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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1953)
w " a"' i Pact SO FOR SALE HOUSES Cottages FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM PRE FABRI CATED COTTAGES THAT ARE IDEAL FOR THAT BEACH CABIN YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED AT PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD KNOCKED DOWN AND DE LIVERED, $1,200. COM PLETE WITH FOUNDA TION, PLUMBING, WIRING ELECTRIC RANGE, ELEC TRIC REFRIGERATOR AND ELECTRIC WATER HEATER JUST $2,175. ALSO 2 AND - BEDROOM MODELS AVAILABLE FOR VERY LIVABLE HOMES. PHONE J-4051. gill' ENGLEWOOD t Bit B R. with big closets, lit. bath With asperate ehower. Ulltw 11 T rxv, with fireplace, dining rm, nook. sua room, full dry bunt kit rerd covered with flowerlns ehrube. Choice loeatloa cloee to everything. A homo Jo be fraud ol. 114.050. ONLY $700 DOWN A lood 1-B B. home Isuud north la city. Only ft yrs. old. If, nns., ooaveutent kitchen, oil heat, hdwd fire, plastered, hll ott, oarec. Full prie only geeoe. 4 CORNERS S-B.R. house 0 yes. old on Die half- tor tuft I bL from Lincoln ochoei. A ml big iu rot juit iM. NEW 2-BR. Hew Home District, paving, HitT lewa, tc., ere In. Hea hwd fir., all heat, located 1.1 In dir. ta'l fall to a th'a on before row bur. Pull price oalr noo. Burt Picha tit M. High ' . ' Off.! 1-441 tm.: bob conkltw l-itto am- At OWVKK AND BUILDER Large I kadrooa plastered home, loeatod 1000 If. lltb. Price 111,700. Terms available. Per appointment, aontaet William t. J. roe-ran HC'MB BUILDER 1H0 OUr, - phon 1-1000. IW ll BOOMS, 1 hatha, furnace, furniture, lltoo. iin rourtb at. ra. 4-imo. 0134' HALL BEDROOM, living room and dlnlnt room combination, kitchen. hath. lctrl heat. On bile lute. So. Rummer. alMO. 1200 down, 111 month ly. 4-1JI3. alM BY OWNER 0-room horn, garage, food location. 110 B. Owena St. alM POR BALK by owner. Ve acre In Kclaer. Oareaw boua. good building alto. Ph. MODERN B bedroom bom on Vaughn Are. completely tarnished or wnfur Blehd. Will take houee trailer on down payment. Ph. -4gll. aH7 sTtTBURBAH 3 bedroom noma, I yeara Id. Attached, garaee. Inaulated, plee tered, hardwood floor, priced to aell - by owner. Be at 140ft Cheater Ave. off Lanalng. alt 4-BDRM. HOME N. ' We older homo with fireplace. Take advent of thla opportunity at 10,000. Call Art or Jay. Art Madsen Realty 1310 STATS ST. 1-1500 OR 1-0111 1 MINIATURE FARM Out Center St., ti aerea. plenty af frulta. nuts, and aome permanent pas ture, 3 hedrm. older home, nice out kldu. Price Showa by ap pointment only, call Art or jay. .Art Madsen Realty 1310 STATS ST. 1-550 OR I-OOIf alle feT OWNBK Uu Lb an FHA ftpprkluL lirlBC room ICxU. (trtplkvea, dUiinc room, kltohtni nook, I bedroom, dtm. - taUu. Llhl bHinwt, ell, tnwt, - tloablo) iinii ApprojOmmUlj Vfc tvera, itr ott ftvtllabl. 1039 OlMTttw Wtw aunswood). oftte S-4M0, lf,tM. 117 ShtW t bttlroom hoBM, oUl to vtU trpl foTMd fttr fttniM. Lrga let. m ftt 140 urt Ik or Mil 4-1 10), . ImalL modtra houu, I avsru, Miuidr hooM trtviltr 'cm down ptnatat. Rt. t, bm a, Mcit-vr Rod. in KI1KOW1N f4Toom IW-H017 houit fe bwutlfal ground! bitwHn toll onri and bekveh. Oil furnvct, om pliuir furnltbcd. til. WO 4Mb. Boi 101, CaplUl Journal. 1JI leaf. A VINO STATK, wouid Ilk to Mil medirn, 3-bdroom homo, oltetrlc hl, Urt cormr lot 4 mat. ant t LU1.I(MMBOMt, 3 mr Old. $100 oa. Prtcod 110,000. Orlro by 123) uoariT nc. ALLTM C. wfONBB. HtAI.TOH ' - wi m. unb ph. nui, Kvo. nou S1I.YTKTON Good ft room tWUJ. lr- Hft. furnkvc. bamtnt. Approxl .ktelir on cr- Irutt traa. t.0M. no N. lion. AtKm. ).io. Bun tlUVINQ BTATK. would 1U to Mil modern t bedroom houao, KlMtiic heat. Corner lot, 14350 cash or 141.00 errat, n. titer DUt, Phona 41M4, atM BT OWN I.E. modern 1 heaiirnnm hevmav - lart lot, food loeatten. Oak trtea, flower, fthruba. 111. center. Phone "". elM' FOR SALE LOTS ClTT LOT across from Richmond school Ph. 0M. FOR SALE FARMS M ACRES Bast of Brooks. Pair house and barn en good road, all In cultivation. Price only 1 10. joo. House vacant now. P. R Weir. Realtor. 1147 go. Commtrrlal. Ph. 1-0411 or e-STfig. bilt HOWELL PRAIRIE BEAUTY 70 acres, aa oitra well hnproved di versified farm oa pad road. 14 acres of thorn less cantberries, 14 acres of straw oer nee, about $ acres of bearlns frutt aad nuts. Alio some grain and pasture land. A good lats-bollt $ lwdroom homo with basement, Oood Unant house, also $ pica era' cabins Wrmanent Irritation rtthU. Only 14 miles to Salem. 041.000. Will trade i or a good home la Salem. