Pit t THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm. OngM Mosday. My ml mi i- 1. Capital Women Edited by MABIAM LO WBT FUCHKB JC Group Entertained At Luncheon Entertainment tor the lunch- ton glrtn by the Jsycee-Ettes en Saturday honoring wives mtmben at the Junior Cham' i btr of Commerce, wat present ed by a high aehool trio, the u bonalrea. Misses Carol Lee, Laurel Herr and Sidney Kro- mer: and MIm Harriett Aller and Mlai Nancy Colllna of Wil lamette university. Mill Aller gave whittling selections a n Hit Colllna sang and gave reading. Mist Patricia Fagg was ac companist for the Debonnaires and playing for the others wat Miss Lizbeth Shields, alto of Willamette university. Nearly 150 attended the ev ent at Knighta of Columbus hall, French theme with flower and umbrellaa being the decorative note. Married at aallmKy Mr. and Mn. Donald Zuber , (Jane Schumacher) were married recently at St Boniface church. Sublimity. The bride if the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Schumacher and Mr. Zuber Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zuber. (Arta studio picture) Ronnie Potts 'Plans Recital V Ronald Fottt. student of Mrt. David Bases, is to be present ed in piano recital on Wednes day evening,' the program to be at the homo of Mrs. Kason on South Church. - Ronald it the eon of Mr. and Mra. Ken neth Potts. Be received "su perior" rating in tba Oregon Musical Teachers plan 4 aminations on May IT and it one of the pianiata sharing in the Iva Turner award. Hit program for Wednesday is follows: '" Sonata D Minor Scarlatti Sonata O major Scarlatti Sonata D Minor . . . ..Scarlatti Allegro, 3rd . movement. ' Sonata O major Haydn Sonata Op. 49, I. No I Beethoven Allegro Tempo di Menuetto Contra Dance .....Beethoven Etude D major ...... .Heller Etude O minor ........Heller Prelude C minor Chopin Walts Op. 64, No. 1 .. .Chopin Hunting Song . . .Mendelssohn Patriotic Song (original)... . i Pottt Pinocchio (original) ....Pottt The Smugglers .Deems Taylor Of a Tailor and Bear. . . . I MacDoweU To Toy Soldier Warner Concerto C major : Baeh-Keckxeh Judy Deaton at the second - Judy Deacon . at tha second piano i Salt to Benefit Community Project ' Mrs. Gay Dlehm was hottest to members of the Merrytlme club st her home on Friday, At the meeting, plant were discussed for a rummage tale, proceedt to go for equipment for the Capltola community playground. The tale will be on Thursday, May 28, at 8:30 a. m., at 330 North Commercial. All children of the community will be able to use the playground when it it completed. Mrt. Jasper Button. Mrt. Lyle Shepherd and Mrt. Her bert Hansen will be at the store on Wednesday owning to re ceive articles for The tale. Birthday Cake Salem Heights Susan Ann Bartlett was surprised at a birthday party last week at the regular meeting of the Otakuye group Camp Fire Girls of the sixth . grade of the Salem Heights school st the home of the leader, Mrt. Kenneth Zwicker. -. Susan Ann celebrated her twelfth birthday. The group en- Joyed wiener rout. Birthday cake was served to Judy Mc Clellan, Charlotte Ponaford, Carolyn Howellt, Nancy Baker, Bonnie Jean Kurth, Sue Zwick er, Karen Harris, Betty Jean Dyke, 'Joan Haskras, . Claudia Weaver and Susan Ann Bart lett, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bart lett and Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker. ' SOCIAL afternoon club of Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet, for luncheon at noon on Tuesday at the Masonic temple. It it a penem anair, proceeds to go to the endowment committee for the Masonic and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. The group will play cards after the luncheon. 