Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 26, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    My 2, 1958 ! , , ,
r i l
i ;
Mrs. Eleanor Rooievelt (left), uses chopsticks m ah
at a typical Japanses meal at her Instructor and inter
' preter loo lu on. Thii picture was taken only a abort time :
after a group of Japanese women pulled her from a car
outside the labor ministry In Tokyo May 29, according to
the Japanese newspaper, YorrUuri. - Guards stopped the
. attack and Mrs. Roosevelt was Uninjured. Mrs. Roosevelt
la making a five weeks tour of Japan. (AP Wirephoto) ,
Haste Necessary in
Location of Office
Selection of a new location
' for headquarters of the Marion
CnuntV Wavlfarat rnmmlHlnn
was taken up in considerable'
length by the commission at its
May meeting Monday after
noon. ' While no decision was
reached. It wa agreed thai!
haste was necessary, particu
larly if a new building is to be
The commission has three of
fersone of which provides
Isabelle Seeley
WUlamina Mrs. Isabelle
Beeley, 04, died in WUlamina
Monday. Funeral services will
be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday,
May 27, at the Penninsula Fun
eral Home, 3018 N. Lombard
St., Portland, Ore., with special
rites by Marietta Rebekah
Lodge No. 72. Burial will be In
Rose City cemetery.
Surviving are five daugh
ters, Mrs. Ida Dun das, WUla
mina; Mrs. Hazel Ardiel, Sa-lm-
Un Jennia McGlumohy.
' .Manzanita, Ore.; Mrs. Florence
'-Benhart, Lead, S.D.; ana Mrs.
Mildred White, Reedsport,
Ore.; and numerous grand-
children and great grand
children. Louis Koenig '
t Woodburn Louis Koenig,
76, resident of Woodburn Rt,
1 for 27 years, died Sunday,
May 24, at the Woodburn hos
pital. He came to Woodburn
from Solomon, Kan., where
' he was born April 27, 1S80. He
was a member of the Bethel
Presbyterian church ' and
Woodburn Lodge Mo. 100, A.
F It A.M.
Survivors Include his wife,
Arlene Koenig; two sons, Her
bert and Robert, aU of Wood
burn, Rt 1, three daughters,
Phyllis Guilford of Kenne
wick, Wash., Wilma Scholl of
Hubbard and Dorthea Schultz
of Eugene. He -also leaves one
brother, Fred Koenig, of Rose
burg; a sister, Miss Lydia Koe
, nig, of Junction City, Kan.,
and six grandchildren.
Funeral services will be at
2 p.m., Thursday, May 28, at
h Rinia r ha Del here. Dr. Da
vid Ferguson of Pratura and
Rev. George R. Cromley ol
Salem will officiate. Burial
wUl be in Belle Passl ceme
tery with services by the
Woodburn Masonic lodge.
Arthur N. White
Butteville Arthur Nelson
fWhlte, 84, died Sunday, May
24, after an extended illness
at the home of his daughter
and son-in-law, Air. ana Mrs.
nan Clark.
He was born July 4, 1868 in
Fairfield, Mich.
He married Melvina Kinyon
in 1914. She died in 1924.
leaving two children.
Mr. White was a member oi
Butteville Grange and an Odd
Fellow Lodge member for 33
He is survived by a daugh
ter, Mrs. Dan (Vida) Clark,
and a son, Edward White;
three grandsons, Lloyd, Don
ald and Kenneth Clark all of
Aurora, Ore.
Funeral services will be
Wednesday, May 27 at 2 p.m.
at Everheart and Kent parlors
In Aurora. Interment will be
at Butteville cemetery,
attar Btlttt. anaalt
Sal.'... u-
4m waab. John W. Borwaod, coturt
!ff' .7 Ttitir Mrv ft. a. IllM TI
ES" S WL .!.
-f. .-,- va. -
, "
that the owner of property con-j
struct a Duuamg aesignea lor
the specific needs of welfare
employes. This would be leased
to the commission.
Another would call for the
rearrangement of a structure
already built and the third
would mean alterations and
possible additions to a building.
AU three are fairly close to the
business center. '
The welfare organization' la
currently housed on th first
floor of the old high school
building which must be vacat
ed within a year.