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE tnt BouUi Hleh Blreel Phone t-IMI Prion avenlnea and Sunday: 4-1071. I-IBO, (.I, (.UTO, 4-1310, l-ll ll To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I'LAXMHIU IIVrBTMIKO Pee P)'rd 0 lime I. Per Weed to Per Herd. I time lee Per Word. I 0e No Bereade Mlalmem 10 liaDKga la lead New, Maae Oalr. Pee Herd le aalmeai to Oteede To rites Al la Sam Oar'o roper, rhsrw I-tM Bcfwrs It a. ra REAL ESTATE BP TOO PLAH TO HOY OB ELL A BOMB. PARK OB iprrBBTUSHT PROPBRTT- CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. ' REALTORS SI (an ol Sellsfecterr a Service . ' TOWN FARM II acre af the flaael Wlllsmelte ottt, a! la wheal. Suitable -meet any kind af farming. Wllhla eae mile af Aseltr. Beat. A eU-rjeem boua that U la tie-tap eeadlllea. Three bedreem. eompaalUoa root, lasolatcd. wired for eleclrla ranee. Cllr weaer. echoes be by ewer. Perty by all ban. (ear huadred-btrd hllka heme, work shop aad daraas. Elderly widow wiu aeU fee ftlO.OOO with only 0000 dowa aad permeate atari fall ef 104. ar wUl lake mall bona la Selea a part parmaak Thla bargala farm la Uawd with a ealy. Call today! it wea I leal. ' CLOSE IN SUBURBAN, ; ere la a truly flae raaa etrle Ran ealy lear year eld thai at ta auleted aad waatheralrlppad. It baa the keel autemeue ell beat, i Urge hedroeme. dining aad Una ceomo. The aeleel kltehea with laraa aeek. Bapenalr wU-t-well eerpete la llilag aad dlalag room aad helL Twe-car partitioned garage. The loveir lea ill corner let la wen landacapad. hae gardes, sprinkler system aad circular drlv. Jt la aa eacapttoaeUy feed buy at lft.aoo. , 12 -UNIT APARTMENT Hear atelehoate aad ahepplag eealar. Orer 110,00ft annual oreea av eome. Property In eieelleat condition. Meyer aay yaeaaelea. Aged Owaey ' deelrea le retire aad will aeU tor (ei.OOO. Tab heuae up to I10.000 aad lit ao eh. Balance mertaage. It you're looking for Income properly with top return, batter aell aa at aaee. Thla la anueuaU Orer 1000. Net Income. ' Severin Realty Company 835 N. High St Dial 4-6943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-3292 Attention Builders! 4 ACRS corner with too frontage aa aard-garfaoad read. Older, Terr aeat I B R. bom. South auburb., city water, lew dowa parmeat. Price M OM ' UISCIOCS BUTB HOUR I bdrma, Urtng room with picture window, all hardwood floor, aula, all heal, attached garage, sear Deaf ScheoL WUl trade for larger home. PrH HTftO BNOL aTWOOD I BDRUS. Mlcelr decented. with flreple., dry bumnt. aawdult beat. dale. a reae, Kill7. fenced, aeclnded yard. A good buy for 010.000 POUR OOftNBRS DDVTIUUT t bdrma., floored attic, large llr. rm, din. rm., attached garage, lately laraa fenced yard. Xaay term. Price ftOOOO KBAR WAAHINOTON SCHOOL Lane lot with gardea apace. l-bdrm. modern home, attached oarage. -Owner leaving atate. WUl eacrlflce. Puralturo avalleble. PuU price HMO BNOLaTWOOD , Lovely I-bdmt. home with eatra room apetalra. Oarage, nkaly laad Kaped. 00500. Trm A. A. LARSEN, Realtor REALTOR 111 S. Blah Street Bra.: A. Walla I-ITII Andy Balyeraea 0-711 ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor BVB. CALL BD LUXDrBBAL I-0TO4 MOTEL BIZ dandr IndlvMual mda. unit. tacta with oood vl of the ocean, 100 ft. hlwar front easy aeeeea, priced at M0, 000. WUl uke aood homo In Balem la ozchanie. INCOME PROPERTY THRU APTB. trailer ipaeea plua very nice UtIdb qtra. for own ere. buivdino ox melt me conatructoon. New fur. ell flrad hot wtr heat, ehow lnt good Income, lota of nice abado tree. I1I.0O0. it noath Aan BT. BASEMENTS Tf you are looking for a new house with a full basement, don't miss seeing these new bouses ws are offering. Built by Prank North, they are vthe best deals la town when you consider materials, construction, finish work, pries and location. Pint-class heating equipment, fireplace, hard wood floors, birch kitchens. I and 3 bedrooms .and one Is a IV -a lory house with room for I additional rooms upstairs. These houses are lo oated oa Ingle wood avenue la the Bast Bnglewood cllitiiet, only I blocks from school and with excellent bus service. Price on these houses ranees from $11,000 to $10,000 with maximum P.H.A. financing. Cell as today. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER Real but Phone 1-1117 FOR SALE FARMS TPWN FARM acres ef the tlneet WlllsmetU silt, all la wheat, suitable for almost any kind of fanning. Within ono mile of Amity, east. A eli-room house that Is ta tip-top condition. Three bedroome. composition roof. Insulated, wired tor electric range. City water, school bus by door. Forty by slity barn, four hun-dred-btrd chicken house, workshop and aerate. Elderly widow wlU sell for 110.000 with only $4000 down and par menu will start fall of 1044, or will take small house In Salem as part payment. This bargain farm Is listed with us only. , Severin Realty Co. $H R. Rich 4-W43, tree. i-Mtl it EAL ESTATE VALLKY PABM0. Irrleatad and noa- Irrleatad. with nr wtlhout crop and equipment. 