Km4, Mar u. im TZ3 CAPITAL JOUSW AL. CaJea. Oram For Office - Sweet Homo' Mr John Oa- by has been nosninaksd by tht Dragon Stat Federation of Business ad Professional Wo- fcaea to be considered by the fcattooal nesataattna; committee or tut otnee of ant vie prca stat e the national BPW or- amiiatinn This action ni aken at the state convention it Grants na recently. I Iirperienced In BPW ertlvi. baa, Mr. Qaley Is a part prest pent of tha state erianlxaUoa kad na beaded national eom- snineas aa weu. Mn. J ohm Gala? . Ia August tha western atata mion of tha BPW will meet fat Salt Laka City, lha Oregon State fadaratioa will sponsor a luncheon when tha them, "Oragoa Produeti and Indus tries" if Matured. Tha Sweet Borne BPW club has volunteer ad to ba la charge ef decore tionf for thia affair, using Ore gon product aa favori and can terploees. Mn. Galey will bi tha tpaakar at this luncheon ad at ether events during tha convention. a .. Mitt Elder Bride : At Lebanon Rites ; . ' Lebanon Baakata of white gladioluses, pink anapdragoni and lighted taper, provided the letting for tha wedding ef Do rothy. Hberta Xlder and John Leroy Abraham on the evening ef May 18 at tha Presbyterian church,' . The eeremony wee perform ed by tha Eev. Harvey Schmidt. Mrs. Lawrence Page played the nuptial muiie and accompanied Lloyd' Powell of Albany who was Soloist . Giveevby her father 4a mar riage, the bride wore a white aatla draw with informal length train and an illusion veil which was held in place by a small lace bonnet edged in seed pearls. Her flowers wero eteph anotls and red rosebuds center ad with a white orchid. Miss Shirley- Forquer, maid of honor, wore a lavendar taf feta frock, and tha othar at tendants, Mrs. Carole Steckley and Mrs. Lata Ackerman, wore similarly styled dresses of green. AQ carried sweet peas and. gardenias. -,' Best man was the bride's brother, Ray Hdcr. Ushering were Merle Abraham, Harry Trompour and Tom Xlder. V At the reception in the church parlors baskets of Irises and spirea ware arranged on the refreshments table, i For traveling Mrs. Abraham wore aa aqua knitted suit with white topcoat and black acces sories. After their Canadian honeymoon the couple will live ia Lebanon. The bride attended Albany high school and her husband at tended Shadd high school. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Elder of Lebanon. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. hd Mrs, Lewis C Abraham of Shedd. ' Pythian Sisters Silverton Pythian Sisters met last week and completed plans for tha food sale Friday, May 29, at the Sprouts-Beits store, beginning at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. ' For the Thursday evening, June 4, meeting Mrs. Carl Specht is to serve as program chairman. Tha refreshment Committee will include 'Mrs. Henry Anundson, Mrs. Olaf Anderson, Mrs. Sadie Bark- hurst and Mrs. Leo la Bentson, ;' At the .close of last week's session Ernest R. Ikman show ad sound-color movies taken during a recent tour of Pacific Islands Including tha Hawaiian (roups. A successful sale of basset suppers featured the so cial hour. j. ' Plan for Booth ! Liberty Mrs. William Hall entertained a group of ladles Of the Liberty Mothers club re cently to make final plans for popcorn booth at the carnival to ba at JoryvUla park, May 18-11. 1 Present were Mrs. Harry Worry. Mrs. Robert Fries, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Vera Soren sen, Mrs. Ivan Royca, Mrs. James Falk, Mrs. George Mor rison, Mrs. Sid Boise, Mrs. Wal- tr Murdoch, Mrs. Louis Kurth nd Mrs. Halt chairman for tha Liberty Mothers club. ? i tr m at ' Wed ia April Mr. and Mrs, William F. HU1 (Greta Ann Schrccengost) were married in early April. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schrecengost and Mr. Hill to tha son of Tom HU1 and Mrs. Pearl Hill.- (Kennell Kllit studio picture) I mm Miss Campbell Is Married in Portland Independence MUs Hollis Joy Campbell of Portlrnd, and Merlin Hi XUdns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold XUdns of Monmouth, were wed Sunday, May 17, at the Woodland Park chapel ia Portland. The chapel was decorated with pink Rhododendrons, snapdrag ons and snowballs. The Rev. Deimar Ramsdell, pastor of the Fruitland church ia Salem, par formed the double-ring Tjera meny.' '' ' r - Ronald McCarthy and Ralph Huntley lighted the tapers. Pre ceding the -ceremony the Rev. Mr. Cook of Portland sang, Mrs. Arnold. Mots playing the marches and accompanying the soloist . . The bride, wearing a white satin dress with fmgertip veil. was given in marriage by 'her father. Her bouquet was of pink roses and steimanotuw : Mrs. Ralph Huntley etf Sher idan was matron of hofaor and wore a dress of lavender satia. Mrs. Rosalia McClintock and Miss Connie Phsher of Portland were bridesmaids, and wore Identical pink and yellow satin gowns. The flower firl was Lu ann Munson of Portland; Each attendant to the bride carried ribbon baskets and sweet peas. John Peterson of Independ ence attended tha bridegroom as best man. . Ushers were 'Pat Campbell, brother