Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 26, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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Paw U
Tucadar. UT U. tnf
Speed Reduction Made
On North Salem Streets
8pMd limits reduced from
X) to 18 miles an hour on parti
' of North Capitol Street and
:. Fairgrounds Road by aa order
ox tte auto speed control board
was read at the city council
meeting Monday night.
On North Capitol th change
ia between. Erixon Street and
TUe Boad, and on fairground
' Boad between Academy and
Bummer Streets.
On recommendation of City
Manager J. L. Franten the
eouncil voted for the purchase
of 56 fine boxes, to be set up
In 28 downtown blocks, so
motorists whose cars are tag
fled for perking meter viola-
' . tlon may deposit their fines in
the boxes, saving them a trip
to police headquarters. A box
will be placed on each side of
the street in the center of the
A bid of the 'Stevens Equip
ment Company to furnish the
4 boxes for $19.65 each was ac
cepted. The boxes are similar
to apearance to a mail box.
. . The council Monday night
accepted from Capital Post,
American Legion, an American
flag for city use that flew over
the national eapltol in Wash
lenton. Don Dill, post com
mander, and Dave Hoss made
, the presentation. The flag was
.- obtained through Congressman
Walter Norblad.
Salem's milk supply and reg
ulation were pronounced sat
isfactory in a letter received
from the State Department of
A rri culture.
Through Jason Lee, a peti
tion, signed by 87 parents of
the Baker School, asked the
' council for fluoridation of city
. water, and ottered to pay $28
' . toward the cost If it Is done
'.'. this year. The petition
filed along with much ether
matter on the subject, both for
r and against. -
The National Association of
.Manufacturers Is helping the
national , administration cut
taxes by asking municipalities
to desist from asking for fed-
oral grants. Its letter, signed
by Ernest Swigert, vice presl
' dent, was read to the council
C along with a reply from Mayor
. Loucks promising cooperation.
Salem Chapter of the Ore
' gon Association of the Deaf is
' concerned about deaf persons
making solicitations and sell
ing articles about the city,
using their deafness as an ex
' cute, and asked the council to
investigate such persons before
' giving them permits. The letter
asked that legislation be enact
ed if necessary. Chief of Police
Clyde Warren said the deaf are
t treated Just as other persons
and no special favors given
v Referred to the chief of po
lice was a complaint aigned
by four residents protesting
the keeping of a cow at 878
Gerth Avenue. "
. Referred to the planning and
toning commission was a let
ter from Horace C. Bell,' re
questing permission to build a
house at the rear of property
on Lot 14, Block 8, Carleton
Approval was given a rec
ommendation of Engineer J. H.
Davis that a sanitary sewer
on Hoyt from 22nd to Ford be
built, but that a request tor
one on Hoyt from 22nd to the
. east line of Broadmoor Addi
tion be merely filed. His rec
ommendation that Rural Ave
nue from Ford to 28rd be
. given a sanitary sewer, and
that Block 4 of HUlhurst Ad
dition be given one when
, houses are constructed were
Adopting a report by Aid.
erman Claud Jorgensen the
. council denied an application
from the Crockatt Comany for
a billboard at 464 North Lib
erty, and Alderman David
O'Hara reported that a similar
application for a bilbloard at
310 Pine Street had been
For the reason that the area
is being planned as an Indus
. trial cone the council tabled an
application from Marvin L.
Gerrard for a dwelling at 1980
. Lewis Street, but application
of C. V. Stratton for permit
to construct a store at 2876
State with special permission
for 24-foot Instead of a 80-
foot setback was granted. .
Application for a billboard
at 1870 Market Street, for
which the planning and toning
commission recommended de
nial, was tabled.
Application from 8t Ber
nard's Nursing Homo for a va
cation of aa alley off Hickory
street where new building la
planned will get a public hear
ing July 13.
The council granted Harriet
Neas fluff permit to build four
houses in Broadmoor Addition,
and GeaKrai Realty Corpora
tion permits to build 16 houses
In New Haven Addition. The
two additions are contiguous.
On recommendation of the
city manager a bid from Valley
Motor Company was accepted
to furnish the chief of police
with a new city automobile at
811(15, counting trade-in.
on tne managers recom
mendation $810 was earmark
ed to buy holsters, belts and
nanacus cases (or police offi
cers. Heretofore the officers
themselves have furnished
them. - "
A bid of Salem Electric
accepted to furnish power for
the westslde sewage lift
Carl J. Wendt, general man
ager of City Transit Lines
presented his application for
increased bus fares and an or
dinance bill will be drawn.