1H-A. river aotloa. loin WllUm etle. with crop ahould be 0 ar 1 tboua aiHl. 170-A, vallar floor aoa-lrriiated. 4 larna, t houiea, 1 elloa, a rood etock ranch, aheep or cattle. Paved H.W. 00-A. hill aheep ranch, good eulM tnaa. Priced to MIL t. W. RICHARDSON RIAL BOTATt Devton. Ortaon elll West Salem 3-BEDR00M A lovely ranch type home close to school aad bus line. Only one year old and la perfect condition. A kitchen that's a woman's dream come true. All hardwood floors. PH. A. appraised at lio.MC and will tell for that price. $650 DOWN l-bedroom home la oood district north on paved street, tone kitchen with lots ef eebtnet spare. Lane lot with a good sMoriment of fruit and But tree, a good buy at only J0. ONLY $5350 . bed room house and good bass ment. Iarse dining room. Large kltch oa. Not a new home, but a tood. roomy. Well built bouts that It an eieelleat start for a growing family or would make a good raatsl. Paved street, close to hus sad Merialty school, REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Soalk Bilk street Phon I-0M1 Phan evenlnc end Bunder: 4171 l-IKO. 4-1IM. 1.4070. 4-MI0. i-ita ! INDUSTRIAL SITE I aerea. I alert freea eltv llmlta. CoaeUta el level land, laraa l-tedroooa home, earn, rear ere... Selling for II. mo, urma I aaee dowa aad 00 per month. Putar pounual leet oood ht. Ben Colbath, Realtor Plat- 0-400 out REAL ESTATE Tel.: 1HU A. Beckett 1-401 (PROK) FBCKCNPAOOB l-4tl! CITY CONVENIENCES JJi Uto oountry, ono block to ator ok but, hard-aurfacad it. Tlx. 11 lot, real nlco eomplttelr mdn. 2'bdrm. homo ta top eondltloa. onlr I7IM. GOOD VALUE PTVB reara old, S-br. homo, -rata dlnlnt rm., eattnc space In tho kitchen. Inside utility with ihowor, ecludod bak yard. 1140 a ft. of floor Bpaeo, a good bur at $io,7M. PHONI 1UMM tin 011 Maeeala Building Ineuraaae Martgaeo Laaao . Bvrnlnn: 11700 lt0 REAL ESTATE Colbath's REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WILL TRADE this cottage with lovely kltehea. bath, I bdrm dn, t bdrma anflalthed up. "ot Mi 171. Rear Salem Hetghta tch. $1000 equity as dwn. panat on sub urban acreage with I bdrm bouse up to taooo. WANTED 3 BDRMS. Will fichsnge thlc nearly I acres with lata built modern $ bdrm home, t-car garaee. good gardea soil, hen rise, R. Lancaster lecatloa. Only $7000. Trade $2000 equity Into a 3-bdrm home close to At. Vincent MetL, up to Oie,soo. A SELL OUT for 1000 dowa. Rawer t bdrms aa eac fir. LR. DR. Touncttowa kttoh., hdwd flrt, ell piped furnace, utility rm, car port ttorace rm. Lane lot. Kieellent Iocs lion In Wanbrin Oardens. 1MMI D1ATR POWsbWION. HOME FOR ACREAGE NICE I BDRM HOUI with separaU Dia rm, eating area la kitchen, util ity rm, attached large garage. Large lot. Price $su0. feu I if $iiM ta trade for I bdrm horns with acreage. SUBURBAN TRADE Thla dellihtful rare Bodera I Bdrm home with o ea ft. rir pac. Oil neat. la a aettlna ef large fir treea. Onlr a few mlloe treat ellr eeaier. Will trad up for new 3 adrm home la ellr ta 011,000. FARM FOR CITY $0 Acres with lmproTtmenls plus I bdrm home with fireplace. Crop In. Price 111 000. Rvrhance for atltm home. WHAT RAVI It OUT SUNNYVIEW TRADE Thla loveir I adrm heme with hdwd fire, aU heat, aerate, clean aeat. Will trade for acreaaa aloae ta with ar without Improvement!. Ive. Pha: 11171. 17oa, I17M ar toon orrict dial 44494, 2-4552 DOWN, -rear-eld l-aedroom heme. uroreaa. aajae. A'XAN C. JONES REALTOR in N. Hlah st. Ph. nail. Eve. too sr lyilNESS INCOME Canitol Lumber Fuel Co. rivweoa aevea. aw growth llr, planer trlaamlage. Pheae 1.T7II. 100 Sa. Ceaa'L t& tan -1 I lit Journal Want Ads Pay THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Orfo RIAL ISTATI We Specialize in Trades WB pTBBP ALL TTPB0 OP UaTrTJaOS KeekM. Paraaa. Aareeaea. Baelaeaiea, afelee Cearte, Tavern. What kav year StopRead This .First t B i dream homo. Walk 1m tUtaee from But BMitfo. 1 Batteaomm. Lane btuitr room. Poreod ahr oil tvrnace Plreplaat. Ou of tho flaveat plaeUr lobo la Ba bB- Mtoo aeUtno of tree ooloejo loL PU Brioo owlr m7M. Spacious - Gracious SHARK YOtm DRBAMS TH real oolor thla loralr homo. Bpoewna reomi. Don. t Plreplaoee, 1 of thorn marble. Moataa oil lurnaoe. Mahosaa trim. AutomaUo aerate oor. IdO-elT ploy room la full monk fJUwUaWvL Bna front Botltlao for kltchoa la baaement will oxahaato for amallar hen or laeomo protwtnit. Full iwTlco IU.0M. You Have Admired thta koaatlfal imUlaf and homo man? tlmai m poa paeeed in tout car. In tho boat of ooaAltloa. Plreplaaa. Iajq totod. Boaatlful yvd. Rico view. Lota af atorato ipmo. Owner loaTtna. Pull prleo oalr 1J,IM. Terma. Implement Business ITiU la BotloaaU? adrortlaod and oat of tho avoet popular makaa of farm MMbiatry aa tho market. Contract alia for IH oountlaa la oao of the beet trticatloa areas la tho northwest. Owner raworta W million douar vol- amo for laat fr. Could easily bo In- areeeed with proper maoacemant. Owner retlrlaa. Rent oa bide;, yory ram oaabta. Offered ar a ale at inventory. PUUttrea at daorociatod valuo. Thla will raoulro about 1 100. 