The commission authorized
the adjustment of various funds
to provide more money in con
nection with general assistance.1
The over-aU expenditures for
the first four months of this
year are about the same as a
year ago but weather condi
tions have prevented many
from finding employment
Funeral and burial charges
were discussed and maximum
fees, established by the state
commission, will be followed.
The total maximum chug for
undertaker and cemetery feea
is around the $178 mark, al
though conditions may result In
considerable variation. -
Morse Loses
In Senate Fight
Washington, ) Sen. Morse
(Ind.. Ore.) who bolted the Re
publican party in the 1992
election campaign, found him
self at the extreme foot of the
table Tuesday oh senate com
mittee assignments.
With his former GOP col
leagues almost solid against
him, the Senate- Monday re
jected 86-19 Morse's five-
month fight to get back bis old
assignments on two major com
mittees Labor and Armed
When his resolution was
beaten, Morse made no further
effort to block his assignment
to the committees which the
republican senate majority left
for him last January Public
Works and District of Colum
bia. Most senators consider"
those groups far leu desirable
than Labor and Armed Serv
ices. The Oregon senator had been
on the Labor committee for aU
of his eight years In the senate
prior to this session, and on
Armed Services or its prede
cessor for seven of those years.
On Public Works and District
of Columbia, Morse wiU be at
the bottom of the list In sen
iority. Hedda Swart
Points Again
At Table Rock
Hedda Swart, coanty snr
veyor, whose weather pre
dictions based apoa tha
amount of snow existing a
Table Rock, were frequent
ly quoted In Don TJpjohn's
"Sips For Supper" column
In the Capital Journal, Toes
day reaffirmed his n f I
deuce In tha Cascade Rang
peak as an Indicator of a wet
or dry spring.
When the clouds lifted
momentarily Sunday, it was
revealed that Table Rock
was covered with a fresh
coating of snow. This means,
in the opinion f the engi
neer 'that the valley Is da
for mora cloudy days,
"It wasn't orifinal with
sit," remarked Hedda. "The
Id timers always looked to
ward Tabla Rock la early
apring as a means of gaining
Information as to what was
ahead In the matter f weather."
Honor Medal
To Chevrolet
Detroit, Mich. An honor
modal In the 1951 Freedoms
foundation awards was P re
tented to tha Chevrolet Motor
Division, General Motors cor
poration her for Its sponsor
ship of the Ail-American Soap
Box Derby.
"This great sportsmanship
event does much to continue
and emphasize the American
way of life," said Dr. Ken
neth D. Wells, Foundation
president, as he presented the
George Washington Medal and
$100 award to Myron E. Scott,
general manager of the AU
American Soap Box Derby and
assistant advertising manager
of Chevrolet - 1
Freedoms Foundation
awards are mad annually at
Valley Forge to individuals,
schools and organizations who
have been - selected from all
over America as being out
standing contributors to better
understanding of the Ameri
can way of life. Dr. Wells
said more than eight tons of
photographs, recordings, films,
displays and other documen
tary materials . were submit
ted and reviewed and more
thaa 100,000 nominations were
received before the 1992 win
ners were named. .
Transamerica '
Elects Belgrano
Ssn Francisco U.R The
resignation of Sam H. Hus
bands as president of the
6182,000,000 Trans america
Corp., surprised the financial
community her today. ,
Husbands unexpectedly quit
his 176,000 a year job at a
meeting of the board of direc
tors yesterday, giving as the
reason a "continued unhappy
relation with certain, directors
of the company."
He declined to nam the di
rectors h was referring 'to,
nor did h disclose his future
plans. . H had been president
sine ,' two year after be
cam to the giant holding
company from the Reconstruc
tion Finance Corp.'
Oregon Man Elected
In resigning as president.
Husbands also resigned as a
member of the board.
At the same time, the board
elected Frank N. Belgrano of
Portland, a former national
commander of the American
Legion, as chairman of , the
Change Name of
Murphy Cemetery
Central Howell At a but!
ness meeting of the Murphy
Cemetery group held Saturday
night at Central Howell school
it was voted to rename this
burial place after John How.
ell, who in 1843 buried his
wife, Temperance, in this plot
on his donation land claim.
