w VW , w Psk 20 Tuesday, My 26, i95j THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salrn, Oregon STEVE BOrEX To Kiss, or Kill By DAY KEEN! WEDNESDAY M. IAF IMmtaMUM) ,IVr, , JF INSPtm? LOOKUP "V 'iX KGW I KOIN KSLM use amo II- CHAPTER lnamta-tnt rAriijw1! alLr1 WtLh Mi at..... Attorney Ollmore, Mandell didn't intiVeoffice own - A aAft-Brartkaai imam w4tw a.-!.. the color o( rutty iron, seemed to we in caorge. He uxucatea a chair ' "Alt AMm Uanall . Mandell Mt In the chair. All the men In the olllc looked tired. In fec tor Carlton and the States auorney uoud angry. No eposa lor a moment. Then a white-haired man laid down the cigar ne was smoking and stood a,, iwa 01 jauueaeii. 'How do you Intend to plead. Uandellf Ouilty or nor guilty?" Thii b a court?''. Maodell , asked. "I'm being tried at five o'clock In the morning." The red-haired man laid. Let1 call it an informal hearing, Bar ney. And don't worry about your , right. They're being well pro tected.' "Who are your ! My name la Curtis." The man who called my bote and left word that he'd call back?" "That's right." His hands still clasped behind rtta ha-If A rvrull-1- SVuia. T...4 - Hlram Clay rocked heel and toe. uc. put m hub way, Manaeii. If this were a criminal court and I were the presiding Judge, how would you - plead? Did you or didn't you kill Cherry Marvin?" "How manv timM dr, T Viaa tji te.'l you gentlemen? I dont know." : "Hnw ihnit th man awni lim was waiting In your room when you got back to your hotel last evening?"' . i "What do you mean, how about aUUir "Was there actually such a man?" Mandell bobbed his bead. "Yean, ne g truce me up ror six nunored rnn " V . V. . J I -i . a I 1U,..f Mandell rode, working on the knot of his tie. He was glad Rose mary had brought him clean linen and a clean suit. Gale was un doubtedly at the hotel by now. He hoped his talk with Mr. Curtis woudlnt take too long. "It was nice r4 vmi tn mm wuv. Curtis smiled. "Perhaps X an Ulterior TnAt.iaaa " Mandell wished he knew what juner-ui-iAw m an attorney, too, mVm fhiril uir) ttr a., stl etv weaiekvu th Rll Otr In (rnn rt t - vii vs m niiiiiiipr Qtl Wtll Rtrt mnA ani M.t mar.- dell followed him Into Uie build- wo Dank ox elera tori but no night operator. Curtii jo climb the sthin. They climbed m wi in ui iioor. men curua pusnea uie neavy lire door open And Wftlkevt rimim Vte.Il locked a front office door with no Th Oflr imall twit - TTl n.v fiirntt1n0ai - iuw' two chain. And a Tig steel lUlng - Curtis closed the door. "You know. I Allfflvt et. mnM anAn, I had a time snrTrutlne you." He iibu m timiv arm. manaeu uaea It. 'Kind af wnrHrtn Mh 1'- -II about, eh, Barney?" "That's for sum " vruvuil h. outiea. -now mucn was mv ball?" it km pieaiy. "Who put up the money? Oa!e?" Curti mat in t.ha jhlf tuki-rf uie area ana put nis neels up on the wood. "You aren't even warm," "Who, then?" -For trie tune being, let's Just ssy It was someone who Is rather lot m .irfit . juanoeu nair rose from his chair. 