Monday, May 25, 195S Par 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJ. Onpm RADIO PROGRAMS BTEVB BOlEB To Kiss, or Kill TUESDAY M. y DAY KEUIE lAF BawsfaalarMl -I bj'SLB rttTr'u-'iP' somstmin ' -- til I . -'-' r ' r-.Y- MOVINC) OP CN THAT Jlf WW , --"'St f fcl tS- : -H Wi kW U5SIN0 THS rVl-ee CATWAUr -"V j" "-'Mi Vwt VA B46 BO IN TWI fWADOVv KLCZZ. . -W ' ' if' -$.V VTfH TO MJQ A MA5TE8TO CHAPTER t The room phone tar. 8 till smll inn Rose lifted U Irom the cradle. Then loosed at Inspector Carlton. "Lona-distanee. Eagle River ealllnc Mandell. That! where the Ebbllng summer lodge ia lant 1U" ' Carlton moved eloaed to the chair In which MandeU wu tit ting. "Let him take It." Harney. mv bov." Atlornev Eb- bling's Harvard drawl aounded thin and tar away, a li he had a bad connection. "I've been trying to get you for houri. And I cant tell you how nice it li to hear your voice." "It'a sice to bear you," Mandell aid. . Attorney EbbUne chuckled. "At you know by now, the good news that you were being released found Gale in Bermuda. But she tot there ae fart as and could Sow let me talk to Oale a mo- will voti Rarnev?" -Oale lint here," Mandell aald. "Not there?" Attorney taoung mitux4 nuzzled. "Oh. I aay, now, That's odd. She should have nhkuo thla afternoon. uBrufn'a ahouldera aajreed. then hli whole body. He tried to apeak and couldn't. Oale wu flying to be with him. And he'd let her down a second time. The receiver drooped from ma 'nana, unw iiK7ht u u It fell. Attorney Ebblint't Harvard drawl crawled out of the receiver again, erlsper uut tune. im m thing wrong?" Mandell burled hi face In bin hands. A man couldnt cry, but he could laugh. He atarteu w jaugn and eouiana atop. um anmethina wron Mandell felt emotionally drain ed. He sat with hit back against the screen mesn tnai lormeu mo headboard of his bunk and read Joe Mereert story in a five-star final edition. The headline read: FIGHTER HELD IN MURDER AFTER DRUNKEN HOTBL ROOM SPREE . . The story vu as bad. In the reporter's opinion, he was a toud mouthed, know-lt-all wise guy. who had allowed bis ring ability and a fortunate marriage to a wealthv airl to go to his head. He was an Ingrate with a swollen ego, who thought he was above the law. For some reason, Joe had a knife In him. More, he was twisting it. It wu the reporter's opinion, under Joe's by-line, that he had been legally sane when he had invited Cherry Marvin to bis hotel for a party and killed her with a blow of the fist that bad compiled forty -two consecutive knockouts. He lay back an the bunk and put the newspaper over his eyes. Then high heels clicked on the cement and a turnkey said, "A dame to see you, Barney." Mandell got to his feet He hoped it wss Oale. It wasn't It was Rosemary. She save the suit box aha carrying to the turnkey. "Some clean clothes for Barney. With Inspector Carlton's permission." Then she squeezed both hands in between the bars. "Hello. Barney." Mandell held her