS . M4 a. ufcertr at. fb. trim Brenlnii Buadtri ctn Feter R. Oelaer l-MU Ror Ftrru 1-M14 K. . Larmoa l-MM J. I. Lew 1-1111 REAL ESTATE Colbath BEST IN VALUES $650 LESS THAN FHA APPRAISAL. WAS 417M. NOW M1M. ThU aiakee a tharp bur la brand atv f-bdrm. homt vlah larit LR, alct kltchea vlth ottlnt tret. tJovelr both different than moat. Larte lot vlth new lawn In. IMWID1ATT FOBSB88ION. OOOD FHA TERMS TO MATCH. EXCELLENT LOCATION. SB DAVID, EVE PH. 31021. BEST BUY IN TOWN FOR IMM. ANOTHER OOOD BUT la brand aav l-bdrm. home, txoeUeat location, laa. lot. veU eooi traded, lane Urlax rm.. alamor- Bua kll, dinette, x laraer tbta tverexe adrma.. attached atr. ALL ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED. MA ROO. DOOR TKROUOHOUT. Move IB for 11 tOO DOWN. NO FINANCE FEES. IMMEDIATE FOSaESBION. SEE MRS. OaLXarxES. EVE. FH. 11171. HILLSIDE HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF SALEM. arouBtalnt a hllla. MOT OFTEN DO WB HAVE SUCH A NICE BUT Dl Bttrlr nev l-bdrm. home vlth hdvd. flra.. flraplaee. lovelr both, kltchea It a dream, dtrUtbt baetnt. Immadltu peaataelon. salllnt var below actual taat. 11144 dova, aalanct Ml par month Inc. take,:, fire Int.. tat. at prla. OUT OF STATE OWNER LET TINO THTR OO FOR MRS. SEE VAR XTOKH. EVE. FH. ,41741, . 5 ACRES - HOTEL HOWELL PRAIRIE DOT. Oa ptnd road. I aholto acrai vlth Puddlax rtror Iron tare. La raa aeuntrr boma vlth 4 bdrme., cleen at neaL IPanr autbldta. tall rn load eondltloai. THIS I SA OOOD BUT rOR IHM. TRADE FOR SALEM HOME SEE T. T. AN DERSON, EVI. PH. 41714, OFFICE DIAL ". ' 41411, 14M1 orncE dial . INDUSTRIAL SITE 4. acre. I bloeka from titp llaita. Conautt of Itrel land, lartt I-bed root, boma, barn, pear traek. -tellint for M.tOo, termt 11400 down and tM per montat, Future potential loots tood here. Ben Cblbath," Realtor DIAL 4-4414 en, IMS DOWN, 4-r.at-old l-kedraom heme. Suburban. IlltO. ALLAN C. JONES. REALTOR ui n. hue st. Ph. nut. Bra. run JOE PAL00KA ?Ioe HAS RFFM HHWLV HONCrXCP Ai OTXfR DrSTINfMJISHfP WVTOPS TO SVCNf V ARE, BV BrHNO ASKED 10 PLACE A WREATH ON THS CftJOTAPH, W AAf0V Of THC EICbWTIMO MtN C BOTH MMRS. lATCR ME TO tt OIVEM A CIVIC SKUPTfON SV TUl lORP MArOR.. 4-491,24552 m i REAL ESTATE r-j 7 Frjoae Mill - Mill Balpk Maddr Uell Lartal IIM1 the development LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Jeretord. lit. Locktr pork, lie. Notblas dova. 4 moo. to per. . vuatom kuunx . Trailer loaned tree. Salem Meat Co, till s. th. Fh. I-444I tt aaa.aa.a..aa peat PETS MOOBE TBOPICAL FISH, Fartktltl, turtlaa, tupplltt, 1 xtllae from Lancta tar ta Micltar toad. 4-1771. Cloatd wtaneoaere. ecltl1 HOLLTWOOD AQUARIUM 1MI MeCor. one biock oaet af N. cepltol. 1H kloeke north af Madlion. Ph. I-III7. eclll" TO OIVE AWAT Milt dot. Countrr bomo preferred. Llcenled. Fboao 41031. eclll' I BLACK MALE Coektr aupalaa. 17.00 4-1M1. - acu,. MEXICAN CHIflUAHCA puppltl. Fhone 41411. 