000 lataatmaat, but It a food oao. Retired Couple Tkli la a dandy for you. 11 -room ho tel plus owara iinaa auaxura. i0My. t apt, 1 alatplnt room and office anaao. Rev faraaeo. Purnlahad, Con- aldar homo aa part payment. Oood meomt. Pull price only 030,000. ' ' Acre rroataa4! od Portland Rd. 1 very tood modera 1-Mdroon houao with meat. 1 1-badroom houM with base- meat. 10t ft, frontate. This Is a very deelrablo property for future bust aeaa. Owner will consider homo as part payment, run price 93S.00Q. CALL POR MR. KIOOINB, XVR. PR. 04t4 or MR. CRAWFORD, KVX. PH. 4-4030 or DAN ISAAK, KVK. PH. 4-3MI. If no ansver eaU 4-4t. Stock Ranch Sat acres with SO acres under eultlra tloa. Oood portion under Irrigation. Rlror flows right throush the prop erty. Modem lO-room houao with baio BMat. 1 largo dairy. X beer, I feedor bam. Booldos aoveral other very U alrablo and osablo bldsa. Price ra. iucod to tU.lOO, Bqulpment M&Of. Uvostock 112.000. 10 ACRES with a liveable house. 1 alia from town. Small barn. All fen cod. laa. pose. Oood , API-tag. Full prleo only "REAL HOT DEAL IP acres. Vary eloso to Salem. 1 bed room house with bath. Pine view. Purnlahad. Mostly In orchard. School "-bus. Pvd. rd. 91000 down. Full price lio ACRE with modera l-bedroom home In good eondltlon. Near Salem. Work ahop. Soma caneberrlea. Will. aoll. Pull price onlr telSO. Soma terms. CALL POR MR. LSAVENS, BVB. PH. a-nrs. n ao a newer cau 4-nu. MORTGAGE LOANS J0-TXAR UATURtTT AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Offka phone: 4-1111 or 1-1130 lOlt PORTLAND ROAD Bra. phonea: I-17M. 4-MI4, 0-IS1I. 4-50N ar (-IIM Zt aa aawr. phan 4-IIU dl4 NELSON HEAR SALEM HTB. SCHOOL I bdrm. home about Itt rre aid. will rm, Ele beat ar clrc. ele wtr heater, gar, pvd at, lot 71170, von bllnda, 1 blk to aehooL laik V hue, I eherrri 1 walnut tree: aome berrlaa. Oood am chicken hae. oalr 11000 den. Price oasoo. Call Mra. Wootten. ABRAMS BUILT XEIZER EieeUenUr built loveir l-bdrm home with Ule feead Ipleco la in 14 llr rm. The birch kit haa a alee breekteet nk ta one aide and a dlalag rm en the ther. Thla homo la aa a lot OTxsoo facing a pvd at. PuU price 111,70. Call Al. Watte. 4-PLEX OARDEN COURT ' t-rr PHA loaa. Self eoerat tne. ftneet court apt ta Salem, leaa thaa I rre old. Wonderful retirement Income propertr. 111,000 will handle. Cell Mr. Schmidt. ISO ACRE DAIRY PARM A oood paring dalrr farm, new milking parlor, new concrete grave olio At loafing ahed (00x101 ar part of the Improvement. A good elder 0-rm house Meal for famllr. Will trade tor motel: realdentlal court; home ar other propertr. Price 015,000. Stock equipment Included. NELSON At NaXSON Speclallalne Realtor 101 N. nun at., ph. i-ioro ellt ....... 'rrrrrr,..........i WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICEi If rear propertr far ear. rani av eaenanga. llal it with aa Wa hare all ktnda et caab buvera STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 13 s Hlah St ea WE HATE aoveral caah kura tor 1 and miwn noniM, m ine Better diet. If rou wlah to aell. pleaae contact oa. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 311 N. Hleh SL Dial 45043. Eva. 13405 a' HAVE BUYER for laraa atock and aheep ranch. Prefer aome Irrleatlon. What ' aus roruand Road. Phone 4-1111. . uwm nouaaa so aeu. In or near Salem. If yea wish I llat rour propertr for eale, aee OtUBaTNHORST BROS., REALTORS lit 8, Llbertr Ph. 1-3471 ea I HAVE A BUTEB tor a good Ml. duplex with garaaea, up ta five reara old. Call Oeorae Marahall with BURT PICHA no H. High t. office: 1.447 ...... "-rrfrie.i.,,,,ij1J" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL GROCERY. Living ouartara ron- irT?:.?1" '' an, ta Salem. FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN P7ltTAT a MONDAY EVENINOS due- WANTED FURNITURE ajBoaijiaiin T W j JJUzi REAL ESTATE ONE HOMES AVAILABLE A wonderful saw aaeuraaa ana with an ta raee lea eaM wiah fer-S eevatr OiOriama. lVa hatha, a hat rtatahad partp reom aad eoea plet deaaie laa. . LN Daaan ( GOOD SUBURBAN BUT AT $7750 A d-raar-eid heme with 0 eedroeval aad laroa lot fruit tree la ah Salem Height glauut. JUST THE PLACZ TO CALL HO MI You'll he dellhtd with thla attractive tearoom heme loeeud la a modera reaideaUal area Oil.lH lo tho price. We re aure rou will IU, la. S BEDROOMS SOUTH . ' . Attractive atrl. with a a. cm eat. prl dialog room, tlreplaee la modera living room, I hedrumi , I largo room up priced ta i au aulaklr at 111400. , FUTURE BUSINESS PROPERTY Lot le 00 too large, well hull! B-hedreoaa ham with waaameat aad aawduat furnace. Here I fern appertualtr ta hup tnt propertr ot lull 111.000. 