hands, think ing how pretty she was in her niirt,1, whit uniform and red' lined blue cape. And aha wu still the same good sport, still Just the girl next door. No beef. No tears. No "Why did you do it?" ' "How's Ma?" ha asked her. "Fine Rosemary said. "Just fine. But you should have gone to tee her, Barney." "Yeah," Mandell laid. "I meant to. Then all this came up. Tou and I both know what the )oint wu. I wu u balmy u Old Man Giovan ni used to get when he was looped. I rural I still am." "I dont believe it Rosemary said. "I dont believe you killed that girl. I don't believe you're crazy That's one of the reasons I'm here. Why did you ever let them commit you, Barney Mandell attempted to explain. Because I took one punch too many, see? And R did something to my marbles I wu acting crazy and seeing and hearing things thst didnt exist except In my mind." Rosemary gave him a cigarette and lighted it. "How, acting erazv?" -Hearing voices ana - oeus m the middle of the night. Imagining hot water wu running out ol cold-water taps." He laughed, self conscious. "Thinking my raxor wu an ice cube and putting it in a trav in UK numerator inaieaa a the medicine cabinet. Then there wu tne parrou , -What'a this about a parrot?" Mandell explained. "That's when I knew I wu turning dangerous. When I twisted the parrot's neck because I wu sore at Oale." "And why were you sore at Oale?" He said Quietly, "Because, crazy u I wu. I thought Oale wu two tlmlng me. And It wu all in my mind, tee? Oale srore It even while I wu slapping: her around that night; swore there'd been no other man, that It had only been the parrot I'd neara. "Then, when I woke up the nexi mnrniii and found out that some time during the night Id twisted the parrot's neck. I knew it wu Mm t da aomethina about me. So I talked It over with Oale and her father and a high-priced brain doctor that Mr. Bung euggesiea. And the four of us decided that I needed treatment." "What wu Uus psychiatrists name?" "Orin Harris." -no tou remember the nsmes of any of the doctors at the asylum?" Mandell rememoerea mi names. Rosemary wrote uran down. "You're a nice kid, Rosemary." She touched his face with the tins of the fingers of her other hand. First the scar tissue over his eyes, then his flattened nose, then his lips. "You're nice, too. Barney. I dont care what John and Pat say. I don't care what Joe Mercer thinks. You're good. You're fine. You're sweet. But you're the dumbest man in Chicago." - When she wu gone, the turn key ooened the cell and gave Man dell the suit box. It contained a change of underwear and socks, a clean shirt and' one of the ex pensive suite he'd left hanging in a closet of hit mother's South 81de cottage. Put 'em on." the turnkey said. "They want you downstairs again." Mandell dressed, wondering why, as pretty and smart u she was, Rosemary had taken up nursins instead of getting mar ried. (To Be continued) roco XAtrjfmmupimeoaN. an -nMvlut suiiyr I SUM UrW HIM A to tmonrt Indonesians like a cigarette made of a mixture of 40 per cent clovei and 60 per cent to-1 bacco. ' I artM crtr me Mrr e Atiiwn!t iiponi in rrct w4rBrerif a"vr- ti spi v ORPHAN ANNIB ' ' ' '. ' ' ' . f.. . s , IilL ABNEB , . ' " .'