5 f ENTERTAINING Cootlette club members on Friday at her home was Mrs. Nelson Hickock, Present were Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Mrs. Roy Carter, Mrs. Dale Mauk, Mrs. Dave Fur lough, Mrs. David Holweger, Mrs. Clarence Forbls, Mrt. Ed 'ha Prince, Mrs. Charles Hage .tnann, Mrt. Joe Hopkins. Mrs. Don Stupka and Mrs. Al Aesch- liroana. i i THIMBLE CLUB of the Neighbors of Woodcraft elected Itw officers last week. Serving will bo Miss Emma Peters. president; Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell, vice president; Mrs. J. Ingram, secretary; Mrs. Pearl Biacker- y, treasurer; Mrs. C. B. Shaw, Mrs. G. H. Edwards, Mrt. Maude Croker, board of fin nee. Mrs. R. E. Wlnehcomb was the installing officer. At the meeting the group donated 10 to tha blood bank. . Club Entertained DallasAt the final meeting for this season, members of the Book Review section of the Dallas Worn ana club discussed Twilight In South Africa," Mrs. A llie Heenagln giving the review. Mrs. Larry Allen entertained (be group at her home and pres ent were Mrs. U. av Anoerton Mrs. John Corny. Mrs. E. Salisbury, Mrs. Milo Smith, Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. Frank Richards, Miss Shirley Wise, Mrs. Dora Sweet, Mrs. Henna ftn, Mrs. Lou B. Bleth of Jo seph, mother of the hottest, and Mrs. ATTENDING the annual con vention of the Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance company at Har rison Hot Springt resort fat British Columbia the letter part of the week were Dr. and Mn. G. Herbert Smith. Mr. and Mrt. E. J. Scellari and Mr. and Mrt. Sid Rising, all of Salem mr. and Mrt. Scellan returned Sunday, taking the plane from Vancouver. B. C. The Smltlu and Risings made the trip by car. Todoy's Menu Family Supper Beefburgers with D1U Barbecue Sauce Toasted Rolls Green Peat Salad Bowl Frosted Cake Squares Be vera so Beefburgers with Dill Barbecue sanee Ingredients: 3 tahleinnnn butter or margarine, 1 medium tiled onion (chopped), 1 cup catchup, tt cup dill pickle liquid. H cup minced dill pickles, H cud minced eelarv Itesspoon brown sugar, tea spoon salt, Hi pounds ground Deei, m teaspoons salt rauioa: Men outter in a saucepan over low heat Add onion and cook until partly ten der 8 to 10 minutes. Gradual. ly stir in catchup, dill pickle liquid, dill pickles, celery, brown tugtr and M teaspoon Salt Cook over low heat stir ring often, 30 minutes. Makes about m cups sauce. Mean while mix beef and ltt tea spoons sal'.; shape into 8 nattiea. Broil until done, turning toast ed hamburger rolls with sauce spooned over them. Miss Wilson and Mr. Verbeck Married On May I the Mill City Pres byterian church was the scene of the wedding of Mitt Neoms L. Wilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Roteburg, and Louis H. Verbeck, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Ver beck, Sr. The Rev. Noble Streeter, pastor of the church, officiated at tha 3 o'clock wed. dine. Mr. Wilson gave hit daugh ter in marriage. The bride wore a pink satin gown with finger tip veil that fell from a tiara of pink' rosebuds. She carried bouquet of white carnations. Mitt Sharon Verbeck. honor attendant wore a green satin and tulle dress. She carried pink rosebuds. Beit man was Richard ver beck, brother of the bride groom. Ushers were Dale Mil ler and Harold Mires of Silver- ton. A reception followed In the church recreation room. The wedding cake was cut by Mrs. C. A. Stose of Portland and served by Mrs. Marion Miller. Mrs. Jotle Mires poured the coffee end Mrs. Neil Verbeck presided at the punch bowl. Miss Ann Is Miller had charge of the guest book. The bride chose green suit wiui white accessories for trav eling. The couple will make weir come in Roteburg, Ore. Creative Art Group Creative Art group of Salem Art association it meeting on Thursday at pjn. in the Clif ford Gleason studio. 