48 ACRES ON TURNER-MARION ROAD Oood school toeatlea, all erap land aeedos la hap aad grata, med erniard s-eedroom home, hara aad ehiekea baa, Thla lg a good bur for I10.0OO, with crop and all maehlaerp aa alaea. Term. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 477 Court Bt. Phone 14111 14110 Bvo.; Henri Tory end tint Louie Lereca luoo aalph Maddr U4U Grabenhorst Specials WANT A BAROAtrlT Loveir l-bdrm. hema-llv. rm. with tlreplaee, din. rm, tua hath, kltehea arth taU af hullt-lne, atllltj rm.. all P.A. furnace .tile roof, copper gotten and dowaaaouta. a auelltr bono turnout and onlr I11.7M. CALL J. B. LAW THXRrg PXZOW ROOM OH AW ACRBAOl Owa a Hilltop ui. Vallar 1 aeree I 4.100 Bwegle DUIrlct - eaa ae auadlvUUd - 44 aaraa 0 4.7M Crouea Craek m acree - l-bdrm. heme 0 0,70 Llbertr Road 10 aerea 1 bdrma. - ewaer con 0 0.I0O Ralaa Sheep - 10 aeree feaeed - bdrma. bars 0 0,000 091 - 1 acraa - s-bdraa. homo 111,500 Wondarful famllr home - 0 bdrm. - a, ger - baamk ...111,000 MB lt aeree - 1 bdrm. - motel alto - will trade 114,100 . Bnillah Strle do lnie homo - lacre .010,000 call rmn u. obbo , . ' UR, INVESTOR Hera ta a hue In eaa bldg. aapeclallr eulted tor rctlr. atent or a a "aeeorttr" Inveatment, corner lot la aaeelleat buelneu area. 1-alorr bldg. weU leaoed, appro. 00 z 100 lot. Income goal per sxata. Price 171,100. CALL H. X. LATatON for dotalU. OWNIR RIADT TO MAKS DEAL Beautiful l-bdrm. horn with full bemt., hdwd. lira fireplace, birch kltehea, auto, ell heat, dole. trace, aome view, cloae to atoraa. bua and acheol. WUl take trade. CALL ROT S. PCRRla. CO-OP. BROKER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS . Hi S. Llbertr St. . ph. 1-im Bvenlngg St Snadar con i. B. LAW 14111 PETOt H. OEISBt 0-0000 R. X. tATUON t-OalO ROT S PERRIB 1-0010 AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4140 CENTER ST., SALEM ddlll LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White fece Jeretord. lac Locker pork, 35c. Nothing down, 0 moa. to par. cuatom killing. Trailer loaned me. Baler Meat ca. 1330 s 35th Ph. 3-40M ea PETS MOORE TROPICAL PI0H. Parakeeta, lurtiaa, auppuea, s mile from Lane, ter on.Meclear road. 4-3771. Cloaed wedneedare. ecltl HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1001 McCoy, one block eael et N. Capitol, 110 aiocag aorta ai oaadiaoa. pa. j-0007. eclll MEXICAH Chlhoahuaa for eale. One one male puppr 00. On grown mala and remale 125 each ar 040 far pair. Another growa female 135. Ph. 4-173. 1500 SllrertoD Rd. ecll4 WANTED, poung aoala boxer, wtch dog. rnon -7mra. Mire FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 10- CLEAR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood ion Ed .water Phoa Salem 1-4011 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED Colored heat Lec'a Batsh- cry, poonc i-zcei t OOLDEN BROAD aad New Hampehlr cnicaa, nateneo every Monday and Thuradar. Our chlcka grow faster. Pox'a Halcherr, 1130 State St. Ph. 1-4000. f POR SALS Twice weeklr, dar-oM enieg in now Hampahlra. Parmenur. Red. White Leihorna. Auetra-Wrilte, Whit Rocka. White Wrandotue, Par mentor cockerel Lee Hetcherr. phone 3-141 f. PRODUCE SEED POTATOES a hundred the. No. l eating potatoea. 11.15 for 00 lha. Onloaa, II for 00 lha. Al Pad. 0310 Portland Rd. Phone 0-4070. (flit CANNING ASPARAOUS and rhubarb. Olive, ay the aalloa. Preeh vegetable,, fruit and walnut. Complete assort ment af vegetable and flower plant. Ptilllleu Parm Market, 13, Portland Rd.. I block, N, af Lancaster Dr. Ph. 1-4511. inn OOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oema, Plan, any lime now to julr. 11.00 per 100. PhllUpa Broa. Rt. I. Boa 411, 1 mllea eeat 0 Corners aa State St. Ph. 41001. !! SEED POTATOES, onloaa, 01.00 M lha. Eating potatoea 00c 00 lb. Al Pod. 6230 Portland Road. 4-4070. tfllO HELP WANTED REGISTER OW for atrawberrr picking. 0 aerea clesa. Irrigated berreea. 