' " n n n n . ii ii ii - ii u .win o ,?oior? VUUUVJUUvJUUvJU Nicholas and Hemphill Both Pitch Shutouts Minor Usut Scores amiilir 4-4. Tanata . aaltkM U-4. Btlol 4-4.. CMOava 4-T, IHMIII 1-4. Br UNITED PRESS Om thlag aboet the Western jiUtuUmuI Leaga there! m of Mm to mar aroand. r The class 'A' loop now has ten teams which makes it a (safe bet to say that today nine of them are keeping a weather My en the Salem Sena ton. The Senator! cot off slowly land for the first couple of week were conspicuous by their absence among the lead fan. Lately they've been getting good pitching and are starrting to move up. Sunday, in the only games played in the loop, the Senat ors got two good pitching jobs out of a pair of veterans and downed the Yakima Bears in both ends of a twin bill at Ya Veteran Je Nicholas turn ed in a twe-hltter a the Senators took the opener t- , while George Hemphill came through with a three hitter In the nightcap which the Senators took t-0. That toad three straight wins for the Senators whe defeated Yakima Saturday -5. Nicholas gave up a single to ILen Noren in the first inning land Bob McGuire clipped him for a double in the second. But, (from there on out, Nicholas 'was unbeatable. He retired the LNewsom Paced Salem Jayvees In Hitting ." Larry Newson paced the Sal em junior varsity regulars in hitting for the year. Newsom batted .00V in thirty trips to the plate. Ken Schrecengost was actually the batting leader with on for one. Second baseman Ron Mage lad the team in runs scored with twelve and doubles with three. Myron Bredahl stole the most base with seven while Noel Bchidel batted in twelve runs to be the leader in that department. . -. In tbe pitching department Harry Santee had a perfect record with one won and none lost. Ron Anderson won three and lost only one, while Gary Smith won two and lost one. The team ended the season with a seven won and five lost record. The team batting av erage was aulte good at .286. Hank Jurat- is "toe team's coach. , , . - ' ; ' BATTINO Schrrcontoil 1 MtwMn ft ma T Olaoa 4 14 Isbf 10 Brrdahl S3 WHUu ... It lfWM BurtUnd- ,. M kiAndrnoa .. 1 foarnrr .... 14 laehrldrl ... It tubkltOrld 11 (Arnold ..... It iemlth S tPorraaa IT imntM 14 BueklagbAB ' S LM S 'junto 1 ,iMin .. t ,Wlllrd .... 1 Wrlfclinrorth I TottU ....Ml SB ICR KM M 1.400 B JMO S .430 l : Ml J40 4 S J45 t t Ml 4 , T Jll I I JO Jl 1 11 .104 4 I .143 4 1 J14 4 1 .115 S .114 4 4 .Ml .000 .000 4 4 .000 4 .004 .01 0 0 .000 41 FrTCHDMl I W L IF 'sutaa l .Andmoa 1 1 17 'anitb J 1 ii lH .......... 1 14 rromn ..... ii s s n jm ;wrlrrlaarta iBrrdihl in B so Be) 4 t 10 4 II II 14 4 II 11 T 14 1 S 114 4 1111 14 II 11 SO I iKeizer 8th Graders jWin; 7th Grade Loses The Keizer school seventh , grade Softball team, defeated 'Marion 12-8 at Marion Friday. The Keizer eighth graders lost Ito Turner 6-3 at Turner. rasVVr WSfTlP 'W THfc MAftlOM MOTORS . wee m innuvLcutuviiY WIL Standings Or The Imilitod rmA LovUUa Tucmw ... M ........... U EdDionua ......... II WrnaUlua ......... II Calrarr . u Victoria u Trl-Cll w 11 YUiu is, bdut BraaHat ! S-4. T'.m 0-4. " VuMtmr at Wrr-ilohrr, Vletorla Uwuioo. aad Tri-Clu U liilm I. IS IS IS Fat, .m .411 Only iib'ji anhrdrua r" . . i suvamrt a hu Vueocnr fc, Wraatchr t Spokuw S-U. Trl-ClU " .. lr 4. Taklaw S. . dataa ll.lft. eusftr tA vittoM at UwUM, mlirait rala. apoku M advnatae. WwatekH at Victoria. Imum at calaarr. Mini at Trl-OUr. Tiklau at Iiuhw. last seven men to face him and fanned six while walking but three. Hemphill was only slightly less