Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 25, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salts, Oregoa
In the Valley
' ' U&U ay mu FORBES
Sweet Home
Sweet Horn The Willam
ette Valley lire rifhters Asso
ciation met at Brownsvl'Je
Wednesday night for the last
rscuiar meeting of the season.
One special meeting is planned
to include the families in a ple
1 nic. The time and place ia not
- Members of the Sweet Home
Volunteer Fire Department go
ing to the Brownsville meeting
are: Fire Chief Hoy, Burt
Amos, Bob Brandt, Bill Reed,
Walt Howe, Bert Donahe, Tony
Spencer and Jay Could.
William D. Wallace was tak
en to the Lebanon Community
hospital when he broke his leg
while Jumping from his truck
after loading at the Duncan fc
' Moore operations on Quarts
ville Rd., Wednesday.
A - mJrlnHiim - h H N M l n
Worthy Matron Marian Stur-;ln' .mtde ior
retary of life; Mrs.
u. c. boms, secretary of lit
erature and publications; Mrs.
Meril Rabuck, secretary of
statue of women, and Mrs. Os
car Rudig chairman, publicity
ana printing committee,
Margaret Cunliffe, Jerry
Lundeen and Lee Hirn were
confirmed into Emmanuel
Lutheran church at the May 24
church service.
The dally vacation Bible
school of the Assembly of God
church will begin June 1 and
continue through Ftiday, June
9, from 9 a.m. to 3 pjn. dally.
Children are asked to bring
their lunch with koolade be
ing furnished. Therr will be
classes for all ages irom i
through 14.
Willamir.a went over the top
in the campaign for funds for
the American Cancer society,
Mrs. Stanley Hansen, drive
chairman, has announced that
the quota was f 135, with $143
the fund
gis'. birthday was one of the
highlights of the Eastern Star
meeting held Thursday. Gene
Caswell showed slides. .
Refreshments were served by
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Phetps, and
. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Thrash.
' Ardis Trultt was Initiated In
' a ceremony of the Eagles aux
iliary in Albr.ny Thursday
night She was presented with
corsages from both the Sweet
' Home auxiliary and the Albany
- auxiliary. .
The Sweet Home auxiliary
accepted an invitation to share
their installation services at
this meeting. Attending from
Sweet Home were: Madam
President Nellie Wheeler, Ma
dam Vice President Rose Marie
S wager, Madam Secretary Irene
Cbastain, Madam Chaplain Le-
' ola Bonneli, Lodge Mother An
nie Ball, Fran Yunke, Sadie
Kaeding, and the candidate,
Ardis Trultt.
Also honored with corsages
from the Albany auxiliary were
Madam Secretary Irene Chas
tain, and Lodge Mother Annie
I through a senes of coffee
chains and donations.
Pvt Robert L. Paker, U.. S.
army, son of Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Parker, is on duty in
Korea with the 434th engineer
construction battalion. He en
tered the army in March. 1982
Thursday, Hay 28. will be
the last meeting of the Civic
club until fall. Officers will
be installed, with Mrs. Arthur
soues as president; Mrs. Axel
Wakkure, vice president; Mrs.
Ray Morrison, secretary, and
Mrs. Max Rasmussen, treasur
New members also will be
honored. Hostesses will be
Thelma Edwards, Maple Crone,
Alice Rudlg and Josephine
Willamlna The Willamina
Garden club will ' have its
spring flower show Tuesday,
May 26, at the Rebekah halL
.The show will be open to the
public from 12 noon to p.m.
A silver tea will be served. .
Three sweepstakes ribbons
will be awarded, on for the
.most points, one for the out
standing arrangements and one
tor the outstanding noiucui
tural specimen,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack- Wells
and family arrived this week
from Lyons, Colo., to visit his
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Jack Antonsen was injured
In his work in the woods this
week when caught between
' the donkey and a log. His leg
was broken In three places
' above the knee.
