Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 25, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    Monday, May 25, 1953
leavers, Hollywood Split
Doubleheader in Portland
1 a r 1 1 1 a 4 a; n awi....
blaaked Hollywood, -, la the
nightcap af , ruUlc Cout
, Leagae doableheader her to
' f'a'T -rWnf the epeaer
U the Stars, i-I.
; Fletcher Robbe, first man up
. for Portland in the first in
. aings, rapped out a home run,
- that gave the Beavers an ad
vantage they kept through the
For good measure, Portland
tallied four more scores in the
sixth. With two men walked
to base, Charlie Grant hit a
double. Singles by Eddie Ba
sinskl and Granny Gladstone
and an error by Monte Basgall
accounnted for the other runs.
Red Adams was credited
with his third win and Larry
Shepard, relieved by Joe Muir
In the sixth, was charged with
the loss.
The 3373 fans saw the opener
go in favor of Hollywood as
Krank Kelleher knocked a two
run homer and a double to
para tne stars.
, Kelleher" s double scored
Jack' Phillips, who had dou
bled in the first and his sixth
inning homer sent Phillips,
who walked this time, home
Portland pushed three runs
across in the ninth, but could
not overcome the Hollywood
Native Dancer Still Draws
A Lot of Public Respect
".Baltimore ( The experts
eaa go en arguing whether Na
tive Dancer Is great, good or
just the best of a poor crop,
.bat there's Be question the
' gray colt has excited the pub
lic more than any horse, prob
ably since Maa O' War.
, Alfred G. Vanderbilt's pride
; proved conclusively In Satur
day's Preakness he has that
.Indefinable quality of color.
'.- Rarely, it ever, has a race
horse been applauded by the
crowd walking to the post as
he was at Plmblico.
Track Title;
OGE Second
Portland U.9 Eastern Ore
gon college piled up nearly
three times as many points as
the nearest rival to capture the
Oregon Collegiate track con
ference title here Saturday in
a downpour of rain-that led
the postponement of the title
game of baseball and cancella
tion of the tennis bout
The 'Castern Oregon school
collected IS hi points in win
ning nine of the 15 events in
'the four-school meet Oregon
college trailed far behind in
second place- with 27, followed
by Portland State with 14V4
and Oregon Tech with 13.
EOCE's Bill West won indl
divldual honors with firsts in
the shotput and high hurdles,
seconds In the discus and low
hurdles and ran a lap on the re
lay team for a point total of
Oregon college and Portland
State won the morning base
ball games and the right to
meet for the championship, but
the title game was postponed
until next weekend because of
the rain. Officials said it will
be played in Portland. OCE
got to the final game with a
5-1 victory over Oregon Tech
and Portland earned a berth
with a 8-5 win over Eastern
Oregon. In the 4 Inning
consolation game, Oregon
Tech thumped EOCE, 7-1.
Portland State's four-man
golf team won its champion
ihio over the only opponent,
OCE, by a score of 322 to 387.
ffhe tennis championships were
3 OSC Football
Players Among
Those Suspended
Corvallis, Ore. (P Five Or
egon State college students, in
cluding three Beaver football
players, were suspended Satur
day for misconduct In connec
tion with the theft of parking
meters in Corvallis and nearby
Albany May 19.
OSC President A..L. Strand
Identified the five as Robert
J. Hartman, 22, Petaluma, Cal.;
James Solom, 22, Lake Toma
howk. Wis.; Louis Calvin
Moore, 21, Vallejo, Cal.; John
B. Sltstadt, 22, Portland; and
Warren L. Gee. 25, Vallejo.
Altstadt, Solom and Moore
pleaded guilty after their arrest
May 19 on charges of stealing
parking meters. They were
fined $100 each in municipal
court In each city. Strand said
all five suspensions stemmed
from the theft case.
Hartman had been counted
on to be a starting tackle on
the OSC football squad next
full. He was a Junior. Solom,
also a junior, won a letter as
a center last year. Moore, a
senior, wss a two-year letter
man tackle.
