Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 26, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    TmmUt. Hay N, 1HI
rift is
i Mil I I I'M n ii i mi iiimin mill
W- - .1
Af Corvallis
Truk Mgaeaa (left), ike Aastrallaa
eaasrolea. aa J ask Kramer, wsria-wWe
pre icnaia ekamplea, meet 1m tht featare ittndira ef U
mlf aft tennkj skew at GUI Cellseam. Corvallis. Tnsy will
appear la aa Aaitrillaa vs. Amerleaa deal which also fea
turM gedfmaa'a compatriot, Sea MeQrefor, aad ltttla
Faaeka Secara. ... ?: ' .1
Devos Play at San Diego;
Hollies Ifcmnicr LA, 11-3
' 9r Tht Ajioclotod Pnm
The Hollywood Stan wen
aekodoled to report to Mi
afar Bobby Brafaa Taaaday
moralat for battier araettea,
bat Braaafaa la senviaced kia
team doesn't aeed It The
Stan tot plenty ( practise
at Wrlfley Field MeatUy
atekt .
They whacked Cat McLiah
and Alan Ihde for II hits.
plodinf for six run in . tha
eighth inning, and went on to
whip Los Aafelea, 11-1. They
were aided by aome aany fl tid
ing by the Angela; who threw
to tha wrong bast on occa
aiona, flubbed , double play
balls and generally resembled
Publie School 12'i lecond
team on a bad day.'
Nat result of tha game, tha
only one played la the Pacific
Coait League, was to Increase
Seattle's hold on first place to
4tt games, reduce Los An
geles' second place aurgln
over Hollywood to in games,
and slve Manater Stan Hack
of the Angels aa . aggravated
case of the jitters.
Another meeting . of the
crosstown rivals la on tap for
Tuesday night and . Hack . Is
hoping - for better things.
Meanwhile Seattle and the
other PCL clubs will return to
action after a night's rest -
The Ralnlers will open at
Sacramento with Bill Ivans
8-J going against Chick Pier-
ctti B-4. Larry Ward 1-5 will
start for Portland against San
Diego's Theollc Smith 5-6 at
San Diego, and Al GetteL -
and Billy Waters 0-1 are pair
ed against Bill Bradford 1-1
and cliff Cog gin 1-1 in aa
Oakland-San Francisco dou
bleheader at San Francisco.
Or ValM4 FtmM
Fcvr cf Vcrld'f
Tcp Tennis St:r$
Never la teaala has the Is
sae beea asere aiearly
Baed tiua la tha head-ea eel
Uatoa ketwoea lack Krsmer,
w arid-wide cksmaloa of pro
teaala, aad the Aastrallaa
wkla, Frank Sedgmaa, whe
Jast abdicated ale world asaa-
tear erewa to seek a arete-
ble lM,Mt or store ea
lateraatleaal pre Jaakst.
' Which tm star arms will
have tha aaekaUaaged title
ef the "world's greatest tea
als alayer." Kramer, thi
"aaecatable" Callferalaa,
aarried the world amatear
tttle tats pro ecmaettUoa la
HIT, aelekl estaeUaaed ala
apraaiaey la play-for-pay
raaks aad beat off every
challenge slaes. New - the
Aastrallaa Boomerang la try
ing to feUew la kis footsteps.
Tkey will appear fa aa
Aastralla vs. America deal
Which also feataraa Sedg
snaa'a stellar eon patriot, Kea
McGregor, the rating Aaasle
amateor champion from 1151,
aad lithe little raaehs Be
gun, tht darling of the faas,
at GUI Cetiseam ea Taesday
night May I. The actios
paeked aeetram of two sin
gles sad eat doable, all With
eaah prises at stake, will
start at Sp a.
W l M OB.
tMIt). .. ........ ST IT .Mt
Vm Amtaa ......... M St .ut 4tt
BcOrwooS ........... II II JO t
rwtlut ............ M M II
tea OUn ........... SI It .411 Utt
iMTMltM .......... n II .411 14H
OokloaS -St II .411 M
saa irnaie ....... si si Ml m
"mlStnSrTuiim AatOw S.
OtlT I1M MbldMllt
tan Tmlili
BUrM Ut ttllln
HI el lu fluiw
MU at lnwnli. -
ttioliil aw Dtan.