Mrs. H. A. Parrett left by
plane May 23 for Washington,
D. C, where she will attend
the convention of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs.
The Salem: Sub District
Methodist wiU meet for a dln
. ner and evening meeting May
27 at 0:30 pjn. at the Wllla
mlna Methodist church. Marcel
Chlsman of Sheridan is ores
ident of the group. The WSCS
' will serve the dinner.
Vice Grand Alice John pr
. sided at the May 21 meeting of
Primrose Rebekah lodge. The!
ma Stroschlne, Mamie Edmla-
ton and Sadie Brock were r
ported ill.
The lodge will have initia
tlon June 18 for two candi
dates. The Theta Rho club will
have formal initiation May 28
dacKle Hurl won the prise.
Nettie Wise reported on the
Rebekah assembly which end,
ed May 21 in Portland. The!
ma Edwards waa ' outside
guardian and Amy Fox re
ceived a degree of chivalry a
a ceremony this week.
The Devils Lake Yacht clul
met in Willamina last week
when two new members, Ottc
Heider, Jr.. and Al Endrei
were added to the membership
New officers of the WSCS
of the Willamina Methodist
church were Installed Sunday
morning, May 24, during the
cnurcn service. Jrs. Royce N,
Coan was Installed president
Mrs. Sinclair Moody, vice prei
ident; Mrs. ' H. L. Edmiston,
secretary, and Mr. H. N. Ship
ley, treasurer.
Other officers are: Mrs. O. J.
Myers, secretary of Christian
social relations and local
church activities and promo
tion; Mrs. Ethel Tremblay, sec
retary of missionary education
and service; Mrs. Charles Col
burn, secretary o student
work; Mrs. Roxie SInex, sec-
Jefferson Commencement
exercises for the senior class
graduates will bo held in the
high school gymnasium Thurs
day night. May 28, at 8 o'clock.
Dr. George Martin, head of
education at Willamette uni
versity,' will address the gra
duating class of 28 members.
Also on the program will be
vocal numbers by Mrs. Leo
nard McCaw and Miss Jennie
McGuire. Rev. Mervln Mc-
Gill will give the invocation,
Rev. Arthur Shelton will give
the benediction and D. V. Olds,
scnooi administrator, will
make the athletic awards.
Seven members of the xra-
duatlng class started to school
together, four remaining to
gether all 12 years.
These four are Howard Mc-
Gill, Delorls 6tephensonrDale
Wattenbarger and Meryle
Sheffield. Jim BlackwelL
Ruth Hart and Robert Harris
started with them but each
were In another school for a
year or two.
Baccalaureate services will
be held in the Christian
church Sunday night, May 24,
at 8 o'clock. Dr. C. P. Gates
of Portland will address the
class, and musical numbers
will be presented. -
Senior will skip May IT and
18, taking two day off for
trip to the coast.
Those graduating are Janet
Adair, Jim Blackwell, Greta
Cameron, John Caughell, Jes
sie Devaney, Keith Gaines,
Glen Hart, Darlene Haworth,
Florence Marlatt, Delorls
Meyers, John Perry. Teddy
scnuu, Nina Specht, Frances
Tierce, Jlmmle Adams. Char
lene Borst, Lee Cameron. Ola
Freshner, Robert Harris, Ruth
Hart, Dean Johnson, Howard
McGill, Richard Orton, Darrell
Porter, Meryle Sheffield, De-
lores Stephenson and Dale
Miss Josephine Getchell and
Raymond Howie are class ad'
Lyons Mrs. Charles Cruson
was hostess for the meeting of
the Women's Society of Chris
tian Service at her home Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. Laurence Walworth of
Salem, district secretary of
promotion, was the guest and
installed the following 'offic
ers: Mrs. George Huffman,
president; Mrs. Leonard Cm
son, vie president; Mrs. Virgil
Rogers, secretary; Mrs. Clyde
Bressler, treasurer; Mrs. Alex
Bodeker, secretary of promo
tion; wrs. Alice uuoer,
tary of missionary and educa
tion; Mrs. E. L. Bore, secretary
of Christian social relations
and local church; Mrs. James
Holllngshead, secretary of stu
dent work; Mrs. Ivan Smith,
secretary of youth work; Mrs.