IBr OHM Pratt)
W h
SeetUt It l
Lot Aaetlte M u
Hollywood M U
Portland I H
u Din , u u
Baa rtaatiaee at
Mr1! BaaaHei
tut a. In Praatteea I lel.
But rraaelaee 4. Battue I le4).
Oetlaaa I, aa Dicta S IlitL
Bu Din , oaklaaa I ttatu;
eecreraeala 1, Loa Aae.lee (letl.
Lot Aatalea J, Iwiauu I iiaaj.
Hellnoed I. Portias S (let).
Partlaae . Bellrwea4 a (tU. ,
Bew the Sattae SMteS:
Seattle 4. aw rraaelata a.
Lot Aatalea 4, Becraiaeate S.
Oakland a. Baa Dteae 1.
Hollnood I. Fortlaevd a.
Oleae. Tale Week!
Oakland at Baa PraaeUee.
Hollywood at Loa ABaelea.
Seattle at aaenaeate.
PorUand at Baa dim.
Left bander ' Lloyd Hlttl
went the disUnce for Holly
wood for bis third win. Royce
Lint, who was relieved bv
; Fred Sanf ord in the ninth, was
we loser.
The games were the third
and fourth in a week-long se
ries slowed down by rain -caused
San Francisco lto Lefty
O'Doul, whc recently was pho-
There was $696,639 bet on
the seven horses and $546,663
of It was on Native Dancer.
Moreover, while they put $185,-
on mm to win and $79,383 for
second, bettors poured in an
amazing $281,576 on him for
third. .
So great was . the public
faith in Native Dancer that tht
next lowest win odd was
$11.20 for one dollar on Royal
Bay Gem. And this disparity
despite the fact that Native
Dancer had been beaten three
weeks before In the Kentucky
Deroy by Dark Star, one of
his competitors in the Preak
The public made Dark Star
third choice at $11.30 to $1 and
he finished fifth.
Some of the experts still
weren't fully satisfied of Na
tive Dancer's greatneaa after
Saturday's race. Their reluct
ance was due to his failure to
win by any more than a long
neck over Jamie K, the sur
prisingly strong finisher who
had won but three of 19 pre
vious races against mediocre
These experts want to wait
for the Belmont, final event
of the triple crown, on June
13 when Jamie XL, and his
jockey, Eddie Arcaro, will
have another chance.
Webfoots Plan
Playoff Series
With Stanford
Corvallis, WV-The Univer
sity of Oregon Ducks, winners
of the Northern Division base
ball title Saturday, made plans
Monday for their playoff with
Stanford for the Pacific Coast
Conference diamond title.
The Ducks took the title
when rain forced cancellation
of a scheduled game with Ore
gon State here Saturday. Ore
gon finished - one-half game
ahead of the Beavers in the
Northern Division title chase.
Conference regulations forbid
makeup games after the last
scheduled game, in this case
the postponed Saturday con
test. Junction City
Firm Low Bidder
On Stadium Job
Corvallis W) A Junction
City firm, Wall, Bartram and
Sandford, submitted a low bid
of $104,000 Friday for con
struction of part of the new
Oregon State College football
Work is to begin as soon as
weather permits and is to be
completed by Nov. 14 when
Oregon State meets Washing
ton State in the only game
scheduled here next fall.
The bid covers construction
of concrete sides which are to
seat 18,500.
no fuss no muss
no bother no dirt
use Prcoo-locoa
(graphed searching far silver
threads among the black la
Oakland Manager Angle Ga
laa's eaiffara, had a few snare
ef his nra today, flat a klag
stsed headache.
Galan's rampant Oaks
bounced 0Doul's San Diego
Padres out of Emeryville yes
terday after winning their se
ries six games to one. And only
some tidy pitching by southpaw
Memo Luna in the nightcap put
the brakes on nthe A corns, who
bowed 6-3 after winning the
opener, 1-0.
