Hafc7. Hay is. list TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. BaJew, Oregwt Tele-Views Jtadio-Televisieii By DAVE BLACUUB a J latest TRUE magazine offers an outstanding ar ticle on the flghta of television. Story la packed with fire and is loaded with names andacta . . . Tele-Viewa rec ommends this tory to every TV f if ht fan .-. , . , ; v. , A teletoonfor cerebral palaey (aimilar to the one Proposed by KPTV recently) turned in total of $410,000 for the organization in a 20-hour show in Chicago. Koclty Marciano made a aurprUe appearance on the Comedy Hour Sunday and did a stunt with Bob Hope . . . Rocky said he was glad that he landed the punch last Widay night or he would be in Brockton, Mass., and Wakott would be on Hope'a show ... TOURS FOR THE TELK-VIEWING MONDAY t What's Cooking, 9:80. Local live cooking show star ring Barbara Angell. ). Northwest Ne w Digest, 10:45. Portland live news and sports show with Norm Wallace and Bill Clayton. Rose Festival Princess from Jefferson High is guest ' .V Theter 2:00- "Undercover Agent" with Rus sell Gleason and Shirley Dean. Ken Murray Show, 6;00. Stan Jones and a 18-man Ranger choir, and Rosle the bear are guests. iVoice of Firestone, 7:80. Eleanor Steber, soprano of the Met Opera, as guest Her solos include "So in Love." Stardust" and "Elsa's Dream." - I Love Lucy, 8:00. Lucy gives Cupid competition when she attempts to bring together a bachelor friend of Fred's and a spinster pal . . . jr . Robert Montgomery Presents, 9:00. "Appointment in Samarra." Margaret Hayes and Robert Montgomery in a story of the prohibition era. Richard Carlson as guest host. j Arthur Murray Dance Party, 10:00. Portland live show featuring Peg Boyden and the Arthur Murray Dance instructors. ' TOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING TUESDAY j What's Cooking, 9:80. Local live cooking show 'star ring Barbara Angel. : ., ,- '. : Northwest News Digest, 10:45. News and sports with Norm Wallace and Bill Clayton. Guest will be Rose Fes tival Princess from Roosevelt High School. ' Matinee Theater, 2:00. "Hoosier Schoolmaster," Nor man Foster, Charlotte Henry. i Sightseeing With the Swayzes, 4:45. Yellowstone Park is the next stop for the vacationing Swayzes. They will also visit Mt Rushmore, Devil's Tower and Glacier Na tional Parks. ' Star Theater, 7:00. Guest stars Margaret Truman, Vaughn Monroe and Maxie Rosenbloom will try to help Milton Berle satisfy his political ambitions. i! Fireside Theater, 8:00a "The Day the Greeks Was Closed." Geo Givot and Peggy Castle In a simple story about a "young orphan who struggles to continue school while working' at a full-time job. .. 'Circle Theater, 8:80. "Candle in a Bottle," starring Bhyllis Kirk as a strikingly beautiful girl who challenges a wealthy suitor to change his way of life. Life of Riley, 9:00. Riley tries to join Bab's gang in order to get to know his daughter better. This leads to contusing rumors. .. i American Forum of the Air, 9:80. "What Should U. S. immigration Policy Be 7" My Little Margie, 10:00. Trouble brews when Margie tries to sell an awful play written by her boy friend titled "Girl Against the World." Nite Owl Theater, 10:80. "Skyway," Roy Walker and Katnryn Crawford. On Televif ion KPTV (Channel 27) M&a JtAD.0 TBLEvisTon i::c lMOLCewl , rM Daj m MfM 2-1 tiler 2-4721 . r.:t:rcb TV IN IM 4:M : S-JS l:tt t:M :M : IM tr l:M l:M t:M urn m.m Irnih tar w.m lmi ml LU .m-i aiu auk m-m miiw ww ' mm. "n, fw Bmm li. mu lauw ahw iln ak .-VH VlfMMM w-m. X L Ltr . . ! wiw 9-m. 1e.nl Mmiimih Mb-titt Hum Pim ' m lt owl TOM Mr TV TR0U2LES? TeehaleUuu m Dety -' TUI :lt sjb. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1414 1.11th . , rh. 45511 TTtSDAT t: .m- Wh.l', imillMl lt: 1 Tmi Dlw , n.tm Th. bk rt,Mt 11:W ..m W.leom. Trmlar UMmtm Kf Saltk .. MiddleGrove Middle Grove A combined open house and Mother's club meeting was held at the school house for the last meeting of the school year for the dub. -jThe program was presented by the first, second, third and fourth grades. : At the Mother's club special meeting the retiring president, Mrs. Gil Blankenship, was pre sented a gift. Plans were made to assist with a covered dish supper at 6 'p. m. May 29 at the school. This will be in place of a pic nic and for all school children, their parents and friends. For the mothers social hour Mrs. LeRoy Austin was hostess. For the pre-school orienta tion day there were 14 mothers present with their children, but about 26 first graders are ex pected for the new term. Arthur Myers, supervising principal, the school nurse, Miss Poujade and Wallace Turnldge, principal, spoke to the mothers. Both mothers and children were guests of the Mothers club at the cafeteria for lunch. At last week's meeting of Associated club the report of legal advice was given as to the wording of the constitution lor legal terms, and a special meeting was planned to pre pare It for the first reading to club members. Young Democrats' '53 Meet to Be at St. Paul Denver CJJO St Paul has been chosen as the site of the Young Democrats' 1SSS con vention some time during the first part of November, the group's national committee an nounced here yesterday. MITCHELL'S , Fastary Trilail I write aae InsUnaUaa US State St rheae I-TP7 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Yam Kever Seen Anyth:n2 Lilte RL v 1(W OvenvCtesner CUTS OVEN GREASE : LIKE MAGIC! si Jest spread e this eoe t laaunabie. ciaao.aaMllleg "atirade" I fslly... thee wipe ogwfch warm wsitrt j One tepiicsdoa cists us m black, till fraiisil. "twkeJ usTgiwiatTiutj. ofl any kifldofovse... poteiWsjeessel, iron, snsL Gel EAtYOrf today. VMiSMtMktlt tnCCHtfy,Tlt.