. , 4 i i I ! I i I ; ! i ! ! rax CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales, OngtB Monday, Mar 25. 1953 Memorable Dig Inning IPute Bums in Flag Mood By CAM. I.CNDQCUT Ntw Twk l It MMt snemoraals big Laalag la rbil adelphte slnee the Hll WwU Series pat tte Dedrtrt back ibm ptuut bum todtr. Swinging- savagely against Jeity ace Curt Simmons four successor!, the Brooki pounded out IS runt in the ighth timing to set two new Major League marks and tie a ,. third in 16-1 humiliation of the Phillies yesterday. The battling Brooks scored all of their 13 runs before an out was made to top a previous major league mark of 11 by Detroit against the Yankees In 1925. The use of five pitchers by the Phils in one inning tied a third record. Other Setbacks The rally recalled the famed seventh Inning of the 1020 ' World Series at Philadelphia when the Athletics, trailing 8-0, poured over 10 runs against the Cubs to win the game. Brooklyn batted for 44 min utes sending up 16 men. There were seven hits and six walks In the spree. Junior Qllllsm and Duke Snider each hit two doubles for Brooklyn and Billy Cox got four singles as reliever Johnny Podres gained his first big lea sue win. Despite the heavy hit ting it marked the first game this year in which neither the hit a homer. , ' A Lang Score r The Giants kept up their fast 0 Major Leagues fr Vmltmt reM umtrk istons I LHt O S. tUw Yert ........... SI It Ml ............ II U .101 IK ............. hum i IKM SIMM IUWUi II II 414 t rUlMMrtd If II .ill I St. LmK It tl .Mi II DelrMI It tt 'Jll lH Safer! EeaXtt j Htv Twk a, Statea 4. wwhlarue i. nuiateiahla t. CHluit t, Detroit I. 0U4 I, SI. IMII I. CleraUa H V IMi L HSmakee St. Lomla . Sraekira Ktv Twk Pitueerak " mimu utaus W L M II It II It II It II II II t ret. O S .Ul Mt tt Ml 1 I IW 1 I his I J1I JIT faatir-, BeeeMet - MUvaakee a. ChlcMe 4 (lett. Cbleeee t, UllnukM I ami). Breeklra II, ruutalpkl i. , Me Turk II. Fitutanh t. St. Kali t. ctaejaneu a. pace with an 11-1 victory over the Pirates while lesgue lead ing Milwaukee topped the Cubs 8-4, then lost S-2. The Cards topped the Reds, 1-0. In the American League the Yankees breezed to an 8-4 victory over the Bed Sox while the Indians twice defeated the Browns, 8-1 and 0-8, to move into second place, Itt games behind the New Yorkers. Washington beat the Athletics, 6-3, and Chicago defeated Detroit, S-l. Bobby Thomson and Alvin Dark each drove in three runs. Thomson connecting for seventh homer, In New York's 16-hit demonstration at Pitts burgh. Kuns Bat Ne Hits Milwaukee scored five, runs in the second inning but got only one hit as two errors and two walks were parlayed into the winning rally in the opener. Vera Blckford gained his first victory in a relief role. In the second game, the Cubs auo scoring three runs in the first then coasting to a 10-nu vic tory for Johnny Klipptteln. Gerry Staley gained his sixth straicht victory after an open' lng day defeat but be had to be food because loser Joe nux hall yielded only four hits. Took geetllrht Johnny Sain was the big wheel at Yankee Stadium, nltchins a steady eight hitter for hit fourth victory and driv ing home four runs wltn a hues- loaded double and a long flv. Gene Stenhens hit nls first big lesgue homer for we tiea Sox. Cleveland made it seven vic tories in a row for the season over St Louis with its sweep. In the opener Carry Wynn nltched four-hit ball for his fifth win and Al Rosen hit a three-run homer. The Indiana rebounded from a S-l deficit to win the second fame with a grand alam homer by Ray Boone which tied the score and subsequent rallies that offset a three-run ninth inning tpree by Top Riders Slated for Meadows 'Cycle Races Entries are beginning to ar rive daily for the flfta newel of the II Mile Pacific Coast Championship Motor cycle race to be held at The Portland Meadows Race Course Sunday June T. Vir tually all of the nations top 'evela lockers are expected to to an nana lor tnis iuu run ning of this test of speed and stamina. , Willism P. Kyne and Ard Pratt co-sramoiers of ths af fair