Meet Head-ea
Now the Acorns head for
Paul Pagan's' inexpensive San
Francisco's Seals on sale for
$290,000 for a series In his very
expensive stadium . (not for
sale). San Francisco remained
jammed in the cellar as it split
twin bill with Seattle. The
Suds retained their four game
margin over second place Los
Angeles, who divided with Sac
ramento. George Bamberger flipped a
four-hitter at San Diego in the
opeuer and sent Bob Kerrigan
down to his fifth defeat of the
season. "Bamby" tallied the
lone marker himself when he
doubled in the third inning,
advanced on a single and scor
ed as Ray Dandridge was hit
ting into a force play.
Suds Greater wind
Vera Kinds! ather outlasted
Lefty Al Lien .in an 11-innlng
pitchers battle wnicn was nail
ed when Seattle's Ray Orteig
belted a bases-empty home run.
Seattle won 2-1. -
John McCall went the route
for the Seals in the nightcap as
they curbed Seattle, 4-1, with
single tallies In the third,
fourth, fifth and sixth frames.
The Sacs, getting more and
more troublesome at the sea
son goes on, erased a 8-1 def
icit to beat LA 7-6 in the op
ener. Johnny Hitcney worxea
loser Willie Ramsdell for a
pass In the ninth, stole second
and was singled noma oy wen
ie Myers.
Angels Take Series
Gene Baker smasea a corn
er in the tenth to give the An
gels a 3-2 victory and the se
ries, four games to three.
Plret Bene:
aUmad (I)
(I) JWUaal
a a
S OAoelle., 4 114
anuaaou.r a l e
Oldata.ct 4 1 S
4 RatllLlI 4 S 1
Beeaell.l 4 14 1
lRMnau 4 1 S 1
1 Orust.1 4 t a
BenakL) 4 14 1
lUnt.e lilt
a a
SaiorAa 1 S a
Tattle U IS SI S Tata). M a n
HollTWOO .....a....... 100 OU 0A1 I
Hlta S10 Oil 111 10
Fortius 00 000 Ml I
Hlta Oil 101 111
Fltehm: UP AS B H XH BB SO
Rittia s m i s . l a 4
Liit n s is 4 s
Ban ford .. MlSSiSS
It Phllupe I. wiener, HIWUIT) avoen-
arak. Oladatone. Heateiu, hoduqd.
rhllipa. Kaahorak. RBI Kallahar I.
Btuml, IlaaiallL Boolubn. Battnikt,
BadalL RB KaUihar. IE rial ta 111. Roa-
lnaon. nulla. Bantu, aac. Roanorta
Braaaa. OP Baatall, Koahorak and
Phiuina: Or ant Baalnakl 'and Belch:
Koahorak. BaaH and PhlUlpa. Laft
Hollnrood 7, Portland S- Wlnnar Hlttla.
Loaar Lint. U SllTa. Dor an and Car
luod. T Ml.
Saeond tint:
BaUrwa! 0)
J Parlland
1 Jl U A
BaffU,t I
Baard.rf S
S 1 Bobba.r I
1 Aril. Ik I
lRuaielcr 4
0Ritalll.1t S
1 Rblnsn.d S
lOrant.3 S
4 Auttlnj S
I Banikl.l 1
5 Adama,p S 1
atanna,lk S S
PhllltM.1 S
Malont.a a
BaaaaU.l S
Koahrakj S
ehprd, S
Mulr.a I
a-ruhar 1
Tatala 14 i II 1 Tolala n 111 1
a atrnek aul lor roaharak In Tth.
Hoiinrood ., aoo ooo a a
Hlta loo no a i
Portland 100 004 4
Hlta 110 111 !
Pltchan: IP AB B R XR BB SO
Bhfpard ... iV, 10 1,1 1 4
Huir t I I I 0 1
Adatna .... f If 0 I I I I
R Robot. Robinson. Grant. Auatln.
Oladatono. B BaaaaU. RBI Robba. Ba
alnakl, Oladton I. SB A oa tin. BaaaaU.
Grant, HR Robba. . Orar.1. Arft.