'Not the any who killed fC rvt TBIED au. r v TUg OTHERS , rXO THT MA5TIR VTUff MUST U SrvrrcK Doyuy this ik rr. UK( TBYINv TO UXKrtrpmyl Hff ANINICSPOTONA CV Tl iff roGo. p3L2Z3sflS-qr wra otirjoNY ORPHAN ANNIE J twu?"tttS 1 Ka TtmN V 1 2i ) wmfwttMAti) i SN KBC cm m n hi. WUM Liat kw fwMueai LUi nUfii G U Tn wiuswni K. PtlfrMT Bb wilt K Irk LaaB Itilml Cm IHary Tim Dii.l. BS thai H--tU, ik Outd Mta Stan 0 Slut WrM Affair Faraai Iwnlananu Ta TraaW rSaMar Jlat Dut FaJtaaLaaia laaaj SUraa a v mi- paaW Mali MaaH Man MaaUKfarl IBak Baaa INlwi Ua kaaiarl Bat lata ' 10a Spal Uat at-ia - aiu n rhrutlaa hiyitar lw.ik a Ml lot Chrttllaa TbtaMt port it was because I didnt want I Curtis lighted a any reporters coming to the hotel tossed the package i before I found out how I atood "No- That's still X with m rl-QM I tan' ha hi, M . "Attorney John Ebbllng's dsugn- "Yes. sir." Mandell watched the white haired man walk back to the desk Atrfcrf nlelr im hit elva "Weli," Curtis asked ' Judge Clay relighted his cigar. "I am Inclined," he said between puffs, "to believe Mandell la tell ing the' truth, tn so far as he knows It. How- about you, Joe?" in sxsies attorney said dubi ously, "It could be. It's a problem, gentlemen." He looked at Curtis. "I suDOOse we'll have to an alnno- But the newspapers are going to ov vw lima VAX iu awuniiUIlK BD alleged Insane killer to bail." Mandell sat very still in the oppressive silence that followed. He wished he knew what It was all about. There was too much brass In the room to suit him. He felt. ailfManlv liajna anull mrA In front of the. Detective Bureau, Ourtia led the way to a gray Snick. w iw vaia, ana waiKea Mandell got Into the car. "Who ii.r-u you vo spring mer mt, b Curtis pushed the starter, "No." lffsUaaf fa nH AAtVMU thai HsmV ton's baby. . r tVfft.nHn.1 la. kant la. lal. 5 t- "Know something?" , n dont think I killed her." Curtis hlear mtf th- .t.w itu which he had lighted the cig arette. "I'm inclined to doubt it, myself. Very much. And In setting the coroner's office eased the pres sure on oom or us considerably He. changed the subject abruptly. nua. your -lawier s name before he Amtellctoed It, Barney?" , (Te Be Centinued) , . The mutineers frnm hl Bounty. British nin..tin. ShiD. settled In Pltralm Talanrf in 1 1 on, out weir descendants were transferred to Nnrtniir Island, 400 miles northeast of new Zealand, in 1 B .. aH only about 40 of them ever re- tumeq 10 r-ncalrn. t p - v" . a vaa aai amiautrar r Llh ABNEB IT VTCVBt KNOW, If ClrWHkHtAMrr CtCeREOA-l v 1 i L Iwaa'a raa tOfa . pllatralaara CanlCurtis Pattern 2941 SIZES 1441 l'ger Sliest In a wide range of hard to find" larger sizes a sun dress with Its own la pried bolero 8oft pleats on each side of the bodice at the walsUlne Insure flattery and fit In any fabric Easy-unmounted sleeves on the bolero promises easy-sewing smart golngl No 2941 Is cut to sites 14, 16, It, 90. 38 38, 40, 43. 44, 4. 481 Sin 18: 6X yds. 35-ln. material. Bend 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and 81ie. Address PATTERN BU READ, Capital Journal, Ki MIs slon street, Ban Francisco , Calif IF A G COULD 7Uf f THEV BOTH KISS ID M I INTHEOARK-THINKIN' I THEV WAS KISSIN' (ACM OTMC"J-SO,MOW k3A ACCORDIhC TO THE aaf 3 CODE OP TVf HILLS- HOPALONQ CASSIDT NOW THAT WE IS INCaAOEB; NO SENSE ME WEARIN'OUT "e 31 MAKIN A BIS GOTTA SAVE OLIO ' - MOMEV-MEANIKI' FVES. . TUai. PENaHUN. rrtthOOADAV. ka. UAlNfT. n r i ..THET-LL kEUSTWO . OOITW Fthaikaij' STrJANQEB; ICOMIN' TO LIVC WIC US, SOON ff. AH HAIkfT SUPPORTIM NOLI-LSTANSE ON VOOB1 Mnuirv rr WHEN HESHTM-tllD AH'LLTELi. UIM Tf-k OO SACK WHA HE CAME p. I. Vaaat War Ja SlaffarS Uaalar Mlu lOraaeha Man rfaatTkal Tuaa H,a, Ssaria riaal Marie Baer Mailt Ban Maria Ifaar Macle Baar Cllr CaaacU Cilr CaaaeU lt:elUa Off H7MhaaaU NwaiahaaalU Mr. PraaldaBd Hi. PrnlSaal Plarkaaaa Wkal'l Mr - Uat It Star riail Taa a Warl Traararr Baoailaad Maala