have sotted a 61800.00 purse which is the richest pot of the year in the Northwest for the gas feeders and Is sure here to attract the nations nesi. Amnnf in trie on hand at the present time are those of Henry Buckmlller end Henry Buckmlller. Jr.. a lamer ana son team from Modesto, Calif. The senior member of ine xam- ilv rides in the expert cits) ana Henrv. Jr. has iutt been pro- meted to the Amateur cists. Henrv Jr. took first place In the Novice Heat and second in the Novice "Main" here at Portland Meadows last year. A cotaple of ewer nom w knowna to coast 'cycle fans who have indicated that they will be oa hand are George ukK.rk a tuiem. Oregon, who rides Amateur and D i e k Miner of Tacoma, Wn., who las rides "Amateur." Nine races are scheduled with the preliminaries set to get under way ai v i..rfin nn la the 15 mile Championship run which will be carded as tna mature as ue afternoon. .' s. On Saturday evenina. - there will be a dance in the Portland Meadows clubhouse for all the 'cycle champions and their friends and guests. Music will be furnished by a well known local dance band and all the clubhouse facilities will be in operation. , the Browns. Bob Keegan pitched two-hit relief ball for six innings and Chicago put over two runs in the ninth on a walk to Ferris Tain, a sacrifice by Minnie Mlnoso, a double by 8am Mele and a single by Jim Rivera at Detroit Washington gained a steady nine hit pitching production by Connie Marrero, who picked up his third straight victory while Jackie Jensen drove in two runs with a triple. , . TIRE STORE Yesterday's Stars rnaktM Oerrr ateler. at. lean Car- tflnate. tii it eat cuuiauu. l-e, ea tin am lor nu una etrueat newer. tlaae, aelteS araaa-alaai heater kuk helred clereMeX tela t-t Meterr nceat tern at avees ana at, Lemle. TIDE TABLE Star tatt, ' D. S. reruns. Oeeeeai US Weteia Lew Waters nee attetii -nan SeleM Win m-m. t- 4: mm. t.l 1I:M m.m. tt l:M mm. 4.4 11:41 B. 1.4 i n a.au -t.4 11:11 S.H. I t 4:11 .. It 1M4 m. t t l:et la. -t.t U:tt I I. t.T 1:11 I I. t.l i:it r s. i t t:tr e.M. -i t t:m txa. 1:11 a-a. -I t 131 u. U:tJ am. T t T:M eau -is j:ei l t:u mm. I.t How can Life Insurance help 3ou wHle you are Hving? : TMttotkNrihSra. i rhottI-31fl I X 1 Tirougli its living tenefits you don't liave to die to win For xampla, oym two billion dol Un wm paid to living policyhold ts lut yu by tha liia insiuaxic companiea mora than six million dollars avary day of tha you. Thete niving" benefit Include en dowment, annuities., and disability "payments, which help meet variety of situation. They can provide a college education for the children, a plan for happy retire ment yean or the paying off of the mortgage. Then, too, policy value can help buy a home, start a business, pay for an Dlnesa, "bridge a gap," establish credit, . take care of unusual responsibilities. In all these ways, and through the protection it give your family, life insurance contribute to perhaps the greatest benefit your own peace oi mind. Today 66 of all tha money paid out to policyholders and banefici aria in tha United State by Ufa inauzanca companiaa is fox "living'' benefita. Institute of Life Insurance Camlsal lem el Infecawueai boat Life liiaiiiaaea 4a MADISON AVZNUS, NEW TOM la, N. T. 25 Off List BUY 4 AT THE .PRICE OF 3 lirt Price 6.00-1 6 UstPncasioJO-lS IHfe... ....16.95 1 Tire......... ..18.95 67.80 4 Tires.. .75.80 Sola Prfc-4 Tirasi Sale Priee-4 Tlren 50.85 56.85 STRICTLY AN EXTRA-QUALITY FIRST LINE TIRE. EXTRA-STRONG CARCASS AND EXTRA LONG MILEAGE MULTI-ROW TREAD FOR . EXTRA ''STOP-ABILITY' AND EXTRA SAFETY -LAST DAY OF SALE, FRIDAY, MAY 29 WARDS DELUXE TIRES DELUXE TUBES Urt Wee IM Price Salt Price Sol Price Use . I.TIrt 4Tlr 4Tlr 1 Tube 4.40.15 18.J5 73.00 5475 2.35 4.50.15 f 20.45 81.80 41.35 2.55 470-15 . 18.95 75.80 56.85 2J5 7.10-li , 2U5 85.00 6375 2.65 7.4M5 . 23.25 93.00 6975 2.85 8.00-15 . 25.35 101.40 76.05 3.55 4.00-14 14.95 47.80 , 50.85 2.30 4J0-14 21.45 85.80 64.35 2.60 VkarWarefres. PaoW Tax one- rour eW Ntml RIVlfksiDE DELUXE WHITEWALLS ALSO ON SALE .1 ' r-.i aaMaaai