Lolt HoUraood a. Portland T. Winner
Adama. Loaar. Bhepard. U Doren. Car.
Iwxl and aura, T 1:44. A tt 1,171.
Plrak taint:
Ran Pranelaoa .. 000 M0 100 001 S S
Statue an ooo toe n t ie
Lien ana Tornai: BUndafathtr and
ateoaa tame: -
Sen Pranclace ....... Ml 111 44 11
Seattle 000 010 01 4 1
fccell and Tlealera; WMnar. Del
Duea (), Darla ill and ChrlaUt.
394 North Church
hone 3-9600
Salem Captures
State High School
Albany W) A fear-maa
golf team from Salem High
School Saturday duplicated
the lit score fired Friday
to win the state fclgh school
golf toarnameat with a to
tal score of 614.
Bob Pnall of Salem was
tournament medalist with
75-7 1146.
Lincoln of Portland,
which was tied with Salem
for the lead Friday, shot
lit Saturday to whs second
place with 63.
Hllwaukle was third with
Jlf-Ut 435 and Hedford,
defending champion, foarta
with Jl-I24 44. Team
Franklin of Portland Jtt
44445; Eugene 16-36
646; Central Catholic ef
PerUaad 316-336646;
Marshfleld 32 - 334 -a- 454;
CorvallU 331-337656; Uni
versity of Eugene 335-335
666; Columbia- Prep of Pert
land ' 334-333666; Lake
Oswego 336-245675; Jef
ferson of Portland 346-331
677; Beavartoa 343-336
Ford steals die show 5yeax in a row
With its 41 "Worth More"
features, this '53 Ford haa
made a solid hit as America's
number one family buy t
Here are a few of the 41 "Worth More"
features that establish the 'S3 Ford aa
America's new Btandard of value.
a lea lewetOja SaaJ
Hit Cretrmri Stay m,ii( tut' anlfaal
. - 4tVeaaWiea
CeJeretraf nie. eatalaf . " """aa.,,,,. . , - -a. ' '
6JyBBleaevag6B HJafiV4ief eee- VTeaaaaw bbbjbj
a I a at ejaaaatj BSSMBtKKBB'' - " - 4W
6"tw"'aeBBBj "OBaBBBj Bl'"8BBaaaBBaaw VaaBra aBBBBTW4vaWtv "ty f- -
rWtWI fffft 1 1 rv "Vv ' earvaaiaar.rOtW
ilh MakSWaka S Valetli ! laaroareis 't
. SVO a isia mmmt ttaat il 1 1 1 ill
Ste ltooeValu Check it a aa Teat Drive itl " MM,
Fate of Tyee
Franchise Up to
Victoria Fans
Victoria, B. C The fu
ture of professional baseball in
Victoria will depend on fan
support for next week's home
stand of the Tyees.
In financial difficulties be
cause of poor attendance dur
ing the first 12 home games of
the season, club officials Satur
day issued an appeal for mora
fan support.
Club directors met Friday to
consider the situation, and in a
prepared statement following
the meeting Implied that if fur
ther support is not forthcoming
in next week's home stand, it is
probable that the Tyees will be
forced to drop out of the West
ern International League.
Commenting on the situation.
General Manager Reg Patter
son said: .
"If Victorians want profes-
676; Cleveland of Portland
334-3541; Oust ol
Portland 346-35773;
Warrenton 353 361 114;
Parkrose 351-366716; Al
bany 364-355716; Wash
iagtoa ef Portlaad 356-37;
733;' Seaside 366-372
746; Tillamook 366-36
776; Hood stiver 464-436
slonal baseball and I think they
do, they can have it by attend
ing next week's games in num
bers sufficient to assure the
financial success of the club.''
No figures were announced
as a yardstick. - . ;-
Huskies Win
Golf Crown
Seattle, F) The University
of Washington Huskies won
the Northern Division golf fi
nale Saturday with a four-man
team total of 8B6, one point
lower than the score carded
by University of Oregon links
men. ,
Idaho took third with 846,
Oregon State fourth with 655
and Washington State fifth
with 667. -
Don Krleger of Oregon and
Washington Paul Johnson
shared medalist honors with
36-hole cards of 144.