Mrs. I. C. Dora Bates, Walla
Walla, Wash., granddaughter
of John Howell, who was pres
ent at the meeting, gave the
initial sum toward the erec
tion" of a permanent nam
Mrs. . Gertrude Johnson,
Portland, great great grand-
niece of the pioneer 'was ap
pointed chairman of a com
mittee to Investigate possible
Officers chosen for the com
ing year were: chariman, Ed
ward Dunigan, Jr.; vice-chairman,
J. S. Kaufman; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Scharf;
board of directors, Mrs. Amy
Beer, Edward Dunigan and J.
J. Egglman.
Because of rain the group
was unable to meet Saturday,
May 23, for a cleanup day as
announced and has set Friday,
May 20, for that purpose.
Doctors Approve
1st Aid Curtailment
Action of the city ' budget
committee in reducing the
personnel of the city-first aid
car conforms to opinion among
the members of the Marion
Polk County Medical Society.
A letter to the city admin
istration, signed by Russell L
Guiss, M.D., secretary-treasur
er of the society, says a meet.
ing of the society recommend
ed reduction of the first aid
crew to on man for each shift
First aid is a division of the
Salem -fire department and its
curtailment was one of the
measures taken to economiic
on the 1B93-1B94 city budget
Albany Linn auxiliary, Vet
erans of Foreign Wars, will
honor Ruth Rawdon at a dinner
Tuesday at 8:30 p.m., at the
Veterans' Memorial hall. Miss
Rawdon is the local winner of
the essay contest sponsored bf
tn auxiliary in the high school
Mrs. Stanley Tripp, Corvallis,
put president of the VFW de
partment of Oregon, will give
tn altar dinner speech.
roarura raeswca ust
Battarral-Taataura. nUKt at
aalala ahaaaa: Praatfan aanlltr,
.. ,t ua . mi acldllr
Urtrad kl rIUM Ct-TM Ik l ttrM ul
II, tl-TMl aKoa UllMr. t-n. VI.F
naM aa mwq kuu S wau bat.
A grade n aaara,
C. M Mara, at.
t: B. Kort. Mc;
um srMM auttUr
Ckwai aalUiK arm Vacuus
vhaiuaiaia. OtMoa ilulu. U-M:
OrM.a t Ik. imI tk-tli krisMa.
! Ira uaa uuw.
,.n t mra,i ii Cib4m ataa
oatalaiDS a lot. uiciimm x a.
Porllu. A utol Una.
trad, maciuat M-1i a araaa lana.
rartlaaa Dattrv BtelaM
aaiur Priot u rruaata;
artai, tic: a aaitaa. net a attala, Tit
aartoa. flat Bftata. aaa.
Iia U ataSaam caaaiaa I. a a.
VarHam): Uuradad tarn, tie
trait AA lana, M dot. I A Una tat .
AA awdlu ut ant.; A artdt aitdliia.
at, aaa. A arada amalla aaaunal.
Kttt at Balalltn oradt a a. itna.
l-ait: A Una ia-oe: aa awdiaat M
aac; a tudiua. tl-Me.. A tnai ta-
lle Oiruu I aaalt addllMoal.
Ckatta Prlet Id rtttuan, fwtlaaa.
Ore, oa tlnilat,; Ha. latvat,
l-UWei uiaitto. IWa Um thaa t.a-
. ntailuai araaoa tlatlta, HMI
kwt Mta, rratttMS Amtrieaa thma
Lit. hMTtt la rtuil, alH-att la.
am cawitat ma. i aaaiiir. i-a.a.
aluu.l Trnrt. Ii-I lai. 11-lat; I I
lb. Il-Ue: ratlttra. Ikl. aadl aaar.
ai-Mci kttrt ktnt, all wtuMi. K-Me;
iubi atu. all vtuait, u-itu aw ratat-
ttt. I-iae.
DnaMd Ckltkaaa No. 1 rautS la
rtuutra. Ptrtri, fcroUtra. 49-41t Ik.;
roatttra. all WU.. 40-41c: lltnt htna.