effective in the second game. Sea ed Bled games between Vaneoaver at , Wena tehee, Victoria at Lewiatoa and Trl City at Spokane were rained at tint laa TumBU s Luor.ra a a euh.ik 4 a ftm.lt s Dno.et 4 S CitrO.Ik s eoMiaLr 4 1 arnnu S Hieholu 4 1 a actov.i ' s 4HlmA.l anona.1 4 tUinJt s ILMIU 1 M'Or.et s 1 HotIa.a a soavtota s a-Locu 1 Tfcaahs e a oa S.4 s e s i n s 1 s e s e e Total! II I IT H Total! IT I IT U a Orooadaa mat far n-iArta . ealtm oat oio lu-a i laklaia ........... too 001 004-4 S 1 Fltebcrt ja an a n am an n mehoiM ... a xi t s i i tfciaan ... si a s s s s Toompaoa ..1 I St e s HBr-4mrtaat . sma-oia. Lakr. (S) VtlBLS-t Sautb,tk nnaji DTo,ef CUrdr.lk Hmphl, Loor ja ToUU aoao; - ' T. a a oa a a sis laoM . si twattt s e s see iLnrtut s e SI 0 Hortn.1 s S 4 11 SBJouna,! s 1 4 S S IKoapaJI SIS 4 1 1 lucnlj 1 s 4 S S 4!W1,0 t e 1 4 1 Loct. e IS IRlo... S '1 ., Tmiwo IS BlAUp It OA I '4 4 T.klm .. Pltehor: Hemphill Lock ... Thompson N n 11 II Tolaii S4 HI 111 - SSI s -0 II I -0 11 SO SB I 1 s s s v u i i n H I.I I 1 IT 11 4 1 4 1 A 1 arrera annua. Clow. SBH TanMUt S!btla; I. KUon. Hemohin. Tuuam! BM.-HmohUl. sbpomi. Tlm-l:l. Flnt aaai: in-viiy on 111 MO S I pokua SO 414 W 0 II a -."T ij bb wanaa; aprlaa Jrt-pl" Ill 001 00- I pokAno too Ml oo u u a Tabmt. riAdmoni (). KoekAdAT (I) aa4 Porati Xomm ana WntiurwAa. 110 11 la Yakima 401 too 0004 s 1 Vaneoarar . WonAUbao ' la or 000 t T notCtatr And LmAmi v.... (S) and BartolOBUI. . Vlrct aaau: ' 441 11 S-U II 1 CAlrur ,...010 AM ol l a MeMoltr and atonaa; aittaor. ak rrt. (ii and BrlAktr. SUmoBtoa loo 11! ail la ia cnrr i on ooo a u o WMsor aad onll, Brick tr (I), aoiialta (I), rraBeli (I) and LUlard. VlttarU at Lovtitoa, rfttn. LOCAL UNITED MISS ASSOCUUO PRESS it NEWS AND PUTUEES Salem, Oregon. Monday, May 25, 19SS Pmg IS IVashinntcn Stato .Tins. 3rd Straight Trcclt Tiib Istisi C Washington State eellcg picked ap Us third eoaseeativa Nerthera Dl vtalea track erewa today fee Its eeavinelag victory la the silver anniversary raaning of the event oa aeaked track here Saturday. Coach Jack Mooberry's Cou gars captured seven first places with Rprtner Bob Gary lead ing the way with a double win in both sprints, to rack up 51 tt points. WSC clinched the meet in the relay when Clint Rich ardson outraced Oregon's Doug Clement to the wire in one of the day's best races. Washington jhowed surpris ing strength in running events totally 40 point while Ore gon slipped to Sttt in taking third, Idaho came in fourth with 20 and Oregon 'State fifth with 17. Individual honors went to Idaho's Bruce Sweeney, who won both hurdles, the broad Jump and tied for third In the high Jump for 194 points. Ore gon's Ray Packwood won the pole vault, took second In the high hurdles, third in the low hurdles and tied for third in the high Jump to take second place Individual honors with 10 points. One record fell as a brilliant two-mil ran bunrhed for six lap before Washington's Den ny Meyer sprinted away from Idaho's Lou Gourley and de fending champion and record bolder Al Fisher of Washing ton Stale. Meyer, was timed in 0:22.6, more than one second better than fisher's record set last year.- ' Packwood's victory fa the pole vault was Oregon's only first place, while . Oregon Rain Holts Midget Race Program ct'Dqwl Rain, which hu played hav oc with all Oregon sports for the past few weeks. Interfered with Saturday . night's sched uled midget races at Hollywood BowL :-... ... .... : A wet track forced promoter Henry Ireland to call off the early Saturday, aft ernoon. Ireland announces that a full Kale crash derby, involving 30 cars, will occupy next Satur- State's lone victory cam. when in, .m RalDh Sutton won tha laveltn. 