4344 Durbla Art. ec!37- WANTED, rount mala koxtr, watch dot. Fhoae 1-7105. eclll FUEL' West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 14- CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Plakop Wood-isr, Eda, water . Phone Salem l-aoil FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored beat. Leo'a Batch err, pboat l-ltll x r OOLBEN BBOAB aad New Htmpeblre .nicaa, a.icoea averr aaaadar ted Tburadtr. Our ablcka rrow fatter. Pare aUtaborr, MM Bute St. Fb NEW CHICKEN BOUSE, patBted. 7'xlxS a m.n, puiieu, unnt dallr. Matt tall. Fhoae Mill tfttr 1 p.m. Ins- FOB SALE - Tvlee we.Ur. dtr-eM chtcka la Nev Hempahlre. Parmeatere. Red. While Lee borate Auetrt-Wbitt. Wblta Rocke. White Wrtadottea. Per menter aockertle Let flatcK.rj phone 1-lMI. f. PRODUCE CANNING ASPARAGUS tnd rbubtrb .Uvea br the ealloa. Fratb vttetablea. fruit and velaute. Complete taaort meat af retotable and fiowtr pltnu. FblUlp Firm Mtrktt, UM Portltnd Rd, I kwekt N. af Laacaater Dr. Ph. mi HIM' GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oome, pleat aar time atv It Julr, II M per 1M. Phillip. Brae, RL 4, Bel 411. 1 mlree eatl 4 Cornere ea Slate Si. Ph. 41011. . fl. SEED POTATOSA, an lone, II M at lba. Etllnx potatati Me M lba. Al Pod. Ill Portltnd Raid. 4-4011 flllf HELP WANTED RROIflTEB aov for plcklnt ttrtwbtrrlaa. Lane eleta field oa 0IE Norlh. Cloar la. Foreat Una Motel, Mil Portland Rd. Phone 1-711, p IN MILL CITT Correepondent for Cap itol Journal. Muat have trpewrlter. tomt experience. Oood per for pert time work. Contact Mike Porbea. Val la r Bdlttr, Capital Journal, Salem. Ore. s i lri lH h' " Ta- tl r oe,tmat V mt pretty Y it was r 31 BED TTj 23H 5EHI r J C A S0lT'iiy J '"ot.nt J tm tman wf am u's 3188 HELI WANTED. TTARRIER boys . Now 1 ths Urns to refifter tot Csplt" Journal ntws papar route. No Sunday de livery. Dee ureuiauou .a-- WANTBBStrtaiarrlee Lotani. Holland Jorr. id Bareaal, II M. Front fear Hall one St. Phone lioai. after Sal.m. Ore. WANTED BERRT nciarai BrVtU Art, tut Cbtrrr Are. la Clear VievTl! " '"JJ tl.ta titer p.m aTBAWBUBl PICKERS BWltttl aew"ll r I mile Berth St U-m. 5!.: . i, unalar. 4M11. -' ..,..M,T..iMrl tTSAwaaaai piaaere . e.M tranaportttloa lor .reap, of oil ar mora oroupa vbo vent trintportatlon Ph. ante ar arire loftb aa Pertlaod Rd. la ToWm Pole. Tura rubt, drl.t to Loblab Ceaur road. Tura left and aoa mile to BIU !jT,.-u. a Son atravberrr acra- ata ' t, Boi HOB. till' .,..,T PICKEBS vintea. in ''.'.'.'" Rtar".'! iirsnsFZ i i-oi. Eiw ..... PICKERS oa plttooa. win be - . . . . . u Am. a.t.n. fttSpwtatloa furnuhed. Call 4W430. Mra. Mtrah. rm.0. ..Biki Bir-atari raa u tar now. aiiiavaa ocxet ei' .- aeedrouautere for a Platoon, alto . .H..iLa- H. l. rearer aur- L,. 