Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 26, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sata. Oregveh
Walla Walla
'Robert R. Allen, Will Walla
high Mhool senior, hu been
named recipient ol the second
Union Carbide scholarship
awarded at Willamette unlver
lity, President G. Herbert
smith announced.
: i-fr
. Xffective in September, the.
scboiarsnip will cover the com.
pUte cast of tuition for a lull
four year academic course' and
provide reasonable allowances
for the necessary books and
The .scholarship assignee
plant to major In chemistry at
Willamette. He is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen of
Valla Walla and is valedictor
ian of the senior class, presi
dent of the National Honor So
ciety, Westminster fellowship
and master of DeMolay.
In March. Willamette was se
lected as the only college in
tke Northwest and one of 24
schools In the United States to
participate in the Union Car
bide educational fund which
provides undergraduate schol
arships and grants-in-aid to a
limited number of liberal arts
snd technical colleges in the
United States.
Albany A Harrlsburg
youth, aged 17, and two girls
aged 14 were housed in the
Linn county Jail Sunday and
Monday, hed In custody for
Harrlsburg city police. - All
three are charged with illegal
possession of beer.
1 I
Robert R. Allen of Walla
Walla, who wins Union Car
bide scholarship at Willam
ette University,
Pratum Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam deVries, Mrs. Raymond
Ulley and, Gordon Lllley spent
the weekend visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Roland deVries at Mari
posa, Calif.
When the candleflsh of the
Northwest American coast Is
dried and a wick la pulled
through it, it will burn like a
Ilo Action on
Grozino Bill
Washington V-The task of
.deciding what to do about a
highly controversial new pub
lie lands grazing bill still faced
House and Senate interior af
fairs subcommittees Tuesday. '
The Usui' Subcommittee
. Monday concluded hearings on
! the legislation which began last
Wednesday, but it took ne ac
tion on the measure.
The Senate hearing was
shorter Just one day for both
those who want the bill and
those who don't like it.
Subcommittee chairman
Dworshak (R.. Idaho) said,
however, his group will wait
for reports on the bill from the
Agriculture and Interior De
.partmenta, and after that will
call department officials for
Mrs. Erna Weiss
Dies in Portland
'Mrs. Erna Weiss, mother, of
Mrs. Sidney Trott, 995 North
Summer Street, died Tuesday
morning at a nursing home in
Portland. i
Services will be held Friday
forenoon at the Miller A Tracy
chapel in Portland with inter
ment In Lincoln Memorial
Among survivors are her
husband, John J. Weiss, Port
land; sons, J. H. Martin and
F. Martin, both of Calitor
nla; daughter, ' Mrs. Trott of
-- .v
Second graders in Mrs. Gwen Ranetta class at Highland
school, 24 being present, boarded the Shasta Daylight this '
morning for a train ride (the first for some) to Albany.
They will return to Salem by bus. ;
Salem; four sisters and one
brother in the east, and nine
grandchildren. , 1
' Mrs. Weiss was a native of
Bingham, 111
Medford Gov. Paul
Patterson will speak at an air
show and municipal airport
terminal building dedication
here June 7, the Jackson coun
ty Chamber of Commerce said
today. ' ' ' i . '.
Court Aivcrds
Deaiii Dsnafits
San Francisco O The U.S.
Ninth Court of Appeals Mon
day awarded death benefits of
11,134 plus weekly payments
of $10.U to. the widow of an
Oregon laborer who disappear
ed in the Columbia river five
years ago.
The laborer, Clayton May.
disappeared from a barge near
The Dalles while shoveling
. His widow,' Mrs. LueUa May i
and her three children were de-
nied compensation 18 months
ago by the Portland Federal
District .Court . because : the
man's body was never found. ,
In reversing Judge Fee's de
cision, the Ninth Court said
"infallibility of Judgment Is
not required in such cases," and
that it waa "a reasonable a-
acciatntaSy. ' .
Portland tu Blonde, blue!
eyed Mary Ferguson today was
Portland's fourth Ron Festival
princess. The 17-year-old
Franklin high school student is
the third blonde chosen so far.
- -
Free Hots Trial '
YEA1Q trriuxs,
". J7S CkeeMkero St.
l S-ttll.
To Plaet Ciassif itd kit
? Phon2-24C3 '
Bids art now being received for tale of the Louis Kaiser
acreage and improvements ot Gervais, Oregon.' ' v;
. . .: ... '' ;
Infer motion moy, be obtoinod front . , -f . J
. MOHUk TRUST COMPANY, Pioneer Tret -
BMflv So lent, Oregon. Phone 2-S1M
n r i
rr l (yr rr
1 III o vulo n
GLEIT2S VdUR Onmi ivtilo it
'-'UliU ::jSrtfw - .
Just 0,13 Brushing with Colgate's
Steps Bad Breath Instantly!
Your ytr fcrit bnahin wHk
Cottsts's each orBicj re
mtrm p to 15 of Ih. lac
ttria that caust bad breath!
Yet, scientific tests frof that
Colgate Deotsl Cma stops
bad breath sumn in 1 out of
10 cases that originate ia the
mouth! Every nms yoa bnnb
yosrlstdi witk Colette's jtm
dean yoor breath while roe
lust Cna Brusii with Cerate's Removes
U? to 85 cf Cweay-Causing Bacterial
Brushing Tdh After Mn
Steps Teoth Decay Best!
Evary bntthiat with CelfBM
Dtettl Cream reawvet p to
13 of As bacteria that cause
decay! But-if yea really
warn to prevent decay, bs sunt
to follow the Colgate way!
Ideattfic ten showed that
the Colgils wty of brasMag
teeth right after siting stopetd
stars' essay for atefs ptople
thaa ever before reported ia
U osoutriW kistofyl
Sctentiftc tests over s &ytsf
ptnod shoved a startliag re
who bresked tkek tteth with
Colgate's right after taunt. ! It
fact, Xrsys Mo
etvitiei whaatvar for almost
2 out of S people. Yet, the
Colgate wsy of hrauuag teeth
right after saneg is the beat
home awthod kaowl to kelp
stop tooth decay! -
Tho Telircclc of f!i3 An Is Rczjj
and .Ii3 ITfao'ii
rtr!0i7 nn truth acout
Tht Royalty Lint of Radio and Ttltviilon"
is ready to receive Salem's channel 24
as well as Portland stalions-and both
UHF and VI IF with lb click of a singb kneb
There it ne sound" reeton why yen should put off enioylng Hm eleeiuret
of telerlsien. TV it not new mni untried bit of moeic, but totted elee
trenic ectuelity thet hot been brlnln pleaiure end educetien to millioM
ell ever the eett for years.
Why wait for your Solent station? You'll went H receive PorHone"! pree
ent end future network televltien enywey.
Yeu cen depend en Zenith for finest e.uoltry, better performance, lonfl
life end uninterrupted roc option. If you ere interested' in ell these, plus
pride of ownership end better resole velue ever the yoert, etk eny of rheee
firms, whose integrity you know.
Good Housekeeping, Inc. II0GGCI10S.
47 Court St. 20SteteSt.
h. S-H11 ' Mi.-9i4t
271$r.rHendId. 4J2 State St.
Ph. 24672 Ph. 2-49S9 .
fife Vca A tosrelrGsb Rita! fill Day kg!