$fcrt riiLi.. AppSceTtor Brush a EZj product . tui weietTT iNHfNiuii .eeaMt M :S I: t: II lJt SM-rtT ovtfxe Iw P- Mtv CwtfM tmt-um at au. rn rmm 9t air l, mm Ullto VuiU I " HkT'raaM " 1 j SJ SMIarls mm J , 14. a lit I gVk mm.. . . ry 1 1 L- CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S ! ICOT-112ltBfTa Tonga Is the last of the Poly nesian kingdoms in. Oceania says the National Geographic Society. Been Fete Date July 29-Aug 1 " 8Uyton The annual Santl- sm Been Festival will be held July 19 through Aug. 1 in Stay ton this year. . At a meeting of the Bean Festive! association held at the city hall Wednesday night, the dates were act, the four-day program planned, and commit tees named. ' . , . . There' will be two chanses la the program this year. The amateur hour night will be re placed by a square dance jam boree, and the Saturday horse parade and show will be can celled" because of the conflict with the Silverton horse show given on that same day. The program for four divi of the festival includes: Square nee Jamboree, Wednesday night; pet parade, Thursday evening; grand parade, Friday evening; bean feed, Saturday afternoon, followed by a dance on Saturday night. - Committees named to super-1 vise and plan for the festival follow: -t Square dance jamboree: Dale Emery, Betty Emery, Hattie I Samek,1 - Rose Nokelby, Gene I Spaniol. Ralph Phillips ,ai Louis Frere.-. 1 Pet parade:- Gale Chrlsten- sen; Claire Baal, Delbert Cnnt man, Eva Humphreys, Lee Od enthal, Orney Love 11, John Cannon and Joe Boyle.. Grand parade: R. R. Stew art M. J. Martin. M. Morey. Lindsay Wright and Clarence Baldwin. Bean feed: Harry Stupka, Wallnce Humphreys and a) ble Knight Dance: Day Kerber, Pat Amos and Harold Pendleton. Solicitations: Charles War liner, Everett Ward, Chris Nettling and Gene Teague. Policing: Everett Norfleet Grounds: Joe Pieser. Banners: Joe Samek and Ralph Bright Lighting: R. G. Wood, Joe Samek and Mare Landon. ' Festival publicity float Roy Fhlllppi and Gene Teague. Concessions: Mrs. R. G. Wood, Mrs. Rose BelL John Brand. Publicity: Ralph Bright ; Browning' Bros, carnival will uiiniumtBrra nrrtMyWtetetWtlltls ; IIKlieMttful Wife Out"1 ' SMM(BnB 'm?..ZT ' ' Fl: Ev::!j 8 Iht Hon Among the elat ing events of the Junior high school, to be ehserred, accord ing to the principal, CordeU! Woodall. will be open house Thursday evening, May 18, at 7 JO p. m., with a display of aecompllshed work during the past school year. The home economics class, directed by Mrs. George Brandt will serve refreshments. At 4:10 o'clock s program of tone and e&sr cBtertria" It being supervised ry 1 Knute D!""""! s"l t term deU rot. J. - The aaav 1 1 " - r ' 1 the Junior I t U I aesday, Jwe I, v t plans lor a trip . ji. j state park. ' si r : It U believed Ct ft ! i of Swedea be a to freat the retreaiir-i Ire i the lee age tbovt 11,1 j. ... before Christ be at the carnival grounds for a five-night stand during the week of the festival. CALL CADWtUC:iO. fu:l c:l IUtlBtMBWIC)ra)SlfcCj " raONB t-MU v Fcr Ux TCzj Loafer WMriaf Children7! Shoes or FROM AA to IE Widths . UIEaNISSAVAOE M Acklm's Junior Obctery Open Friday TO P.M. v IS4 N. Hif ' , , Senator Hetol Bid. tvftm iu lho FOI1vlO( I I MUea lo iMiall nrmofsV Pin i OaUBANCB JS Oari E. F. Afaet 1030 Bsotrie Atwjus CaJem, Oresoa S Maeonie BUt. Salem, Ortsoa E, A. Oeeathaaf' 4l Mteonle ld. WiUlaai D. Karr Ml North Ctpllol Salem, Oreton bull C. NIcImIs Rebatt C. Esller IM S. RIfh fltrest Salem, Oreton ' 3. I v.. Turn your E). Open your savings account at the U. S. National now and save for the things you want a special vaca tion... a home of your own...edu ' cation for the children. You can meet emergencies better, too, with money in the bank. No matter how large or small your account, you are always welcome at the U. S. National Friendly, alert staff members are anxious to serve -your banking needs. Save regularly at the U.S. National where your money earns 2 interest... you get bank safety for ', your funds. LADD & BUSH-SALEM BRANCH MSI SAIfM Bum - V li.tW 1117 IssnMtw the A N MIMIII tlDIIAt SltOtlT INIUtANCI COttOIATION , , ' ..'!:.. . , I i . O R E G O N B AN K S E R V I N G OREGON -1 i it i li ? i mv i: V A'. 3 ; p. , t ill I! v: i ! 1 t ;' :1 l' 7 t i' f ' i ; Hi; kc"ill'lllliXl."i . V "''" i . . ft . .