1. Box 1M. 4-1114. SIM maaiTBD Berry plckera, 1 miio iron tent rilhl la Brooke Are, thea turB i. aim will direct to field. Pa. . , aiaa Brooke Are. ,144 M-uw.n im .i...urr, oicun. , .m. a. aa. auur. .. a., al7. Ph. 41141. H. mill out af Totem role and fa mile toutn. tllO rtaiwuBBT PITKKBX Ltrte OCrO att, tood picaunt. au '7 4114' miWBUBT PICKEBS M. Mccon. u i 1.1a rjenue. ui .,-nerrr , f lt iniiT, . Knar for atravberrr plcklal. 4 aeree cleta, truaua pernea. e veal Bad aorta from a.eieer aenwi. j.MmU..ivuu til Waal Bovden Lane. Salem. Phone 4-10M. till ABtnaatKN PARM nov raalatartnx atraw. barrr Blckara. tm n. laauHfr ui. Fhone 41147 or 41171. x STBAWBEBBT PICKEBS. PlatOOB for Doamcr Farma aul Keller war. mm aellenl berrlea ta Irritated patch, bua tranaportittoa laralabed. Famllr roupt, adulu and children II end erer. Cell Mra. Roan, 714 No, Hlth Street. Phonl Hill. eijt WEEDINO BEBRlEa. Drlrt out. Fhone 4-71M. tiao' STBAWBEBBT PICKEBS wanted. Raila- tar Now. Alrln SchwanteL Routt 3. Box 4M Salem, Phone 4-1111: IV. mutt teat of tbo Totem pole, thea ti mile aouth. alto1 HELP WANTED MALE Wo vlU emptor two men who vUl tct tt our reBreaenlBtlvee In that area. Peraonal lnterflewa will bo conducted la ealecl theae man wbo vui be oiten Indlrtdual trtlalnt. Toa moat hire a hie a achool education ar IU eautra lent, hart eerrlccable car, be between the atea of 14 and 44, end be wllunt ta travel durlne tht weak. If rou ara laoklnx for permanent work, better tbta averts! ttmlntl. promotlono opportunltlea, then'applr to N. Thompson SENATOR HOTEL WEDNB9DAT, MAT 17 10:00 A.M. TO I 00 P.M. HELP WANTED FEMALE PRACTICAL nuria for altht dutr. Boree Senlttnum. Phont 4-1731. ,0134' ATTaMCTIVB WOMAN, M-to ta train aa contulttnt Cuatomert aervlc, de partment. 4 dtr week. Applr 1331 Btttt. 1:04 t.m. to 1:00 .m, 4:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. tbli; BOUTINS OFFICE CLEEK Applr Setrt, Roebuck Co, fialem. iblll EXPERIENCED LEDGER bookkeeper Appir setrt. rocouck At co, atirm. ibllO' EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL wanted. Ap- pir in paraoa. Htrtmtn Brot.. In Stale. ibll a...aaie..a.aa.aa)a. WANTED SALESMAN Salesman WANTED! Larte national food concern hat op onlnto la balem area. Oood atartint atlary. Bonua, expense advance. Ex telltnt opportunltlea for advancement. Car furnUhed with liberal peraonal nee. MEN U TKAA8 or under pre ferred. aJtate tie. experience, marital atatua. Write Box 102, Capital Jour aal. 13 W AN TED eSaluman under 00 yeara el ate to aell reliable fat-aelllni elec trical appliance and TV acta. Oood teUup for rltbt man. Teater Appliance Co.. 17 Chemekete. eil37 EKAL B8TATK tSalaaman. Write box 71. Capital .Journal or call Mies Welch. Broadway 4331 Broker, Portion'. ttlJO EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs at for auilltr lobe. Benefit kr aur knovledtt of tmplorero tnd br aur ex perience In the communltr. Check our llatlnaa Mon. at Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 411 Slate AU (Oretoa Bidx.) 4-1331 aflW" WANTED POSITIONS CARI-ENTEB WORK, new or remodellna. Br hour or contract. H. Muniel Phone . l-nll- hllO- CHILD CARS, mr borne. Phone 41413. 