.": . '.. " I M-MEBfit T7TuNMV5' WHENXTTOONTTrTl I gaat?ft f W 4" T1? -THASS PEE- KOOCVAR.? T ITLUBE I MOST GAL V THREE WE TANGLES.?') THiZS.mmil ' ' : '. NO' TASTED MORE HOOMIN tASIEH A PWEFERSTO -ONSL- V , . THAN AH EKPECTEB . to kiss kiss mb m, .tL '-' 1Jti -vt. r , an--vo' SMEi-T -iO-er THATWAV- m V "WO- ) ,TP tz V BfCTTCR Jf ah tows pjS SAf eT- v . i elFA - V AwTteWlRr HOPALONG CASSIDT ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ' " . i H- I I I rFr I wiarT be battkep to peath socmen mm mJr sWv VJ- mU-fZii I 3tOWLY,ABAnertt SUXMBtttilS fm W MOS THAT LtE4 ONLY IK y. , ' ffm j . JvTT ft JTEFF ' 1 ' '' " ' .-J''--- - . ': ' ''' iWOjtt II 1 1 1 GET VOL MIND I rT'x J I ( DOC. CAN VOO 66T f 1. UJJ f?pf Wstrr-lKni twiwy' ttt ji ryrri i l:, i Pr7 Aa A ! Not Just REX MORGAN, M. D. - . " an ordinary cap sleeved cotton , - . , ai ii .m i but one with a brief bolero-like WPfM 1 THAT'S KvOu DONT Hvt TO WORRvY X'M HAPPV WMBN I LCFT, I I cut to give It new eharacierl Its LfaWaafTi ai pS,R6uy 1 about HER, POCTOt;.' that TO HGASi ABOUT WVWTiry THAN yil ( I easy-to-make In one fabric: or MOW ABOUT IT, DR. MORGAN tl UP70 J MRWTAL SANATOWUVi vOU I THAT, VAN.' THB PSYCHIATRISTS.' JanRy. I vou could use crlsu evelet contrast I .Z;.,iST A .huJb 't I wwr Ma TO A VIA AOO - VtSlaiTsA I , I for the neckUne Insert and pouch gTouT ANO TshOw HM TS WO A OOOO , S J 7J VI W CI I t., a. -.. i ii t I I TOrVN A HT, fJO WAmif-.l 1 ON AJI , .. W f f I I I M Name Address, Style Number and IX lh "f VI V--w YiAll V JW x I f(M ' tll t'tf'Ja 7f All I 1V 'V I f .. f II 81- Address PATTERN BO- B4WMVra ICf 1 ff Vf ? aiUH PVx I Vf l I lal I II REAO, Capital Journal. 65J Mis- J'A,J foV'A JMo invmSJ At liJeKL ( 1 WlvJfc V41 ky LW'i5Pl aV V S' 1 M t,on trw' Fra"c"co ClUif" pAWA'wlvtirk lv-r RivxT" rTKL-SSs K If 33 BOOM ft BOARD By Ahrea Ja, fl a l - I AMET LPUTm JSelKAV azY RVa I ...GOLT BAILS ARE UNIFORM IN - ' Sq Zt PLlNGAIALARttBU. ,DEM HAO IN MIND .- MART WORTH It f51 ySSaH f he" JraaaW- i11 StmSi l) 111 00 MV 8E5T- J &VMR3oER.'r7 1 iKGWlKOINl KbX KSLM KGAE KOCO we ces if -IgUS " ! ? A.."Tr J0. ns WHIt Harris. I'JV Wan la Bat. A. UaSlrw Bar WmI alaala sn rwmim i ? L , . miZJ, ih. ss Mart. WtoM X.U Aitlaa tnH Maal. Haato ' -Hl! Jfj il- r JUiaja. , utatf Mi Or raal mn ''.'k 2 "I. ,'.7 D. Ouitnl TaaMI Olrla "" iTrthii TM rlta Ua UAAtoa Xrar Maala Ta t r.