Glen Julian, secretary of chit
dren's work; Mrs. Willard Hart-
nelL secretary of spiritual life
Mrs. Clyde Bressler, secretary
of literature and publications;
Mrs. Charles Cruson, secretary
of supply work; Mrs. -Wilson
Stevens, secretary of status
Mrs. Holllngshead and Mrs.
Stevens, who were unable
attend, will be installed at
later date.
Following installation a short
business meeting was held with
Mrs. Alice Huber, president, in
charge. ' Devotions were led bj
Mrs. George Huffman.
Plans were completed for the
mother and daughter banquet
which is to be held at the all-
purpose room at the Mari-Linn
school Thursday evening. May
28. wtlh Miss Viola Hansen,
home extension worker irom
Corvallis, as the guest speaker.
The following banquet com
mlttees were appointed: Food,
Mrs. Leonard Cruson, Mrs.
George Huffman, Mrs. Charles
Cruson, Mrs. James Holllngs
head, Mrs. Glen Julian; tables
and decorations, Mrs. Alex
Bodeker. Mrs. Willard Hart-
nelL Mrs. Floyd Baasett, Mrs.
Leo Cruson; cleanup, Mrs.
Clyde Bressler, Mrs. Wood Oil
ver, Mrs.- Ivan Smith, Mrs.
Chester Roy. '
They also voted to clean and
redecorate the parsonage be
fore the arrival of the new min
ister, with Mrs. Leonard Cru
son chairman.
Members of the afternoon
card club met at the Rebekah
hall Wednesday afternoon with
Mrs. Andrew Seig ai hostess.
A 1:30 dessert luncheon 'was
followed by several tables of
'800." The high score went
to Mrs. Oscar Naue, second
high to Mrs. Floyd Bassett, low
to Mrs. Bob Free and Mrs. John
Kunkle won the traveling prize,
Mrs. Gregg from
Grand Island
last week.
The picnic for the pre-school
cnuaren was Held Thursday af
ternoon at the Mari-Linn school
with games and refreshments
furnishing the entertainment
Also a mother's race with Gyp
ate Weaver the champion run
ner.' .Each pre-school young
ster who will enter the first
grade next year was presented
wiut a pin. 'Those receiving
pins were Larry Lyons, Ned
Kanoff, Allen Frotnherst, Zo
Ann Bridges. Betty Cole, Ste-
vle Power, Glen Phelps, Mich
ael Pilchard, Barbara Dumaa.
Guests at the bom of Mr.
and Mrs. Dallas RoUnette and
sons were Mrs. Homer Hoi
linger and son, Richard Hoi-
linger and his fiancee,
Minnie Sevelty, from Caldwell,
Idaho. They left Friday for
Wlniock, Wash., where they
will visit at the home of Hom
er Hollinger, Jr. Mrs. Hoi
linger is the mother and Rich
ard the brother of Mrs. Robin-
etta. .
Union Hill
Union Hill Mr. and Mrs.
Julius Krent and Richard
Krenx will be hosts to the
members of the. Union Hill
Grange Community Better
ment club when it meets at
their home Tuesday evening,
Mar 28. at 8 DJn.
Mrs. Helen Stromsmoe is
spending about 10 days visiting
in and near Los Angeles with
her daughter and family, also
her son and family. .
Hubbard Installation of
officers at the Wednesday
meeting of the Hubbard Exten
sion unit placed Mrs. A. L.
Murphy in office as president
Bus. zane Yoder as vlce-presl
dent, Mrs. N. A. Mann as secre
tary and Mrs. John Doubrava
as treasurer.