I5-Sae; kaavr baoa. Sac: cut-up frrtra.
aa lt, at-tTe la.; wbalt drtaa, al-ax
ataaiia artrttt aa trtatrt: uta
vhltta, t-i a, U-Utl l-( la,, ll-Jlc
lb.i eolortd! palU. 4 lb. uodtr; aid
dot, lo-ltet ft blthtr. Prttb dratted
frytrt it ntalltra, It-IUl ut aa. U-4"K.
Ctaalrr BUM Ma, It
Vtal-Toa tsallti SMaa aVf toutb
bttvlat Il-IOe.
art Uu klaektra, tt-lici aowt.
liibi n-iic.
Lana, Bait. 41-4s n.i rtarllaaa.
H-ibc it.
M.llaa atti. ll-lla ft, aun-aUlltr.
-le. .
Baaf Otllll tow I. St-rit lt.i ctnaar-
ntun M-aM; tbtlU Oawa It lit.
rraaa urimi aiatai
wbelataltra w rtttUtrai Dalian Sal
f Slttrt. IbMat ltd-TOt IO,
IS.I0-U.W; lood. tse-41.oa, wnaaitrcttl.
It. 00 -Jt. CO; ulllltT, I1M-I1.K; owt.
eommlrclal, 3I.W-S2.00; BtlUtr. U.OO
33.00; tanntrt-eutttr,, n.00-31.00.
at Can (Obotot ttttn). mad
outrun. 10.00-14.00: round, ,100-U OO;
full tola, trunmtd. K.Q0 T4.O0; trl-
tBtltt, I0.00-H.00; lort-qutrMra. 33.00-
N.oi tbocko, I7o-41.mi rlfct, u eo-
Vtal aad Calna Oood-tkalet, tU
I; aommtrclal, Sla-al.
Uaa, CbalM-arliu. at-M a, IU
I; rood. M1-U.M; aptlaa laaba. -
runt, ttt-u.
Mt.laa . Oood tbolca, li.0O-ll t.
rark CtM, .larni, Ma. I. 1-11 laa. MI
'S; tboaldan. It lat. tSf-43; aaara-
rlba, IM-at; traab kaau, lt-l lat.. Hi.
atra cartaaua. 130-170 Dt (17-30.
atkaS Im sblatd. Itl-M. au-
flntd Urd ta draau, 111-1140; alak tat-
'lltKtr' IMtlNt
finrr Cat. Oat araka, Mat dav, ra ta HM. On. tM-
Oaltai It. ta, aacti Wart Orttaa tab
um ataa. I, 1. a.Ba-iaa: a-la. Mia..
l.ld-440; aaataarcla! lat-l Mi aa
tmlal vat. 1-M-l.Mi Ttata ttaata. Mi
ll: calif, cad oiaaa, ataa, t-to-rn; al-
lotra. ataa, a-aa-at.
ratattta Orttaa Saattta SJa, t. (.at
ti: aana triad 4Sa. tt Sau tlaa A,
1JS-W; It la. aaaab. 4S-Ia; lata) Baa
aata.Na.IA, Itt-att; t-lt St, aalta,
atlt. Ha. 1A. I; Calif, kaai vkllaa.
Ma. L a.TO-t -
ar O. I n I artaa aUaifa. da
mtrad aar lata t-a k. rani.,,, ,,1,1
tv ata ao taal aatttla. IU-M.
Waat-Oraaaa baatt. WulaavaMa Vat.
laa atadlaaa, M-aM Bki aaaaan oratta
flat aad aall-alaad. H-te. wiUaatttu
Vtlltr taaa aroai. tati u-attaia artaa
al-IOt. ''
atakalt It llt Ik. ta U-aataU I raw.
lb. lo t. aaaatn ablaaiaa aaiata.
Itat rtadat art tartar artaa f.a.t.
rartiaad. aalf aiiaa. tl-na la. aacard-
mt ta taadiuoai trtta aiat li-ltt
irtta taw btdtt. t-loat lb. attar
ta trtlaat aad aaalltri kaU kldaa, 4-ae
ik-i tlaa aidta. at tar aaat aau
tor abort titiata.
matrtt wbaiaaala armat arltt.
i attdiaai Banaltaaa, at-!4a k.j akall-
ad. ta-aia at.