162 South Commercial street This is the annual business session for the group. Members inter ested are asked to take framed or matted pictures for exhibit ing. ; e For Miss Brannon Honoring Miss Betty Jo Brannon, bride-elect of James Bernhard, tha employes group at Chemawa Indian school sponsored a party Saturday evening in the employes' club at me school. About 30 attend ed. Miss- Brsnnon's mother, Mrs. Alton Brannon, Is princi pal at the school. Mia Brannon and Mr. Bernhard are to be married this summer. REPRESENTING Salem Zon- ta club at the intercity meetlnc and installation dinner for Port land Zonta club. Saturday ev ening, were Mitt Genevieve Morgan, immediate past district governor, and Mist Mary Larson. The dinner was at the Heath- man, more than 100 attending. Scott Lee wat speaker, telling of his experiences In Germany. Mrt. Eric G. Clarke it the new president of the Portland club. Knesal-Dillon Lebanon Miaa Mahla Ma. lne DIUon and Lloyd Edward Knetal, both of Tacoma, Wash., were married in Okanoean Wash., on May 3. The ceremony wat performed at the home of the bridegroom's brother. rt. luiesal is the daughter u nr. ana Mrs. w. I. niHn oi Lebanon, and tha hriria. groom't parents are Mr. and win. Albert I. Knesal of Ta coma. After June 1 tha emmu will make their home in Seattle. MRS. J. 8. WORTHINGTON entertained at a kidnap break- on roaay, Mrs. Clifford Shultt and Mrt. Howard Smith Picking; up guests for the party. Present were Mrs. R. O. Bow man. Mra. Harry Wilson, Mrt. Scott Ebrlght Mrt. A. A. Nte derberger, Mrt. Nora Pearce, Mrt. Laura Johnson, Mn. L. L. Hansen and Mrs. Earl Burk. i "OX : Party on Saturday Honoring Colonel Maurice Stratta, who recently returned from duty in Korea, Mrs. Strat ta entertstnsds group of friends st their home Saturday evening for an informal open house. Several in the group were men who served with Colonel Stratta in the army. Committees foi; Year Named Committees were named last week to serve during the next school year tor Washington School Mothers club. On ways snd means will be Mn. 8km Ethlemsn, chairman; Mrs. Irv ing Larson and Mrs. John Tsy- lor; health, Mn. Keith Brown; publicity, Mn. Robert Ander son; parent-teacher council, Mrs. Robert Boatwright; Salem child welfare council, Mn. Ed Spenst; room mothers, Mn. Edwin Lyle. New officers were named last month, Mrs. H, L. Kemper to be chairman; Mn. Msynard Tweet, vice chairman; Mn. Bert Lucas, secretary and Mrs. E. D. Spencer, treasurer. In charge of the tea honor ing teachers, supervisors, cooks snd custodians on Thursday were Mn. Hugh Federline, Mrs. George Fulton, Mrs. Keith Brown ana Mrs. Ralph Do- Weese. . e e e . Student Recital To Be on Tuesday Spring concert of the Music Teachers association will be Tuesday at 7:49 p. m. in Rob erts studio. Junior and senior high school musicians will pre sent toe program. Those taking part are Nancy Bates, Suzanne Davis, Mary Wood, David Merchant Ton! DeSart, Jean Haworth, Lucille wonderly, Pamela Morrison. Geneva Nordyke, Mary Linda DoerHer, Mavis Malbon, Ste phen Shlpp, Mary Ellen Mc Clery, Pamela Clayton, Patricia edstrom, John Gibbons, Kay Ruberg, Vickl Ward, and Betty fagg. i . e GEORGE S MALLEI was in itiated into Neighbors of Wood craft circle No 43 on Friday. mm AtpirlnAttU&mt I Ben is e new chapter to the beloved Journal story "The Little Prinonsea"toM by Elis abeth's former governess. Uotn miss these warm, mti. mate high lights from the young Queea't Hfa, And there'sanotherblgCor. enatioa feature thai month. A distinguished Briton and high CorooatioD official takes yon to hit exalted etatioa la the Abbey and points eat every step of the pageant with araimns aide Bghta. Only a few high dignitaries will see the eeremoay this vividly! Reed both great features ia thebif JuMjoaraalt " Hem on your newsstand "JOURNAL Married May Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Beutler (Leona Weiaaenfelt), above, were married May at St Boniface , Catholic church. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Welssenfels of Aumsvilla and Mr. Beutler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beutler of Salem. (Arts studio picture.) ' Jacobsens Dinner Hosts Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jacobean entertained at dinner on Sun day honoring their son, Robert Jacobean, and son-in-law, Max Fowler of CorvaUia, who are celebrating their birthdays this week. Present were Mr. and Mn. Robert Jacobean and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Max Fowler and Judy of Corvallis, and the hosts. Mrs. A. R. Jaeobaen it in Eugene this week visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ethel Pratt Church Group . Mrs. T. W. Conner, 1645 South Church street, will be hostess Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock to the women of Leslie Methodist church-for their last of a series of classes on Africa. Mn. Roy Grettie is conducting the study courts. Mra. C. W. Stacey is assisting Mn. Conner for the refresh ment period. . , a BETH1CI. ITD.' Jnh'a rianffh. ten, will meet at th.e Scottish ruie tempie on Thursday at 7:30 o'clock. v ... Is Bride-elect The est gagement of Miss Leis Jean Hopkins, above, daughter of Mr., and Mn. Lester Hop-! kins of .Dayton, to James Asher, son of Mr. and Mra, George Asher of Grand Is land, .has been announced. CAfTTAL HsaswivssD:!!.! ' ' 111 N. Riga St 151 N. Liberty Phone 3-3131 Open Friday Night Tilt MAY SALE ing Goods 1-GALLON JUG-REG. 3.79 -a Modern, pour-top design.' Fiber-gloss Q ) insulation, replaceable lining. . . . . . ' WeefaO REG. J5c CASTING LINE ; . Fine quality nylon lint, 50 yds. Buy now during our May Salt. . 3.79 TELESCOPIC ROD Full 9 ft. long, cork bandit, alum. ' Screw locking reel seat. ....... . . . CASTING REEL REG. 3.89 Wards low-price backlash-fret reel. Adjustable drag. Chromt-plattd. . . CASTING ROD REG. 5.98 Clear, strong, flexible fiber-gloss. 5' . medium oction rod. Cork grip. .... TACKLE BOX REG. 3.29 Two trays lift automatically with lid. UVi" long. Of 24 gauge steel ..... CROQUET SET REG. 10.45 8 in. maple, rubber-tipped mallets. Enameled stttl rack. 6 Plastic balls 64c 3.38 3.47 5.44 2.88 9.44 SLEEPING BAG SPECIAL Wattr resistant bag, head flaps, Two bogs con be zipped together 14.88 6.95 PLASTIC TACKLE I0X Water-tight. Brown-marbleized plas tic finish. 15" box with two (iff trays. 1.98 QT. VACUUM BOTTLE Rustproof metal cast in green pebble JLi finish. Glass filler, with cork leOO GRIP BIKE BELL REG. 1.35 Loud) cltar bell built right Into a 117 ribbed-rubber grip. Chromt-plattd lei 1.25 WIRE BIKE BASKET Eltctricolly welded for txtro strength. fyj Standard size, hondy carry-alt I . U BALLOON BIKE TIRES . Blended of crude, synthetic rubber "TQ Firm grirj trtod. 2 ply construction. . I . O ATHLETIC SOX-REG. 59c 40 wool. Nylon rtinforctd. Comfort. AO' obit socks for all around wtor "HOC 3.98 JOE GORDON GLOVE A wonderful buy In a select ton cow- ej jq hkJtglovt. Fully leather lined O.l0 G.B. Sealed Beam Headlight Operates On g-Vt Battery Famous Trozel Saddle OfWsterpreof Vmyl risstle 58.95 SELED BEAM BIKES BosorGirl'i .53.88 Terms, 10 down Here's tht popular Hawthorne with General Electric sealed beam headlight throws a 30 to 50-ft. btam. A rugged, streamlined tank model bifct with plenty of extras electric warning horn, Troxtl vinyl sad dle, luggage carrier, chain guard and chromed parts.'' '' . ' ' , 20" JUVENILE standard bike and balancer 4444 REG. 5.89 FOLDING CAMP COT 5.28 Durable whift canvas duck over heavy frame of seasoned selected hardwood. Center legs rtin forctd wirhvmttal bracts. Mttal tnamtltd to prevent rust. . v . Folding Camp Stetl. Heavy convos duck.... lit '.5 . . .' "