One change from the original
proposal offers eight fares for
si instead of 10 for 81.28.
Referred to City Attorney
Chris J. Kowitx was a re
monstrance against building
sidewalks on Frederick Street
Application from the Crock
att Company for a billboard at
850 South Church was (ranted
Effective July I the city will
by contract give fire service to
the Eola Tiro Protection Dis
trict on a pay basis of 8 mills.
Between now and that date
service will be furnished with
out contract. - ,
A resolution wss adopted
granting West Coast Fast
Freight permission to Install
four driveways In Riverside
Addition for Ingress and egress
to its depot
By resolution stop signs
were ordered at the intersec
tion of Cross and Cottage
Streets. .
Parades In downtown Salem
will be adjusted to. the one
way street system by an or
dinance passed Monday night.
The bill provides that for an
unusually large parade a spe
cial arrangement for use of
the one-way streets may be
Other ordinances passed in
cluded one nermittlnaT the In
stallation of a parking area4n
the parking strip on the west
side of 14th south of Bellevue
la front of Hoaeywood, Inc.
' A bill on third reading to
grant erection of five addition
al dwellings on portion of
Block 70 la North Salem Addi
tion was referred to the plan
ning and toning commissi
A bill to permit construction
of two dwellings on Lot 20,
Block 1, Willamette Addition,
was tabled.
A bill was introduced for a
tone change from Class IX resi
dential to Class IU-X special
business for the Woodry Auc
tion Market at North Sum
mer and Norway and a public
hearing was eat for Juno I.
Other bill introduced in
To change the ' name of
Height Street to Holiday
Drive; and granting permis
sion to build aa additional
dwelling on part of Lot 4,
Block 40, University Addition.
East Salem
Giant Auction
Plans Proceed
Mt Angel A kick-off meet
ing to, complete plans for the
state-wide Memorial Day bene
fit auction sale for the propos
ed Benedictine Village- Home
for the Aged, will be held
Wednesday evening la the St
Mary's school, '
Assignments of Jobs for the
big Saturday auction will be
given out to all those helping
with the mammoth project
The benefit auction will be
gin at 11 a.m. Saturday, Mem.
East Salem Tne final meet
ings of the school year for two
East Salem Mothers clubs were
held Thursday.
Mrs. Walter Mother, presi
dent of the Auburn Mothers
club, announced that authority
has been granted to suonui
plans for a new school building
at Auburn to be built in '54
and to consider additional pro
perty around the present site.
For the school year 'os-'o
the fifth and sixth grsde pupils
will bo at Hoover school.
At the Thursday night meet
ing other yearly reports were
given by all committee chair
The president installed next
years officers, who are: chair
man, Mrs. Donald Griswold;
vice-chairman, Mrs. Glenn
Moody and secretary, Mrs.
Kenneth Jscobson. .
The Mothers club and teach
ers both presented Mrs. Masher
with a gift and the teachers re
membered the cafeteria cook,
Mrs. Katherine Luykx.
The hostess committee was
headed by Mrs. Douglss Free-
Mrs. Mother will close her
year with attendance at the Sa
lem Parent Council meeting at
which the has represented the
school this past year.
At tne meeting on Thursday
afternoon of Washington School
Mother's club the new presi-
Druggists' Prescription
' For Relief of Itch
When your skin Is Irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other akin blemishes from ex
ternal causes, you're crasy with
itching torture, try Sanltone
Ointment Itching stops
promptly. Smarting disappears
Immediately. Saalteae Oint
ment la alto . wonderful for
Itching feet cracks between
. toes and Athlete's foot
For Sale
State at Liberty Fheae 2-8118
br. t. T. Urn, HA Dt. a cfcu x
tTtetosrs, 841 Maria Ukertr
OrftM mm tataiSar eah M La
m 1 am. Iklsa. CaaaaHaMaa.
UmS si an taS aria taa an
fr 1 lUill StmMiiS itM WIT
dent installed was Mrs. Halbert
L. Kemper. She named as com
mittees for next year: parent
council representative, Mrs
Robert Boatwright; child wel
fare council, Mrs. Edward
Spenst: ways and means, Mrs.
Sam Eschleman, Mrs. Irving
Larson and Mrs: John Taylor;
health, Mrs. , Keith Brown;
chairman of room mothers,
Mrs. Edwin Lyle; and publicity,
Mrs. Robert Anderson. -
For the social hour Mrs.
Thelma Schirman and her pu
pils honored the principal. Miss
Gladys Tipton and all t
employed at this school at spe
cial fUHtl.'