Walaau Wbaltttlt talltad arltaa,
flrtl aaaMW lam frauuattta, tt-Me
la.: abtUtd. Ittbt aaibtr kaltaa, Tt-Tfc
lb.: lidbi btitta, la-uo a.
lat ta dallaaat al Caaltal Jaataal
BaaMI raOMt t.M lta It. kadi. llOt-lb. tail.
tr Baaaa a,
natrr rut H.u-tat its Sj. bat).
li st-t ot not t... ,
raaitrt varaat a mat uwaraa rrrtra.
tfc: aid rtttttt. IK; atlarad lotl. sit;
latbara fowl, aau ntaitta, sat.
Baraaa riatt aart. aa. asti una a.
M-alt; axdlaai AA. Mel audlaai A.
4I-4K: taiall. lit.
Wbtltttlt riltta . an akatatala artata
t:atraUr t-Ta kirbtr tbaa tba artaat
a bora Lana trada A laatraLf aoatat
at ate; ratdlna, 04.
sattarrai aunna anaat praaaiaav va
ne: Nt. U n-lci Mo. 1. Ma.
attar-wbtiaatia tradt a
na ta.i rttall. laa.
Cbleara tav Hoa aitett aaatlavad
thtlr att-aaw aatttra al rtctat ataaloat
Tuaadar with atellata al M ta M taau
a hoadrad pounds
Cttua alat trtadtl Hraai anaaajja
Iambi bat Una. t
tfoti autcntr trawai ataa told mat
I33.M to, tltbourh a taw laaatd
at t3t.n tad a ttv uadtntaarbta atld
off aa let) aa nl to, aovi atntraUr
mad, 111.00 tt I33.M, a fta toapiaa aat
at III. 00. oood tltaraaet wat abtataad
aa tba I. too boat aa atlt, which torn
aartd with tn taatcttd I.Mt.
Tounr aatut wan attadr aa trtaa at
t.7t to P4.K en lUtri tnl lawllaii
and la 13.71 ta, awlltra. trtaa.
aood ta aruat ta both tltaaaa, Cowa
wtn attadr ta M aaala lawn at I14.M.
balla attadr ta atraaa mat dawn.
ward, and aaaltn waak ta I1.M tawtr
with aalr a tew arts tattlaa aba laa
of fra.aa.
nod aa artaat naJm aawta
loud a wtda raaat tnaa IM.M ta
uo.oo. Tha aaat aiiaa Haiti wan aalr
ehotoa and araaaht mat aad btttw.
wta atui wan waak at M.M ttowawaid.
aatlmatad taettpu laeiadad ajat aat.
tit, tot aaitaa, aad MO abaaa.
Lady's Aid
i Iff ral ffr
Ill gntlmn
'.'V; '!)
uta Tha aaaaataaat
adatlral Oaraaratiaa ..
alliad Ckmual
Allta Cbalaurt
Aawrlaaa Atriatat
fwttaa fawat Lajb.,.,
fttnta Tat Tal
Altknaa airrr.ta .....
........ u
....... Tl
Ban Wafaar
Barraaa Addlat MathbJ....
Calif tral rataaas
Ctaadlta tatllla
OatartlUtr Tratatr ,
CtltiMt OoraaraUaa .,.,
ottita i
Caaaalldaitd 1
Ciaamotttd faltaa
Orawa atlitraaaa ...
Cwrtlaa Wrtabl
, u
Da at La Alnrall ....
Saatua Kodak
tiatrana Btdla ...
i. llaj
Otatral BbMtnt
Otatral atda
Oaattal atotatt ....
Otanta fit. rirwoa
, T4I4
i Il
uka Miataa) oa. ..
tatttaatltatl Barrutal,,,
tattraauaaal attaf .
ataatiaa ,
Kalatr Alaatlaaat
Ktaaaaan caapac .......
uaar MeMtu .,
Lttkhatd Ainratt ......
La, vat taaaraaratal .. " ,
Uaa BaU .,,
Una 14 am, rr Wtrd ......
Btah Ktlrlaatar
Htw lark Can Ml ....
