v f ' - -eV 0 Tueadar, May XI. 1153 TSa CAPITAL JOURNAI Balaam Ongoa GRAZING SHEEP CLEAN CEMETERY Pioneer cemetery, formerly Odd Fellows' cemetery. jg allowed to become overgrown, hat been (rued almost nj clean by sheep placed in the 100 year old graveyard by county and city authorities. On oldtlmer was heard to K remark, "they did about everything but straighten up the t tombstones.". ........ Housewife loses in Jjghl With Tracker Portland 0JJ8 Houiewife Minnie 'Upshaw of Portland chalked up another setback to- Sflay in her battle with a freight lint over parking trucks In front of her house. Mrs. Upsliaw was fined f 10 in municipal court yesterday for trespassing on personal property. The truck firm had her arested for allegedly pour ing water into the gat tank of one of the vehicles. four Corners The Whita Croat group of the Baptist church, will have as guest speakers on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, recently re turned from French West Af rica. This Is an all-day meet ing with luncheon at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Oliver Rickman will be hostess in her home, for Get more younrwney fcitnrti loony bays a 1953 GHiRckup with: 105 HP Valve-in-head Engine 8.0 to 1 Com. presiion Ratio "6-Footer" Cab 45-Ampere - Generator Double .Actiof Shook Absorbers Recirculating- Bsll-Bearini Steering Self Energizing Brakei Synchro-Mesh Tram mission 6-Piy Heavy-Duty Tires. .,.. ; , - ' -Moid 101-21 DUAl-IANGE TWCK HYDIA-MATIC end ear opHonol aqulpmit, aecanerta. Itol. and lacot Man. H any. eddlBonel. Mess nay vary tllsMy I edlotnlng eomnMiltl dirt to Mpptne tharin. ' -Mt prteamct M chenea wlrlieut naitca. i ; Truck Sales & Service Co. SSS H. Front SI. . ' JbIwi. Oro. Four Corners Old CcT.Dtcry Is Renovated . Complete renovation of the elder section of Bethany ceme tery near SUverton ie now be ing accomplished under the su pervision of C H. Bowen, cus todian, who, with the consent of relatives of those nuriea there, has removed old, askew tombstones and leveled tne w ties with a bulldozer. s , i In the process of removing old, and In soma Instances brok en, tombstones, brush and un wanted trees have been pushed aside. With the area cleared and leveled care of this old sec tion, where there has been but five Interments in SO years, will be an easier task and oonducive to a much better cemetery ap pearance. - . C H. Bowen, SUverton, Bt 3, Box 140, is of the third gen eration in his family who has acted as custodian of the cem etery since 1899. He recalls that the plot was donated for burial usage by Ellis Cos, a pioneer of 1840, and that the first interment there was a child's grave of 1830. Cox's grave if in Eastern Oregon. . Bethany church, built In 1058, once stood adjacent to the cemetery. Rev. Caleb P. Chapman was first pastor. Then the church' was under the Christian church. In 1803 the name was changed to Silver BETHANY CEMETERY RENOVATED r CM FC3 A I largest pink dlameno 1 at almost its twuaona ... be one of Queen aUiaabet&'i Cce nation gifts. Dr. J. T. Wimtmena. who owns the talaeetMwaduj, Tjb gganylka, wiser the eteaa w found in IM1, g having the) diamond made vp teto a brooch with platinaa and diamond tec tings. Shown It the elder section of Bethany cemetery now being cleared of brush, unwanted trees and tombstones to level and landscape an area where a first burial was made -In 1850. ' . - - - ' '- : Creek church but the Bethany prevailed until the neglected edifice wu disman tled about U yeart ago. FBACTICAL DEMONSTRATION Fort Worth, Tex. l Peg gy King, an assistant 'county probation officer, reported to police yesterday that when she returned to her parked auto mobile