Room mothers assisting were
Mrs. - Hugh Federline, Mrs.
Keith Brown, Mrs. - George
Fulton and Mrs. Ralph De
In Auburn community the
Auburn Rabbit club held the
May meeting with their leader.
Mrs. George Starr.
Mary Feskens hsd received a
first for her best of breed for
an Intermediate doe; Corky Fes
kens a lirat for a senior doe;
Dsvld Stelner a third for a pre-
Junlor doe; Gregory Stelner a
first for a pre-junior buck; Da
vid sterner a first for his senior
buck; Marie Stelner a second
for a pre-junlor doe and Mari-
bel Starr a first for her inter
mediate buck. . ' . - "
orial Day, at the Mount Angel
riax riant grounds. .
Six of the auctioneers who
will give their free services to
the benefit auction were In Mt
Angel to discuss plans with the
committees and looked over
the Flax Plant grounds. They
expressed themselves delight
ed with the setup. -
The men were especially
pleased with the huge; high
ceiunged main building and
the fact that the other large
sheds are suficienUy.far apart
to permit several auctions to
go on continuously at the same
time without Interference or
The auctioneers here Includ
ed Forest Wittar, Beavertoa
Emmett Derskin, Portland:
Paul Bockelman, Sioux Cltj,
Iowa; and the' three Sud tells,
Ben of Hubbard and his two
sons, Lane of Salem and Ores
of Beaverton. . . .
Other auctioneers who nledg.
ed their free services to the
benefit auction are: E. J. Hill,
Portland: Ken Benson. Port
land; Earl Gillespie, Corvallis,
president of' the Oregon As
sociation of Auctioneers; Ken
Denstrom, Eugene and Wilbur
Rice of MeMinnvillo..
Mrs. Al Lulay and Mrs. J. J.
Penner who are in charge of a
corps of women to handle the
food, have asked that the home
baked pies which the ladles
of the community are donating,
may be delivered' either to the
lunch stand or brought to the
Hi Brenden's Service Station
in town. -
Uih Lewis TV
49S Ferry
Ph. 84798
Study Grcnls
Awarded Two
Mrs. Reglna L. Ewalt, dean
of women and professor of
psychology, and DrChester F.
Luther, professor of mathe
matics, both of Willamette
University, have been awarded
greats for advanced study this
Mrs. Ewalt has been granted
a Danforth Foundation scholar
ship to Boston University. Dr.
Luther hat been selected by
the National Science Founda
tion to take part in a summer
conference In collegiate mathe
matics at the University of
Mrs. Ewalt is one of 25
teachers in high , education
throughout the United States
to join a special seminar at
Boston university to explore
religious perspectives for col
lege teaching. She will apply
the graduate credit to a doc
torate. " " ''''
The mathematics conference
will assist teachers in colleges
snd universities not closely as
sociated with the research cen
ters in Improving the quality
mi thit undertraduate major
In mathematics.
Teachers will have an op
portunity to think and discuss
matnemaucs unoer u
mm trim nf national repu-
tatlon. Including professors
from Princeton, University of
Michigan, Stanford, University
of Chicago, University of the
t Maw York and LOS
Alamos Scientific laboratory,
Oregon Cattlemen Pick
Deeson as Secretary
PrineviUe ( Frank Dee-
son of LaGrande it the new
executive secretary of the Ore
gon Cattlemen's Association.
The anointment was announ
ced Monday by C. J. Cecil, as
sociation president Deeson
formerly was secretary or tne
LarGande Chamber of Com
Portland Ice ht:rM
To Be Closed Seen v
Portland. (JFV The mana
ment of the Portland Ice Arena
. . I.... 4U- Hlu
reponco abvuwj
would be closed rather than0
brought to city fire standard?
at a cost of $80,000.
City Fire Marshal Dale GUt,
man earlier ordered closure by?
June 15 unless an overhead
sprinkling system waa instal
led. ' f
The building was purchased!
in 1944 by the Ice follies Co.5
In past years it was used for?
hockey games
lYKtrOUtAcW IwfilrwStitW
. f0 o
l- , y ae
To r.!crc1Ccifcrl
Without Netting Backache
kidnvr (uattka a m innortant in am
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hoOtmrwtnt.TrwTmmim'm txru. .u ju
mtie. It ftRiMlnsT htm tun tlmm Cau.
f2" 4IMt)taVOftS
tovtw. nm ewtwlti
lb IS bUmc
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en to, fMttanS 4, One
Oiour RAN (Dm an at an I tliy
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aw, ssVMTf III
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