Nartbtra Patuit
radfta aaitrirta raw
rattlla Cat at Battitt '
, 13
JT .
'.Z'.Y. mi
, us
r IS
i at
i MS
, It
!"'..;; j
Patina lal a Tal .....
Patkara alitor Cat ...'
rtaatr, I. C ''
PaaaarlTaala B. aV ..
Ptaal cola Ca.
Pbuta Badla ..."
Badla Caraaratlaa
Raraattr Intara. .... " '
Baraalar tnatra. Pfa. . "'
Banblla attal
fttrnoMa Mttala '
Blabflald OU "'
aafawar StarM tat, ..
aaatt Paair Ca. ....,."
Bttn, Boabttek A Ct,
eaeoat-Vacunai oil ;.'
Soatbara Patlflt
ataadtrd OU CtlK.
attadard OU J. ....
stodtbakar cars.
Sain dr. OoBttnf
Traaaaaiarlca Cars.
TwraUtlk Ctatara Pa-.
Dataa Oil Coataani ,.
Oaiaa Patina
Daltad AlrllaM
Oat tad Alraralt
Ualtad Oanaratlaa
Onltad autaa Plrwaat
Oalltd fttatta Siaai .....
Waratr Plataraa ..,
Waattra Oaltai TtL ....
Watttaabaan Atr Brak..
Waaltnabaaaa Bactrlt ,
Wtalwartb .,
Journal Want Ad$ Pay
I CfcstTY City SS.?
I p1w) 147t)l I.W 11
rartlaaS Lrraataak '
artlaaa) an) IdtMlaak ariaaa wart
attlf ataadr aa Bautad affanaaa at-
ibautk araaad Mt aatut aad laa thaa
aaw attr aaaai aaaaaaa aa aat
Portland Batata.
Ctltlt imi atarkat rataar ataw; tartr
taita aaaai ataadr with M aaaaan aa-
ran datltat; ltd atttn aaartti law
utiutr atttra lata-IS; alllMn aanatarrlal
atuan la-la; aaaaar-tatttr aawa M at
lt ftw mti atmtr aawa at J. It:
atuitr baU MJA.jT.ta,
calm M; aaaraal ataw: ataadr M
wtaki taat ttiiiia naim M-M; attatr-
tM-MI la. ktlaban at-M-M: Mt-aM k.
Jt tt a.Tti tow ahaan MO-OM at, mw
anata Mti tatrkat tlaw. ataadr: low
aaad-tbMta at M M aatra it rat,
ll-ll; abtita-ariM alaadar aa M MJti
abatoa-anatt tartar lana, Moadar M.ta
a.tll land abara awaa tl lall tllttl a-t-
PartUad laalilta Mark at .
Portland lua-Oraaa aalaa aalta at
wholaaalan wtn M atata a dataa aa tbt
Baiuidt raratm' atarkat tadar wltk
aaaM aaiall iota aataa at M aantt a
trtaa. Oaa aradattr tttnnad taaa al
akoat IM ttt aaaabaa 1 aataaa ba
taaaa al aiudaw trautht abaat kr wal
WUlattttU ttUar oaallflaaar atfartaaa
aaattaatd lathi artlb Bail whtlittliit
aua trtaatat at Callttrala
Cbltaaa aU0.aalUa ttatraL taaaaad
taitTtrtei tt ilbjhur atwtr arlcta, atar
kat allabllr waakar.
Traak taita (tt M il U. a. 1 a!aa
lalad: Artaaaa Tallaw Baraiadaa S M
t-latk B aan lat, t tan IM, aaaraal.
at aar l it; caoxoraia oraaa a-
tnek aad tartar a aaa I.M: Bad Olobaa
S-lath aad lartar tar imi Taaaa Oraaa
t-taeh and lartar wltk taaaa aatmlail
aar Lit, ataa lata m tartar t aan Lat.
atratt aalta raa Jta-j; Ttaaa Ttuaw
traaadaa t la S-taah I.W-IAI. t-tacb
tad lanar; Oraaa t-lath and
tartar a M l-tnth taw 1.71;
Cmtal Wta t aa t-Mth 1.7a-l.M. s
tneh ut lanar law IJti Artaaaa Tal-
BanrtKlat 3 ta a-tnob raw I.M; Clll-
farala Oraaa S-taah aad lanar law La.