Mttnset-ii it e
tlltMtlt T I
u4 Kolono. anew till
i ai
Oregon Team '
Leaves for
South Thursday
Kuiene UJB University of
Oregon's baseball squad, win
ner of the Northern division ti
tle, leaves here Thursday for
Palo Alto to meet Stanford for
the Pacific Coast Conference
The Ducks meet Stanford in
one game Friday afternoon and
again Saturday. If a third game
to needed to determine the
championship. It will take place
Saturday afternoon. .
Coach Don Klrach said ho
would start either Norm Forbes
or Stan Dmochowsky. on the
mound la the opener.
Viking Golf, Dsscbll
Tennis Receive Loiters
Wfasito Al!ibtc3 Ecm
Letters in Six Spits
Awards wore presented
Meaday to the Salem ala
golf aad baseball striata. .
The state champion Salem
high golf team presented their
trophy to the school while Bob
Prall was given his trophy for
being the stats medalist Both
Prall and Chuck Huggins are
on tht all state golf squad.
Coach Don DuBois presented
Prall, Huggins, Vera Balliday,
Don Cro there, Gary Parker,
John Humphrey, Bob Goddsrd,
Wayne Carr, and - Al Wood
with letters. Parker Is the
only senior and Halllday the
only sophomore.
Coach Harold Haak pres
ented 11 varsity baseball
players with their letters.
They were Jerry Gregg, Bob
Payne, Mike Campbell,
Twlak Pedersea, Cart Jaa
tae, Wayne Oeborae, Jim
Blot, Larry Springer, Coart
aey Harts, Tom Pickens,
Paul Beck, Larry Smith,
Gary Smith, Kea Plage!,
Herb Trlplett, Lowell
Pearee, and managers
' Franklia Laswell and Geae
". Junior varsity baseball play
ers presented letters by Coach
Hank Juran were Ken Schrt
eongost, Larry Newsom, Den
nis Olson, Dan Luby, Myron
Bredahl, Jerry Walling, Ron
Magee, Phil Burkland, Bon
Anderson, John Garner, Blane
StubbeUleld, . Allan Arnold,
Bob Foreman, Harry San tee,
Marlon Let, Mack Harrla, Dick
Pedersea. Doug Wrlggles
Xiswerth and Paul Harvey. .
At the same assembly five
boys were taken into National
Athletic Honor Society. They
were Jim Knapp, Jim Person,
Ray Taylor. Herb Trlplett. and
Ron Anderson. To be in this
organisation you must have
competed In one major sport
and have a three point grade
average. - -
Steve Bllke, first baseman
for the St Louis Cardinals, is
a member of the Honey Pot
Volunteer Hoot Co., In his na
tive Nsntlcoke, Pa.
The WUUsaettt
staff this wsek recommended
letters for athletes la sis dlf
f treat sports.
Mentor Ted Ogdshl nominst-
ed II men for 'W awards in
football. Those getting their
third letters sre Welter men
arts. Umapine; Dorrence Note-
boom, Tillamook. Two-year,
winners: Bob Miner, vsncou
ver. Wsih.: Paul Jewell, Sa
lem; Bill Van Horn. Canyon
ville: Ken Cooper. Vancouver;
Bob Cody, Corvallis; Mickey
Coen. Roteburf : Norm I ven
ds hi, Portland; Bob Dyer, pen.
dleton; Andy George, Rocka
wav. N. J.! Benny Holt Keka-
ha, Hawaii; Mike Hovis, Olynv
pis, Wssh.; John Kent, osn
Carlos, Calif.; Harv Koept,
Burlingame,. Calif, and hum
Menashe, Portland.
One-year football lettermen:
Bob Platenberg, Pasadena;
Cliff York, Portland; Ray
Chlapuzlo, Benemer, Mich.;
Gordon Blaler. Woodburn;
Dennis Xlsasser, Portland; Hal
Hargreaves, Portland; Elmer
Haugen, Salem; Robert Walk-
Rockaway. N. J.: Mster
Akeo. Honolulu. Hi wail; Er
nest Anderson, Portland; Dean
Benson. Bend; Ssm Haina,
Honolulu, Hawaii; Bob Inman,
Portland; Gerald Kirkendall,
Portland: Louis Lofland, Port
land; Bob Zoelcb, Portland.