Donald Loucka, tennle coach
at Florida State U served as
an instructor at West Point
during World War n.
Chrrry City
33 Chemeketa
Pbeae 2472
I (VabTS ar
I ? .
. When you see this new Ford when 701
Value Check it 41 "Worth More" feature
lit when yon Test Drive it : 1 1 you'll know
that no other car is so well fitted to your
family driving needs, 1 ;
For you'll find the "Go" you need to "eat up"
the distance in Ford's great V-8 and Six '
engine. You'll find a new concept of riding
comfort and quiet on all road ; ; i with Ford'
new Wonder' Ride between you and the
bumps. You'll find you get "living' room
Hogan WinsCohnidio
Push Earnings toll G's
Fart Worth, TOOJBUttle
Bea Hegaa, who's auklag fcta
"aaaU-ratirssasat" pay eft aa
the leadlBg aseaey wiaaar ef
the year, eat hi atghta today
ea the National Open after
plcklag ap the I5.666 first
prhM ta the Caloaial lavita
tioa Tearaaweat.
The little Texan, who plays
out of Palm Spring, Calif., but
who calls Colonial Country
Club' 7,000-yard layout
"home", pushed his season
winning to fl 1,000 yesterday
by spreadeagling a select field
by five strokes.
Seek Fearth Crewa '
He fired a three under par
67. on the final da tor a 283
total two over par, over the
course which was swept bv 20
to 30 mile winds all four days
of the tournament
Now. after aa exhibition or
two on the way north, Hogan
plana to move into Oakmont,
Pa., where the Open starts
June 11, two days ahead of
time, in search of hi fourth
open crown. .
Hogan started yesterday's fi
nal round in a three way tie
for the lead with a 318.
Leave Other Behind -
While Clayton Heafner and
Jerry Barber faded to over par
gou in tne Wu-plus neat, Hogan
The physically handicasoedl
Ml year help. GeodwiU la
daatric aeeds yenr discarded
clothing, faraltore aad house-l
held articles to keep the haa
Idkapped employed.
Pkkaaa Tatadaya aad Frtdayal
that' the finest in the low-price field. And
youll find the nearly effortlea hudling
braking and parking that make even city
driving a treat. ' '
Yea, this new Ford set a whole new standard
of driving : 1 : and a whole new standard of
atyle. with it lower, longer, wider, mora
massive look! No wonder, so many folk
have Joined the swing to Ford. No wondet
Ford' worth more when you buy it il.l
worth more when you sell it.-
tht $utng to th
53 EmA
calmly opened bis final round
with a birdie and kept the beat
on steadily. By the lltk hoae,
which be birdled with aa eagle
three, he was well out la groat
and won going sway.
Doug rord of Harrison, Jf.Y
and Cary Middleeoff ef Mam-;
phis, Tena finished in a deaaV
iock for second place and wea
83.800 each with , identical
Lloyd Mangrum of Nil,
who finished in a three-
way ue lor fourth place here ,
with Ted KroU of New Hart
ford, N.Y and Jerry Barber of
La Canada, Calif, with 28r,
won $1,600. '
Beshore to Cox
In Portland
Portland. JJ . Freddie Oe
shore, who battled to a uraw
with Harry (Kid) lfr.cthewa
here recently, will headline a
fight card la PortUu'1 June 6,
according to Tex atalkeld, na
tional - boxing club match
maker. ... ,
Salkeld 'aid ncgotUtlen
were undor way with Ezxard
Charles, Rex Layne and Irish
Bob Murphy for the opposition.
. t. T. Lata, UJO, Dt. a ekaa. B
CpaUtra, ttl Nsrth Uaarty
otnoa aaea SattraaT an -IS an.
i am. lain
trea at aaari, tiiaUni i
Center and Liberty Sts.
tajaTiirtttd M (antral Sank
MS 80. fTH
H0NI 3-tM2