Mrs. Wsyne Bridge was in
stalling officer assisted by Mrs.
Lenore Schoor.
Corsages were presented the
officers, also to Mrs. E. T. Rose
and Mrs. R. C Main, outgoing
president and secretary, and to
Miss Emina Fisher of Salem
Committees appointed by the
new president were Mrs.
Bridge, membership; Mr. We
ed Doubrava, hospitality; Mrs.
Fobert, luncheon: Mrs.
Mann, standard - unit; Mrs.
Mains, world citizenship; Mrs.
John Morrison, health and
safety; Mrs. Leon Graham,
4-H; Mrs. Rose, finance.
Week-end guests of Dr. and
Sheridan Patrick Robinson
ia the only graduate from the
Rock Creek grade school this
year. Commencement was May
22. combined with the 4-H
whlevement program.
Plans for daily vacation Bible
school are being made by the
1lennonite church, with Melvin
stisnier as superintendent
There will be classes for all
ages from 3 year olds through
the eighth grade, from f a. in
to noon daily from June
through the ltth. '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manning
were honored this week on their
48th wedding anniversary with
a dinner in McMinnvllle given
by their family. Also attending
were w. o. and Mrs. carl Yeo
man,' Colorado Springs,' Colo.,
Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Yeoman,
Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Man
ning. McMinnvllle; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wallace, Canby, and
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Peek and
family of Sheridan.
Mrs. Geneva Taylor was giv-
en a tsreweu w"' - ,y
by Postmaster Clifford Bride
2d W staff at the Sheridan
post office. She has resigned
after serving here the part 10
years. She has worked in the
p.ti service bm -
yean, beginning in Grand
Roads. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are
Mrs. Duane Ehnes. Wrd WU
"Cih, Mr. and Mrs. VU Ot
IvrT u- .nd Mrs. Us Qlov-
District 48-14 fsvoredtheiwsl
school budget in an
toT. The question was Increas
tot the tax levy for the rural
ool district beginning July
moving to Sweet Home this sel
week. Hutt has been elect-
j... tkm dinner were, Fred HUiew n rT-iT
u y..i. and her son. Paul
Glover, Mr. and Mrs. David
Yoder. Dallas Spencer, Wsyne
rivnfL Mn. LUCUie BOare, mu.
wi afr Marian Latham. Mr,
and Mrs. Don Atwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Bride and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Whitfield.
Rnv Martin was civen a fare
well party last week by Mr.
and Mrs. John Gutbrod. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Knute moss,
Mrs. Ellen Brow, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Bo her, Mr. and Mrs.
George Krumdick and daugh
ter, Mrs. Leona Stabner, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Brandt Rev. Math
iason. Les Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs.
Gutbrod and daughter, Mark
Smith. Al Jungllng, Mr. and
student body for the
He will succeed Dale
member of the areduaUngcUss.
Other officers elected were
Bailer, vice president; Jerrun
Zook, secretary; Elisabeth East.
SurnV treasurer; LaVone Hal
teth, assistant treasurer.
High school commencement
will be Friday evening, May 21
In the high school gym. Rev.
Hurley, S.J , of the Jesuit Nov.
itiate, delivered the baccalaur
eate sermon Sunday evening at
the high school. '
Valedictorian is Dolores
Smith and Jeanne Aaronia. sal
ute tor lan. ''
Monday, May aty'na
1 1-:-' i
uniunraie t
uflunui mi. aiui i.-
Kenneth Hilderbrand and
sons of Albany wan WsavJ
day evening guests of haTaZ
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. (?
The oldest son, Leslie hU
brand, IT. will graduatefclt
the Corvallis city high a2
June 2 and' trnrnediatelrJ
the Navy.-
t Mr. and Mrs. John Trent al '
and daughter-in-law, Ur. 2
Mrs. Paul Trent and thra
of Cloverdale, were Thurah, i
guests of bar son-in-law
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. cw
Shelburne. ,
Claude, who received atrU.
ankle injuries several
ago, was able to attend Sayl?
union high school graduatf?
where his eldest son wjT;
member of the class. . . .
