Tndir, May U, W8 In the Valley Edited by HIKE FOBBES Woodburn Wood bum Miss Leora An drews of Med ford, accom panied by her grandmother, Mrs. Andrews', Sr., wai guest Sunday at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. George N. Becker at Wood- burn, and will also visit In Portland. U. Col. Hugh S. Wade of Dayton, Ohio, made a surprise visit recently to his mother, Mrs. N. E. Wade, at Woodburn, He left for Seattle after sev eral days here. Mrs. L. F., Clark of Wood- burn, has recovered from the effects of food poisoning after spending ten days in the Sil verton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jennings of Woodburn are visiting friends and relatives In Toledo, Ohio, and will attend the gold en wedding anniversary of Mr. Jennlngk sister and brother. ' Gene King of Tulsa, Okla homa, arived In Woodburn Fri day and spent the week end with his cousin, Mrs. Arvid Os trum and family. He left Mon day morning by plane for An chorage, Alaska, where be will visit relatives. Girl graduates of Woodburn high school are being present ed with miniature cedar chests by the May Furniture Co. this year. The chests have arrived. according to Al May, and may be. picked up at any time. Moceoy Macleav At the tenth an nual meeting of the Stlpp Macleay Cemetery association at the Theodore OL'on home, Saturday afternoon, financial reports were made and officers elected. Elected were: President, Theodore Olson; vice president, Jarrold H. McKlbben; secretary-treasurer, . Mrs. Robert Craig; trustees, Edward Took er and Chester Robertson. !d J h ril I MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. WW TODAY! (TUB.) "WsmaTkw AIsmjI Ipiched" tits' Starting Tomorrow! IT'S A FCXAS7ZDTC2EI M'.tirr&UEi jf ff-irictsTi my 7 CO-HIT! r 441:' ELUSIVE AS THE NIGHT WINDS! ..SILENT AS THE GREAT ROCK CANYONS! TA Son of th Hunter ' Wa Being HvnUd! Hopewell Hopewell The Hopewell school 8th grade graduation was held at the HopeweU EUB church Tuesday evening, May 26. The church was decorated with spring flowers for the oc casion. - . - - - Rev. H. E. Widmer, pastor of the church, gave the invo cation, Ellen Widmer, the salu tatory, Ruby Lind introduced the class. Gayle Larson read a poem ! Mrs. Art Reed. school are urged to be present for this important meeting, when church and Sunday school officers will be elected The , nominating committee for the church and Sunday school officers held meeting at the parsonage Monday eve ning. May 25. with the follow in members of the committee appointed by the pastor: Del- bert Smith, S. C. Waller, Mrs. John Olua. June Ann Jensen, Dean Brown, Mrs. S. C. Waller, Mrs. Howard Stephens. Mrs. N. O. Pearse, Earl Compton and and the class sang their class song. Lloyd Lind was the gMt speaker for the occasion. ; Floyd Baker read the history of the class, and Sharon Mc Kenney, the prophecy. Ellen Widmer gave a piano solo and Clyde Frauendeiner read the class poem. LaVerda Irwin read the class will and Gayle Larson sang solo. Allan Polvi gave the valedic tory. - Larry Imlah, Jr., chairman of the Hopewell school board, pre sented the diplomas. . Rev. Widmer pronounced the benediction. Members of the class are El len Widmer, Gayle Larson, Ruby Lind, Floyd Baker, Shar on McKenney, Clyde Frauen deiner, LaVerda Irwin, Allan Polvi, and the teacher, Mrs. Nellie Hammer. r 0$j 7 1 WWII THAW "WAKI Of TH rid witch rsw Graduation exercises for the Seventh Day Ad vent 1st school were held at the S.D.A. church in Hopewell Saturday evening, May 23. Mrs. Albert TerrlU played the processionals, Stan ley Warnock gave a trombone solo, accompanied by his sis ter, Mrs. Ersel Hallsted of Sa lem. ' Dale Terrill gave the valedic tory, and Lowell Campbell pre sented the diplomas to Dale Terrill and Stanley Warnock, graduates. Elder R. C. Schaffner of Sa lem was the guest speaker for the occasion. Sunday evening. May SI. at 8 p.m., at the Hopewell EUB church, Alfred Brim of Wheat on college, lit, will speak and show pictures, "I am the Bible" and tell of the Hertel Bible Burning. -,, . Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Modde- meyer and daughter, Eleanor, visited Mrs. Moddemeyer's sis ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. De Young in Beaverton. Sun day. Mr. and Mrs.' John Geisler and Mr. and Mrs. John visited Mr. and Mrs. William Lee and family In Lebanon Sunday. Mrs. Lee was formerlv Lenore Geisler. - (Mr. and Mrs. Fred WHthee And children -went to the coast Sundayi as far as DeDoe Bav. ana Tisnea Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe la Gleneden. The father and son banauet at the Hopewell EUB church was held Friday evening. May The ham dinner was nreoar- ed by the ladies of the com munity, under the general chairmanship of Mrs. Clarence Legg and Mrs.. John Geisler. The program becan with the Invocation by Delbert Smith, sacred .band numbers by the Salvation Army Band, directed oy capt. Bennett, a piano solo by Miss Ann Vanderhoff. and horn solo by Carol Bennett accompanied by Joy Bennett Master of ceremonies wn Rev. H. E. Widmer and guest speaker, Capt. Bennett of Salem. There will be a congreealion. al meeting at the Hopewell EUB church Sunday, May 81, following a potluck dinner at noon. All members and friends or we cnurch and Sunday Scoffs Mills Is!1! ' an hum m cd D""'"to" rmnrru. or aarsfvjl I MaT The trustees of the church. Ross Rogers, N. O. Pearse, Dav id Olke, Peter Parvin and Oscar Latferty are .honorary mem' bers of the committee. Spring cleaning of the Hope weU EUB church will be held May 28, with a potluck dinner at noon. Prayer meeting this week will be held at the John Kotka home. ,i Mrs. Howard Stephens gave a report of the Women's so ciety of World Service conven tion in Jennings Lodge, May H-14, at the morning service of the Hopewell EUB church Sunday, May 24. The Fairview ' Community club held their annual picnic at the Fairview school house on Saturday, May 23 with pot luck dinner at noon. Howard Stephens was elect ed president of the Fairview Community club for next year, C.i H. McKee, vice president and John Allison, secretary. treasurer, The next meeting will be held in October. Mrs. Mary Pekkola of Mc- Minnvllle spent the week end with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Olua. , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steph ens showed their travel pictures at the Dayton grade school Fri day evening. These were scenes of New York and Washington, D. C. and other eastern points of Interest. - j, Lawrence Imlah, of Salem, father , of Larry Imlah, Jr., of Hopewell, was operated on in San Francisco last week for a circulatory ailment, which has been bothering him for some time. He la getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and son of Paling were Sunday aft ernoon guests of Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Widmer and family. John Crippen and his son and wife, Mr. fend Mrs. Donald Crippen of Monmouth and Rob- j ert Brown of Suver were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop. - . Mrs. Avie Condra of Salem was a recent guest at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Terrill. - Mr. and Mrs. John Kotka and children, Mrs. Mabel Wood and Mrs. Apna Olson were Fri day r .guestf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deedon. Mrs. Wood is Mrs. Kotka's mother, and with Mrs. Olson, left Portland Sat urday evening on the train for their home in Ashtabula, Ohio. The Kotka family took them to Portland to start their Journey. Mr. and Mrs. S. C Waller and Mr. and. Mrs. John Kotka and children and Irvin Widmer were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse. Mrs. Venter Setala of New burg is reported to be resting as well as can be expected fol lowing major surgery on Fri day. Mr. Kuati Setala is also having medical treatment in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lafferty were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Olke. Fruitland phoni mi. UIISK SM6INL HIGHWAY GATlSs OPEN 7:00 SHOW AT DI'SK INDS TUESDAY! In Technicolor THE NAKED SPl'R" Jimtt Stewart Janet htith Pltu "BOOUE8 MARCH Peter Lawford ? Fruitland Fruitland Wom en's Circle will have the May meeting in the church Annex Thursday, May 28, at 2 p.m. Mrs. R. Thomas is president, mr. oianiey jragg, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. J. C. Mattson was host to the Women's Society of! World Service at her home on i Thursday afternoon. I In the absence of the presi ' dent, Mrs. Orvlll Hehfeld, who is ill, Mrs. Kenneth Runner was In charge of the business meeting. i Mrs. Anthol Kiney reported that another box had been sent to Korea. Giving reports of the mis- ' slonary conference at Jennings Lodge, which they attended,! were Mrs. C. Cooter, Mrs. Ly dia Witham, Mrs. Harbert Hil I ke, Mrs. Kenneth Runner, Miss uaisy wimoert, Mrs. Arthur Shulz. Mrs. Martin Langan's name was added to the membership list at this meeting. Mrs. Ar thur Shuli will be hostess for the June meeting. Mrs. Mstt s?n served refrf-i)imnti PW9NIS4TM Rosalind Russell Psal Douglas "NEVER WAVE AT A WAC" Victor Matare "ANDRori r AND THE LION F3 .1 Deaa Martin 1 Jerry Lewis 1 "THE STOOGE" II Tyrone fewer l In Technicolor Ul "MlSSISSIPfl " - GAMBLER" . Fairview Fairview Donald Marie. E.N.F.N., U.S.S. Navy