la baaketbaU Coach John
Lewis gave a seeoad letter
to Dtek Mate, Salem; Bob
Skepard, Salem, aad Dick
Hoy, Newberg. First hoop
awards go to Bill Colvard,
Pendleton; Dave Gray, West
Linn; Daane Shield, Seattle
Pete Reed, Seappoeae; Jack
Serlveas, Portland, aad Jer
ry MeCallister, MUtoa-Freo-
In track Coach Ogdahl nomi
nated Bob Miller, Vancouver
and Vera Shingle. Medford for
their fourth letters and third
year awards go to George Port
er, Pilot Rock;'Layton GUson,
Salem; Jim Hitchman, arboa
Island. Calif; Stan Neperud,
Silverton; Larry Staadifer,
Bend and BUI Van Hon, Can
yonvllle. Two year winners:
Rollln Cocking, Salem; Jim
Bexgtnann, Portland; Merlin
Schulst, Salem; Mike Hovia,
Olymplai Wash.; Ralph Steph
enson, Arlington, Calif. First
letters: Bill .Colvard, Pendle
ton; Don Empty, Junction City;
Dean Benson, Bend; Edward
Grifitht Newark, N. J.; Louis
Lofland, Portland; Bob Zoelch,
Portland and Wesley Malcolm,
Cottage Grove.
la baseball a fearth-ytar
award goes to Dave Per Imam,
Pertlaaetaad Coatk John
Lewie atmlaated Daane
Shield, Seattle, for has third
letter. Two-year atea: Dea
nto Elttsser, Portland; Aady
Gterge, Rockaway, N. J.;
There's one to fit
every farm job!
And new low prices make Dodge Trucks v an even
better value-buy than ever. A Dodge "Job-Rated"
Vi, Va, 1- or lVa-ton Truck will do your job better
and will save you money. Your friendly Dodge
Truck Dealer in Salem offers special Farm Truck
Purchase Plans that make it easy for you to buy.
Listen for "Hometown News' 8:55 p.m., Mon. Thru Fri. - KSLM
Come tomorrow for a better deal all ways'.
stan mm raoTote
Two convenient locations to serve you
Chemeketa and High Portland Road and Lana Ave.
Phofit 2-2441 . . IALIM ' - rhee: 1-7244
Dave Gray. West Lias; El
mer Haagea, Salesa; Beany
Belt, Kekaha, HawaU; Har
vey Keepf, BarHagasat. Cal.
First awards: Lester A see,
Heaelala; Bill Nelsea, Pert
land; Gerald Klrkeadall,
Portland; Pete Seed, Seat
peeee; Vera Vaaalee, Hal
sey, Mickey Cot a, Boaeburg.
Three-year letter winners in
goU are B1U Wittenberg, Port
land; Kent Myers, Salem and
Ellis Voa Esc hen, Salem.
Coach Jerry Frel gave a sec
ond letter to Kenneth Baines,
Portland; Dan Callaghan, Sa
lem and Dick Church, Port
land. Getting their first links
awards are Dick Renn, Albany,
and Jim Giuiiand, Bend.
Coach Lei Spares issued a
third letter in teuuu to John
Ambler. Portland and Jim Mor-
gali, Salem. Second awards go
to Charles carter, Portland and
George Watte, Salem and get
ting their first net letters are
Rich and Ron Butler, both of
Portland and Ian Maclver,
Yawns, wain.
Definitely No
Prep Playoffs
This Season
Portland. eJJO Oreaon defl.
nltdy will have no state high
schonl baseball champion this
Tht Oregon School Activi
ties Association ruled yester
day that no playoffs will be
held to determine a champion.
The decision was made by the
OSSA board of control in a
telephone conversation, accord
ing to Tom Flgott, secretary.
- Rain and wet grounds forced
tht OSSA to cancel tht state
class 'A baseball tourney at
Albany and tht B' meet at
Drain last week.
Tht board ruled that nreo
baseball -It terminated at the
regional , level." It to ted to
award trophies to tight region
al class A tltllsto and four B
Reasons for tht decision
were (1) all teams cannot con
tinue to participate. (1) play
offs would conflict with gradu
ation In some eases, and (3)
the ' weather for a proposed
playoff Is too uncertain..
Fret Home Tried
1993 Fairgrounds M,
Phtoe Mm
.Across' from Willamette
, VaUey Bank
Yakima's Greer
Tops Northwest
PGA Qualifiers
Seattle Steady Jot
Greer, Yakima, carded a two-
undtr-par 144 Monday to win
tht Pacific Northwest's top
quslifying spot in tht National
Professional Golfers Associa-
tlon tournament and the north
west PGA crown.