Tea growing in BrazO
developed to the point
Brazilians hepe to comjr.
with the producers of the r
Mrs. deLesplnasse were Mr.
and Mrs. J. Koppeia ot Taco-
Wash., spent several day a at W"h-' no Mr' ,nd M
the home of her daughter and Don Covey ot Eugene. Also
family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald mesis lor io nays are ur. ana
Grand Island Mr. and Mrs.
Dale L. Fowler and Marcena
of Grand Island entertained a
group of relatives and friends
at their home Thursday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Clark No-1
ble showed views of Oregon,
Washington and California
Mrs. Marcena Viesko and
Miss Doris Braat, teachers in
Portland schools, attended the
Dayton union high school
graduation Wednesdsy evening.
Marcena Fowler is namesake of
Mrs. Viesko and niece of Miss
McWhirk, returning home the
last ot the week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell
and sons, Timothy and Tom
my, were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Msy
in Salem recently.
. Mr.' and Mrs. Orville Down
ing are receiving congratula
tions upon the arrival of a new
grandson, born to their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Brown -of Med
ford. Mr. and Mrs. Downing
left for - Medford Thursday
morning, where Mrs. Downing
will stay for the next two
James Abel from Glendale,
Calif., Mrs. Bemeice Taliafer
ro from Haywood, Calif., Mr.
and Mrs. Charlie Downle from
Wheeler and Mrs. May Swank
ot Stayton were Lyons visitors
Wednesday. The three women
are the former Abel girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Power
have as their guests her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Seyril from Glendale, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Fat Lyons are
announcing the arrival of a
new granddaughter, born to
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glesler of
Marion. Mrs. Lyons is at the
Glesler home assisting with the
work. '
, Miss Althea Stout from
Mountain View, Calif., a resi
dent of Lyons 30 years ago,
called on friends here one day
Mrs. A. H. Muyskens, Grand
Rapids, Mich., brother of Mrs.
New gheeing Opta :tt
Beth Featans la Clar
Ahfcott and Ceatelle
' ' Abe
" Randolph Keatl
Usli aUIIIU. W&HWaT ff
OATT.8 Or EN T:tt
In Icehnlreter
Junrs Stewart
Janet Uifh
frier Lawferd
riigns s-sre
Rosalind ReaaeU
Paul Doaslas
Victor Matare
j M-MII'I' I
J sasin s ssaa S
Briaa Dealevy f
Aadrey Tetter
Vera Ralstea
Deaa Martin
Jerry Lewis
Tyrone Fewer ,
In Technlceler
, Mon. thru Frf. ;
o Monday
on Toast
o Tuesday
q la King
o Wednesday
Hot Roast
Pork Dinner
o Thursday
o Friday
and Cheese
2-MiRiife Service
At tke Ceyirel
Shopping Center
12 00 Sf ate St
Phone 3-6489
Wo7! is The Time ; m
.. -' -v ''.''' ' ' y-y .J
Fill Your Locker Now
While Randall's Prices
-Are Still Low!
i Hi.
At rime when we know yo will meet ape rec lore it our pleomre is to brin yoa this fine Eestera Orefon Hsr.
terd Beet t the lowest prices in veers mud yearsl Wholesole prices on every heef cut In the house! Hon ta any
waeVa swpniy. Fill your lockar. -
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Arm Cuts-Blade Cuts Rumps
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Hound-T-BcM-tlb Slstb
fell :roBod
smo TV
fresk ketf
Young Hens T lM
Fulry Dressed and Drown
Half or Whole
Baby Beef
Front Quarter
'f cl Tongues a
Hind Quarter
S. n t ','