1 mile west and north from Kelaer School. Jorgeneen-Evana. Oil Wret Bowden Lone, Salem. Phone 4-1000. gn4 Registering atrawberrr plckere tor 40 acraa et Alvln Van Cleave farm In Haaet Oreen. camping ground. Rt. I. Box 41. Salem. Ph. 1511. gil. STRAWBERRY .plckere. C J. StupfeL 0O1I Portland Road. Prtoa 4-405O. 0114 RRGUTER now for ptckln trwbcrrlea. Lerae clean field on 00E North. Cloee In. Forest Lane Motel, WM Portland Rd. Phone 1-7110. gin CARRIER BOYS Now !i the time to register for s Capital Journal raws pipe r route. No Sunday de livery. See Circulation Mgr. JOE PALOOKA YrVLL WfVf R HMCm NOW I SOFFtRf O WAITIN' FEB. THAT PKISaOM... AM' TM' WMtXf: TlTlf. RESIN' ON ONE Giv-S CHOKE' owsaa CXSM T fJtOM I rt r II vap-a g as RIAL ISTATI OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL I : i -,ci vv i HELP WANTED Df MUX CrTYCorreapoDdest far Cap ital Journal. Moat bare typewriter, aome expartene. Oood par for part time work. Contact Mike Parbaa. Vat- rar Bdlter, capital Journal, Salem, Or. g ST3UWHERRT PICKERS regular now. 14 aeree clean Irrigated field. 1 11 aniiea aarutweet ef Kelacr achooi. Traneaortatloa . furnlahed. Prad S. MoCeil, Route 3, Box 101. Phone 4-1017. 0134 BEOJSTEBna STRAWBERRY plckere for 10 aerea. Proa traneportatlon for groupa ot alx or more. Oroupa who want traneportatlon Ph. 41174 ar drive north oa Portland Rd. ta Totaaa Pole. Turn right, drive to Lablah Center road. Turn left aad one mile t Bill Wliuamaon At Son OHrOwberrp acre age. Rt. 0, Box 140B. gl3l STRAWBEBBY PICKEBB wanted. 10 acraa irrigated. Big crow. Oood par. Traaaportatloa furnlahed. Rec later at aoi a. nign or eau i-Hox. also BEBBY PICKERS aa platoon. WUl be readr uto' thla month, oood patch. Traaapartatloa Iwralehod. call 4-4410, Mra. March. gllo STRAWBEBBY plckere reguter bow. auxieea aerea al neevr crop, will aeed poaagaterg for a platoon, alao weal drlva-ouu, H. L. Pawcr Nur aarr. Rt. t. Box 100. 4-1111. glM WANTED Brry picker. 1 gall from citr nia em oocrrr Are. to Alder, turn riant to Brook Ave, Hum turn toft. SUn will direct to field. Ph. 4300. L Hartman, 41N Brooke Ave. g!44 WANTED 100 atrawberrr Plckere. to regiaier now. a. m. Sahara, Rt. 1, Box 41T. Ph. 41M1. IV mile oaat et Totem Pole and V. mile aouUi. gllo STRAWBERRY PICKERS Large acre age, good picking. Max Wood, 1 mllea eaat af Chamawa Totem Pel,. 4-10JI. - gllO' STRAWBERRY PICKERS M. McCon- neu. 1110 Clearvlew. off cherry Ave. gill REGISTEB NOW for atrawberry picking. 0 acree cleaa, Irlgated berrlaa.- 1 mile weal and Berth from Kelaer School. Jorgeaaen-Evana, on Weat Bowden Lane, Salem. Phone 4-1000. gllo aNDglllN ISBIS nn ...t.,..iH. ..... rerrr picaera. aave n. Lancaster Dr. Phone 41147 ar 41171. glll STRAWBEBBY PICKEKS. Platoon for Downey Parma out Kelaer war. Ki eellent berrlee la Irrigated peleh,' bua transportation faralehed. Pemilr group, adult and children II ead aver. Call Mra. Roan, 711 No. Hlah Street. Phon Hill. . gug. STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. RegU ter Now. Alvln OehVSnsaL Wsnf. Box 430 Salem, Phone 4-H11; H, mile aaal at the Tntem pole, then H mile aoutn. alls HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITSEOS at SUver Palla lodg for aummer aeeaon. Transportation and looamg lurniortog. can 11737. gb' PRACTICAL aura for aight duty. Boree Sanitarium. Phone 4-5731. gblBa COOK'S HELPER at Silver Fall lodge for Bummer son. ' Tranaportatlon and lodging furnlahed. Call 11717. gb WOMAN INTERVIEWER needed to re cruit famtlleo for continuing eecieumer panL Experience dealreble, but not aaceeeary. Write Mr. D. p. Spencsr, Mrkt Research Corperatloa of America, 411 North Mlchlaaa Avenue. Chlcage 1. nilnots. , gblla WOMAN far cer of 1 child. DarUme. I dara. l-ooii. , gbisi BOUTINS OFFICE CLEBK Apply Seara. Roebuck Co, ftelem. gbiso EXPERIENTED LEDGER bookkeeper Applr Seara, Roebuck at Co, Salem. oblige EXPEBIENCED SALESGIRL wanud. Ap plr la Person. Hertaaea Bros., leo Stt. gblM DEMONSTRATORS. Perty Plan. Nrlon Llnnrie. Children' Wap, Hoelerr. 01 Blriee, Orat eeralaea. Exclusive Mr rltovy. We (tart ran. THOOERSEN. Wllmette. til. ,bll4 Journal Want Ads Pay 'COURSC MOT.' I twtn vvanta trr WJU M AtMMOl R TMUOP. I WHS WORRIcv... Aj IwSltWfXV HCUZ ME WW! WVC IT TO A mxA AUUII tMfiOYMENT AG4NCIIS Good Jobs! U. S. Orad. applr new far raut June .nanlaga ag Ahlaalna. re. elerk ..,.1170 at Oea. efc bar. Ira IM0 at eulea Train oe, aoetg. eap, ...I la Afe. At eredtt mar ...I awTva.. file, alack eaatral 0101 P-TtvjI. eoveral to till P-ApaBw'tlgur. od, beT wrU.,.1171 p BMlaaar. raaepU hekar 1100 v-Baapc, trial balance I3M p Acctg. ilerk. 0-dap IM0 p Oea. teoaeeeplai IIM P-Bkkpr.. recepk. Dr.'g afa. ...0100 p-Caahler. eleae. till p Bap. legal atone. ...II'O P Seer..' etea.. gd. flare. 