of the bride, and Ron ald McCarty, cousin of the bridegroom, both of Portland; John Schroeder of Monmouth and Ralph Huntley of Sheridan. The tone's mother wore a pink dress with white acces sories. The bridegroom's moth er wore a navy blue dress with navy accessories. Both mothers wore corsages of pink carna tions and rosebuds. Following the ceremony there was a reception in the church parlors. Mrs. Will An derson cut the wedding cake.' Miss Diane Horn of Florence presided at tha coffee urn, and Miss Audry Dodson of Harlan served punch. Mrs. Leila Stew art of Mllwaukte and Miss Jan ice Burger of Portland assisted with serving. Miss Marjorie Xlkins was in charge of the guest book. The bride chose as her trav eling ensemble a pink suit with with accessories. The couple left for a honeymoon in Cali fornia. They will make their home south of Monmouth. Women's Golf Event Wood burn Fifteen women were out for luncheon at the Woodburn golf course Thurs day but regular play was can; celled because, of rain. Hos tesses for the luncheon hour were Mrs. Dean Bishoprlck and Mrs. Edward Coman. Next Thursday the hostess commit tee will be Mrs. Clarence Ahrens and Mrs. Marcheta Samuels. The prise offered for the bast putt on No. green was woa by Mrs. O. J. Adkin son. Winners In tournament play during the week were: Mrs. 6 faMf Woodburn'sBPW : Club Is Active Woodburn At the meeting of the Woodburn Business and Professional Women's club on Thursday two films on fluori dation were shown by Charles Corn well and Mrs. Mary Tes termaa, county nurse, who dis cussed fluoridation tad answer ed questions. An invitation was read from tha Salem dub to attend a din ner sneeting at iiSQ on Tues day, May 16, at the Golden Pheasant - A meeting lor the incoming officers is set for Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bald win, president-elect, and a meeting on Thursday for the executive committee at the home of the president, Mrs. O. J. Adkinson. Mrs. Kathleen Mann and Mrs. R. C. Squall, members of tha June commit tee, also will attend. . Square dances were present-' ed by eight students from St Luke's school, directed by Mrs. Joe Gamroth. Guests were Mrs, Lloyd . .Froom. Mrs. Charles Wdgel, Mrs. . John Dickson, Mrs. Fred Rogers of Woodburn and Mrs. Floyd Dominick of Hubbard. , . ; Refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. - Frank Bentley, Mrs.. Ann McCarron. Miss Hildegarde Dierkhlsing and Mrs. Ray Glatt The next meeting will be a busines meeting, June 4. In stallation of new officers on June 18 will close the spring season when Mrs. Thomas Baldwin of Hubbard will be installed as president ' .. .. Wedding Planned Independence Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster are announcing the coming marriage ef their daughter. Miss Betty Marie Foster, to Darrell Lin Ward. The wedding will be an event of Friday, June 11, at 8 o clock at the Calvary Presbyterian church. A reception will fol low in the church parlors. Tom DeArmond won over Mrs. Ivan DeArmond; Mrs. Leland Plank over Mrs. Clyde Cuts forth; Mrs. George D. Jones over Mrs. Dean Bishoprlck; Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin over Mrs. Marlon Hennlng; Mrs. Ed gar Tweed over Mrs. Ralph Pickering; Mrs. Marcheta Sam uels over Mrs. O. J. Adkinson; Mrs. Howsrd Palmer over Mrs. Henry Miller; Mrs. John Schmld over Mrs. John Hooper. Tournament play will be re sumed next week .by the winners. 1ICAUSI MIR COOKINO IVII TON HIARTBURNI cva, kM Mors k sans. Cmmm mo wotm m ow-alka-MeejsjwscM nMLktwl ftBsBMB seNlBftB kM0 TJsasW aWsSsi'A) Msa Iks) BBfaWa A Knl tVUyt Ski tries aissity ktrdloMr-tyoatb fas rem Hkm heft. Ami ik dmm mmch a Soo4 fob, yos fmX (mat ram a mbjh fSMMftii. to mm mn m Taas oaicklf mttm svoblta. M SCS sa ,,'!Q, I innnr mm III . III'., M-.ii III III M-.U 1J ,u. . UTi Hil MM 111 I r II ' III 111 u u r urn i.3..Ut L m in 140 N. UI3TY IT SAUM, : JO A. M. H 5:10 P. M4IU9AY MCHT TRA t P. M. . ypiyfO TEITiC GROUPS ;d? DRESSES FROM T 12 SICOND FLCC If You Want to Savol Soo This Outstanding Group! ''.. ' t-"-;...'- ! 7:? 4 V V.-.; I, ; --, At This Lou Price! Acetato and Nylon Msh in Yi Sizos Silk Prints in Misses SizM An rtron'tiifl salacHaai f e, llfht drattM far turn- , mar Parfacf lltflo ee?sM laj yosjf. waifalrawa easy arar way t ranaaef la Kara oerly saiaHaaa ara Hmltfri, 7 JM III f I unEiistX III : I 111.1 II 1 III I H 1 11 V II I ,1 I lUf t 1W 11 ' ' litre's Ar.sth:r Ouhtrr.iir.j Grcupcf C:tt:r Drc::::l Y0U2 CHOICE FC2 1 ' : &) mm mm o Sheer Pattern Cottons o NYLON BLENDS 1. Misses omI ,.J4 aha-';-;..'?:. o BEMDERGS Miesaa anal V4 . alias SC0ONO FLOOR NOW SEE THIS GROUP OF BUDGET DRESSES FROM THE DOWNSTAIRS STORE TV0 GIGANTIC GROUPS CRISP FRESH, BUDGET DRESSES Gccd Selection of These Budget Quality Dresses in Juniors, Misses, and Half Sizes. ... " - oo OK Rayon s ropes embossee1 cotrons, of aH ryeos , . , every an clear nca -prkae! budget buy. Irokan alias anal colon. These frocks art) reeturee1 at jutt rwa clearance aricat Hurry hi for years! boWNSTAiRS STORE ' MISSES and HALF SIZES OS mm. 00 X A .