11 N. commercial. bll7" CHILD CARE br dart. Cleta homt, toot metla. Phone 17114. hill' tilling, new m. E. Roterr tlUai, Al to hour. Phont tvrnlnta 11111, bll: FOR COMPLEn palntlas aenlct. Wort maoahlp outrtntatd. Fret ettlmtte. CaU John Janata. 13141. hl41 PLOWING m DISCINO IMMEDIATE BERIVB. Phone I-13M. h!3. LAWN MOWER and circle eev eherpen Int, etc 111 N. Iltb. Phono 1-4414 or t-llll, h- east CASE, mr homo. 4 moatha oi rounter. Fh. 11501. hill PABT TIME WORK for expertrnee oroeerr clerk. FB, I-7IM. bus- CHILD CABE In mr borne, der or evtn- Int. Fh. 1-7400. hlli CHILD cabe la mr homt. Ph. 4-IOW hi Twriay. Mar 1. IMS WANTED POSITIONS TUXINO wrTB Botarr-att. Oardaa lawBA. Fhaaa 4-4U. MM roiBtaoa. bllia- BOTOTILUNO Fh. 44411. Middle Ortra Nureerr, 4414 aUrertoa Baad. b Oaboen, FLO WEB bed and lavs ara paratioa. Flovlat, tUaclai, lereUas. retotullat. aarrkta Caalar. Pbeaa 4JITI. kl!4 mickenham-s ba nubxebt sttta. lloaatad aad Ua parte. Phase) I74M.I AIM" UOaTT CBAWIEB, aoa Int. tttrt aid. lat, ortaiaa. Fhaaa I-1MB, klkH OBADINO, lereUnx. bukflUuva, lavas. lardcn-. bp saar, wa. raaaa a-xai. kus PAINT coatractlnx. BraAh e txrar. L. R. Halt Weleea. 1-4341. Birf UUIDSCAFS mauteaaaea. sraalss. trtmmlas, plan una. lertfllllas. Sar.. let Canter. Phono 4-M7 SIM FAINTING M reart aiperlaaea Is aleta, 1 Free oetlmttea. Phono 1-7131 blM . NEW LAWNS, Ratarr hoolnl. Free eatu matet, Dutat Weloott, Fhaaa 4-4117. . hill' EXPERIENCED HOUSEWORK kr hour once a week. 1-1010 after 4 p.m. hiM, WIEMAL'S NUBAEBT-atlll and impacted. Infant! ai 13011. OABDEN1NO AND lava work. Earl Cex. Phone I7IM. 444 Marlon St. bill PAPEB HANGING, palattnt. Frat tall. matea. Don Lueero. Fo- len. hltp. FOR RENT LABOR vtrthouat apace for real ar leaae. Cement floora. brick huUdlnx. Dova tovn. Inaulrt R. U Stiff Fur niture ce. Fbone l-llll. 1 GOOD FASTl'BE, voven vlra feoee. pientr vtttr. s. Etpaiund. shouj Ka p p hahn Rd., Salem. 1114 OFFICE SPACE, thop tnd a tor at a. Fhone 1-40,4. 111! RENT Down Town S-story concrete alley wars house. Electric elevator, ex cellent distributor's setup. also i Ferry street room, for office or store. Large basement. la -Hotel Salem buildinc. ; State Finance Co. TEL. 14121 . . IMS-. FOB LEASE no to M4 feet frantexa on Edaewater si, watt Salem. Irs J. Pitta, ph. 11401. f WANTED TO RENT S BEDROOM, near trade tahaal. pro. feaalonal man. FemanovL APPTozt matelr 174. 4-4423. 10114 , WANTED, I Bedroom home far Willam ette Ualvereltr pronator, call 1-4144, Ex. 11. Jalxl' . DOCTOR AND FAMILY alaalre Rite 1 ar l-bedroom houae. One rear leoee, 4-4031 after 4 p.m. lalM , FOR RENT HOUSES MODEBN t-BEDBOOM homa. 14x1 Park Ave. Phone taiix. oto. jmirT NICE S BEDBOOM anil beat, nraplaes. tt a tore. Do tome deearanas. 