Maala Mailt Blaila Heat Maila IMaila Harajaslat Maala Daaaa TlaM Daaat TIbm Maate Maala u Off -. SlarJa '-. Lawk jBaaaitaas Ar paacliu,, (. Baaakau aaMball aaatbau Baaakal, a N.a. Nlrkt a,u Nllkl R. NIktSi- Ntlll SaZZ NltalSaa. U Mtkl Saw 'Daaat ratJ THURSDAY A.M. T0 1 1 :45 A.M. .Dart Wait Data Weit Dava Wrat war. A. Lrn.u ' V I k " jrarn Tlaaa KOIN KlacS ort. Tarsi Caaalrv ES. Jahaar WIUl Nawi la. Maaalai lV 1 'S. OIS Saaaa OIS Stan Maala Baa Maala Bat la-iir tl:l' lEOIN Hack Ntwt Newt H. Bakklll iNeaa Maala. Baa Mafia Baa V. LtaSUkr pa. Baraaldi IB. BaraaMa hlaara Belta Trtnl Oar Gal San Tint Haitian M. Acraatkr nak OarrtS Bak Batra BrHjiful hrtaklaia Braakfaat BrtaUaM lataS tf Uft IMa rtrklat lla- Malaaa lent. Utkl Mr. Bartat) a H.u. latHba 14 ai.aatu- n L - Slrlka II rUhBrlrht,, Darfrrat Starr IDH ar Na'th RraaS Ila RH ar Natk iBaaaaiarr raraaarara llaaat farlr naaaa Partr INaara jFaraa Naa. mm Mank Tlan H, all.... Brtakfaal Brtakfail . Saat Btrct It'a'll Braaa Vaa. tltaa Ham af Ham af a a a at EJItlan1 Tadart Stara rrara ta FrltaS n. Gartaar C. Haatlar ffraa Starr Wklaaerlat Girl Harriet V. EJaSUhr Varatr Etas rtakfait Ntak Draakfajt Natk Wtaa fataat Maaa ratiart van Bar. Ceaateil Gtea HarSa Tela Teat Maala Mtllt Ladle, fair LatlM ralr fla faa Via- far Par IBreakfatl , Naak Braakfaat Haak Jla OaaSr JJai DaaSr J) a, DanSa Jlai Daadr MelSSTfi " aiaiMlaa raraNn. Ntwi .1 " Ma!UMeatJ 0C0 aiaak IOCO aieat KOCO Ilaat rarn . - . " horn ,T? pStek rtaet ttlata Bark react. Mauaaa Back faaaa Malbaaa I Bark faaaa l a TB Matte . a "a., ret. Dlaak aa Ban KCiAf WeSattdar t.m.-tM fWarAV-, , t.,bL.f, .. mniu-coier Transfers. A ro- uiauuo -wa-iasnioned lady Is done in pale turquoise and soft Dlnka In tha aaln. ... ' wtvt viauiauci wiiica requires no emoroldery whatso ever! T,tet f-..n , a. , r . 7 . " wi "e dm oy . inch deslcnt the in k- Dletelv lovrlv ataaja ' f UllUIll aaVWIC rnri mrm fram nf IV.. wi. -i t viKUb wuwer oasiceu wnlch mtV hA IISLSkH sanat si.l. a Hnmm r4 vijr. irivuia jot .v. m xucocmiik vouie aciUTea, m u I Ik CI itj ajauBfass, t5T5rl J00. foI OU-"A8H- IONRn lairfv rtkABtsm. 4H l.tTt aa. OR TRANSFERS (Pattern " wanaer and laundering lnatrueUons, YOUR NAME. AD DRESS PATTTTKM MTTaarSrar. CARM, CURTIS. Capital Journal i V fir oan rranclsco ROOM BOARD By Ahren HEY PUFFLE-tAST NOVEMBER XXI BORROWE0 MY GARDEN HOSE TO SIPHON OFF VOIR. HOT WATER TANK WHEN , IT SPRANG A LEAK,... fl SEE THE HOSE ' GARAGE, SC ITSniLINXX BASEMENT? triiOFICA. EUREKA I've got the saunoN ...A WAP BALI. WHEN LOST IN THICK GROUND 6ROWTH. SENDS UP A RIBBON OF SMOKE UtS STILL IN HIS BASEMENT, MORGAN IMBBilMlIt MUTT A JEFF PEEL OFT " NOW YOU'RE ) THAT JK!)jtUW'y fife 00 THE TAUIWi OErOKc 1 THR5U6H REX MORGAN, M. O. 'OK.. PAL. Take it EASV' ILU SAvE VOU 1 BLUB 1 I I uu Pull vou in JuST RELAX ' CM rV WHAT HAPPENED I BOSH JSFP vOucooLOTMArs aLtVAVS SutiM' KlSHT.' cote to Think OF. (T f Mn ' (BeAav, van x juTrTffnu. rbmsmse Lc2iLPtJX,,'2,?T J that bxpsribnce ?W jlVlC00 THE'lOSMeT? DONALaDUCK ' ' mtmmrmmmmtt...m, T'r rnueiBTWi v . FOrtaOTTBN ABOUT THAT.' YOU WHW , SICK AT THB 11Mb .' ? tun ajrv. ..uJ'VI r..u -V J. VI -7T L1 W I tni II, JUNfc r a rtCASE, VAN; A t I'M STILL SICK. I TSU ME THB TKLTH .' Jvnu es aAiaVkic I Cklle Cfcltttt Baaaltaklt! S:U, Ntwt, Wtttkeri lite. MtHti :, MeSlt.tl.a.1 lt:tt, list) DIAL LISTING KOAC. 151 KOAr Th'" n:e. Mtni Itrta Bah I -, al.. at. la a. . i ii.wi unnn Ua, 12:M. Naara. Waalha-. la ta a, Htari 