and his wife visited his grandfather, W. V. Applcman, and other rela tives in Portland Thursday. He was home on a five days leave from San Francisco, Calif. DRUNK DRIVER FINED Albany Raymond J. Tacho, giving both Albany and Eu gene addresses, was fined $178 in district court Monday after he had pleaded guilty, to eharge of drunk driving. Tache was arrested on the charge Sunday on the Knox Butte road by a state polios officer. There are more than 21,000, 000 bicycle in th United States. Scott Mills Eighth grade graduation exercises were held at th school house Friday eve ning. May 21. The graduate are: Barbara J. Grochong, Richard Mole, Ray tnon Mack, Ernest Vlckroy, Shirley Landon, Kathryn Dil lon, Keith Broyle. Teddy Ver meulen. This being the 100th anni versary year of Scott Mills, th school's principal. R. F. Cook, gav a brief history of the town and of its school. Mrs. William Fry wa sur prised when her grandson, Bil lie Fry, arrived from El Paso, Texas. Other guest were Mrs. Audry Cross from Rockaway, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Terhaar of Mt Angel. Mr. Jerry Imper entertained recently at a shower for Mr. DeLan Fry of Amity. Winning prizes at games dur ing the afternoon were Mrs. Mary Nelson and Mrs. Marie Swartout After the gifts were opened by the guest of honor, refreshments were served. Hos tesses for the party were Mrs. Jerry Imper, Mrs. William Fry and Mrs. Anthony Biebenberg. Honoring Mrs. Eldred Caster, Mrs. Mike Landwing gave a pink and blue shower at the Landwing home Friday eve ning. - Mr. and Mr. Bill Kellum spent the week end with friend in Roseburg. - Mr. and Mr. Marlon Gro- sbong and family visited rela tives In Eugene and Snrinc- field recently. j Mrs. Maud Doolittle visited! friend in Salem and Albany last week, returning horn Sun Mr. L. W. Owen returned bom after visit at her daugh ter's home in wasmngion. Mrs. Tress ia Mitchner, moth er of Jck Taylor, wa a recent visitor at th Taylor home. Mr. and Mr. Frank Tlnk at tended the Ak-Sar-Ben club meeting in Silverton recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson apent week end In Lebanon visiting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Garner. ' The eighth grade pupils were entertained recently by the eventh grade pupil at the home of their teacher, B. F. Cook. Food Sale Set at Silverton Friday Silverton Mrs. L. B. Schsr back 1 serving as chairman of th pre-Memorlal food sale be ing sponsored by the women of St Monica's Altar society of the Silverton St Paul's parish. The sale will be at the Carter Ap pliance company office in Oak St, at 8 a.m., Friday, May 29. Assisting Mrs. Scharback will be Mrs. Charles Stham man, Mrs. Nick Frank, Mrs. Joe Weisenfeldt. Mrs. Ben Zollner. The population of the Unit ed States is Increasing at the rate of 1.71 per cent a year. Aurora Members from Una temple visiting Arion temple at Hub bard. Tuesday, May 18, for the memorial-put on by their pwt chief were Mrs. Fred Schnei der. Mr. Erven Miller, Lens Mae Lambert. Mrs. Frank Thiel, Mis Emma J. Snyder and Miss Hilda Belser. A public reception of new member wil be observed at the Aurora Presbyterian church Sunday, May 81. Rebekahs to Meet Woodburn Members of the Past Noble Grands club of Home Rebekah lodge will meet Thursday, May 28, at the home of Mrs. Arthur M. Burt, 871 Young street Mr. Myrtle Hall will be assisting hostess. Mrs. James Livesay will lead the de- Fro Horn Trial WARREN'S 1993 Fairground M. Phone 8-7881 Ac roe from Willamette Valley Ends Tsnifht . Open 1:41 . Abbott and CosteU - "MtufiPiAUHBP" ; Abe "rUMiaiwniifflr Start Wedneaaay - Open it 'CM U 4 ALSO ' 'AFRICAN TREASURE" vottonal service and the tocji for roll call wilt be "favor, flowers." An exchange mt flower and plant will be held during the program hour. J Return Engagement for two weeks JACK McVIA : And Hit "Open the Poor RfclM)'.. V ' AH Start ' feoturinf , :i Louise Beatty .' A Voealist Chef Dog suggests yon try his Barbeeaed Spar Bibs with Baked ; - Potatoes , I1EW ' VILLAGE INN PerManai Koaal ; SHCiAL $AIB Marts IM CTTM W 0 M . IMAGIUE! A Regular $49.50 Valu w -mm . i KEW LOW PRICE 9'x12' Size No Down Payment WASHA1LEI AVAILABLE IN 6 SIZES . CHOICE OF 7 COLORS FOREST GRIIN GRAY ROSf ANTIQUE WHITE i FIRE RED IEIGE f No Down Payment! Big Savings on Small Sizes 24" 24'f 30" 48" U" 48" 60" 72" 6'xy. . 1.99 . 2.99 - 4.99 S.99 .17.99 It's another Wood ry val ue! Big savings on rich looking thick tufted cot ton shag rugs. Several practical sizes to fit your every need in your .choice of many decora tor colors. See them to day . . . Early for best selections. OPEN FRIDAY EVE. TILL 9 P.M.