02 P Perron, atone., gen. of. 01M COMMERCIAL PLACEMBTrrr AOIKCX 404 Atate St. lOregoa Bldg.) 4-1151 PORTLAND OrC, 410 S.W. MORR1BON Bil.V WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE Salaamaa. Write boa 70, Capital Journal or call Mlaa Welch. Broadwar 4M1 Broker. Portland. acts WANTED POSITIONS TILLING, aew M. E. Rotarr .tiller, al so hoar. Phone evening Sllll. hlM POR COMPLETE painting aerate. Work. maaahlp guaranteed. Pre eettmete. Call John Janeen, 11141. - hill PLOWINQ At OlSCtNO IMMEDIATE (JDUVE. Phone 1-N00. hl' LAWN MOWER and circle aaw eharpen- Ing, etc. Ill N. Uth. Phone 1-4010 or l-lioi. n BABT CASE, mr horn. 0 month-t or lounger. Ph. 13501. hll' PART TIME WORK for uparfenud groetrr elerk. Ph. 1-700. hill1 CHILD CARE In mr home, dar or even Ing. Ph. I-7M0. hill' CHILD CARE la mr home. Ph. 4-40H blfl- TILUNO WITH Rotarr-hoe. Oarden lawn. Phon 1-1530. tnt Evergreen. 11135' BOTOTIUJNO Ph. 41013. Mlddia Drove Nuraerr. 4010 sllvertoa Road. h' GARDEN. I-LOWEB bed and lawn pra paratlon. Plowlna, dlaclng, leveling, rototllUng. Service Center. Phone 43571. hl50 MICKENHAM'S DAT NURSERY State ItccnMd and Inspected. Phone 17890. hllt LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level. Ing. grading. Phone 1-3330. hill GRADING, leveling, backfilling, lawns. garden. Br hoar. job. Phoa J-3041. hill ExrlET child care, mr home ta Holly wood district. Phone 4-5400. hill' CEMENT WORK and finishing, Adolph Bombeck. Phono IM74, M05 X. 5th. hill' PAINT contracting. Brush ar spray. L. E. Haa Nelson. 1-4M1. hl!7- LANDSCAPE maintenance, praalai, trimming, planting, fertilising, fterv le. Center. Phone 4-1071. hllO' PAINTING U yeara experience la Salem Pree eatlmate. Phone 1-7351 hlM NEW LAWNS. Rotary hoeing. Pree esti mate. Duaa Wolcott, Phone 1-1117. . hll7- EXPERIENCED BOCOEWOBK br hour onoo a week. 1-7010 after 0 p.m. hllfl hriEMAL's NURSERY State llcenaed and Inspected. Infanta and elder. 15011. hl40 QABDENINO AND lawn work. Earl Cox. Phone I73M. 050 Morion St. hl37 PAPER HANGING, pelntlna. Pree estl- matea. Don Lueero. Ph. 5Tj33. hl40 FOR RENT LAKOE warehouse space for rent or Icaac. Cement Itoors. brick bulldlnc. Dowa town. Inquire R. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone I-11IS, 1 Ornci IPACX, chop and ctorava. Phone MOM. 1137 RENT Down Town S-story concrete alley ware house. Electric elevator, ex cellent distributor's setup. ALSO Ferry street room, for office or store. Large basement.' In Hotel Salem building. State Finance Co. TEL. 34121 mo- POR LEASE 1M to 300. feet frontage on Edgewater St., Weat Salem. Ira J. Pitts, ph. 10401: ) WANTED TO RENT WOULD LI UK 3 bedroom homo unfur- nlehed. Not orer a month. Ph. S-H7M. jam BID ROOM, nrar grade cchool, pro fculonal man. Permanent. Approxl mateir $7fi. 4-4935. Ji36 DOCTOa AND FAMILY desire nice 3 or l-bedroom hoiue. One year lease. 4-W3S after 5 p.m. jalM FOR RENT HOUSES BEDROOM, unfurnished cottage, lo cated north, living room, dinette, eloa to bua, attorea. 040 per month. Phone 1-1031 ar 1-0001 evening. Iml34 NICE S BEDROOM, unit heat, fire pier. gaa atove. Do eome decorating, 001. Ohmrt Of calaba, Bealttora. 1-4115. lmlJ7 0 YEAR OLD modern, rerr clean. 1 bed room house, stove aad refrigerator furnlahed. garage, close to bua. In qulra 1140 N. Ith. 1-7430. lm UNFUBNIAHED l-room house. Fireplace, basement, on. 140 a. 14th. Por ap polatmaat, put note In mall box or call Etl-0001, Portland. Jmlll REAL NICE l-room house, stov end re- irtgeretor. rnon hub. jml24' SMALL 1 Bedroom house, redecorated. for couple. 105 S. . Lancaster Drive. 1-1100. Jml35- S ROOM COTTAGE, unfurnished. 155 4 blocke State offices. 441 N. Cottaae CaU 13444. AdulU. JmlJV CLEAN I ROOM furnished cottage. Cull. tr room, garaee. oil ht, electric a sore, s-asa. Iml2l' S BED BOOM, completelr fnrnlihcd nouaa. 411 union SL 7I, Vacant June let. Phone 1530. JmlA' KEAB STATE Hospital. 1 bedroom turn Ishcd duplex. All electric Laundry. Garege.Pnon 4-4005. Jml35a S YEAB OJJI modern, very clean, I bed room bouse. Fireplace, atove, refrl oerator, garaee. He ahlldrea. aavallable Jun. 1. 1-0040. jmlll NEW BURURBAnT horn. 1,000 M. 100 I bedroom. It, acre view property Dishwasher, aerbes disposal, radiant het. 1100. Will 1. 44083. ml3 1-BEDBOOM unfurnished house, l 'Ivctric 1030 No. Church, pi, l-toi. tall" SMALL HOUSE, furnished, tree waver North Salens. Phone 11470. JmllJ rVAS lW0aTTArr,..THf AUSTRAllANS ARf Too RSAi. COnATltVL Eucu TMC RAaK surua nu't f STANp Rj. MvrjtVTlSMtr Monday. Mar H, IMS FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN' AND NEWER 1-beaVoom aourt isntal ta Waal Salem. Lovlr til bath, lrg noma, refrigerator gad 1 range turnlakad. 000 per oaasata. Raw. Ub Realty, phase 1004 or 4114! 0-ROOM HOUSB furnished. Tola aaaaU child. 