1:M, BISr 'let Caakari I ill, Sekeel af Air, I ts. Baakekelft t:SS, Par WetHai ' aatgtsiriBjT iHinnU, . lights Over North Pole - Tokyo m A Scandinavian Airlines plane landed at Tokyo international airport Monday night, completing the first commercial flight from Europe to the Orient via the North Pole region. Carrying 41 passengers and n crewmen, tne DC-6B touch ed down at 11 p.m. 8 a.m. pst, after a 12-hnnr flight t- :.. Shemya Island at the end of the Aleutians. The nlanfi wn in rk. or - a ". IIIC ail oi hour on ite liakA MM t-vi Norway. It left Oslo at 10 a.m. Saturday anri - - a., an chorage, Alaska, overnight. The polar route covered 6,-1 683 miles, about 31000 less than I conventional routes. The craft will return via OH. nawa. iianironn Pnlrn nnm. and Stockholm. Its 41 passeneers are aulsntwi tp relieve workers at the Nor wegian field hospital in Korea. Benson Plans For Changes rwr prvu? lAeAaTVJr amo uc ITTLE MP),' j f WWK3 US like eoas! MARX WORTH NOW AVky I ' WE GO SURE, v ANP PLAyPyCgUN ALOMO? J . AUUILNtl. JtON1.,,V1w1,nJ' THE PKOrurrsf CMTrDtt IN OUR rNrtiVATt. I BiWUI 4 If ia.. ' jr The 8.S billlnn rvtiir.. - - i. fVMUUS VII miiK produced in the United States in February, 1953, was a record for the month up to that time. . Washincrtnn ISA SaH.,.-, v . , -vucuur 1 Benson assured Cons-reae Mm. dav he wnulrl rnnanlt autth Kntl. republicans and democrats be for any major changes in or ganization of the Agriculture , Departmnt. ..... , This assurance siuan a a hearing on President Eisen-' nower s reorganization plan for the AaTriculttire flanamanl before the House Committee on itovernment Operations. , Before the mmmirrAA ta a resolution proposing disapprov The secretary said, he was not yet nrenarorl f nnttina changes he would make if the reorganization plan is allowed j to eo into effect. Earlier in the day, after a , White House conference, sen ate leaders announced they ' would call the plan up for ac- " tion Wednesday, Action would . come on a resolution to kill the proposal. Early lAmerlcanf nnprnfrtrn nf brine wells often suffered se vere losses when petroleum ' seepages sot into their wells and ruined the brine. ! mm ACROSS t- Append 4. Ventilated 9. Diamond cutter's cup 15 Book of names end . . .addrenes 14. Sail on windmill 13. Call forth 16 Garment ,. 'astener Is. Compast It). Bj 20. Immerse 21. Land - feature U. Declare -S4. Conspire J7. Exist! JJ Frif htened JO- feminine name SI. Turn aside ' S3 Tributary 35 Summer? French St. Line to fasten a sail 38. Artificial S. Unit of force 41. Mire . Bitter vetch 43. Age 4i Football position: tar, ,bbr- 48. Congealed ., . water 47. Across the ocean SO. Wide- mouthed pots II Teutonic (oddest of healing nai Q U I 01 Eg Lav 1 ONffb kPfliP a E HlC Aft n p vTate f pTTre A PEMUB SpXlAlB A MfiMjAoiMArria LUUaalN A P EalsnjFTVI Solution of Vesterdsy's Puuie j S3. Wesve ,. . together 55. Action at law 56. Expert 87. Article DOWN L American author J. Dlfferenca S. Hum 4. Playing card 5. Pronoun (.List 7. Eagle 8. Pair ' t. Spotted 10. Have debts 11. By 13. Piece out 17. Disease of chickens If. Incarnation 21. Helped r 22. ISO square roda 23. Remove impurities 25. lUst by attrmptlnl too much 28. Edible tubers 28. 8ymbol for teleniura 29. Mark o( a blow 31 Thin coatings M, For example: sbbr. 37. Pertain 40. Blunder 42. Splendor 44. Continent 48. Sick 47. Above: contr. 48. Contend 48. Finish (0. Worthless fragment II. Perceive M.XplsUe:abbr. ' . , .