444. Ohmart a) Calaba, Raaltora. 1-4111.. JaillTe tear OLD modem, rerr eleaa. 1 bad- room houie. etova aad tafraiantar furnltbed, xirext. aloae la baa. la- quirt 1144 N. 1th. 1-7410. if SMALL 1 Bedroom' bouae, rwlaaoraud. for couple. 1M B. Lancet tar Drive. a-aian ' iMlli, ROOM COTTAGE, anfornUhad, Mt. I block! Sttta offlcaa. 441 R. Cottar.. Call 11444. Adulta. ImlFl REDROOM home, lat rantt, vtttr furnltbed, 440. 1444 Abramt Art. Mill. Imll7 CLEAN I ROOM fumlahed eottete. Utlll. tr room, e area a, all hoot, aloetria.. etove. 1-1111. Imlll' BEDBOOM, completely fur alt bed houae. 432 Union St, 171. Vacant Juna lat. Phone 14131. lml NEAB STATE Hotpltal. 1 bedroom furn. lined duplex. All eioetrla. Ltundrr. Oarate. Phone 4-4(41. jml!4 S TEAR OLD modem, rerr aleaa, 1 Bed room houae. Flraplaee, store, rofrt terator, reran. Ha ahUdrep, sralltbls Juna I. 1-1041. jams NEW SUBURBAN home, a.OM aa. foot. t nearoom, i aero wiev propartr. Diahvaahar, Btrbasa tUapaatl, radlaaO heat. 1100. Will leaae 44M1. imlll' ' small HOUSE, furalahed. Ires water. North Salem. Phone 17471. JmlM CLEAN AND NEWEB l-bedroom aourl rental in wail Salem. Lovtlr tile bath, larto roomt, refrlxerator and ateatrls rantt furnltbed. 154 per month. Rier Una Rtaltr, phono 14444 ar 41141. , Im v 4-ROOM HOUKE furnuhed. Taka imlll child. 1411 Jtlftraon. ' Imlll LARGE 4-ROOM unfnrnlahed haaot, vltk tarate. Adulti. 17M Market, Imlll CLEAN. ONE bedroom, llvlnt room, klt- cnen, aineue. Atuened tartxe. Bjea trlo rtnxt and heat, 11744. 11IU. Imlro. aa.a.a'aaa.aaaptpa.e'.Bj FOR RENT ROOMS TV, kitchen prlrlletea, 4MJ4 par month. rnono a-7.20. Ik 114 BOOMS FOB tlrle. kitchen prlrtlaeee. uae entire houae. 444 H. Winter. 1-4171 or 1-14M. jkllo Ft'BNISRED roome for tleeptat ar llthl aouaeieepinE. uuiet. Reeaanaklt. Ills Trade St. k 117' PLEASANT SLEEPING room for xantle- mcn. loao norvar. rnono 1444T. IklM NICE FIBST FLOOR oltipinx roam, hal -u tuw waver, hi . itura. JBllt FOR GENTLEMAN, alee eleeplns roomt. 'w not aaa evia vtttr and heat. 151 Center. Iklue LOVELY FURNISHED room, vlth kit- cuea lacuttlee, phone 1-U17, 144 Flrrr. Ikll,. OFFICE FOR RENT ROOM SUITE Oretoa 11114. ' BuUdlax, Pk. in CBOUND FLOOR oltlce or ItaTO taoca or rem. I'tll at ntu Market. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APT. In Shopplns Center. 440 N. 13th. Phono 1-4714. ipllfo JtoOM funuthed apt, tlectrlt ranae! rtfrlteritor. Eldtrlr lentlemaa. Ill month. 1-1271. Iplli" large, unfurnished, three - room. both, oelect area, beat aualltr. nev. Fhone 1-lllf. Ipilie FURNISHER 1 room apt. Urn kltchea. tup oatn. urate Mailable. 1304 c.ie mekcta. 1-4107. )pllta CLEAN, WARM, 4-room furalahed apart. m.o. e-eiTBi. aeta aaa entraaao. 1 ar 1 adulu. Cloaa to Shopplns and Sttta butldlnia. Ph. 1-74H. Jplll NICELY FI'BNISHED I bedroom opera. ment. 111 N. CepltoL Alto 141 "D '. iPlM By Ham Fisher