after attending a church lecture on Juvenile de linquency and vandalism she discovered someone had stolen all removable parts from, the car's dashboard. Mere Chsst X-Rcys Still Avaikbli A total of 1383 worth of free ehest x-rays have been provid ed Marlon country resldsnts within the past SO days. , ' Walter Mlnler, treasurer of the free x-ray fund, reported that he now haa tl,M8.2s re maining In the account to be expended for further free x-rayt for Marten county reel dents."'' - V ' - M" .:' 'v " ' ' Jason Lee, Marlon county chairman for the x-ray pro gram, reported that appoint ments for the free x-rays may be made at the Marlon county health office in the Masonic building. 5 fro Heine Trial WARRHl'S 1HI Fairgrounds M. Fheaa MW Atreet freaa Willamette valley ; . So smooth ttkmteoa breathless soiiniii iooai f1 Teddy Rickman was the hon 1 guest Wednesday after school, celebrating his ' ninth birthday anniversary. Hostess for the occasion was his mother, Mrs. Oliver Rickman. .Coming to extend congratulations were Randy Plerpolnt, Joe Walls, Jim Infills, Larry Akin, Char- Dunn, Ronnie Mcllnay. Jim Sherman, Larry Laham, Roy Gordon. ' .7-, Three 4-H cooking dubs held their last meetings this month. The Salt and Pepper Cooking m club, with Mrs. Carol cappa as leader, had five girls with four completing their work. They- served the cakes at the May meeting of the Lincoln school Mothers dub ana exmo ited at the Stayton 4-H show, also marched ia the parade there. . - The Cooking I clubs, with Mrs. Virgil Lamb and Mrs. Or- ville Rehfeld as leaders, neia a Joint meeting with 17 girls from the sugar ana Bpiee ena the Busy Beet completing their record books. . '. -v These croune dispUyea cookies at the Mothers club meeting.. House guest of Mrs. Mettle Walker Is her daughter, Mrs. Henry Schuette of Seattle. Brush College Brush College Plana are underway for the annual pic nic and get-together oz 01a tim ers and new of the Brush Col lege community. . Old-timers from the com munities of Lincoln. Zens. Pop corn, Mountain View and Snrin valley are inviiea w Join In the potluck dinner at noon, Saturday, June 6, at Brush College school. About S3 per cent farm area of Sweden vately owned. : of the is prl- WED. - THUR. - FRI. ONLY Gorgeous stones in glamorous mountings stylet for all occasions. You'll bo emase'd et tjiol brilliance. "JEMS OF THE STARS , 0NDI9UT --'. roiuuwc 101HT07X MAN MAN MANWACTUMO OCMt JOlk CtHTUKT MKAHX mmmvrnm emi J" I F&iQ&l aV eaBaseBassaBBWssaaaWBBWBas . ill !fiiivtki4H.vui I IU n Am fM J 1 Uv- c 1 Ill v ' m0JUnr I v 111 X .saaanAnn X - xr MfflH C(L.aU I Wit, r, ..fii'S II IK? : : 3. S. Corp. 7at eaSg' ' Jf '' r S& a ri A II SPRING ADJUSTS AND J (J IV ICV II ? LOCKS IN 5 POSITIONS ) I 7J I 1 SPECIAL SALE HOUYWOPD ' 'COCKTAIL" CLAMOUR RINGS 595795 r ffMiasmiejet.lfTJf WOT Iff I r.iff L 1 PAYLESS DRUG STORE What a pleasure it is sometimes to read in bed ... to take a cat nap during the day in a relaxing, semi-horizontal position ... or to prop oneself up for a few minutes of day dreaming! The beauti ful, Hollywood decorator styled Adjust-A-Bed's five position back-rest spring and built-in reading light make it so easy. And the wonderful inner spring mattress makes it so comfortable! It's a wonderful combination of modern styling and convenience ... and offers luxury comfort at more than worthwhile savings. Buy two complett outfits during this sale and save $20. RogularlyMG0 TWINSIZI NOTHING DOWN BALANCE ON CONVENIENT JIRA5 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL ' A't ed 7 rein f C. v w w w w w vrsc tnirhol? il 'r .... l.erey ; r vuvuii 1 S 1 1 it i '.' t t i t 4M STATIST. .Jk. ,1. v ,...v.v.