The second Qualifying spot to
the national PGA, to be held
July 1-7 over the Blrmlnghsm
Hills Country Club course, De
troit, went to Leo Gsulocher,
the new pro at the Olympla
Golf Club.
Gaulocher won his spot by
beating Portland's Johnny
Langford on the second playoff
hole after they had tied for
second place with 147s.
Tht scores:
144 Jo ortwr. Tklnt. fl-71.
141 naulMhap. olmvlm. tj-lli
Johns l4uu(ard. Portlftad, TJ-14.
IS-lol HOW. Fortuns. -re-it,
Oflacdon. TUMI. Tf-T!
Jim BuulU. VlU Writ. 1l-!t! Van
us v4iii wooa luttu, ti-t.
En Tiitr. rrrtt, T4-tl.
us u Mncts. Mrtitiit. V4-TI: In
outwitT, aa.ttlh !-! B1U WUek.
Trt-CltlM, tt-U. .,
in mi amiu. raan, ii-tt.
1W Urod Nordilrom, anttl. Tl-lt.
Mi Harold Wort, Futtlotoa. Tt-11.
1M 1M lxmworth. pottlud. Tl-1t:
Johsar. Bottmir. Actttl. n-tt; BUI
Souktr. aoottlt. 11-14.
. 1M Doa Smith. Porll&nd, TI-TI; Boa
Utton. VaBooum. Tt-TT.
7 rtu aa. rwiui, w-tt.
Ht-a. KeKtocrtek. rorUuS. 1S-S1.
fiahts last flight
BBOOBXTM amdr lulr. 1MH. Htv
York, NtvolatM Tum (Kid) PorUfum.
ltott, com ale, it.
mciao wold. Vtuora. 141. Rom.
MttmaUd eommr Bonn, 1MM. Bcatw
Boitu. Mien, a
mw aaUAMS Johnn CourUi lit.
Bartlord. Cora., ootnotnud Wlllh) rw
toono. 144, M Orloau, a
RcssV Kindred
Meet in Main
Event Tonight
Tony Ross and Don Kindred
odd another chapter to their
long-standing feud at the Sa
lem armory tonight when they
dash hesd-on in the main
event of the weekly, mat show.
Caaree Drake will face
Henry Lena in the semifinal.
Eugene Oregon, foot,
ball Coach Lea Casanova to
day foresaw a "lot of smooth,
ing up" necessary in his squad
before nest fait but said thev
"looked pretty good."
Casanova complimented the
squad for better blocking and
tackling. .
' You can't afford risk tht health of your herd. A new buS
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Be safe. Bulls that supply our semen past a rigid American
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Guernsey - Jersey - Holstein Hereford
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For Strict an) Informarion Phont Collect
Warren's Proved Sire Service
Albany 2486
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9 j9
W vmHmomommooonwjtlHII
win nwon, epdoml ol .ifre ml.
The nearest we can come to word
picturing for you how it feels to
tirive a 1953 Buick with Twin-Turbine
Dynaflow it tfaiat
When you toe the fjas treadle, you
can get away like silked lightning in
silent hurry.
More specifically, you can sweep
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to a legal 30 mph in the time you
normally take two breaths.
Equally important, you get this daz
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and with one smooth, progressiva
build-up of velvety power.
The literal truth is no other ear in
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TT Dynaflow.
. It takes more than the advanced new
engineering of this fully automatic
transmission to produce such thrilling
performance, of course.
It takes power, too.
And that's here in full measure
the highest horsepowers and com
pression ratios, Series for Series,
in Buick's fifty great years-with
the world's most advanced V8
engine powering the Super and
There's a lot more you get in any
1953 Buick in generous and hard -to
match measure-room, comfort, ride .
steadiness, visibility and, above all,
But these are things you must dis
cover for yourself as you must
the greatest Buick performance in
Why not drop in on us real soon?
We'll be happy to put you at the wheel
of a new Buick and let our points
prove themselves. ,
Sumdmi on Romtnuultr, optiotui m ixtr tost e
At $t for Summer
AIRCONDtTIONER for 1953 Super
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model, available now at extra cost.
Ttl.Wilo. frMt-lot IUICK CIKCUS HOUX-enry low Tniee?
308 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore.