4 r , 1 !4 - 3 rue s MASTER OF TAWS . V -. if .r-c t;; . .. ' ...;'-vr- ( I c syrJ i Jerry Lanlg, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lanig of Dallas, 19S3 marble 'champ of the State of Oregon. Tournament held at Portland in a driving rain. Hewitt Home on 30-Day Leave In Salem oa 30-day leave li Marine who helped with the prisoner of war exchange near Panmunjom, CpL Harold Hew itt, son of Mr. ana Mrs. C. E. Hewitt, 1578 North 18th street ; The corporal was attached to security headquarters at Pan munjora and helped in trans porting returning United Na tions prisoners of war and as sisted in processing them for hospitals. Hewitt, member of the Sa lem high school graduating class of 1831, has spent about It months in Korea, where he was with the First Marine Division. He arrived in San Francisco Sunday morning and flew home from there. . . The Salem man, who is It years of age, received his basic training at San Diego, where he was a drummer with the Marine band, and spent six months there. From San Diego he went to Camp Pendleton were he had additional training before being sent to Korea. The Trapani. salt marshes of Sicily produce 200,Ums of salt annually. . TBX CAPITAL JOURNAL, gaits, Ortfoa Monday, May 25, 1153 ' Dallas Youth Marble Champ Dallas "A two time win ner is better than a three time loser," says Jerry Lanlg, Dallas Junior High School student and new state marble champion. Jerry, the state champ of two years ago, regained his title Saturday in the state marble tournament at Jantzen Beach, In Portland, Oregon. To win top place he defeated the run ner up, a lad who has been Portland city champion three times. Some 183 boys from 5 dif ferent towns in Oregon were on hand to compete in the tourna ment, which is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign wars. Dallas entrants in the state tournament were Lanlg, and Jimmy Mabry In the B division for boys IS and older; and Mer lin e Fast and Gordon Hanson in the A division, for boys 12 and under. Mabry and Hanson were eliminated in their rounds of play, while Fast went to sixth place in the consolation series. Following the tournament all contestants, escorts, and other I persons involved in the event went to a presentation dinner at the Portland Meadows where prizes were given the winners. As champion, young Jerry re ceived a bicycle, a trophy, and (says Jerry) best of all, a large triumphal cake. Jerry says the bike came just In time, because the one he won two years ago is Just about worn out. Jerry, and the runner-up, now may participate in the na tional tournament which this year, for the first time, will be held in Portland later in the spring. Accompanying the boys to the tournament' were Mr. and Mrs. Almos LeFors, the Dallas chairman for the tournament, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanson, the parents of Gordon. QUEEN COMES TO SEE A QUEEN f If i-r .-. .. 4 No Cougars, BearsTame But What About Sheep? Towering six-foot three-Inch. Queen Salote Tupou, only ruling queen from out of town Invited to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, is greeted on arrival at London's Waterloo station. The stately monarch of the Tonga islands, in far-off Polynesia, will be one of the hits of the coronation ceremony if she wears her scheduled Tonga costume a coconut fiber skirt over a silken native robe. (AP Wirephoto) . Ham Session Closes Here . With the official banquet providing the, finale to the 18th annual convention of the Ore gon Amateur Radio association Sunday night at the armory, several hundred members of, the organisation departed for their homes throughout the northwest and California short ly thereafter. while weather conditions were not all that could have been desired, the convention proved to be a successful one, not only in the mstter of at tendance but in so far as the high type of the speakers was concerned. Commander R. E. Thomlln- son, W7LY, U. s. naval re serve, spoke to the delegates and their wives on "Electronics In Our Time" during 'the ban quet, meeting. Prior to that event business sessions were held by the Ama teur Radio Relay League and the Oregon Amateur Radio as sociation. Hidden transmitter hunts featured the forenoon hours of closing.day and equip ment and -construction that played a prominent parj in the displays at .the Marion were judged. ' It Is believed that the land of Sweden began to emerge from the retreating Ice cap of the tee age about 11,000 years before Christ ' THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR LINGERIE " US N. Liberty vudlmir Nabokov, professor on leave of absence from tor veil University, writer and en tomologist wants to come to Oim for the summer, but is a little soorehensive about Ore gon wildlife as It might relate to a place of resiaencc. At present Mr. Nabokov is in Portal, Arts.- He specifies Us reaulrements for a summer home in a letter to a local ag ency, and a letter has been sent in reply assuring him that Ore gon is both sale ana pieasanv especially around Salem. , "Could you suggest two or three places with nvld climate, not in a town, but also not out in the wilderness, where mla-ht be able to rent a small bouse or cottage for three, (my wife, my son and me) for the summer" he inquires. I am thinking of a house with mod' era conveniences, such as elec tricity, gas, etc. 'Besides being a college pro fessor and a writer, I am also an entomologist nd would like to do some collecting. My wife, on the other hand, would pre fer the region to be free of such big game as cougars and not to contain more than the inevitable number 'of bears." Replying, David Nelson, rep resenting Frank Lockman, real estate operator, ssys: Without any prejudice on my part, the most, beautuui country in the world surrounds Salem, Oregon . . . Several places would be suitable for your work and they lie mostly In the foothill sections to the esst and west of Saleir ... We will endeavor to situate you in the desired environment . . . ' I have lived in this area 28 years and have never seen a cougar. , Bears are friendly in the west and the last Indian raid was In Southern Oregon in 1190 when Indian Jack holed up in the lava beds with the last of his tribe and shot it out with the local gendarme. Wild flowers abound In Oregon and eastern Oregon has a monopoly on the sheep market . . We are looking forward to meeting you and your family and will en deavor to find suitable housing for your needs." STOLE SHERIFFS CAR Hickory, N. C. (UJ Sheriff Austin Smith announced "with great satisf action" the arrest of three youth tot stealing a park ed car. The car belonged to Sheriff Smith. Monk'on Drunk Makes Bottles Lotto Junk A SaaAntonlo, Tex. () AA maak drank had a seat ! f 1M worth ef fua ta a Saaur Antonio bar. The te-menths eld memkey named Jedlo slipped three sV an air eendltiealag Teat Sat rday morning. The animal went through two bottles of wine and eea-. talaera ef peanuts, smash lag, bottles and Jan. i For the finale the animal hurled bar signs and Mas sages and welners. Two ' policemen - eaptnred iodle:! and took him heme te sleep It erf. v M. 4-3333 II ' I V- THIS WEEK fiK ftt- ' ONLY! m immm ' '-' 1" ""l .... our rureskNtative U r Jtjfclr I WILL B JS THIS AREA I lClCTl?Bll; I THIS WEEK WRITE OE I Lml&ia I PHONE FOR FREE BEX- . iomoW 1 STARK'S 1 CUr AND MAIL . 1 12 S. E. GRAND AVE. I THB0?u, I PORTLAND 14. ORE. 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