-?LcKr kss r?ii- k :lf LrtXI - RvJa- T.SAJ C. aiaUW Sk BIN Ctak VaUwTkw S i fe iKSl Braat oS. B.t QttIs lis, Bias E..W ClaS a g at Btafc TtTjiiar last ral. Art g- C" gj E"" S'.TV aik. atMla raaav Bwat E4. NW Mtwt lapaar Clafc CABAMIzM !:U natL a, rTu.4 0S ltU N.wi sum Claa Ntwa "gS, InlT iSwalM . Bit. Cla Tiif Htrt SkrlaTr uThaaias '"' Mailt i'-lT BtrtakrhiH O. SM SUrtr Ea.1. Bjaatas M-lt l LIU, Htllrwt B..S- t C " " "! j:. rinl BUMtt Mtile M.ll Cttilas BaaiMtrt BaaAilaaS !it Maa't F,ll Dtrl. Da, Imakaarfe BUS "'D :U Wlt Nt L. rartMt s,.phtatlte ASwatlw :Jr assu ntatt J. tufftrt u v..r wt g.Jr Bttt. qt, Jaaltr Mitt ytlsaUr BmmU TJT Marti. Itbaa, - T.. W. B, !' LU D.iur atttUas rj.w tnk " i-M rntltai Ot Mr. aat Mn Ttwa MMi. Mailt BattaaR li . Satrta naal T a Wtcl. Daa,. J - JtaJI Nt ia.A Tat caaM Traatar, Daaa TIM Ntwt nuat r,taf IJiJC Sla, BaaS Pt TUat Haai-te Oa) Wlrtl ha, T Niwt ; Nantaaw Daat. Tl Btawr O.l W,M S.., f li 1 L. MtCah Mailt Oaatt T ait MlSalakl Nlfkt Stat ; lt;J Clt, CtaaeU Mail Plata Tlait MHtSItt iNlrhl ., Una? Sin Off la Off Ibtaet Tlait WtltS, Maa I Bits Ot. WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:43 A.M. - (Di.t Wait RFD Ortna Orttta rara NW Ntwi BrtaUart ;15D. watt KOIN Kltea Btar I ! ! " ;M Dir. Witt KOIN Klttk Ortna Tar. Ntwi l"m 5:4? Farai Ilaw KOIN Klttt Hit, Mirta Tlaw Natk Nat. Wtai "Tio? Ctaalr, Ka. KOIN Black Ntwi "'''""V J L. WlUa Ntwi , M. Airaaik, Brtiklirt Natk KOCO IM V-WNm Ntwi Btk CarrtS Oaa, Brtaklaat BOCO KM I" K." Maa. B. Bakbllt Btk Malta aai B.wt Natfc KOCO Klttl .'nn ois Stan Caa. Wtwa Brtakfait CteU Brtaa Jlai Daut, Nm ' 1 01. Mm Nt-i Clak Fi-ll, Altai JIa DaaS, KOCO Kk S: Silt 21 Brtra Trial Braaktut Bart. 1 Urn BOCO Bit git' Baa O.I taaai, Cltk Bttt llai Pa.t, Nm ..HA D.-d uf. A-M-'tSlt. Dr. Swart Back raaaa WaaiaB'i Pg. a-1 IfViI. B Ma Ftrkiai Tttar'i SUr CpU C.ln Mattaat Mult Malta Baa Dr. Malta. Frltat ka Piitar'i Click ra.M ri... rat, , V. Llatlakr OtlS. LUM Nttt Bta. Ctaalti MaUaaa iTtlra B. ., - BMttta Bar. Mra. Bartaa D. Glta Bart, Batk Flat Ka,l 19 Jf Slrtk. U Ntr. Draat M, Trm. Matte ""," ' lojsr Klek ' BrlikUr Di Star, Mailt Matraa. Batartt 11. or DtaWt 9f Graat Steal Waltatrlas Utlta Fair Back Faaa. Ban 11 T Natblat- Saarkl Girl Marrtet Latita Fair MaUaaa Batartf PhrattFan Btwa, Fart, V. Uatlaar Qataa Vac Back FtaM Ban "r Btk Bap. Stan Fart, Barac Katp Da, Mlllatt Btcarta TU Ma,.: EOIN It 1.1. t I B. t 11 l . BEX St S to I p.w DIAL LISTING, KOAC. SSI UAlA Tattta, r.K-Biaj, ntwai nvnt 1c.11. Cat, Aacati l:tt, RISC 1. Ccwkt,l I:St, Eiptclall, far Wcaacai 4:M. Warlt Btvltw; S:M, CklKrta'a Tktattri S:SS, Ntwi aat Wtalktri 1:IS, Enalar Farai Btar; :. AC Wttaaata, A.. !:, 1 xvrlw Ntwi aat Wtatfcat 1 It:U, . Etattlall, fa, WaaMai 11 S. Ortaaa Sckttl .( Air 1 UllS. Naaa Farm Baar. ' Mttltatlaai lt:M. tin Off. XI 00 Lebanon Schools Will Close June 4 Lebanon The elementary schools will close June 4 when classes will be held until noon only. Graduating high school sen iors will receive their diplomas on the evening of June 3 in the auditorium. Speaker will be Dr. John M. Swartout, profes sor of political science at OSC. Baccalaureate will be held in the First Christian church May 31 at 8 p.m. Rev. David Gordon of St. Martin's Epis copal church will deliver the message. Pastors from other churches will participate. Among social functions slat ed for the next few weeks are installation for Girls' League and Boys' League on May 20 at 1 p.m. On May 22, the senior class presents its as sembly to the student body and on May 29 the annual honor award assembly will be held 'in the gymnasium at 1 p.m. FLOODS HALT TRXlNS Fort William, Scotland (flV A thunderstorm spread raging floods over west and central Scotland Monday. Thousands of Whitsun holidaymakers were marooned in trains, buses and steamers as mountain lochs overflowed and sent waters rushing across roads and rail lines. Lebanon Hospital To Get Flag Pole Lebanon Earl T. Newbry, secretary of state, will deliver 1 the short address accompany ing presentation of a flag pole at the Lebanon community , hospital on Memorial day. This was announced Thurs- . day by Frank Groves, chair man of the Legion post 51, which is dedicating the pole. Services will be held at 11 a.m. ' and are open to the public. ; The 36-foot pole was welded and donated by Crown Zeller bachThe DAR is donating the flag, and the Legion is pro viding the lanyards, and the bronze plaque that will be set into the base. Actual presentation of the. flag pole to Bishop Allen Erb, representing the hospital, will be made by Warren Gill, state senator and Lebanon attorney. DALLAS NEWCOMERS Dallas New residents in Dallas this week include: M. P Ingerson who Is living at 1018 Hill St.; William Ross,' 1101 Washington; and Hugh T. Pfeifer, 410 Ash St .The grey squirrel, a native of America, was introduced into England in the 19th ceff-tury. Ihus Stop go.d HEni SHaE rue ElilH. AIN 0 N Tffc?E ACROSS . I. Head and shoulders t. Assist t. Mineral spring 12. Medley 13. Always 14. Automobile 19. Microbe It Clean thor oughly 18. Past 20. Flowering plant St. Compete 55. Type square 28. French airplane 27. Lubricate 29. Burrow 82. Chen pieces 83. Picture lUnd 35. CuitsieUtUoc 36. Before 37. Kind ot bread 38. Bar legally 40. Mother 41. Grows less light 43. Fist caps 47. Danish fiord 48. Outbunts of spproval SO. Small island 94. Loud noise 65. Spoken 68. Metal fastener 97. Olden times 58 Back of the neck 88. Cuidewsy in a ' knitting machine van QlTETLTi IoIvieInI aiy eusIqIbtalirIeIsitI Solution of Saturday'! Puxile DOWN I. Marsh 1. Rubber tree 8. Term of ' address 4. Garden fruit t. Egret ' r I r I i' i I' I I ' l l' i) T " " " 7 (M., nT " 1 71 If ,:Ln TT" " -"""tj-- if'titur tr-TT '&' ir irn W'ffiyr sr rrtt n- n .it if ' ' il 373T n - .zr tfvfpr r - -r v i ir !T it I ::r I I ti MM! I I I B' 1 1.1 fc Preceding night T. Optical glass 8. Parts that drive a vessel (.Mark ota wound 10. Head 11. Regioa 17. Vigor 18. Creation 21. Arrived 22. Above 23. Baseball team 24. Piled with medicine 2t DlminuUva ending 21. Point ot tuna 30. Metal 31. Openings 34. Forever 38. Quantities of yarn 40. Came together 42. Passageway 43. Portend 44. Wicked neat 45. Part of tab oa 44. Railblrd 4. Short site . 81. Salt Bl Racllne 82. Masculine