4410 Jeffereoa. , Imlll LARGE a-ROOM anfaralshad heaaa, with oarage. Adult. I7H Market. IsalM CUAM, ONE bedroom, llvtag room. kit. shea, dlaetu. Attached garage. Baa trto ranaa aad beat, M1JS. IIIM. FOR RENT ROOMS PL'RNISHED rooms for aleeptag at tight housekeeping. Ousel. Reasooaapj. 1010 Trade St. IbW PLEASANT ILEEPDfO room for geaUe men. 1000 Norway, Phoa SaOOT. IkllO- NICE PIRST PLOOB sleeping roe ne. hot and cold water. 41 H. High. Ikllt POR GENTLEMAN, aloe oleaplag roesa, with hot aad cold water aad heat, 1st Center. Ik 111' LOVELY FURNISHED roam, with klt ehea facilities, phon 1-0111, TM Perry. tklt. OFFICE FOR RENT l-ROOM SUITE Oregoa Building, Ph. 31114. lo" S BOOM APT. Suitable far aftlea and living auertara. Close to gtal aapltol. l-laoo. leli GBOUND FLOOR office or atore space for real. Call at Pitta Market fer FOR RENT APARTMENTS TWO i-EOOId apartment, private en trance. AdUita. 700 ff. vnuross. eeee,. JPU POR RENT 3 room apartment, private both aad entrance. Adults onlr. HI. Water fur nished. P. H. Weir Realtor, 114T So. Commercial Ph. lllll. JPli ruRNISED 1 bedroom apartment, Pri vate bath. Ph. 41571. IpIM TWO 1-BEDROOM apt., unfurnished. North 14th. 1 bedroom, furnished, modern, cleen. South 11th. 3-0500. jpllO rURNIKHED APT. In Shopping Center. 400 N. Uth. Phon 1-0714. Jpl37 1 BOOM ftirnUhed Pt, electric rang. ralrlgerator. Eldsrlr gentleman. 030 month. 1-1171. 1PI17 LARGE, UNFURNISHED, three - room, bath, aeleet area, beat auelltp, new. Phone 1-1111. JpllT LEE APTS; POR A COMPORTABLI BOMB 0) Car Port Parkins Cheerful Colore Range At Refrtaeratar Television Antenna Call t-1141 III X. Winter 1HM COLUMBIA apartments, famished ar aas. furnlshed. Modera I nam, ele. beat, garage, bua cloea by. Ha pel, sill rati grounds ltd. la 134 FURNISHED S room apt, large kltebaas, tub hath, garage available. IMS Cha mekete. 1-O001. JP110 COMPOST ABLE bedroom unfurnished epertmeat. Adult only, 141 per moots. 140 Perry St. Utilities furneehsd ex cept electricity., Call Pioneer Trust Co, 13130. Jplle CLEAN, WARM, 4-room fornlshed apart ment. Private bath aad entrance. 1 ar 1 adult. Close to Shopping and State bulldlnga. Ph. 3-7004. Jpl30 NICELY FUBNISHED 1 bedroom apart ment, 114 N. capital. Also 140 D . JH10 available JUNE 1. a vary attractive court apartment at 100 Bo. 17th. I room, and bath and can be rented furnished or unfurnished. Ph. 1371. IP' ATTRACTIVE SMALL apartment, fire place, private entrance, both. Employ- ad ladr. 030 H. Church. iplld PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished aeart apartment, clean. Adalta,. 054. 3500 Portland Road. Jplll' NICELY FURNISHED apartments; Am bassador Apt. 100 Ho. Summer. Jp t.o. ONE ROOM furnished houee. keeping apartment. Cloee la north. Zurt Plena, 171 H. High. Ph. 14047. Jplll SEVERAL furnlahed apartment, goad location, inquire H. u stiff Furniture. Phone 1-1108. jp. I boom furnished apt. call 1-051 after e p.m. Jon MODERN FURNISHED or unfurnished. . xoom, s ireareom BPS, 110 BO. 1JU1. I IPU1 DUPLEX furnlahed. I rooms, bath. Hol lywood close. 1-0041. ION McCoy. I Jpl. a-ROOM partly furnlahed apartment, DO. Atso a room lurntanad, ago. rrtona 3-4500. JP130 1 NICELY furnished apartments, rang. reirtaerator, private batn, weaning faculties, utilities Included. 040 aad 135. Close to Capitol Building. Phone 4-3403. Jplrl NICELY FURNISHED I room apartment. s-nvate oatn. Lioa in. seo AO. com'l. JPllO CLOSE IN. Nice modera furnished S room apartment. Adulu. Phone 10400. Jpll. as n ii vb v rniV. . n , ' ' u. rmr sri eupeoarua. assuitg. 1420 Trade. ipipp. eeee...e' LOST aw FOljND LOOT! Small browa rabbit, HoUrwood district, cnikae pet. Phono 45414 or oi- kin LOST OR STRAYED, large golden Pur- aian cei. Anawere so nam, af "Pla kr." U found pleaae oaU Mrs. Wllao, 1-3043 v 7-07.7. kl34e LOST Oao black aad tan female fox. hound, license 1040, Jefferson area Reward. Call Independence IS). ' MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRrVH MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 0 PICKUPS STAKES TANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1011 PAOE STEVENSON aad AL MEPPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASBB -DR Hanvwv asirm rMA.,a Adolph Bide, Bute At Commercial Sis. eni,evs - rg. 1-glll ge ERPEC1ALLY FOB you. Oet your horn baked Plea, cake aad OOOkle arcstred br phono. 10007. mm SALES SAND A GRAVEL COMPART VI w act wroTK Road Clearing - Dtubtas ' Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching br the Pees Phone Dare 3-0400 sTvea 1-4417 or 1-1411 ' aiam. Oregoa "SEE PLASTIC TILE DEM-" ONSTRATED" May nth. uth. awiatifu), modem. " fleaa. Factory dematr.tloi; theeg dtu ealy. Moatgomery Wgrd'. aalll- By Ham Fisher JM' Results ''vf' Cv.il4 Vail sjt V'l ,0UV " r d,')Ct'r, 9