Ohlttaa O rata .
Chleaaa utv-orataa Bada a nthar
baltlaa atmaaa aa tba Board tf Tradt
Taatdar lallawutt avoralabt aaaaaaaa.
of a aotaraaiaat Tataal" ara-
tai for UU troa vatat aland aa
Tba aaaani attar aat katk an tha
traaa teat la tlaa pntlaat waak an
ttoa. aiat, tka atarkat laa ail M drift
lawar afitr tbt halt war ratal at Sar
ins aawar raa aat.
Whtat l llll S-S hlthtr. Jabr M-latl.
, eom anahaatod Sa S hlantr. Jalr
HJts-s, aala H-S kithar, Julr
at, rra at tawtr M a, airaar. Air
tl.MS-S. aarkaaaa tt-lS tubtr. Jatr
tata-ta. aaat atra a a h ttav a
atwtr, air na.:.
FrN Hoatv Trkl
Yum t?riicE
175 Clntski $.
aaaBnBnaananBaBBaatBtaataataaBtBaanBBaaaaaa i-
NoaidulaaUy arbaeiing that big Super "88" OldaBaalals .
Into S tight lIMt tt tha caarb. CfBCttfuIll'
auanTttin throorh a asarl of traffic. Siiaiilj aTataaif
tbt highway with all the etaiti Jaaes of a reteraa
ehauffeorl Whtt't bee teoret? Pataar Srinfl
The kind of Powrr Steering that lets yooj
twetroi two toot of tatoBobilt with jnrt
fiarer-tip piwaan. Tbt kind that takes cart tb effort :
jet leaves in tb "led of tb wtteeT ; , gjve
greatat teenrity b caa of a blowoat or a taddaa bol
Bt tb road. Tba kind of Power Staariag that
OUaBtobOt offers . . aloof with Powar Brakat, FwWaT
Styling, and tbt 165-bottepowor "Hookat"
Engine, See a too . . . and tea what OaateooOt'a
laiBout powtc ftaTbanttwnmtantoytaif
X3 Yci!5t-':r C:,3 Cj
AttesJ T C7 Cz ?
Thii day aaatp't k t cj
agws 0x, aataaa and ' '.t, ay
Bad ontfnaUy for U hm U
nlarged to "fl dua to aaaorwy aj.
knwasal, at bow aVU;LattTy Vctat"T,
roungaa- boys aajuatai of tta
total TJLCJa. rporti4 tr.
Has camp wfH b ball ttc
Tuajoday and Friday from
aja. to pan, June to II at
Camp CVawrwood atnrth arf tb
city. It is ti first sorh eajxr
held by the local TT. A ajrfad
camp may b bald tn Jul if
thar 1 txrffidaart jnttawttt.
Woods asked mteraftad parantg
t6 contact thY. ,
CUar Lak Rtraidaeta f
the Clear Lak district Monday
approved by a vot of M to 4
a t'0,000 bond isua for con
atraetion of an avrWIItiftrtal nam
for tba achool houwa. .
iwrtlaa ttv-tTa
Whaat (had) to amn atarkat,
Ba, I talk. tllnra aaatt: Salt
tJJSi atlt Whlta ItKtadtaa
JJJS: Whlta Ctak SJMt.
Bard Bad wtattr: nittaiir I
Ml M
ar aaat Lta: u aar taat aau
XS sat
aaat 1.44.
Ttdar'a aar laaataiai whaat m
II aarn It ana itad I.
Btw Ttrk tfa-Tka ataah atarkat tal
back Taatdar altar a sttaalaia Mart,.
tut tba rttnat waa aat aarrttd.
LottM raa M araaad S aataaj tt tka
aattida wiu an artaa a aha atarkat
Talaatt didn't
tha ntroat aad
LJaa,tat taana far tba aar.
Bj tb rnooth in your rjrwa
lvooat or bj tbt hour la out
arming tiBtT.
xiza era
TMajT1 tr'Vaaaraaa'aat 0tS BtB AtBtltA
r ifttomml twlr ltf