11 n i - ' kUC ouwi. uuiuk 4-1. sa. raal 1-4, 1-lS. kfiiAAPm 4-4. auBia onv s-a. tixas uacwa Sanaa S. iwt Wank 1. oanaoaia Cttr S-a. Talaa S-T. - Smaa 4. auaaioal . ' akiwwon T, Aalaala 4. WS9RM Isaacs tm T-1L T Al kl 4-1. Cilicadi Sulaai III. ataaa Oltr S-I, Wtaaua at Ota nataoa S. mtaraia. Oaaaka T-A, pwaia A-A. Maala Vallt T. B44h . . Salt taaa S. Oadaa f. cakor aaaMA. if malt takv SoiaidAri aaavMo XNTKaMATPOOfAX UAODS Ottawa S-4. amiaiirl 4-4. atoatnal a. aartaatlaM S. aoohtant a. Taraata S. SnaoaM 4. BaHala I. ansa snail assocutiom laiUuAPOlU 4-4. OolarAkao 4-4. Toloa 4-4. OharHoloa 4-4. St. raal a, imiamim (II taalaaa). Xaami City 4. ktlaarapalla S. Texas uaova fart Worth 4. Dallaa S. TaUa la Oklabaraa Cltr t ' aoiaoat IS, aaaotaa 4. akiwoaort 11. aaa Aatoala a. . wssrsBit uaoua siaa Ollr a-. Odorada Skataaa 4. Oataka 4-t rakla H. , Uaoala 4. Draw I. Wlaklla 4. Dm M oraa t noHiaa uaais Oadra S. BolM 4 Onat PaUa 4, BlUlur 1. Alt Lako al Maalo TaIItt, rala. - Fly-Chasers Yikbw. wfrm MWU dattos far the Salaaa hnth feaawaeil teexa darlag th Hit seaaoa. rreat left. Cart Jaataa, ITk Campbeli, Paal Beek aad Jerry Gregg. Th Salem team :: wa the dlstrlet t champUaship, and were favored to win the state erewa, bat the state tournament Was eaa elled keeaasa ef bad weather eeaditleaa. Kramer Takes 52-38 Lead in Tennis Series Portland () American Pro Tennis Champ Jack Kra mer took a 82-88 lead in his ex hibition tour with Austrailian ace Frank Sedgman here Satur day night as Big Jack tripped the Aussie, 2-6,8-8, 0-2. In a preliminary match, Pancho Segura beat Ken Mc Gregor, 7-8, 6-3. McGregor and Sedgman teamed to beat Kr' mer and Segura. 0-1, In a doubles match. The troupe moves to Gill Coliseum in Corvallis Tuesday. The Yale-Harvard regatta is America's oldest Intercollegiate sport rivalry, as well as the nation's longest boat race four miles. The schools ob served 100 years of rowing last summer. MAIN EVENT Tony Bas vs. Don Klndnd PRELIM Adonla Lent v. Georja Drake OPINES Paddy Mack vs. Dick Bay SALEM ARMORY TUESDAY. 8:30 P.M. IfHstni sy ia legJo Ik. Me Take stock of your old car. If it has been burning gas snd oil profusely or its engine is showing wear NOW Is th time to make a sound investment at MARION MOTORS. 1151 Nash Statesman Two Doer, beater, seat covers, foam eaihlons, bed, sharp $1095 i I ILIEdDSIE Straight BoURBOX Whiskey EIGHT YEARS OLD NINETY Oil M0GF SL25 J) 4ISOI 1 Pre alajBaBaBaBaBaBajBT 1a - 4v.iaa - M mX.tTMOn KUHKM WHSKT.lia0S DBTlUIB, WHX, KMXOHUCL CM3V8 MIV 6 r;.S2E KoivEteis! KM SetcnS DRAND NEW. GOODYEAR TIRES Ust Priee ' LJ LJ Famous mOATIIO: Don't mia out on this uumuI buy I Get tkis rugged, long-wearing Goodytar tire at a rock-bottorn price. Goodyear'i quality coostniction with high-tensile steel beads strong Supertwut cord body and tough wear-resistant tread for txtra value. No other tire gives u much safety, comfort and mileage for so little money. So save your time and money ... see tat for dug great Goodyear Tire at this special sale pricel LOW PUCES ON OTHEX SIZES, TOO! Super-Cushion Special! aARATDON by GOODVEAD RtgiaVar UstPric MA i ) 1 I I O-ly r DOrJCJ Per Tirol Pay C3 V-VJlo ib QL2S A VJlZZll SERVICE STATIONS INC. - SWT GREEN STAMPS - WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS - STOP IN TODAY! CENTER AT COMMERCIAL MARION AT LIBERTY COURT AT CAPITOL CENTER AT LIBERTY )